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2009-04-20 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2096909

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-20 10:58 AM

Morning Manatees.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

My night ride went very good and I skipped the pool this morning because I took my father to the hospital for a cancelled surgery.  They did not realize he had stimulators in for parkinsons in all the pre-surgery discussion we all had.  Ooppsssiee.

So now we play the waiting game again!

Bill, what a bummer about the surgery!

2009-04-20 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2097098

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Post-race. Now what?
givemashot - 2009-04-20 11:46 AM

I have spent weeks figuring out my workouts and keeping focused on the run. Now that the half mary is over, I have 4 weeks (technically 3 wks and 5 days) until my first sprint of the season (only second one ever). I am at a loss as to when it's ok to run again, and how much I should be pushing it at this point. Without the half mary recovery I would want to really start pushing the bike and swim hard, and maintain on the run, but I'm afraid to do much of anything right now.   So my question is: what now? How do I get ready for the tri with little to no focus on the bike and swim? And how does my recovery factor into what I can do this week? 

(Note: I have a really hard time fitting in more than 5 workouts/week...)

Hi Amy,

I would definitely give your body a few days of recovery before you start running again.  A nice little swim or ride would be fine, give your body a chance to recover.

I took about 6 days off, I just felt like my body needed the time.  Everyone is different, and I didn't have another race coming up that quickly.

What is the distance of your tri?

2009-04-20 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2095450

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Subject: RE: inspiration and RR
givemashot - 2009-04-19 2:23 PM

Wow, Stacie, that's so neat! I truly believe that having someone inspirational like that makes racing and tri-ing more gratifying (if that's even possible!). During the half mary yesterday there were a bunch of people with a sign on their backs that said "Running for Michael". I never got close enough to read all of the smaller print, but they were running in his memory, and judging by his picture, he was maybe all of 20 years old. I almost felt guilty for not having a major story like that to commemorate my run to. I did it just because I CAN, just to challenge myself. It was a challenge, too. But in a good way. I thought of all of you while I ran, and it did really help. You guys are an inspiration and support to me in more ways than you know. I am glad to be a manatee!!

My Race Report is up. I am not too terribly sore today. I am actually surprised. I did get a bit of a massage after the race, and I did fuel pretty well, I think. I skipped all caffeine yesterday (not planned), so I am trying to take in close to what I normally do, plus extra water today. My knees are the most sore part of me today. Hopefully I'm not much worse when the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) sets in sometime in the next 24 hours or so. 

Ok, my hubby and kids are cleaning out the garage now, so I better go and supervise (better not let them throw out something I still "need". hehehe). I should be back on later today or tomorrow at the latest. (((hugs to my manatee friends)))


hi AMY.  DANs great. and i feel so privileged to do what im doing for him.

but honestly ive done plenty of races JUST FOR ME too.  i get the best feeling from racing, that sense of personal accomplishment, facing a challenge, completing a goal, meeting/exceeding my own expectations.  theres no better feeling.

but running for/in honor of someone else is pretty cool too.

the only other race i ran specifically FOR someone was a race i had scheduled the weekend after my nephew passed away (he was in a car accident) and i actually took 2nd place in my age group- my ONLY age group medal to date.

theres something to those dedicated runs i guess.

maybe DANs mojo will help me win some hardware on Sunday.  wouldnt that be a perfect ending to an amazing story?

but just finishing for him and for me will suffice im sure.

2009-04-20 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2095476

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Subject: RE: Garmin 310XT
ShawnC13 - 2009-04-19 2:44 PM

SHAWN  thanks for the XCELLENT feedback.

can you come and be my CO-CHAIR as i argue the 'case' to my husband 

glad you understand about the discussion.  its important to me that i have his continued to support in all my tri-adventures, cuz honestly i could NOT do what i do without him, having three kids STILL at home.  [no ones in diapers anymore, but still...its a busy household nonetheless....]  

that said, i often feel 'queer' when i have to say that i have to chk with my husband about buying something, im a grown woman for god-sakes.  still, its important when your in a relationship....

thanks for understanding and for giving me some other angles to work WITH him on. 

LOL I dream of the day where there is only 3 kids at home and none in diapers!!!  We have 5 right now and the sixth will be born in September.  Hopefully by then the baby will be the only on in diapers

SHAWN.  before you blink they'll all be teenagers.

when your in the midst though i feels like forever. i remember well.
2009-04-20 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2095792

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Subject: RE: heroes
ranchrunner - 2009-04-19 6:28 PM Stacie..what an impressive guy your neighbor and friend is!   I pray that if something tragic ever happens to me that I will be able to prevail with a good attitude and a continued joy and zest for life!

SHARIE.  me too.....he's amazing.
2009-04-20 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: training question
Ok so I'm trying to evaluate how to best spend my training to speak.  I have pool access now YAY!  So initially my thought was to do the couch to 5k to work on the run thing because as I said before I don't usually run unless someone is chasing me....but many of the articles I have read recommend more bike and swim until there is less of me to haul around on the run.  So any thoughts out there on this?  I have some new found momentum and want to keep going but want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. 

Thanks for input!

2009-04-20 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2095896

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Subject: RE: Amy
LaurenCO - 2009-04-19 7:14 PM

CONGRATS AMY!! You Rock Cool

Stacie, What a really touching story about your friend Dan. It is amazing how life can change in an instant.

I've been a bit down because a friend who has recently started working out w/ me turns out to go from Couch to 7 min miles. And here I've been "running" so much longer and she is literally 2x faster than me in less than a month of running.

BUT, then I remind myself how lucky I am to even be able to run at all! And I feel so petty for feeling sorry for myself. You would think I would know better. My best friend in the world has MS, and for 2 months now she has been losing her ability to walk. It sure puts training and competition in perspective, doesn't it?


LAUREN.  having DAN's name written on my leg has made me even more grateful.

and watching my sister in laws sister struggle w MS....

your ABSOLUTELY RIGHT it puts SO many things into perspective.

and i can so relate w feeling down a bit about your friend.

my husband decided to 'take up' running about this time last year, and every time he went to run, hed do a 7-7:30 min mile.  hed be lapping me, and i be thinking here i am working my hind end off day in day out, week after week and he just decides one day to get up off the couch and start running and he's whizzing past me....

[not that i dont wish your friend well in her pursuit]

after awhile my husbands runs would get shorter and shorter (never slower, just shorter)

and then he'd come up w reasons not to run.

i told him that its one thing to go and bust a move, and run a fast 5k here and a blazing 5K there, but when it comes to running, slow and steady 'wins the race', but what did i know

7-7:30 min miles over the long haul were just not going to be 'sustainable' i knew that, 

and sure enough i was right.

he 'quit' running altogether, and has decided he doesnt 'like it' now.  ahhhhhh.

as for your friend.  you never know and time will tell.

but i always try and remind myself that i might not be the swiftiest runner out there, and i may get passed left and right, but you will NEVER EVER find a runner that is more consistent and persistent as i am.

i may not run fast, but i can go long, and i can sustain far beyond what others are able to do, and outlast others over a long period of time.

theres something to be said for us TURTLES. 

we DO win the race, imho.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-20 12:40 PM
2009-04-20 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2097434

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Subject: RE: training question
happybunny - 2009-04-20 12:27 PM Ok so I'm trying to evaluate how to best spend my training to speak.  I have pool access now YAY!  So initially my thought was to do the couch to 5k to work on the run thing because as I said before I don't usually run unless someone is chasing me....but many of the articles I have read recommend more bike and swim until there is less of me to haul around on the run.  So any thoughts out there on this?  I have some new found momentum and want to keep going but want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. 

Thanks for input!


i can only speak from personal experience, and depending how much you want to lose, i had a good cardio base before i started running, and i had gotten about 1/2 to my goal weight too.

i did make it 'easier' in the sense that i already had a solid base to work from when i started running.

im not sure theres a 'better' way, just one that works for you.

find what you love, and DO that.

do you find yourself 'drawn' to one of the tri disciplines more than the others?  what excites you the most when you think about doing it - the swim, the bike, the run??  id say go w that first and then work from there.

just my two cents, for what its worth.

2009-04-20 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ALRIGHTY THEN, i think all the personals are outta the way.

did a 40 min swim today.  it was only supposed to be 27 mins but i ran into some of the 'Wavers' at the Y and we swam together, had a great time, and i felt great.  1600 yds.

its a taper week for me.  yahoo.  i love me a good taper week.

all the hard works behind.  time to FOCUS AND GET READY TO RACE.

im heading up to the Univ where the mini is being held on Thurs.  im not one for surprises the more i know ahead of time the better i am come race day.  so im hoping to swim a few laps in the Rec Center pool and at the very least walk the bike/run course.

i have a tinsy brick tomorrow SWIM TO BIKE - the weather is cold and crappy - so it will be at the Y lap pool to the spin bike.

then another brick on FRIDAY - BIKE TO RUN - though i think a 56 min bike and 27 min run seemed like a HEFTY brick to do 2 days before my race.

im thinking about scaling that one back just a bit, to a Sprint distance pre-race brick - 37 BIKE, 19 RUN.  my foots been a bit cranky.....

but all in all its amounting to a very good week!  6 more days to RACE DAY!


2009-04-20 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ooooh.  speaking of cranky feet.

went to the Drs today for my STRUCTURAL FINGERPRINT EXAM.  preliminary findings show that i have a 1" imbalance on my right side compared to my left side.  [definately explains the foot issue on the lft side....]  when i hold out my legs my right leg is ONE INCH 'shorter' than my left leg.

my legs are actually equal in length i just have an imbalance somewhere in my skeletal system.

im actually the much out of balance in my hips and my shoulders.

pretty cool stuff.

another bit of useful info, my ORTHOTICS are essentially useless for the issues that i have - well, they address ONE specific issue quite well [arch support], but they arent able to address all the issues w my feet.

no wonder they werent 'working' all that well.  nice to know it was 300 dollars well spent.  NOT. :P

ill have all the PRETTY PICTURES to prove the Dr right on WED. and will get through explanation of their findings and their course of treatment.

but at least its nice to have confirmation that indeed, im UNBALANCED.  [course those that know me, know just HOW MUCH.  LOL]

heres to learning something new everyday.

2009-04-20 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2097366

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Subject: RE: Post-race. Now what?
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-20 12:10 PM
givemashot - 2009-04-20 11:46 AM

I have spent weeks figuring out my workouts and keeping focused on the run. Now that the half mary is over, I have 4 weeks (technically 3 wks and 5 days) until my first sprint of the season (only second one ever). I am at a loss as to when it's ok to run again, and how much I should be pushing it at this point. Without the half mary recovery I would want to really start pushing the bike and swim hard, and maintain on the run, but I'm afraid to do much of anything right now.   So my question is: what now? How do I get ready for the tri with little to no focus on the bike and swim? And how does my recovery factor into what I can do this week? 

(Note: I have a really hard time fitting in more than 5 workouts/week...)

Hi Amy,

I would definitely give your body a few days of recovery before you start running again.  A nice little swim or ride would be fine, give your body a chance to recover.

I took about 6 days off, I just felt like my body needed the time.  Everyone is different, and I didn't have another race coming up that quickly.

What is the distance of your tri?

^^^ AMY. i wholeheartedly agree w BETH.

having learned from experience, i did NOT give myself ample time to recvr from my 1/2 marathon [i jumped right into a trng to run a PB 10K] and i paid the price.

id say too, a small amount of low intensity activity ive found is much better than complete no workout rest.  a slow, easy, flat ride.  a slow swim - loooong strokes, easy kicking.  walking vs. running or a slow easy jog, even an elliptical machine over running has done me wonders.

i generally recovered well after races, i just didnt after my 1/2, i was jonesin' on that PB10K.  i didnt want 'lose' anything by 'recovering' so i just kept at it.  BIG mistake.

you can learn from me

REST WELL RECOVER WELL.  YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU.  and you'll be race-ready again before you know it.

2009-04-20 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: New training plan
Well, I'm back from my long workout and am I ever worn out! But I got most of it done. Swam 3000, ran 35 minutes and did the speed work, then did my strength training. I didn't get the whole workouts done because of time constraints. I just cut out 1 rep of the main set in the swim workout and a few minutes off my cool down in the run. I never quite know what to do when things are taking longer than the time I actually have. So I just do what I can.
2009-04-20 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2098305

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: New training plan

mammatri's - 2009-04-20 3:45 PM Well, I'm back from my long workout and am I ever worn out! But I got most of it done. Swam 3000, ran 35 minutes and did the speed work, then did my strength training. I didn't get the whole workouts done because of time constraints. I just cut out 1 rep of the main set in the swim workout and a few minutes off my cool down in the run. I never quite know what to do when things are taking longer than the time I actually have. So I just do what I can.


Just curious...what plan are you following? BT? Another coached plan?

2009-04-20 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2095921

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Victoria, BC
Subject: Sharie's bike journey
Sharie, I just want to say how much I'm enjoying going along on this bike-buying adventure with you! I'm always amazed at people who comparison shop and take their time with purchases - this is fun!

I am not that patient ... I bought my bike by walking in to the only bike store I knew was open in town (I'd only lived here a few weeks) and simply picked one out based on how pretty it looked. I happened to get really very lucky in that it is a good LBS and a good bike, the staff are knowledgeable, took the time to fit me, and 3 years later I still love my bike (and they still treat me well).

So thanks for sharing with us!
2009-04-20 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2098522

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Subject: RE: Sharie's bike journey
Thanks TR!   It helps a lot to quench the worries I have had about asking so many questions when I know others are enjoying the journey!    I feel very blessed to have you all with me on the way!   I think the more I learn the more confused I am!!    I do think that doing my measurements on the fit calculator has at least convinced me that I shouldn't buy a 56.  Still waiting to hear from Yanti though.

There is a Trek bike on Ebay tonight that looks pretty good.   It is a WSD and is in Denver which is within driving distance.  Also, my fav LBS guy was a Trek dealer and he more or less said it would be really great for me to find a used bike.  I know he would do the fitting and any fixing and not be offended that I hadn't bought new from him.

Again, thanks to all of you for the support!   It means a lot!
2009-04-21 6:15 AM
in reply to: #2098394

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Subject: RE: New training plan
lmscozz - 2009-04-20 6:20 PM

mammatri's - 2009-04-20 3:45 PM Well, I'm back from my long workout and am I ever worn out! But I got most of it done. Swam 3000, ran 35 minutes and did the speed work, then did my strength training. I didn't get the whole workouts done because of time constraints. I just cut out 1 rep of the main set in the swim workout and a few minutes off my cool down in the run. I never quite know what to do when things are taking longer than the time I actually have. So I just do what I can.


Just curious...what plan are you following? BT? Another coached plan?

I'm following the BT 12 week NO FLUFF plan. It's actually a maintenance plan that your supposed to do twice a year, 6 mos apart. It's an experiment to see if I can really get faster. It's alot of high intensity training with less volume than I was doing in my HIM plan. I really like having a structured plan w/ detailed instructions for all my workouts.  

2009-04-21 6:31 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Tuesday stuff...

Good morning, Manatees!

Can you tell I'm an early bird? Dh runs at this time of the day, so it's a good time for me to catch up & add my 2 centsWink.

I'm feeling awesome after yesterday's workout. I was supposed to go out of town today, but that's been moved to tomorrow, so I'll do tomorrow's planned swim today. A bike ride was on tap, too, but the bike's still down with that busted tire. I'm gonna take it in today when I go to the pool, & hopefully they'll have it done when I'm through with my workout at the pool. I have another gym workout today, too. I'll get those bike rides in during the rest of the week.

I have a question. My trainer wants to do a stadium workout on Thursday morning. I've never done one before. She has a group that goes once a week and runs stadium steps and I'm not sure what else. She says she's bringing jumpropes and everyone needs to bring a 5# medicine ball. My question is, could this take the place of my planned run for that day? I was thinking of rescheduling that run for Sat. a.m., since I didn't have anything planned yet, and Sunday's run is easy. I'll be on the beach for both days, so there won't be any surface issues. I would swim and most likely ride if I have time after the stadium workout. It sounds like fun and would probably be good for me cuz I never workout with other people.

Let me know what you guys think. Happy training, everybody, and here's hoping you're starting to get some pretty spring weather where you are. -Cathy

2009-04-21 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

I would absolutely do that in place of your run for Thursday. Stadium workouts are TOUGH!! Don't be surprised if you're pretty sore tomorrow too. That is a great way though to change it up and get an awesome challenging workout in!! Have fun!!

Edited by nuttysami123 2009-04-21 7:19 AM
2009-04-21 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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2009-04-21 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2097434

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: training question
happybunny - 2009-04-20 1:27 PM Ok so I'm trying to evaluate how to best spend my training to speak.  I have pool access now YAY!  So initially my thought was to do the couch to 5k to work on the run thing because as I said before I don't usually run unless someone is chasing me....but many of the articles I have read recommend more bike and swim until there is less of me to haul around on the run.  So any thoughts out there on this?  I have some new found momentum and want to keep going but want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. 

Thanks for input!


I'm a HUGE fan of walk run intervals, even of just walking - some of us call it wralking, other's call it wogging - so, don't worry or think that you have to go straight to running

I'm with Stacie that it's great to find what you love and do it!

I'm still a fan of a training plan though - you may want to look at some of the maintenance plans and see if one of those appeals to you.  You can choose between swim, bike or run focus

I'd suggest finding something that incoporates all three, since your ultimate goal is to do a tri

I know the maintenance plans on BT come with a membership, but I'm sure there are books with training plans and probably other online resources.

I'll see what I can find and if anyone has any suggestions, be sure to post them

2009-04-21 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2098305

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: New training plan
mammatri's - 2009-04-20 6:45 PM Well, I'm back from my long workout and am I ever worn out! But I got most of it done. Swam 3000, ran 35 minutes and did the speed work, then did my strength training. I didn't get the whole workouts done because of time constraints. I just cut out 1 rep of the main set in the swim workout and a few minutes off my cool down in the run. I never quite know what to do when things are taking longer than the time I actually have. So I just do what I can.

Awesome training Cathy!!

2009-04-21 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2098676

Subject: RE: Sharie's bike journey
Guess what???    I have a bike question.   I know Yanti is online, but I see that Bill the Bike Guy is so I am hoping he will see this!

Yanti did say that I shouldn't go any bigger than a 54 and maybe even smaller.   The guy from CO that I was talking to about the Cervelo Tri Bike off ebay told me the same  yesterday.  

Anyway, I tossed and turned all night buying bikes in my dreams!   There is a Trek 1500 that is ending in 2 hrs. It is close enough - 3hrs - so I could pick it up and save shipping.   I looked at past auctions and they have gone for around $710-$720

BUT, I still have an option on that Specialized Ruby Comp offered by jessiwah here at BT.    From my novice research, it has better components all the way around...but has had 5x the use.

To bid or not to bid....THAT is the question!!
2009-04-21 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Morning Manatees!

I have a nice 4 miler on tap.....just wish the weather would clear up so I could run outside

2009-04-21 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2099297

Subject: RE: training question
I came across this yesterday and it might be a good fit for you, Carole.    It is a pdf file

I would love to hear from Yanti and/or Beth about the HR information.  It is a bit different than some of the others stuff I have read, but it seems to be a pretty simple and straightforward 7 week training plan.
2009-04-21 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2099302

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