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2011-03-21 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Jenny--Congratulations on your race. Sounds like quite a big event and very successful!

Congratulations to everyone on their training and racing triumphs--looking really good! I envy everyone who is able to ride outside already!! Enjoy!

Regarding wetsuits--yes, rent one. See if you can get it a week in advance so you can try swimming with it first. You will like it, I bet. It isn't just that they keep you warm but they give you buoyancy. I was surprised by how much more buoyant I was with it. I've raced in my trisuit and it was just fine but I was faster in the wetsuit. But if the weather is such that many of your races won't be wetsuit legal, it isn't necessarily worth investing in.

However, if you do get the urge, Xterra has great online deals. They have an entry level suit for $99 all the time, but during one of their sales  I got one that was a step up for the same price. (they have sales all the time--get on their email list)  I like the sleeveless one and it was just right for mid-summer tris.

2011-03-21 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

I was thinking your mary was any day now.  Yes your body is mending and you will get random aches and pains just to freek you out and as part of the healing process. You are so going to PR this, but don't go out tooo too fast. 

Wetsuit for a short race doesn't really buy you anything as it takes you a while to get it off.  It is more of a comfort thing.  If you go for a few swims in open water and you are fine with 60's you will be fine with 70's.  I would probably suck it up for a sprint in colder water, but 70's should be fine.  For longer races I will go with the wetsuit just for comfort as I will be out there for over an hour.  I tend to not want to rent a wetsuit for $50 that you can buy for $100.  They are good for a number of years (mine is 3 years old and no signs of wear and tear yet). 

I was able to go 12 miles on the ankle on Sunday without issue.  It is not 100 percent yet, but probably 90 percent and no pain from impact it is more where the shoe comes in contact with the skin, so soft tissue near the skin as compaired with functional tissue in the mechanics of running.  The shoulder just started on Saturday and yes it is in the rotator cuff area on the side I breath on.  I had been doing a steady 5000-5500 yards per week for about 6 weeks and added another 1800 to that and bam, shoulder pain.  I am going to skip today's swim and maybe do some drills on Wed and ignore actual freestyle for another two weeks.  It will be an eternity, but we see how it feels.  I will definately be doing slower speeds once it is ok again. 

And I have some really good news, I have been offered sponsorship by 2XU (Team Sports Multiplied) and am totally psyched about that.  I should get final confirmation in about a week.  I already race in 2XU stuff, so I have no problem representing them.  Now if I can just get my body ductaped together and get some decent training in all will be good. 

Grats everyone on everything stated in the previous several posts.  After 3 years of training I continue to lean away from intensity and into slow steady build up and base building.  Nearly all my injuries are from trying to nail some intensity.  That doesn't mean no intensity, it means smart intensity, staying within yourself.  Rather than rip a 6:00 pace if you tend to run 9:00, go for 8:30 for a half mile and see how it feels, slow down and repeat.  You can add some efforts, but flat out on the run, bike or swim leaves me vulnerable.  Not 20 anymore, drat. 



2011-03-21 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Thanks for the wetsuit advice!  Still thinking about it, but for $99 might consider it.  Thought they were all way more expensive, and since I saved some $$'s on the bike and all...

Tribeagle, good luck in your marathon!  We will be looking for your race report, so be sure and let us know how it goes.

Baowolf, congrats on the sponsorship!  That must feel pretty darned good.

2011-03-22 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3407662

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

And I have some really good news, I have been offered sponsorship by 2XU (Team Sports Multiplied) and am totally psyched about that.  I should get final confirmation in about a week.  I already race in 2XU stuff, so I have no problem representing them.  Now if I can just get my body ductaped together and get some decent training in all will be good.


Sweet!  Congratulations. I also love 2XU's stuff!

2011-03-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Wow! congratulations on the sponsorship, that is awesome!

3 more weeks for my first tri and I feel like I am ready!I am still a little worried about the swim but I am hoping the wetsuit will help with the buyoancy, when I think about how my swimming was when I started back in Jan I know that I am doing much better!  thank you all for great advice!

This Saturday is my frist crossfit competition and I decided that no matter what I am proud that I am doing it, I am competing against 20 something year olds but if my trainer said that I am ready I will trust that I am and do my best, I will let you all know how I did!

I want to make sure I have everything needed for my transitions in the tri! any advice? also what should I wear for my running and biking that I can wear under my wetsuit?  do I need a tri suit?


Edited by Ariasx2 2011-03-22 3:05 PM
2011-03-22 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

@baowolf Congrats on the sponsorship!! That's just awesome! I absolutely understand now (especially in this early phase) that going hard at this point simply isn't important-it's all about putting in the time and building up the base.

@squirt I've been doing some research on wetsuits this past week and found tons of positive feedback on Xterra suits. I went a step up from the $99 one..we'll see if it's worth it-arrives tomorrow. I'll let you know what I can about it but probably won't be in any open water with it for a month or so. I read in several places that the $99 Xterra suit is a perfect entry level wetsuit.

@ariasx2 Good luck in your Crossfit competition this weekend and thanks for asking the tri suit/what to wear question. I have been wondering that lately myself. I can't imagine biking and running in the suit I train in right now, even with shorts over it, it can't be comfortable! Any suggestions on that are more than welcome!

2011-03-22 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Todd, wool socks own for the winter time, they help on the bike, booties help, also if you have tri bike shoes ducttape the hole in the bottom and put in some insoles from old running shoes with no hole in them, less drafty.  As a last resort some foulks use gracery bags between their socks and bike shoes. 

I always wear my tri suit for swim bike and run in races.  It dries quickly, doesnt chaff and isn't baggy around your bum on the run.  You would have to decide if it is worth it for you.  It does however, make things simple. 

Transition area: Trisuit, wetsuit, gogles, timing chip and anklet, bodymarked by volunteers, sun tan lotion.

Watch, bike, socks, bike shoes, helmet, glasses, race belt, running shoes, hat all aranged on a towel.   Have your waterbottle with gator aid or whatever in your bike, bring a pump to adjust tire pressure before the race, a flashlight so you can see the pump gage if the race is early, maybe a gel to eat 15 min before race starts. 

Have nearby, dry clothes, dry towel, prefered beverage on ice or hot and a camera. 

Practice getting your wetsuit on and off.  If you want you can use Pam on your legs to help with this. 

You may also want a colorful towel or baloon so you can find your bike among the hundreds/thousands.... 

Get to T1 an hour early, the time will go fast, the lines at the bathroom will go slow.   

Smile at the finish line don't look down at your watch you will ruin your finihs photo.  They will keep your time for you.


2011-03-23 5:57 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Phew! Finally starting to catch my breath a bit after the race last weekend! I'll try to reply to a few posts....

@ Baowoulf - congrats on the sponsorship! That's awesome! I hope all your various injuries are healing up for you.... How's your training for Boston coming along??

@ Tribeagle - GOOD LUCK next weekend! It sounds like you're ready! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

@ Squirt - re:wetsuit.... For a short swim at those water temps, a wetsuit is certainly not necessary. Most people except the very fastest swimmers find that, even for a short swim, a wetsuit will gain them a little time. If that's important to you, and/or you want to try out a wetsuit, then renting one is a good option. If you're pretty sure this tri habit is going to stick, then it might be wortwhile to buy one. In addition to the Xterra sales, you could check out the BT classifieds, sometimes a wetsuit will show up for sale....

@ Ariax2 - good luck with your Crossfit competition & your first tri! So what exactly does a Crossfit competition consist of?? re: what to wear for your first tri... How long is your race again? If you plan to keep doing triathlon's, then it is worthwhile investing in some tri shorts at the very least. Tri shorts have a bit of padding (like regular bike shorts) but the pad is made of a quick drying material so you can wear them under your wetsuit, then on the bike & run. Same thing for a tri top - they're tight fitting so you can wear them under a wetsuit and just continue on the bike and run. For sprint tri's, I sometimes see women wearing a regular swim suit with a sports bra underneath. A pair of bike shorts can be pulled on over top of the swim suit to finish the bike and run (or you could just wear tri shorts over the swim suit from the start).

As far as transitions, you might want to lay everything out and practice once or twice. Here's what I usually have for transition, but everyone does it a little differently, so find what works for you.... I lay out a beach towel on the ground to put all my transition stuff on. I lay out my running gear (shoes, hat, race belt) toward the front of the towel, and my biking stuff (shoes, helmet, sunglasses) toward the back so I can grab them first. For races up to Olympic distance, I usually don't wear any socks. If you plan to go sockless, run/ride without socks a few times beforehand to make sure it works for you (nothing new on race day!). If I suspect the route to transition might be sandy, gritty, etc., I will keep a small water bottle in transition (like an old disposable water bottle with a "sports" top) and use it to rinse off my feet before I get on the bike.

Keep up the good work, everybody!!

2011-03-23 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Jenny, In a crossfit competition you don't know exactly what the workout will be like until the day of the competition but it could include anything like,

back extensions, squats, barbell snatch, box jumps, burpees, pushups, kettlebell swings, dips, shoulder press, lunges, 200 or 400 sprints, tire flips,weighted prowler push, etc

usually they have  4 or 5  exercises and certain number of reps and they give you certain amount of time to do as many rounds as possible.


2011-03-23 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Ariasx - go get those 20's somethings!  That competition sounds like a real challenge.

Conanzchic - I think I got the same wetsuit as you.  Just seemed like a better deal for the $$'s with the bt discount.  Will you have the opportunity to try it out with a group before your first race in it?

Jenny - gald you are back!  What is on the horizon for you?

Baowolf - hope your shoulder gets better with some rest.

Hey to everyone else!

Just wanted to share some progress.  I have lost 10 lbs since mid December, yay .  Loss was very slow until I shifted from 1/2 marathon training to triathlon training.  Then in the last couple of weeks, friends started to notice, and the weight started coming off a bit faster.  I have to count carbs in order to manage my insulin doses, but have managed to lose without formally counting calories (which tends to drive me insane).  I've made gradual changes towards healthier less calorie dense foods and more water.  7 lbs to go to get to what I consider a good "fighting" weight, so I'll keep chipping away at it. 

2011-03-23 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3410712

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
squirt - 2011-03-23 12:12 PM

Just wanted to share some progress.  I have lost 10 lbs since mid December, yay .  Loss was very slow until I shifted from 1/2 marathon training to triathlon training.  Then in the last couple of weeks, friends started to notice, and the weight started coming off a bit faster.  I have to count carbs in order to manage my insulin doses, but have managed to lose without formally counting calories (which tends to drive me insane).  I've made gradual changes towards healthier less calorie dense foods and more water.  7 lbs to go to get to what I consider a good "fighting" weight, so I'll keep chipping away at it. 

Awesome, Squirt! Congratulations on your weight loss!

2011-03-24 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Thanks Beth .

OK, so we have Ariasx with a crossfit competition.  And tribeagle this is your marathon weekend, right? Hope you both have a great time and sounds like you are very well prepared.  Will be waiting to hear how it went.

How about everyone else?  Got anything fun on tap for the weekend?

I have an appt to have my bike fit next week, and also purchased bike shoes and will get some help with getting that going.  As for the biking, I wondered if you more exeprienced folks might share your thoughts on the best ways for a beginner to learn/improve.  You can look at my log to see what I have done so far to add cycling in and try out my bike.  There are a lot of options around here including "beginner" group rides, spin classes at my gym, cycling studio classes at a local bike shop, and/or just ride by myself.  I tend to want to be outside as much as possible, so the indoor stuff is not too appealing,  but I could see doing it once a week or so if it would really be beneficial.  Anyway, I would appreicate any input that anyone wants to share.  

2011-03-24 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
All I have to say for today......thank God for recovery weeks :-)
2011-03-24 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Speedwork today in 40-50 mph winds and snow fluries.... snow and rain mix all weekend, could be a long 20 miler.

The ankle is pretty good now, can just bearly feel it and not affecting my runs at all.  I was able to put on my shirt without too much pain today so thats an improvement, hopefully I can start some short swims at a slow pace next week.  I will probably start with like 1000 yards but will go by feal, not ready yet, but there is hope. 

I cant wait to read that PR mary race report!


2011-03-25 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Okay, a cold this week derailed my training plans - almost made it through "stick season" without getting a cold, but the flowers and spring is right around the corner.  I know running an anaerobic sprint while training for a HIM is not the best move, but I was feeling pretty good after two days off in a row, so after the 1 hour spinning class, I blasted out a new personal best of 20:04 on a 5k run - sooooo close to breaking the 20 minute barrier!!  Oh well, a little speed work doesn't hurt right?  I'll get back to a longish run on Monday, after a long ride and swim on Sunday. (rest day Saturday)
2011-03-25 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!


  I need to buy bike shorts and have been exploring local distributors and quite honestly have no idea what makes them different.  I have found a pair at Dicks sporting goods for 20$ but then wennt to a local bike store and they were 50 on the low end.

I know there are many many options out there but I really want to get a pair soon and a fairly decent pair that wil last at least until the end of this race. 

Any words of advice?

2011-03-26 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

@squirt Congrats on the weight loss! 

@peteacher I just picked up a solid pair of bike shorts at REI. They were $50 - the Pearl Izumi Quest Bike shorts and they are AWESOME! Not too short, not too tight, don't ride up. I had a 20% off coupon, so got them for a little less. I also just found them online here: for $35, but not sure what shipping is. The shorts make a big difference on rides though they feel extremely awkward if you are not on your bike. ha! 

I got my wetsuit this week (the Xterra Vortex 3 Sleevless) and it fits well. Getting it on was a workout in itself..probably took me about 10 minutes and I was sweaty head to toe by the time it was on! The neck feels a little snug, but I think it will fit a little better if I get it on 100% right. I signed up for an open water swim clinic April 30th at a local lake run by a tri coach in the area so I will get to test it out then. I thought it would be nice to get in the pool with it a few times but Xterra recommends against using the wetsuit in chlorine water-I think it voids the warranty/return policy.

2011-03-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Hey guys -No PR... 4:25:57. I suspect it was a combination of just not enough training miles and a lot of walking yesterday. DC is a cool city though and parts of this race were really pretty. The first view of the Capitol bldg with the sun glinting off of it was pretty cool. I ran the first 15 miles with my cousin's best friend before the wheels fell off. (The friend went 4:16 which I think was a PR for her). It really was a beautiful early spring day for a run although it was chilly. I'll write a race report when I'm back home on a real computer (on my mom's iPad now).CourtneyPS. Thinking about Philly for the fall!
2011-03-26 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
So sorry to hear about your race... well glad you got through it alright, but disappointed that you didn't rock it.  Well you have a solid base to build from and you completely have the speed to improve on that time seriously.  A few more mid week miles and I think you would have been golden.  Spoil yourself well and rest up before getting back to the training again.  A marathon at any pace will tke it out of ya for sure. 
2011-03-26 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Hey Courtney, congrats on having a great race day!   How awesome that you were soaking in the sights, happy for a friend, and already have your eye on another one.  I have no doubt you will smash that PR by carrying lessons learned into your next round of marathon training.  I read a book recently that encourages "striving for results, but releasing attachment to the outcome".  You seem to have found that elusive balance!  
2011-03-27 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3415597

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
tribeagle - 2011-03-26 4:21 PM

Hey guys -No PR... 4:25:57. I suspect it was a combination of just not enough training miles and a lot of walking yesterday. DC is a cool city though and parts of this race were really pretty. The first view of the Capitol bldg with the sun glinting off of it was pretty cool. I ran the first 15 miles with my cousin's best friend before the wheels fell off. (The friend went 4:16 which I think was a PR for her). It really was a beautiful early spring day for a run although it was chilly. I'll write a race report when I'm back home on a real computer (on my mom's iPad now).CourtneyPS. Thinking about Philly for the fall!

Hey Courtney! Congrats on the marathon! Even if you didn't PR, just finishing a marathon is quite an accomplishment! I've become a big believer in the benefit of (lots of) mileage in training for a marathon....

If you come to Philly in the fall, let me know! Philly was my marathon last year - I was shooting for 4:00, (which at the time would have been a BQ time for me - but not anymore!) but fell a little short. It's a nice race. I'm not sure I want to tackle another full marathon this year, but may do the Philly half in the fall. I'm still sort of trying to put my season's race schedule together! I better get movin'!

Like Baowolf said, don't be afraid to take a little time off before you jump back into it again!

2011-03-27 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Did my last 20 miler today at an 8:28 pace with every mile being pretty much on pace, give or take 15 seconds because of hills.  On this one the last 2 miles felt stronger than the previous one, I could have kept going.  Last 3 mile splits were 8:30, 8:04 (lil downhill) and 8:22.   Yesterday's run was pretty solid too 10 mile racepace yesterday was a 7:34, pretty steady.  Hopefully things are coming together, because if not... its too late.  I would be happy with a 3:30 (BQ time, but anything faster would be nice). 

Hopefully the shoulder comes around soon.  It has only been a week, but I am getting ansy to get back in the pool.


2011-03-27 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3416969

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

You sound well on your way to set a good pace in your marathon!  Enjoy the taper time!


2011-03-27 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Getting some stress relief workouts in between life right now.  My father-in-law is in the hospital...doing better physically...but mentally not so good.  Not sure he's going to be able to go back home so we are starting to explore other options.

2011-03-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!

Not a good competition Saturday the first workout had box jumps and I hate those! I waste a lot of time concentrating on my jump is not good but I will keep training and there will be more, for now I am moving to my training and getting ready for my FIRST TRI!!

two weeks to go! I received my wetsuit Saturday and fits me perfectly, I am trying to find a place to practice an open water swim this weekend that way I can test it, I am also going to buy some new shorts  It seems like the training is slowing down this week and even more next week!

Nervous and excited!

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