BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-11 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3984829

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Hendricks County
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
erinrockrun - 2012-01-11 5:59 PM

Just saw this the other day.  I dare any of you to try and watch it without tearing up.  Really neat!

Okay so I don't confess or deny tears, but what an awesome story!!!  Thanks for the friendly reminder of what pure compassion and love can look like!!  

2012-01-12 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Got in an early trainer ride before dentist this morning.  Finally figured out a good setup to watch something.

(IMG_1059 small.jpg)

(IMG_1060 small.jpg)

IMG_1059 small.jpg (88KB - 12 downloads)
IMG_1060 small.jpg (91KB - 7 downloads)
2012-01-12 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3986181

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Melanie, there's my bike!  Glad you ditched the white tires!!  Oh and those aero pads suck!  I went ahead and bought some Ceegees, kinda expensive, but oh so worth it!  Here's a link for ya in case you're interested:  (Scroll down, there are a pair specifically for the B16)

Ooh, I think the price has actually gone up!

Nice set up BTW!  Can you leave your bike set up?  I HATE that I have to drag everything out and set it up and then tear it down, what a pain. 

2012-01-12 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3986643

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I like your bike, Melanie (and Hilde!)!  That is smart to use your computer (or is it an iPad?) to watch shows/DVDs while you train.  I don't have a trainer yet, but am trying to figure out where I'd even put one if I did purchase one.  There are few places in our house that our kids don't have access to and I'm super paranoid of them getting into trouble with the bike/trainer, especially after reading a recently posted forum where people were sharing horror stories about their children getting fingers stuck and amputated on the chain ring.  So scary!  Anyway, I'd either have to set it up in our garage but there's no tv there or I could set it up in our guest room, which has a computer in it, and I could watch DVDs there.  Thanks for the idea, Melanie!  I'd still have to break down the set up each time, just to be safe with the kiddos.  Ok, enough of my rambling.  These are just all thoughts I've had recently, so it's great to see your setup to get some ideas!

2012-01-12 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
I can leave the trainer set up.  It's out on the porch.  
2012-01-12 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

My trainer folds down and sits in the corner in our living room.  When I use it, I set it up so that it's in front of my computer so I can watch DVD's.  It used to be upstairs in the spare room, but it's a pain to carry the bike up and down the stairs all the time, plus we are in the process of renovating up there, so there's just no room.  When I do set it up, I have to do some minor furniture rearranging in order to get it to fit.  But, it works, and since we have a tiny tiny townhouse, I'm not going to quibble.  

My bike is hard to match, color-wise.  Pale jade green?  But the accents are black and white, so I'm going with that.  Especially cause most of what I own is already black.  Though the new shoes are white!  I totally scored on the shoes.  Tri shoes that are normally $150 or so, on sale for $60!  Sometimes it's good to have small feet.  

2012-01-12 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
My trainer and TM are in our bedroom.  It's a room above a full sized two car garage, so there is plenty of space.  I do catch dh using the TM as a hanging place for ironed shirts from time to time, but I quickly move them to his closet.  Having the machines there is better for me than in my basement.  I hate my basement.  It's a dungeon and I have no desire to spend any amount of time down there.
2012-01-12 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3942391

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I've been trying to get to some of the training logs for everyone, and you are all putting me to SHAME!!  I feel like such a slacker.  I'm also a slacker for not posting on a more regular basis.  Embarassed

Given that the winter is upon us in NY, I was thinking of getting a new treadmill (or as I refer to it, the "Dreadmill") so that I could at least run intervals after coming home from work, since I am not so motivated to run outside once I get home.  Does anyone have any recommendations on a good brand, or features to look out for.  I'm thinking along the lines of a moderately priced unit ($1,200 or less) since I have a new bathroom to pay for, which is currently in progress.



2012-01-12 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Nice-looking bike trainer setup! Looks a bit like mine-- I have mine on the side of my dining room, with an old laptop as my media player of choice. I've put my big year-long wall calendar next to the bike so I can always remind myself of what I'm training for, and have just added a few cork squares so I can pin up inspirational photos, stories, quotations, etc. It's clearly the 'triathlon section' of the room-- what any dinner guests I'll have over in the next little while will think of it is anyone's guess! Laughing
2012-01-12 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3987191

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Turtle who Tris - 2012-01-12 5:10 PM

I've been trying to get to some of the training logs for everyone, and you are all putting me to SHAME!!  I feel like such a slacker.  I'm also a slacker for not posting on a more regular basis.  Embarassed

Given that the winter is upon us in NY, I was thinking of getting a new treadmill (or as I refer to it, the "Dreadmill") so that I could at least run intervals after coming home from work, since I am not so motivated to run outside once I get home.  Does anyone have any recommendations on a good brand, or features to look out for.  I'm thinking along the lines of a moderately priced unit ($1,200 or less) since I have a new bathroom to pay for, which is currently in progress.



Wish I could help you with this one Kelly, but I've been pretty vocal about DETESTING the treadmill, I mean I freakin' HATE IT!  I'd rather go run in a monsoon, a mudslide, a tsunami, an avalanche... we actually have one at home, no idea what brand it is, my husband bought it, looks real spiffy in our gym room, oops, HIS gym room.  You might check out the Gear Reviews on one of the tabs up on top... the one next to the forums tab I believe.

2012-01-12 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3984864

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
wrkinprogress - 2012-01-11 5:16 PM

LOVE the quotation, arquillo. And what a fabulous bike, K!

Though my clothes don't usually match, my bikes do-- each is a variant on the black/white/red combo. Mind you, my Tri Club gear is also those colours now that I think about it, so if I get a black helmet and wear my club outfit, I'd be so colour-coordinated it would be PAINFUL! (That said, chances are I'll do some version of black and red for the IM-- black shorts, and a red top because red means you go faster, right?? )

Had a right mess dumped in my lap at work late Monday afternoon... not for the first time, I was grateful the next day for my training schedule as a way to work off some of the frustration! Meant I didn't bite people's heads off when I finally got in to work after the swim, which is probably a good thing...


Training is a good way to work off some frustration and not biting people's heads off is even better

Melanie - nice set up

 K - how old are your kids? If they're riding bikes themselves you could maybe search for mini-trainers so that you can set up the bikes side by side so that they'll go ride their bike rather than intefere with yours.

Swim lessons have done great. I can do 2 laps of breaststroke (25 each)  - still need to stop if I swallow water or something and can do tumble turns and start swimming again - albeit backstroke.  So the things I'll be working on along with my swimming are:

tumble turns while swimming and endurance in all strokes - at least backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke - butterfly I'll just throw in there for fun and variety.

2012-01-13 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3987633

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
suzielea - 2012-01-12 10:38 PM

Training is a good way to work off some frustration and not biting people's heads off is even better

Melanie - nice set up

 K - how old are your kids? If they're riding bikes themselves you could maybe search for mini-trainers so that you can set up the bikes side by side so that they'll go ride their bike rather than intefere with yours.

Swim lessons have done great. I can do 2 laps of breaststroke (25 each)  - still need to stop if I swallow water or something and can do tumble turns and start swimming again - albeit backstroke.  So the things I'll be working on along with my swimming are:

tumble turns while swimming and endurance in all strokes - at least backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke - butterfly I'll just throw in there for fun and variety.

I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old.  It's the 2 year old who would be a total nightmare with the trainer....  typical boy who gets into EVERYTHING!  I'll figure something out...  still have time since I don't even OWN a trainer.  It's great to hear what others do to give me some options!

Suzie, I'm assuming "tumble turns" are what we refer to as "flip turns" here?  That's great that you are able to do those!  I don't use flip turns regularly b/c I'm terrified of them...  They are on my 2012 list of "things to do" for tri training.  A few people have taught me how to do them, but I need to PRACTICE so I can use them confidently and consistently.  That's cool that you do them!!

2012-01-13 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3984885

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

such a moving video, erin!  those brothers remind me of dick and rick hoyt, a father/son team who race together.  team hoyt raced in one of the tris i did last year and it's just so amazing to see the love and determination of that family.  thanks for sharing that!

Kristen- The Hoyts are my heroes of racing.  I remember the first time I watched their "Can" video and felt more inspired than I ever had in my life.  I then started following them online and recently read Dick Hoyt's book.  He must have had superhuman strength to accomplish everything he has done so far.  It must have been incredible to see them.  I was hoping to see them when I ran Boston this past April but never spotted them.  I did, however, see a man in a wheelchair racing backwards while pushing himself with his feet.  It gave me instantaneous goosebumps!

2012-01-13 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3987210

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

wrkinprogress - 2012-01-12 5:19 PM Nice-looking bike trainer setup! Looks a bit like mine-- I have mine on the side of my dining room, with an old laptop as my media player of choice. I've put my big year-long wall calendar next to the bike so I can always remind myself of what I'm training for, and have just added a few cork squares so I can pin up inspirational photos, stories, quotations, etc. It's clearly the 'triathlon section' of the room-- what any dinner guests I'll have over in the next little while will think of it is anyone's guess! Laughing

Pretty cool that you have a triathlon section with lots of visual motivations around you.  I have stuff hung up @ work.  So when I look beyond my computer, I see pictures of my bike, logos of upcoming races, and positive words.

2012-01-13 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!


I love your bike trainer station.  Looks like a hot tub next to it?  That would be awesome!  Especially as I'm looking out the window at gray, snow and ice.  Love your bike, too.

2012-01-13 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3987968

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
kpringle - 2012-01-13 7:39 AM
suzielea - 2012-01-12 10:38 PM


I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old.  It's the 2 year old who would be a total nightmare with the trainer....  typical boy who gets into EVERYTHING!  I'll figure something out...  still have time since I don't even OWN a trainer.  It's great to hear what others do to give me some options!

I think you should add a very hours of training every day.  Add a custom code in sports called "Running Around After Kids".  Will really boost your training totals!  Laughing

2012-01-13 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3988047

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
hoffsquared - 2012-01-13 9:05 AM

I think you should add a very hours of training every day.  Add a custom code in sports called "Running Around After Kids".  Will really boost your training totals!  Laughing


haha, TOTALLY!!  i've often wondered if i could log minutes of carrying my 3 year old and 2 year old in my arms, going up stairs, as strength training...  it HAS to count for something, right?!? 

2012-01-13 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3988403

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
kpringle - 2012-01-13 10:21 AM
hoffsquared - 2012-01-13 9:05 AM

I think you should add a very hours of training every day.  Add a custom code in sports called "Running Around After Kids".  Will really boost your training totals!  Laughing


haha, TOTALLY!!  i've often wondered if i could log minutes of carrying my 3 year old and 2 year old in my arms, going up stairs, as strength training...  it HAS to count for something, right?!? 

Absolutely-- I'd call that cardio, strength, AND mental training, all at once!

It's Friday and I just submitted my annual report forms for work, hurray! Hope everyone enjoys their weekends!


2012-01-13 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3987968

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
kpringle - 2012-01-13 7:39 AM
suzielea - 2012-01-12 10:38 PM

Training is a good way to work off some frustration and not biting people's heads off is even better

Melanie - nice set up

 K - how old are your kids? If they're riding bikes themselves you could maybe search for mini-trainers so that you can set up the bikes side by side so that they'll go ride their bike rather than intefere with yours.

Swim lessons have done great. I can do 2 laps of breaststroke (25 each)  - still need to stop if I swallow water or something and can do tumble turns and start swimming again - albeit backstroke.  So the things I'll be working on along with my swimming are:

tumble turns while swimming and endurance in all strokes - at least backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke - butterfly I'll just throw in there for fun and variety.

I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old.  It's the 2 year old who would be a total nightmare with the trainer....  typical boy who gets into EVERYTHING!  I'll figure something out...  still have time since I don't even OWN a trainer.  It's great to hear what others do to give me some options!

Suzie, I'm assuming "tumble turns" are what we refer to as "flip turns" here?  That's great that you are able to do those!  I don't use flip turns regularly b/c I'm terrified of them...  They are on my 2012 list of "things to do" for tri training.  A few people have taught me how to do them, but I need to PRACTICE so I can use them confidently and consistently.  That's cool that you do them!!

Young kids there - you've definitely got your hands full. I don't have a trainer either but I remembered one of the trikes for disabled kids (more upper body support and some level of assistance with the pedalling) had a trainer option for practice and/or rainy day fun. Plus there was a story about a woman training for the London marathon on the news not long ago where it showed her on one of the stationary bikes and her daughter (probably 3-5) was on a mini version next to her. I'm sure you'll figure something out.  And yes the tumble turns are flip turns. Good luck with practicing.

What my teacher had me do was practice in the deep end, start with somersaults and then get progressively closer to the wall - also you use the wall as your guide - watching it as you go down. Haven't even tried them in the shallow end yet - although when I was practicing them before the lessons I was doing them on the black line to in the shallow end and kept ending up with a handstand,lol.

 Melanie - can I add the "running after kids" for the days I work?

The 3 and 2 year old carrying up the stairs is definitely ST.


2012-01-13 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Happy Friday, friends!!  I'm glad the weekend is finally here!

Ok, full disclosure -- I just joined another mentor group (Mav's Massachusetts Mentor Group) based on a recommendation of another Massachusetts BTer.  I've been trying to hook up with others in my area for group rides and training and she thought this might be a good group for me to connect with and meet.   

You will always be my FIRST mentor group and I still plan to be a very active MMMer member!   Just wanted to mention it in case you see "kpringle" posting up on another mentor group forum.  I promise to keep our group's discussions/posts within our group!!

2012-01-13 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3989537

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Kristen, totally understand! It's amazing to meet fellow BT'ers that live near you that you can train and meet at races ! I'm meeting new people all the time, I love this sport! And I'm really glad you are still gonna hang with us! I love the mmm craziness! Trust me it's been kinda tame around here lately, Wilson has been busy and not checking as often as be used to. We've had some pretty wild conversations complete with pictures going on in the past!! And thanks for keeping all our secrets !!

2012-01-14 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Kristin, as long as you're not a stranger around here, I think it's great that you've found some more local folks to hang out with too!
2012-01-14 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
I'm off to my indoor tri in a bit. It's 10 minutes swim, 30 minutes bike, 20 minutes run. I did the same one last year. The swim is in a 20 yard pool with bad lane lines. It's wavy and you split a lane. I must avoid a lane next to a wall as I skinned my hands a few times at a different indoor tri last year. Flip turns with good push offs are an advantage for me here. I'd like to improve lays years distance of 580 yards, but I don't expect to since I haven't been in the pool in some time.The bike is on exercise or spin bikes with odometers. Only the speed of the wheel really matters, so you dial down the resistance and spin. This tends to exhaust me. I got really hot last year during this portion, but this year I'm using tri shorts, bra, tech shirt so I hoping that being wet will keep me cooler. I'm also going to look at fan placement in the area. Last year I clocked 8.something miles. I'd like to do about the same but am ok with less if it means I do better on the run.The run is at 1% incline. Last year I was very tired and hot at the start of the run. I hadn't really run non stop. I managed around 1.3 miles by run/walking. I want to improve this leg this year.I'll report my results later in the day.Happy weekend to all!
2012-01-14 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3989885

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Andrea, that sounds like a fun tri!  Kind of a different concept, going as fast as you can for a set amount of time, rather than going as fast as you can for a set distance.  Can't wait to hear how much you've improved over last year!!  And yes, how cool that you can use flip turns, or tumbleturns as Suzie calls them, to your advantage in the swim.... and that you don't have to worry about passing anyone either!
2012-01-14 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Good luck Andrea!I am getting mentally set for a polar plunge tomorrow. Looks like highs will be in the low 30's. Brrr. Not sure what the water temp will be.
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