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2007-11-16 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1057106

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
D001 - 2007-11-16 12:23 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-16 8:53 AM


I found the spread sheet and have a question about why I'm listed as 0% on the goals. I stated a goal of 8 Pilates or balance ball videos this month and have done each of them 2x so that makes me 50% on that one. I have the push up goal as 30+ from toes by the end of the month, I already met that one with 35 on 11/4. (100% there) The planks are harder to quantify other than the amount of time holding them. When did that video the other night there were a TON of push ups and planks, just not all at once and the planks weren't held for a specific amount of time that I was aware of. Do you want me to do something different on my log to visualize it better? I could put them in bold or something if it would help.


Hi Zipp! I've seen this type of question on several of the teams. Since the goals aren't "running, swimming, biking," they don't always show up on the logs. This makes it difficult for the Team Leader to determine exactly what someone has achieved. An idea/suggestion --> Why don't you just report your goals via PM (or here on the thread) to Melissa? That way she doesn't have to "convert stuff." All she'd need to do is take the numbers you gave, (which would have the correct "units" and enter them into the spreadsheet. Melissa - some of the other team leaders have asked their entire teams to report their progress via PM or on the thread. That way, they don't need to try to figure out what people have done. Dee

Thanks, Dee.  I actually put that in the log today as the strength set done as well as in the comments section for what improvements I saw. Hopefully those changes will make it cleared to see.

2007-11-16 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Looks like we've got a lot going on as a group. It's great to have the support. I still feel bad complaining though, I've had a few terrible things happen this year but aside from that my life has been pretty awesome. In any case I've got a pretty busy day today, lots of work that needs to be done before I head out of town for more work!

Since I'm going to be gone until Sunday night I will leave you all with one of my favorite quotes (as required per my position as Corporal Quotes!) which I think is fitting as we all get super busy heading into the holiday season.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
- Ferris Bueller

Have a great weekend everyone!
2007-11-16 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1057115

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-16 1:28 PM

Thanks, Dee. I actually put that in the log today as the strength set done as well as in the comments section for what improvements I saw. Hopefully those changes will make it cleared to see.

Actually, I may set something up this weekend that helps....

I'm going to upload a test spreadsheet and play around with updating info directly online. If it's relatively straightforward, I may upload a spreadsheet for each team. That way, everyone could do their own update.

I'd keep master copies. (In case something got corrupted.) And I'd be able to pull the weekly info from each spreadsheet, rather than asking the team leader to collect it from each person.

Also, while everone is organized into teams, this challenge is a really an INDIVIDUAL one. (We have teams because I can't keep track of over 100 people!)

So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUAL, rather than team this week. That way, people will know exactly where they stand.

The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So after I get the spreadsheets on Monday, I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't.

Hopefully, doing the list by individuals will allow us to acknowledge people who have been working hard.

I'd hoped to get some of this done earlier in the month, but I underestimated the amount of time that organizing this challenge would require. (Put it this way, I'm very behind at work!)

2007-11-16 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1057682

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

P.S. Re the post above -->
I owe a "thank you" to Yanti. She PMd me to ask about consolidating goals by individual, rather than listing ALL the goals on the spreadsheet. (Because if you have one team member who isn't meet his/her goals - but has 6 goals on the spreadsheet, it can really affect the team average.) We had a discussion about how this is really an individual challenge, etc..... And based upon that conversation, the above post is what I came up with. Since this is an individual challenge, I'll post a summary of which individuals are meeting (all) their goals.

Thanks, Yanti!

2007-11-16 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1057682

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
D001 - 2007-11-16 4:42 PM
zipp1 - 2007-11-16 1:28 PM Thanks, Dee. I actually put that in the log today as the strength set done as well as in the comments section for what improvements I saw. Hopefully those changes will make it cleared to see.


Actually, I may set something up this weekend that helps.... I'm going to upload a test spreadsheet and play around with updating info directly online. If it's relatively straightforward, I may upload a spreadsheet for each team. That way, everyone could do their own update. I'd keep master copies. (In case something got corrupted.) And I'd be able to pull the weekly info from each spreadsheet, rather than asking the team leader to collect it from each person. Also, while everone is organized into teams, this challenge is a really an INDIVIDUAL one. (We have teams because I can't keep track of over 100 people!) So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUAL, rather than team this week. That way, people will know exactly where they stand. The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So after I get the spreadsheets on Monday, I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't. Hopefully, doing the list by individuals will allow us to acknowledge people who have been working hard. I'd hoped to get some of this done earlier in the month, but I underestimated the amount of time that organizing this challenge would require. (Put it this way, I'm very behind at work!) Dee

WOW, that's a lot of organizational effort.  Many thanks for the hard work keeping this  "your choice" challenge going.  I think it will help individuals to see what their effort(s) are producing.  It's also good because the"penalty" is based on how you did meeting the goals you set

2007-11-16 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread



2007-11-16 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1057687

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-16 5:47 PM
WOW, that's a lot of organizational effort. Many thanks for the hard work keeping this "your choice" challenge going. I think it will help individuals to see what their effort(s) are producing. It's also good because the"penalty" is based on how you did meeting the goals you set

I had expected this to be a lot of work. But it's been even more than I'd expected.

Fortunately, I had time to do the laundry. Otherwise, well..... LOL

2007-11-16 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1057689

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Anyone from this team online right now? I've just set up a google spreadsheet for your team. This will allow you to enter your own info for the challenge.

I'll need a volunteer to test it out. Then, I'll send you a link to get there, and a password to log on.

2007-11-16 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Dee, I'm on now but have stuff to do to get ready for my delightful (?) day in the ER tomorrow...
2007-11-17 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1057841

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Important Announcement - It's long, but please read this!

Part I - Google Spreadsheets: You'll enter your own data.

Because this month's challenge is "Your Choice," the weekly reporting for it has proven to be a challenge of its own.

A lot of the goals aren't run/swim/bike, so they aren't listed on the logs. For example, if your goal is to do 1500 situps, that information isn't easily available to your team captains.

As a results, I have set up Team Spreadsheets on Google Docs.

Everyone will be responsible for entering his/her own progress, for each goal.

I will send a PM to two people on your team: your team captain and one other person. Included in the PM will be:
1) The location of your team spreadsheet.
2) Your username and password. (You must enter this to access the spreadsheet.)

Team leaders: Please forward the information that I sent you to each member of your team. I recommend that you do this via PM. Also, if someone on your team has difficulties using the spreadsheet, please help that person or enter their data for them. (You'll also no longer need to post a spreadsheet for me.)

Each Sunday night, I will access the team spreadsheets and copy your information to the Master Spreadsheet. From that, I'll determine individual standings and team rankings.

Part II - This Week's Reporting

This month's challenge is really an INDIVIDUAL one. Everone is organized into teams because, well, I can't keep track of over 100 people!

So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUALS. That way, people will know exactly where they stand. (I'll also include the usual team standings, for "bragging rights.")

The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't.

While it'll take more time for me to write this, I'm hoping that it will allow us to better acknowledge everyone who has been working hard (even if the rest of their team has been eating potato chips on the couch all day).


Edited by D001 2007-11-17 12:21 PM
2007-11-17 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Sounds good to me Dee Thanks for all the time you've put into this.

Hey team. I got in a 2 mile run this morning and in about 30 minutes I'm headed to the pool. My legs feel like jelly, so I'm hoping I'll do a lot more shoulder workout swimming than kicking.

2007-11-17 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Hey team. I sent out the worksheet info to everyone's PM. Please post here if you didn't get it. I just scrolled through all of our posts and sent it everytime I came across a new member. Hope I got everyone
2007-11-17 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1058434

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
MrsUSMC - 2007-11-17 4:53 PM

Hey team. I sent out the worksheet info to everyone's PM. Please post here if you didn't get it. I just scrolled through all of our posts and sent it everytime I came across a new member. Hope I got everyone

Thank you, Terri!

2007-11-17 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Thanks, Terri! I've been gone most of the day, so I'm just now getting around to checking in on the board. I really appreciate you sending it out to everyone.

I did a first for me today. I completed 3 separate disciplines in my workout. I did a bit of strength training, followed by a 30 minute swim, and ended with a 1 mile walk. I'm sure I'll sleep really well tonight. LOL
2007-11-17 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
hi team, back from a 12 hr shift in the ER...for a change it wan't too bad, in fact other than a co-worker who was on hyperdrive and edgy the shift was pleasant
2007-11-18 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1058434

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I accidentally deleted mine, can you send it again please?

2007-11-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I just sent it to your PM box, KLynne.
2007-11-18 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Just a reminder to everyone that you need to update the team spreadsheet today since Dee will be checking everyone's results tomorrow. Terri graciously sent the information on how to check the spreadsheet to everyone's PM box. If you didn't receive it, just post here and we can get it sent to you again. Also, if anyone isn't familiar with Excel and needs assistance in updating their information, let me know. Thanks!

How is everyone doing on meeting their goals? I know Gill has been sick, so it's affected her ability to train. I've been super busy this week, but still got my workouts in, so I was really happy about that! I've been working really hard to try and reach as much of my goal as possible before leaving on my cruise next Sunday. My friend and I are planning to run the deck each morning on the cruise, but I didn't want to leave myself in a position where I had a lot of mileage left on my goal that I HAD to get in on the cruise. I want my cruise to be completely stress free, even when it comes to training time. LOL

Well, that's it for me. I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend! GO TEAM!
2007-11-18 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I haven't done any cycling and don't know how much I'll get done by the end of the month. It was more of a "want to" for me when I added it in my goals. Weight wise I lost the 4.8#s I gained last week, so I'm back to where I started at the beginning of the month. I've met my swim goal 100% and I'm still working on the running one.
2007-11-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I'm doing well on my training related goals. I'm definitely lagging behind on the weight loss goal though. I stayed the same this week and was thrilled considering how many little "extras" I had this past week. It doesn't look to get much better since it's Thanksgiving this week and I'll be on the cruise the following week.
2007-11-19 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Updated my the google sheet this morning.  I got over 6000m of swimming in this past week.  I have other goals for the month that just aren't happening (running, sleeping, weight loss).  However, by having this swim challenge, I'm most diligent on getting to the pool so I don't let you guys down. 


2007-11-19 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
in the spirit of Thanksgiving....the negativity raider wants you to name something you're thankful for today   It doesn't have to be a big thing, could be something simple like I got up this morning and the sun was out.  I'm thankful for a day off from work
2007-11-19 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I'm thankful I get to spend Thanksgiving with Melissa I'm also thankful that I got up this morning and came to work since I don't feel so hot and know I'd just sit around the house feeling sorry for myself if I had stayed at home. I'm thankful I have a 5-day weekend coming
2007-11-19 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I am thankful I am in the company of such thankful teammates. Feeling quite thankless because I'm in taper tantrum ... but I am thankful that is because I have a very exciting race coming up which I am doing with good friends.
2007-11-19 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  As usual this is a very hectic time of year, and I'm not doing a great job of reaching my goals.  I have racquetball league this evening and I'm playing in a "One Day Shootout" on Sat so I should be able to rack of some time in that catagory.  I will have to put some serious effort into my other goals to get there. 

Hmmmm, what I'm thankful for.  My job and family have really kept me hopping lately, but I am thankful for both.  My life would definately be less w/ out my kids (less hectic, less stressful, less chaos...), but I'm still very thankful for themSmile

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