BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-07-04 10:01 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

Originally posted by oldSAP i'm also thinking of getting a clipless. what kind did you have? shoes, pedals? shimano r540 seams nice for a new user like me because it's cheap and the reviews are great, costs $33.00 here. but then i saw the speedplay zero pedal but costs 120$ i think and i have to get them from the US.

I got these Shimano 105 pedals-this was for the pedals and cleats. The shoes were separate. I got these mainly because of cost, (and recommendations and really good reviews) though I like them so far. Clipping IN is very easy. Clipping OUT is a little more difficult, but hopefully will get easier with practice. 

If money was not an issue I would have gotten the Speedplays.  Hilde uses Speedplay - she can probably give you the pros on them.

thank you for the input Melody.

calling Hilde

2013-07-04 10:31 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I have Shimano Ultegra pedals and my wife uses Look pedals. I think the only difference other than price bewteen the 105 and the Ultegra besides price is weight.
2013-07-05 6:38 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

Originally posted by oldSAP i'm also thinking of getting a clipless. what kind did you have? shoes, pedals? shimano r540 seams nice for a new user like me because it's cheap and the reviews are great, costs $33.00 here. but then i saw the speedplay zero pedal but costs 120$ i think and i have to get them from the US.

I got these Shimano 105 pedals-this was for the pedals and cleats. The shoes were separate. I got these mainly because of cost, (and recommendations and really good reviews) though I like them so far. Clipping IN is very easy. Clipping OUT is a little more difficult, but hopefully will get easier with practice. 

If money was not an issue I would have gotten the Speedplays.  Hilde uses Speedplay - she can probably give you the pros on them.

I have the Shimano 105's too.  They seem to work fine.  I need better shoes though.  They are not as stiff as I really need.  They were a good beginner shoe.  I got the cheapest shoes I could find.  Wish I had splurged a bit for something stiffer.  So this may be something to think about.  They are perfect for commuting but not great for racing.

2013-07-05 6:46 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Just ordered some new running shoes - Brooks Adrenaline GTS.  My old standby.  I've been running in Brooks PureFlow since last September but they seem to have lost all cushioning with less than 200 miles on them.  My feet actually hurt after my workouts.  Any run that is over 40 minutes or so anyways.  I have two pairs and both have less than 225 miles on them.  So I think the PureFlows are perfect for training for a 5K distance but anything longer and they are no good for me for running.

2013-07-05 7:05 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Melanie, good to know on the Brooks Pure Flows... 200 miles and worn out, NOT good!! 

I've had regular SPD pedals (mountain bike), SPD-SL 105's and whatever the model lower is, they were black, and now the Speedplays.  The Speedplays will cost more, although check Ebay, you might find a deal, I think the Light Action Chromoly's are $114 new.  I found with any of the SPD-SL style pedals, I HAD to look down to clip my foot in EVERY time, with the Speedplays I can feel it and just step down and click and go.  The SPD's will not stay parallel to the ground, they kind of hang down and you can only use one side, whereas the Speedplays are double sided.  Melody, they will get easier the more you use them, they are probably a bit stiff because they are new.  You can also adjust how easily they will let your foot unclip, there's a screw somewhere.  I could never unclip my left foot by swinging it out, I had to turn my heel towards the bike to unclip.  That habit was a bit hard to unbreak with the Speedplays because you HAVE to push your heel out to unclip.  It seems that the higher in level of pedal you go, (as in more $$$$), like Scott said, it's more about weight.  I just got new bike shoes, not spensy ones, so I hope I don't run into what Melanie did with them not being stiff enough... I find it ironic that I have no problem spending $200 for a pair of bike shoes and I won't spend $50 for a pair of casual shoes, ha ha!!!  Oh another thing on the the bike shoes... TRI bike shoes will have one wide Velcro strap, road shoes sometimes have this ratcheting thing .... think about transition, much faster to slap that Velcro over then be trying to get multiple ratchet thingies done up when you're breathing heavy from the swim!!

2013-07-05 6:34 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
@Scott, thanks for pointing this out. i might go for the r540 since it's cheaper

@Melanie, any road shoe brand you'd recommend? i've got a wide feet, think fins :D I've been running with NB Minimus Zero roads and i've had 800miles from them and still counting. ran in muds, trails, heavy rain, sandy beaches. sure they've got an inch or so tears on them but they still work so i still use them

@Hilde, for a completely newbie to clipless, would you recommend the speedplays over r540? if the price isn't an issue? also, should i go for tri shoes instead of regular road shoes?

thanks guys for your time.

2013-07-05 8:08 PM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

Melanie, good to know on the Brooks Pure Flows... 200 miles and worn out, NOT good!! 

I've had regular SPD pedals (mountain bike), SPD-SL 105's and whatever the model lower is, they were black, and now the Speedplays.  The Speedplays will cost more, although check Ebay, you might find a deal, I think the Light Action Chromoly's are $114 new.  I found with any of the SPD-SL style pedals, I HAD to look down to clip my foot in EVERY time, with the Speedplays I can feel it and just step down and click and go.  The SPD's will not stay parallel to the ground, they kind of hang down and you can only use one side, whereas the Speedplays are double sided.  Melody, they will get easier the more you use them, they are probably a bit stiff because they are new.  You can also adjust how easily they will let your foot unclip, there's a screw somewhere.  I could never unclip my left foot by swinging it out, I had to turn my heel towards the bike to unclip.  That habit was a bit hard to unbreak with the Speedplays because you HAVE to push your heel out to unclip.  It seems that the higher in level of pedal you go, (as in more $$$$), like Scott said, it's more about weight.  I just got new bike shoes, not spensy ones, so I hope I don't run into what Melanie did with them not being stiff enough... I find it ironic that I have no problem spending $200 for a pair of bike shoes and I won't spend $50 for a pair of casual shoes, ha ha!!!  Oh another thing on the the bike shoes... TRI bike shoes will have one wide Velcro strap, road shoes sometimes have this ratcheting thing .... think about transition, much faster to slap that Velcro over then be trying to get multiple ratchet thingies done up when you're breathing heavy from the swim!!

Charlie- this is where Hilde was talking about tri shoes vs road shoes.

As far as running shoes- do you have the option of a running store where they can check out your stride? If so I would go there for your first pair. Foot shape is a part of what type shoe to order, but if you pronate and how you tand (forefoot, heal, etc.) also matter. If not LRS, I would google as much info as possible and buy from a run shoe store with a good return policy like Road Runner Sports- they let you try a running shoe for 90 days and if it is not the shoe for you you can return.

Edited to add- money is an issue with me concerning almost everything I buy for Tri- but running shoes are one thing I refuse to skimp on.

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-05 8:13 PM
2013-07-06 10:51 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Charlie, if money is no issue I would go with the Speedplays... on the bike shoes, it's up to you, if you intend to race a lot, the tri shoes will save you time in transition.  I kind of have a hybrid shoe right now... it has 3 Velcro straps that hold the shoe on your foot, but no ratcheting thing, probably not as fast as one wide Velcro, but I can make the shoe fit better.
2013-07-06 3:31 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hey all!  I know I've been MIA lately - the last 2-1/2 weeks have been a bit crazy for me.  We spent 5 days in Maine with DH's family for my FIL's burial.  It was so nice to see everyone but strange to not have him there.  And work has been a little "challenging" lately.  It's the end of the fiscal year (which for an accountant means lots of work in a little time) plus we had a bunch of people retire and my job has changed some because of that.  All boils down to lots of stress and not much working outFrown.  I'm thinking I'll take it easy this weekend with an easy bike tonight and short run tomorrow and then try to get back into my training plan starting on Monday.  It's a scheduled cut-back week so seems like a good time to try to get back into the swing of working out.  I'd still like to get a tri in this fall if I can - just have to find one that will work schedule-wise.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

2013-07-06 6:43 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

 Janet- I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law. A loss is always so hard.

2013-07-07 2:48 AM
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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
is there any big downside to using flat pedals and wearing running shoes compared to road/tri shoes with clipless pedals?

another question, what should i adjust if after 15-20km on my roadie, my right leg feels a little numb? i haven't experienced this with my mtb even on longer rides

@janet, sorry to hear you loss

Edited by oldSAP 2013-07-07 2:50 AM

2013-07-07 5:15 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Charlie- as I understand it the main advantage of being clipped in is you are able to use the same power on the up stroke as the down stroke, making the power you use much more efficient.

THIS BT THREAD from a few months ago has a neat diagrams showing which muscles are used when on the pedal stroke.

HERE is  a Livestrong article on the benefits.

Personally my main reason for going to them was I believe i will get faster with clipless pedals than I ever would without them. I had bike shoes for a while before I put the new pedals on. Just riding with the stiff bike shoes and cages I could tell I was much more efficient than with sneakers. Riding clipped on feels 100% more efficient. 

2013-07-07 6:28 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I'm back from vacation with 6 weeks until my next week off. I got in many walks, a few short bike rides, one OWS swim and one measurable easy bike ride with 8 yr old. I didn't log any of them. Maybe the 7+ mile ride and 300 meter swim will get entered once I finish this post.

So in the next 6 weeks, I'm going to reign in the eating. My weight has crept up since Memorial Day. Prior to vacation I let too many junky things in large quantities return to my desk at work. During vacation at my Mother's house I find it difficult to eat well.

I have plenty of fresh veggies coming my way. I joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) at a farm a few miles from us. I'll get a large canvas shopping bag full of food each week. Last week was kale, swiss chard, iceberg, cucumbers, English peas. This week is kale, leaf lettuce, snow peas, snap peas, basil, yellow squash and one big zucchini.

I signed up as a way to force myself to try different veggies. I may see these veggies in the store or farmers market, but I wouldn't buy most of them. Now I'm forced to find recipes and try them. Last week's kale and swiss chard turned out pretty good. I think my Mom was scared, but she enjoyed them as well.

As for exercise, I plan to swim often during my son's swim practice and maybe on Friday evenings in the lake. I plan to continue strength work. I will also take my bike back to my office and ride at lunch when possible.
2013-07-07 7:20 AM
in reply to: rustymom

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Lots going on with the Beasties... Janet, sorry work is beating you up, but glad you are getting back to your training plan!

Andrea -- I thought you must have been on vacation with all those blank days, so unlike you!  I'm trying to reign in the eating too.  I used to be able to put my mind to it and the pounds would just drop away.  Now I put my mind to it and I drop a pound, wtf?!  UGH.

Charlie -- clipped in shoes and pedals ARE much more efficient, but you only realize that when you try them.  The only good thing for using tennis shoes and flats is the time you will save in transition.  I rode a bike in tennis shoes and it was horrible, I kept lifting my feet off the pedals on the upswing!  Besides, I think being clipped in makes you "one" with the bike, !

2013-07-07 6:19 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Thank you Melody and Hilde for the explanation and for the articles. i'm now more convinced at getting one. just need to convince myself to shell out another few $$ :D
2013-07-08 7:32 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Charlie -- x2 on going with clip-in.  You'll generate more power and be more efficient.  With respect to right leg going numb.  Might try to adjust seat height just a bit or move seat forward or backward just a bit.

Andrea -- Welcome back!  Vacations are hard.  I have no discipline when I am on vacation with respect to exercise (I don't do any), food (I eat constantly), and booze (sometimes we start before noon!).  We did CSA for two summers.  Really liked the first year but the second year wasn't as good an experience.  We did discover Kale Chips as a good way to use kale.  I am also a big fan of Mark Bittman and love his book, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.  Everything I have tried from this book has been good.  The Vegetarian Times website is also full of good recipes.  Good luck!  Sounds like a bunch of us are in the same boat -- trying to eat healthier and have some self control.

Last week was a really good training week for me.  I am hoping to build upon that and have two really good training weeks in a row.  Today is a swim day.

Happy Monday, everyone!

2013-07-08 7:41 AM
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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Kale Chips!! I love Kale Chips.

That being said, that is not what I was munching on the last few days (head hanging in shame)

BUT- its Monday- a new week and I am ready to eat right!! AND log my food consistently!!!

I was suppose to run this morning but did not because I have literally had a pain in my a$$ since Saturday. It is either extreme upper hamstring or my glute muscle. I noticed this after my ride with my clipless pedals Saturday morning so I am thinking maybe I just used some new muscles. I rolled it yesterday with a tennis ball and it is better today, but not completely so I thought I better not push it.

Melanie- will check out Mark Bittman and his book- sounds great

BTW- i found some extra instructions for using the other wire to get cadence in my bike computer. I just need to figure out exactly what the crank is and the chain stay Thank God for Google 

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-08 7:46 AM
2013-07-08 12:40 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Here is a nice graphic.  I have to try and find another one I really like.


2013-07-08 12:41 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Here is a nice graphic.  I have to try and find another one I really like.

2013-07-08 12:43 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Here it is!!


Bike.jpg (81KB - 23 downloads)
2013-07-08 1:07 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
VERY COOL!!! Thank you!!! Working on bike tonight!!!!

2013-07-08 6:29 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by hoffsquared

Here it is!!

3rd time's the charm
2013-07-09 4:32 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Melanie, those bike diagrams are very helpful, thank you!! They make me realize how much I DON'T know about bike parts!!
2013-07-09 6:53 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hello all you wonderful Beasties! Wow, lots going on since I last checked on the forum. Time is such a precious commodity right now, I barely have time to log my workouts on BT mobile. Have an actual light week of work, and no work at my second job. Bad for the bank acccount but good for training time. The next 5 weeks are the peak part of the IM plan and the hours are LONGGGGG!!! My partner has gone to visit her sister in Myrtle Beach for the next ten days, so I'm "batching" it. Bless that girl's heart. She left me stocked with enough groceries to feed an army! I tried to tell her my Mama lives less than a mile away, I ain't gonna starve! But she's a responsible Capricorn like that! Training is going great. I'm really upping the bike miles as this is the advice I'm getting from everyone who has done IMLou. The bike course is brutal, with TONS of hills. So just wanted to drive by and say "howdy" to everyone! Time to walk the furbags and take advantage of some extra sleep time by being in bed by 8 PM. Thanks everyone for the inspires, they really help with motivation. I'm gonna sit my butt down tomorrow night and catch up with everyone's training logs! The Beasties ROCK!
2013-07-09 7:37 PM
in reply to: shadow67

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by shadow67

Hello all you wonderful Beasties! Wow, lots going on since I last checked on the forum. Time is such a precious commodity right now, I barely have time to log my workouts on BT mobile. Have an actual light week of work, and no work at my second job. Bad for the bank acccount but good for training time. The next 5 weeks are the peak part of the IM plan and the hours are LONGGGGG!!! My partner has gone to visit her sister in Myrtle Beach for the next ten days, so I'm "batching" it. Bless that girl's heart. She left me stocked with enough groceries to feed an army! I tried to tell her my Mama lives less than a mile away, I ain't gonna starve! But she's a responsible Capricorn like that! Training is going great. I'm really upping the bike miles as this is the advice I'm getting from everyone who has done IMLou. The bike course is brutal, with TONS of hills. So just wanted to drive by and say "howdy" to everyone! Time to walk the furbags and take advantage of some extra sleep time by being in bed by 8 PM. Thanks everyone for the inspires, they really help with motivation. I'm gonna sit my butt down tomorrow night and catch up with everyone's training logs! The Beasties ROCK!

I hear ya on the LONGGGG! hours of training-- that's where I am, too! When is IMLou? Keep plugging away at those miles-- I have no doubt that you'll kick all kinds of behind on the course!
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