BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-05-16 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Hello Neal and group,

Better late than never....... Thanks Neal for letting me in the group even if I am a little late...... The last 4 months were very busy at work and I had limited time to train and spent on BT. But now I am back, I should have a little more time to train and spend here on BT.

I was in Neal's group last year, and it really helped having folks encourage me along the way. And watching Neal train and race is really inspiring.

So here is my story.

NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. After my first few years of triathlons, I stopped almost everything during university. I did a few more triathlon here and there but I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I used to do the triathlon just to finish them. However, last year, I decided that 2009 would be different. I started training with a plan and objectives for the year. I also did my first marathon in May 09 so I had to train all winter. I did a few sprint/duathlon/olympic/half marathon during summer and a HIM in September. I almost PR'd all my races. Amazing what structured training can do....

FAMILY STATUS: 39, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: I was suppose to run a marathon in May again this year, but I did not have the time to train so I had to cancel. My first race this year is a duathlon early June. I also want to do another HIM this year. I have 3 options all at the end of summer so I will decide shortly which one I will do. I will also do a few Oly/sprints over the summer. I will also do a marathon in September. My wife will do her first one and she wants me to do it with her at her pace......and I said yes.

2010 RACES: 1 marathon, one HIM and some sprint/oly/duathlon/half-mary 

2009 RACES: 1 marathon, a few half, 2 duathlons, 1 oly, 1 sprint, 1 HIM.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

I know being in your group again this year will motivate me and help me achieve my goals.

Thanks again Neil for letting me in for another fun summer and hello to all the other members of the group. I will try to post regularly and contribute to the group.

2010-05-17 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Welcome back Luc
2010-05-17 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2860147

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-14 8:24 PM Has anyone done other resistance training in the pool?  It was suggested tonight that I use either 1 lb ankle weights or buy tennis sweat bands for wrist and ankle and use them. Logic given was the "weight" as they filled up with the water would teach me to work that much harder so that on the sets I didn't use them I would fly through the water.  He suggested short sets of 50 with resistance/50 without....then maybe 25 with/25 without.

I have never tried that.  Let us know how it goes!
2010-05-17 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2860629

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Kman2011 - 2010-05-15 12:26 PM It has been a crazy week,  First for the workouts, this morning I did a couple of loops on that oly course I talked about two weeks ago and added 1 mph to my speed.  I think that is due to learning how to ride better.   I've really focused on getting and staying aero, I'm spinning my legs out more at the top of hills(thanks to some good advice from the group), and really just staying in the larger front ring as much as possible.  I'm probably mashing more than I should, but I'll worry about that when I start doing bricks in a few weeks.

My wife graduated from law school yesterday, so Thursday and Friday we were busy with that which was awesome.  I'm so proud of her that I can't even explain it.  And finally we had two doctors appointments this week and my wife is now 12 wks pregnant and so far everything is going well, which is really exciting. 

I'm on my way to Green Bay for the half marathon I was supposed to run but can't so I'm going up to cheer on my sister and some friends.

Seriously crazy week, its great outside, so hopefully everyone gets out and enjoys it.

Sounds like lots of good things going on.  Congrats to you and your wife!
2010-05-17 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2861995

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-16 7:11 PM
PinkPrincess - 2010-05-16 3:45 PM Hey Guys!

2 questions...let's see if you can answer for this newbie.

1.)  All the local pools are closed because it's between semesters (both college pools).  I can get up to one that's an hour away on the weekend, but what can I do during my other two swim workout times?  (Luckily this should be only for two more weeks, at which time one of the pools is scheduled to reopen and the lakes might be JUST warm enough to swim in with a wetsuit.)

2.)  DEFINITE newbie question here:  I'm doing my first long-distance (HIM) triathlon at the end of next month and still haven't figured this detail out:  I want to wear my Fuel Belt during the run because my GI system can be picky about what I put in it.  Wear do I put my race number?  Do I wear a race number belt in addition?

Thanks guys!  Hope you're having a great weekend!

p.s.  My Homestay for IMLP just cancelled on me and my other two previous homestays aren't doing it this year, so if you need a place, it's your own bedroom and bathroom for $75/night that's a two-minute walk from the start.  Just thought I'd give you guys first crack. :-

The pool issue is a may want to tough it out with some short swims in the wetsuit.  Only because your HIM is close and you will still have pretty cold water on race day up there.
You should still be able to wear the race number in front as usual with the fuel belt in place.  I do use a race belt for my number.  A trick I picked up last season is to leave it on undder the tri top and wetsuit during the swim.  You can pull it out to show as you need it and never worry about it or lose time scrambling for it in transition.

Not much you can really substitute for an actual swim workout.  Luckily if you can still swim once per week it won't be detrimental to your swim fitness.  Better yet, like Judi said, if you can squeeze in an OWS try and do so.  You'd be surprised at how tolerable cold water is with a full wetsuit.  I've been OWSing in 60 degree water the past two weekends.  If you keep moving it's really not that bad.
2010-05-17 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2862520

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2010-05-17 7:37 AM 

Not much you can really substitute for an actual swim workout.  Luckily if you can still swim once per week it won't be detrimental to your swim fitness.  Better yet, like Judi said, if you can squeeze in an OWS try and do so.  You'd be surprised at how tolerable cold water is with a full wetsuit.  I've been OWSing in 60 degree water the past two weekends.  If you keep moving it's really not that bad.

LOL!  If the water was 60 degrees it wouldn't be a problem.  I don't think it's quite reached 50 yet.  Seriously.  We've had a cold spring and the lake was literally iced over only a month ago.  Luckily it's supposed to be 70 and sunny all week so maybe it'll finally warm up. 

2010-05-17 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2861995

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-16 8:11 PM 

The pool issue is a may want to tough it out with some short swims in the wetsuit.  Only because your HIM is close and you will still have pretty cold water on race day up there.
You should still be able to wear the race number in front as usual with the fuel belt in place.  I do use a race belt for my number.  A trick I picked up last season is to leave it on undder the tri top and wetsuit during the swim.  You can pull it out to show as you need it and never worry about it or lose time scrambling for it in transition.

Hey Queen - unfortunately the water isn't even 50 yet.  Don't think even a short swim is an option.  Sigh.  (All the triathletes up here have been complaining about the cold spring preventing the lakes from warming up.)

So you put the race belt under your shirt for the swim?  I hadn't thought of that!  Hey, anything that saves steps during transition sounds good to me.

2010-05-17 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2862618

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
PinkPrincess - 2010-05-17 7:42 AM
disturbed275 - 2010-05-17 7:37 AM 

Not much you can really substitute for an actual swim workout.  Luckily if you can still swim once per week it won't be detrimental to your swim fitness.  Better yet, like Judi said, if you can squeeze in an OWS try and do so.  You'd be surprised at how tolerable cold water is with a full wetsuit.  I've been OWSing in 60 degree water the past two weekends.  If you keep moving it's really not that bad.

LOL!  If the water was 60 degrees it wouldn't be a problem.  I don't think it's quite reached 50 yet.  Seriously.  We've had a cold spring and the lake was literally iced over only a month ago.  Luckily it's supposed to be 70 and sunny all week so maybe it'll finally warm up. 

Ok, 50, I don't blame you for not hopping in the lake yet.  Yipes!
2010-05-17 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Hope everybody had a great weekend.  Looks like some of you are busier than I feel.

I have to brag for a moment.  I am not fast (by a lot of standards) and I have always wanted to place in my age group.  A few years ago, I started doing a local 5k (literally starts a mile from my house) thinking that was my best shot at placing.  I came in 4th one year - just 20 seconds back from 3rd.  Well, yesterday I FINALLY placed!!!  I got 3rd in my age group.  The time wasn't all that fast compared to some of you, but it's all about who shows up on race day, right?

The sad thing is that I age up to a new age group next month.  If I was already in that age group, I would have gotten first in that age group yesterday with my time.  How often do you wish you were older already????
2010-05-17 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Happy Monday guys!

I just got back from a pretty fun training weekend up in Wisconsin... I went with some tri club friends to someone's parents' house who live on a lake.  The lake was cold enough for my not to want to swim in it, but I did get a good bike/run brick in on Saturday.  Sunday I just did a trail run... my hip was bothering me a little from riding the hills, but I was totally fine with running.

Does anyone else have hip issues from riding?  It's weird because it only happens on my left leg, and sometimes that leg/foot goes numb.  I'm not sure if I do something weird on that side, but the other side it completely fine!

Briana- congrats on placing in your 5k!

Veronica- Can you attach your race number to your fuel belt?  I've seen belts with places you can attach your number as well as gu packets.  Of course, I haven't done an HIM yet either, but that's also something I've been wondering about too.

Bryan- congrats to your wife on her graduation!!
2010-05-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2863344

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
yogachic - 2010-05-17 12:13 PM Happy Monday guys!

Does anyone else have hip issues from riding?  It's weird because it only happens on my left leg, and sometimes that leg/foot goes numb.  I'm not sure if I do something weird on that side, but the other side it completely fine!

Veronica- Can you attach your race number to your fuel belt?  I've seen belts with places you can attach your number as well as gu packets.  Of course, I haven't done an HIM yet either, but that's also something I've been wondering about too.

Funny you mention hip pain because I'm having knee pain issues on the bike.  The bike shop raised my seat and I have a nice 140 degree angle at the bottom of my stroke now, but the pain still persists.  I don't have knee problems in general and running doesn't bother them at all.  I'm starting to wonder if it's being clipped in.  I ride flat pedals with my knees sticking way out to the sides and used to be able to mash my mountain bike like that with no issues.  (I am very bowlegged so I have unique biomechanics.

Pinning my number to my Fuel Belt was the first thing I thought of but I don't see a good way to do it.

2010-05-17 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I had ITB issues from biking.  I was leaning slighty to the left on my saddle.  My saddle was a little more compressed on that side.  Do you have a leg length discrepancy?  Shims on your bike shoe might help if that is the case.

Calling all swimming experts!  Where should my hand enter the water?  I was a little too close to my head for awhile.  I think I over corrected the issue and my hands are entering too far in front.  Extension should be under the water, correct?

Another swimming issue for me is timing of the pull.  When does the pull with each arm start during a stroke cycle?  I want to make sure I am gliding on each side but I don't think I am on the left.

Congrats on the 5K hardware!  Happy Monday everyone!

2010-05-17 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2863420

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
retiretotri - 2010-05-17 11:40 AM

Calling all swimming experts!  Where should my hand enter the water?  I was a little too close to my head for awhile.  I think I over corrected the issue and my hands are entering too far in front.  Extension should be under the water, correct?

Another swimming issue for me is timing of the pull.  When does the pull with each arm start during a stroke cycle?  I want to make sure I am gliding on each side but I don't think I am on the left.

Hand entry is just in front of the goggle line.  Thumb down with a full extension under the water and a strong pull .  From what I was told to do in my private lessons I am to pull as soon as my hand enters the water.  If I leave it out too long my pull looses oomph and just kind of floats down to the bottom.
2010-05-17 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2862936

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
bar92 - 2010-05-17 9:26 AM Hope everybody had a great weekend.  Looks like some of you are busier than I feel.

I have to brag for a moment.  I am not fast (by a lot of standards) and I have always wanted to place in my age group.  A few years ago, I started doing a local 5k (literally starts a mile from my house) thinking that was my best shot at placing.  I came in 4th one year - just 20 seconds back from 3rd.  Well, yesterday I FINALLY placed!!!  I got 3rd in my age group.  The time wasn't all that fast compared to some of you, but it's all about who shows up on race day, right?

The sad thing is that I age up to a new age group next month.  If I was already in that age group, I would have gotten first in that age group yesterday with my time.  How often do you wish you were older already????

Woohoo!  Congrats on the hardware!
2010-05-17 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2863379

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
PinkPrincess - 2010-05-17 11:28 AM
yogachic - 2010-05-17 12:13 PM Happy Monday guys!

Does anyone else have hip issues from riding?  It's weird because it only happens on my left leg, and sometimes that leg/foot goes numb.  I'm not sure if I do something weird on that side, but the other side it completely fine!

Veronica- Can you attach your race number to your fuel belt?  I've seen belts with places you can attach your number as well as gu packets.  Of course, I haven't done an HIM yet either, but that's also something I've been wondering about too.

Funny you mention hip pain because I'm having knee pain issues on the bike.  The bike shop raised my seat and I have a nice 140 degree angle at the bottom of my stroke now, but the pain still persists.  I don't have knee problems in general and running doesn't bother them at all.  I'm starting to wonder if it's being clipped in.  I ride flat pedals with my knees sticking way out to the sides and used to be able to mash my mountain bike like that with no issues.  (I am very bowlegged so I have unique biomechanics.

Pinning my number to my Fuel Belt was the first thing I thought of but I don't see a good way to do it.

Can you adjust the float on your cleats at all?  It's seems like you might benefit from a little extra float so you can point your knees where where you'd like.
2010-05-17 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2863420

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
retiretotri - 2010-05-17 11:40 AM

I had ITB issues from biking.  I was leaning slighty to the left on my saddle.  My saddle was a little more compressed on that side.  Do you have a leg length discrepancy?  Shims on your bike shoe might help if that is the case.

Calling all swimming experts!  Where should my hand enter the water?  I was a little too close to my head for awhile.  I think I over corrected the issue and my hands are entering too far in front.  Extension should be under the water, correct?

Another swimming issue for me is timing of the pull.  When does the pull with each arm start during a stroke cycle?  I want to make sure I am gliding on each side but I don't think I am on the left.

Congrats on the 5K hardware!  Happy Monday everyone!

Not an expert here, but here's a link to my favorite swim website explaining the catch and pull portions of the stroke

2010-05-18 6:34 AM
in reply to: #2860147

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-14 8:24 PM Has anyone done other resistance training in the pool?  It was suggested tonight that I use either 1 lb ankle weights or buy tennis sweat bands for wrist and ankle and use them. Logic given was the "weight" as they filled up with the water would teach me to work that much harder so that on the sets I didn't use them I would fly through the water.  He suggested short sets of 50 with resistance/50 without....then maybe 25 with/25 without.

The only other kind of resistance training I have done in the water is with a buket that gets pulled behind on a stretch cord. Almost like a parachute training with running. It was tough but it definetly made you feel stronger.
2010-05-18 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2862936

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
bar92 - 2010-05-17 9:26 AM Hope everybody had a great weekend.  Looks like some of you are busier than I feel.

I have to brag for a moment.  I am not fast (by a lot of standards) and I have always wanted to place in my age group.  A few years ago, I started doing a local 5k (literally starts a mile from my house) thinking that was my best shot at placing.  I came in 4th one year - just 20 seconds back from 3rd.  Well, yesterday I FINALLY placed!!!  I got 3rd in my age group.  The time wasn't all that fast compared to some of you, but it's all about who shows up on race day, right?

The sad thing is that I age up to a new age group next month.  If I was already in that age group, I would have gotten first in that age group yesterday with my time.  How often do you wish you were older already????

Congrats on the hardware! I like to choose races that I know I stand a chance of placing. It makes you feel a little better after all your hard work.sometimes. I don't wish I was in a different age group yet because the next 10-15 years are going to be all the harder age brackets for me.
2010-05-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2865025

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-05-18 6:38 AM
bar92 - 2010-05-17 9:26 AM Hope everybody had a great weekend.  Looks like some of you are busier than I feel.

I have to brag for a moment.  I am not fast (by a lot of standards) and I have always wanted to place in my age group.  A few years ago, I started doing a local 5k (literally starts a mile from my house) thinking that was my best shot at placing.  I came in 4th one year - just 20 seconds back from 3rd.  Well, yesterday I FINALLY placed!!!  I got 3rd in my age group.  The time wasn't all that fast compared to some of you, but it's all about who shows up on race day, right?

The sad thing is that I age up to a new age group next month.  If I was already in that age group, I would have gotten first in that age group yesterday with my time.  How often do you wish you were older already????

Congrats on the hardware! I like to choose races that I know I stand a chance of placing. It makes you feel a little better after all your hard work.sometimes. I don't wish I was in a different age group yet because the next 10-15 years are going to be all the harder age brackets for me.

Too funny.  I am relishing my last year in the 25-29 age group before I step up to the big leagues next year.
2010-05-18 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Big golf trip this weekend with the church, really wore me out. we had 6:40 tee times Sat. and Sunday and played 90 holes in three days, ouch. 8 miler yesterday felt pretty good by far the best pace I have ever kept on a long run, but I woke up this morning to go to the gym like always and just felt worn out. Skipped gym and contemplating a day off, may go look at a new bike this afternoon though.
2010-05-18 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Hi everyone,

Just checking in.  Will get up to date soon with everyone's progress.

First race was a scratch down in Knoxville because of the knee and shoulder pain.  Knee feels alot better (lots of rest the last few weeks and doing some strength training at home) and still working on the shoulder.  Haven't worked out much lately, so should be pretty fresh when I get back in there.

Injuries and work stress and certainly demotivated me lately.  I just need to get in 1 or 2 workouts and I will be back on the horse, just hard to force yourself . . . HELP

2010-05-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2865681

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-05-18 10:39 AM Hi everyone,

Just checking in.  Will get up to date soon with everyone's progress.

First race was a scratch down in Knoxville because of the knee and shoulder pain.  Knee feels alot better (lots of rest the last few weeks and doing some strength training at home) and still working on the shoulder.  Haven't worked out much lately, so should be pretty fresh when I get back in there.

Injuries and work stress and certainly demotivated me lately.  I just need to get in 1 or 2 workouts and I will be back on the horse, just hard to force yourself . . . HELP

It can be hard to remotivate after your first workout and you may find the mojo was hiding in there

Edited by QueenZipp 2010-05-18 11:14 AM
2010-05-18 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2865681

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-05-18 10:39 AM Hi everyone,

Just checking in.  Will get up to date soon with everyone's progress.

First race was a scratch down in Knoxville because of the knee and shoulder pain.  Knee feels alot better (lots of rest the last few weeks and doing some strength training at home) and still working on the shoulder.  Haven't worked out much lately, so should be pretty fresh when I get back in there.

Injuries and work stress and certainly demotivated me lately.  I just need to get in 1 or 2 workouts and I will be back on the horse, just hard to force yourself . . . HELP

Sorry to hear about the injuries.  They are definitely no fun.  Hopefully you've got a doc or PT helping you get back on track.

Like Judi said, hopefully all it takes is one workout to help you remember why you enjoy working out, and the rest will follow naturally
2010-05-18 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2863420

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
retiretotri - 2010-05-17 11:40 AM

I had ITB issues from biking.  I was leaning slighty to the left on my saddle.  My saddle was a little more compressed on that side.  Do you have a leg length discrepancy?  Shims on your bike shoe might help if that is the case.

Calling all swimming experts!  Where should my hand enter the water?  I was a little too close to my head for awhile.  I think I over corrected the issue and my hands are entering too far in front.  Extension should be under the water, correct?

Another swimming issue for me is timing of the pull.  When does the pull with each arm start during a stroke cycle?  I want to make sure I am gliding on each side but I don't think I am on the left.

Congrats on the 5K hardware!  Happy Monday everyone!

In reality, you should never be gliding in freestyle. If you try and glide in freestyle, you create a dead spot or down time in your stroke where you start to sink and make it harder for yourself to create the lift necessary to stay towards the surface of the water. Your arms should be consistently opposite each other and never stopping. The second they enter the water they immediately start the catch phase of your next stroke. Catch phase is simply how the hand enters and catches the water to start your next pull.

Your hand should never enter the water close to your head. When your hand enters the water, your arm should be as fully extended forward as possible. These reduces how much your hand has to try and push through the water, which creates drag, to get it fully extended. Your arms should be entering directly in front of your shoulder and not crossing the imaginary line that splits you in half.
2010-05-18 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2860629

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Kman2011 - 2010-05-15 12:26 PM It has been a crazy week,  First for the workouts, this morning I did a couple of loops on that oly course I talked about two weeks ago and added 1 mph to my speed.  I think that is due to learning how to ride better.   I've really focused on getting and staying aero, I'm spinning my legs out more at the top of hills(thanks to some good advice from the group), and really just staying in the larger front ring as much as possible.  I'm probably mashing more than I should, but I'll worry about that when I start doing bricks in a few weeks.

My wife graduated from law school yesterday, so Thursday and Friday we were busy with that which was awesome.  I'm so proud of her that I can't even explain it.  And finally we had two doctors appointments this week and my wife is now 12 wks pregnant and so far everything is going well, which is really exciting. 

I'm on my way to Green Bay for the half marathon I was supposed to run but can't so I'm going up to cheer on my sister and some friends.

Seriously crazy week, its great outside, so hopefully everyone gets out and enjoys it.

Congrats to your wife finishing law school!!! I only have another year left for my bachelors.
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