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2008-06-25 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1487445

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

So what's goin on with everyone this week?

Rough training day for me, just hard to get motivated.  Heading to Jersey Shore for the weekend so probably not going to get much training in.

Next tri isn't until the end of July but trying to get in a 5 or 10k sometime early July.

2008-06-25 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I came to a startling cononculsion tonight that when summer is over and I finish my 2nd and last tri of the season on Aug 17th I am not going to know what to do with myself. I almost feel like summer is almost over as I am gone for most of July and then I come back and it is 3 weeks to my OLY. THEN WHAT???? I have always enjoyed summer but this year it seems like there was purpose and it is flying by way to fast.

How do I slow it down and make it last. Like I said I am taking holidays in July and heading to Mom and Dad's Cabin with the family. planning on taking the bike and gear and keeping up with the training, hopefully lots of OW Swimming practice. oh and some beach and fishing time as well.

I don't know if any of this makes sense....... I guess I just wanted to post something. I'm going biking now and soak up the remaining sun for the day.  


2008-06-26 7:46 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I just did a 35 minute run last night. I was going to do a long swim today. (try for 1000 metres) but when I got the the pool I remembered that there is no lane swims on Thursday mornings. Maybe I can get it in tonight between 9 and 10. I am getting ready for my next sprint on Aug 3. I turn 56 that day so I hope its going to be a good race. I know what you mean about what to do after the last race. I have only 2 more planned right now. Aug 3 and then Aug 30. I feel like I should be planning more. I'm not looking forward to going back to just training over the fall and winter. Maybe I can find something in Sept or Oct.

ttfn. have a great week and weekend all. Good luck to everyone racing this weekend.
2008-06-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1491158

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Have a 60 minute swim today at work then a 45 minute brutal hill ride when I get home.

Off to the Jersey Shore tomorrow for the weekend so trying to get in all my swim/bike training before I go then do some running there and maybe try to do some OWS in the ocean Laughing

My last Tri of the year is in November but it is in Miami.  To offset some of the cost we are taking the auto train since we can load our bikes in the car.  Travelling with the bike via plane or shipping seems pretty expensive.

The Miami Tri.

I am with you on the winter though.  I have an indoor track and pool where I work so I can get in the swimming and running, biking will be on the trainer I guess, but nothing to compete in unless I go much further south.




2008-06-26 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I have a race this weekend, my first OWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be breaking the cardinal rule, "nothing new on race day" about your first ows?   I know I know, but nothing can be done about it now.  I will be following everyone’s advise of just focus on buoy to buoy (or kayak  to kayak if available ) .  Remember, backstroke is our friend.


My season will be ending in October and I am thinking about finding a 1/2 mary. for the winter months so I have another goal to focus on.  I agree with you guys on training for training sake isn't very good. 


By the way, my daughter did fabulous with her frist triathlon this past weekend.  (I'll post pictures as soon as I can find the damn cable to download the pictures off the camera!!)  I read her your support comments and she was very excited.  Thank you!  She ran the whole distance and was passing older kids running up the hill!  My baby is fierce!!!    Her overall impressions were that it was 1) too short (how funny is that) and 2) she is begging me to let her compete with me in my last race of the season.  It is a super sprint and a women’s only event that is geared towards introducing people to the sport and a super race. Very friendly, non-competitive with lots of kids.  Here is where I am on the fence and would appreciate you guys' opinions.  By USAT rules she will be old enough to compete, but just barely.  She is taking swimming lessons and is doing very well.  I am pretty confident that she could do the distances, and the race organizers would allow me to swim right after her (pool swim and there were mother/daughter pairs that did this last year).  I guess I don't know what I am worried about, just nervous about committing to letting her race.  The distances are the following, 250m pool,  9 miles bike,  2 miles run.   What do you guys think, should I let her join me or make her wait ‘til next year?   It would require some real training on her part, but she is excited to train with me.  She is always asking if she can come out with me.  It would be a great bonding experience and I have talked about doing this race with the future!   I guess I was just not thinking this October!


Tell me what you think and keep me in your minds as I am floundering around in the Potomac River on Sunday!!!

By the way, great job to everyone who has raced and met some milestones with training this week.   

2008-06-26 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1491398

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-26 10:09 AM

I have a race this weekend, my first OWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be breaking the cardinal rule, "nothing new on race day" about your first ows?   I know I know, but nothing can be done about it now.  I will be following everyone’s advise of just focus on buoy to buoy (or kayak  to kayak if available ) .  Remember, backstroke is our friend.


For the OWS remember to pace yourself properly. It is very easy to go out too quickly when there is no one in front of you as there are, of course, no swim lanes or any end of the pool to gauage your speed . As this is your first OWS I would suggest starting on the outside edge of the group. There are a lot of arms and legs flailing about at the beginning and you could get kicked and/or hit a few times if you are in the middle of the pack. It doesn't really hurt much as you have a lot of adreneline flowing but it does knock you off your pacc and rythym. I am sure you will do great in the OWS. Just enjoy the swim.

As for letting your daughter race with you. I think if your daughter can do the distances, race with her! As you have said it will be a great bonding experience for both of you and as she is enjoying it I say encourage it. Trust me, the time will come much too soon where she won't want to do these things with you. (The teenage years are not the greatest for parent/child relationships). I'm looking froward to seeing those pics. Find that cord

2008-06-26 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I have put together my photos on snapfish from my alaska trip.  I am emailing them to thise whose said they wanted to see them. If anyone else is interested, please just drop me a line. [email protected].


2008-06-26 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1490784

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Pasman - 2008-06-25 7:44 PM

I came to a startling cononculsion tonight that when summer is over and I finish my 2nd and last tri of the season on Aug 17th I am not going to know what to do with myself. I almost feel like summer is almost over as I am gone for most of July and then I come back and it is 3 weeks to my OLY. THEN WHAT???? I have always enjoyed summer but this year it seems like there was purpose and it is flying by way to fast.

How do I slow it down and make it last. Like I said I am taking holidays in July and heading to Mom and Dad's Cabin with the family. planning on taking the bike and gear and keeping up with the training, hopefully lots of OW Swimming practice. oh and some beach and fishing time as well.

I don't know if any of this makes sense....... I guess I just wanted to post something. I'm going biking now and soak up the remaining sun for the day.  


The good old "POST RACE BLUES!"  What to do next!!!!  Believe it or not there are several things to do..... 1st)  Take some time off, let you body recover from the summer months of constant training.  2nd) Pick a discpline that was your weakest of the summer, and MASTER IT!!  3rd)  Find a running race to train for (I am not sure the conditions in Calgary in the winter --cold i assume?) 4th) Trying something totally off the wall (this is how I ended up getting into Adventure racing-- I was looking for some "cross-training!"

 I can honestly say that you will have some days where you are very tired and grumpy, and "missing something in your life!"  Welcome to the sport of TRIATHLON!  It is ok!


But on the other side of that... THAT IS A LONG TIME AWAY!!!!!!!!!

2008-06-26 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1491398

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-26 7:09 AM I have a race this weekend, my first OWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be breaking the cardinal rule, "nothing new on race day" about your first ows?   I know I know, but nothing can be done about it now.  I will be following everyone’s advise of just focus on buoy to buoy (or kayak  to kayak if available ) .  Remember, backstroke is our friend.


My season will be ending in October and I am thinking about finding a 1/2 mary. for the winter months so I have another goal to focus on.  I agree with you guys on training for training sake isn't very good. 


By the way, my daughter did fabulous with her frist triathlon this past weekend.  (I'll post pictures as soon as I can find the damn cable to download the pictures off the camera!!)  I read her your support comments and she was very excited.  Thank you!  She ran the whole distance and was passing older kids running up the hill!  My baby is fierce!!!    Her overall impressions were that it was 1) too short (how funny is that) and 2) she is begging me to let her compete with me in my last race of the season.  It is a super sprint and a women’s only event that is geared towards introducing people to the sport and a super race. Very friendly, non-competitive with lots of kids.  Here is where I am on the fence and would appreciate you guys' opinions.  By USAT rules she will be old enough to compete, but just barely.  She is taking swimming lessons and is doing very well.  I am pretty confident that she could do the distances, and the race organizers would allow me to swim right after her (pool swim and there were mother/daughter pairs that did this last year).  I guess I don't know what I am worried about, just nervous about committing to letting her race.  The distances are the following, 250m pool,  9 miles bike,  2 miles run.   What do you guys think, should I let her join me or make her wait ‘til next year?   It would require some real training on her part, but she is excited to train with me.  She is always asking if she can come out with me.  It would be a great bonding experience and I have talked about doing this race with the future!   I guess I was just not thinking this October!


Tell me what you think and keep me in your minds as I am floundering around in the Potomac River on Sunday!!!

By the way, great job to everyone who has raced and met some milestones with training this week.   


Let her RACE!  She will love it, you will love it.... It is good for her, and set's the bar for years to come.... She will eventually get into (if not already) x-country running... It is ALWAYS GOOD!!! Her swimming may be a little slower, but she will get better throughout the summer, and I bet you that she will make you a better runner.... It seems like most kids always have a knack for being speedy runners at that age!!!!!!

2008-06-26 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

okay, I found the camera cord.  Here are some picture's of my daughter's race.


Edited by tahrens 2008-06-26 10:29 PM

(T&Girls raceday.jpg)

(Lilly leaving T1.jpg)

(Lilly on bike.jpg)

(lilly finish.jpg)

(Lilly running.jpg)

(lilly swim.jpg)

T&Girls raceday.jpg (45KB - 19 downloads)
Lilly leaving T1.jpg (61KB - 22 downloads)
Lilly on bike.jpg (38KB - 20 downloads)
lilly finish.jpg (34KB - 19 downloads)
Lilly running.jpg (51KB - 17 downloads)
lilly swim.jpg (54KB - 19 downloads)
2008-06-26 11:01 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Those pictures are great, thanks for sharing!  It looks like a blast.

2008-06-27 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Those are awesome pictures Tracey. It looks like you have a champion triathlete on your hands.

Congratulations and way to go Lilly!!!!!!!!
2008-06-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
So I hit another milestone today, 1500 meters non stop in about 50 minutes. The most I had done before was 750 and that was only once.
My training schedule says I am supposed to do a 35 minute bike ride today but I don't know about that. I'll have to see how tired I am once I finish work. I was actually supposed to do a 25 minute swim yesterday but I just had to see if I could 1000 meters. I felt so good after 1000 I just kept going. My legs and arms are a little tired now but not too bad at all
I know I can do the run and bike distances already but I need more training to do it all in a tri.
2008-06-27 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Tracey those pictures are great!  I love the Carnage of the "transition area" by the pool! 


Redknight---- YOU ARE AWESOME!  WAY TO GO!!!  Get on your bike tonight, do a quick ride, then reward yourself w/ a nice glass of wine, or a good cocktail for your stellar workouts this week!!!


2008-06-27 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1493947

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-06-27 9:32 AM So I hit another milestone today, 1500 meters non stop in about 50 minutes. The most I had done before was 750 and that was only once. My training schedule says I am supposed to do a 35 minute bike ride today but I don't know about that. I'll have to see how tired I am once I finish work. I was actually supposed to do a 25 minute swim yesterday but I just had to see if I could 1000 meters. I felt so good after 1000 I just kept going. My legs and arms are a little tired now but not too bad at all I know I can do the run and bike distances already but I need more training to do it all in a tri.

great job, how about if you meet me in Maryland on Sunday and you can swim the ows swim for me?  It's only 750m, your a pro!!!! 

2008-06-27 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1494346

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-27 11:44 AM

great job, how about if you meet me in Maryland on Sunday and you can swim the ows swim for me?  It's only 750m, your a pro!!!! 

No problem. It should only be about a 12/13 hour drive one way.
Thanks for the vote of confidence though. You won't have any problem with the swim. After all you have your up and coming triathlete daughter to impress with your OWS skills.

2008-06-27 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

So I just finished lunch, I went to physio to have my knee looked at and re-evaluated. all looks OK, I just need to strengthen my and stretch my IT band more. So I am running back to the office and not paying attention and what do I do. I sprain my frigin ankle. I almost cried thinking I may not get to race my A race in Aug. I am icing it now and will see how it progresses. might have to go have it looked at if it is bad. I have had them long time ago and they are usually bad!

I am so mad at myself for not watching were I was going. ARGH.......


2008-06-27 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1494960

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Pasman - 2008-06-27 3:20 PM

So I just finished lunch, I went to physio to have my knee looked at and re-evaluated. all looks OK, I just need to strengthen my and stretch my IT band more. So I am running back to the office and not paying attention and what do I do. I sprain my frigin ankle. I almost cried thinking I may not get to race my A race in Aug. I am icing it now and will see how it progresses. might have to go have it looked at if it is bad. I have had them long time ago and they are usually bad!

I am so mad at myself for not watching were I was going. ARGH.......


Hope the ankle is OK.
2008-06-27 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1493594

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Calgary, Canada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-26 8:47 PM

okay, I found the camera cord.  Here are some picture's of my daughter's race.


Great Pics, thanks
I will show them to my 9 year old and hopefully he will get inspired to tear himself away from the computer (games). Hey I might even showw them to my wife and she might get lured into it by training with son
2008-06-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1494960

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Pasman - 2008-06-27 12:20 PM

So I just finished lunch, I went to physio to have my knee looked at and re-evaluated. all looks OK, I just need to strengthen my and stretch my IT band more. So I am running back to the office and not paying attention and what do I do. I sprain my frigin ankle. I almost cried thinking I may not get to race my A race in Aug. I am icing it now and will see how it progresses. might have to go have it looked at if it is bad. I have had them long time ago and they are usually bad!

I am so mad at myself for not watching were I was going. ARGH.......



2008-06-27 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Ok I made it to the gym to do a bike ride. I went there because I wanted to do some weight work after 20 km 37.06 minutes. Now I am going for some supper and a beer.
Have a grrrreat weekend everyone.

2008-06-28 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

picked up my race packet for tomorrow's race.  I can't tell where we will be swimming. As of now it looks like we are going off the dock right into deep water, but who knows at this point.  The ride will have some rolling hills in the beginning and then not too bad.  The nice thing about swimming in open water is that you have to bike uphill to get away from the water, but then you get to go DOWN HILL coming back.  The run will be hot and out on the highway, then through the woods ( I think). 

I will proudly be sporting my BT temporary tatoo tomorrow!  On the back of my shoulder so everyone can see it as I go wizzing past them -ha ha ha!  


2008-06-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1496418

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Redknight 2008-06-28 8:05 PM
2008-06-29 11:15 PM
in reply to: #1496418

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-28 1:59 PM

picked up my race packet for tomorrow's race.  I can't tell where we will be swimming. As of now it looks like we are going off the dock right into deep water, but who knows at this point.  The ride will have some rolling hills in the beginning and then not too bad.  The nice thing about swimming in open water is that you have to bike uphill to get away from the water, but then you get to go DOWN HILL coming back.  The run will be hot and out on the highway, then through the woods ( I think). 

I will proudly be sporting my BT temporary tatoo tomorrow!  On the back of my shoulder so everyone can see it as I go wizzing past them -ha ha ha!  




2008-06-30 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1498068

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Happy Monday everyoneLaughing

Taherns - great pics, can't wait until my son and or daughter are old enough to try that. 

How did the Tri go this weekend?  Which one was it?

Just got back from the beach.  Ate alot of fried food and didn't get to work out much.  Back at it today.  Hopefully will get my first masters swim in tonight, last week was cancelled due to lightning.


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