BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-02-29 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1243437

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-02-29 9:24 AM

I have serious case of demotivation.- abdomen is meh.... diet is for , just feeli like sleeping all the time 


Totally understandable with the tummy thing on your mind. Hopefully the doc can provide some explanation and RELIEF. Then a couple of good workouts should cure the blahs...

I'm with ya about wanting to sleep all the time. Hopefully yours is just 'cuz you're physically tired and not 'cuz you're in a mental funk....If I get 6 hours a night it's alot.

The diet thing, IMO, is meant to be flexible. No harm in eating junk now and then (for me, now AND then). As long as I'm not eating McDonalds every meal, I don't worry so much about the actual food. I DO try to eat enough so that my fuel stores are adquate for training.  I'm sure the nutrition police out there will say I'm doing myself a disservice by eating "poorly" and/or without structure. They are probably right, but its one less thing for me to stress about when I just eat what I want.

Hang in there, doood.

2008-03-01 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1094997

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Edited by hhpvbtri 2008-03-01 8:41 AM
2008-03-01 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1245587

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
hhpvbtri - 2008-03-01 8:39 AM

I just got home from my 5k and yay another PR!  They only clocked the chip at the finish but I was pretty close to the front for the start and my official time was 28:42 (and some seconds I couldn't memorize).  Will have to wait for the web results to see where I actually placed this time.  It actually does work if you just keep at it, you eventually will get better! 

 And I have to say as much as I hated getting up this morning to race at 8am, it's sort of nice to have already accomplished that and be home by 9am (race was pretty close).

I just checked my time from the 5k the other weekend and I took and entire minute off!  I think part of that was the course - the other weekend we were turning all over the place and this one had just two turns.


Way to go on the PR!!!!  You're turning into quite the speedster!

2008-03-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1245587

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
hhpvbtri - 2008-03-01 8:39 AM

I just got home from my 5k and yay another PR!  They only clocked the chip at the finish but I was pretty close to the front for the start and my official time was 28:42 (and some seconds I couldn't memorize).  Will have to wait for the web results to see where I actually placed this time.  It actually does work if you just keep at it, you eventually will get better! 

 And I have to say as much as I hated getting up this morning to race at 8am, it's sort of nice to have already accomplished that and be home by 9am (race was pretty close).

I just checked my time from the 5k the other weekend and I took and entire minute off!  I think part of that was the course - the other weekend we were turning all over the place and this one had just two turns.

Way to go! PR - woohoo!  under 29 - Awesome job!

2008-03-01 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1245587

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Congrats on the PR. You'll be running below 25 min by summer!
2008-03-03 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

monday check in

After a not great last week i am hoping to get back at it this week - almost no running last week - this week will be run concentration early in the week...then the rest before the race.  Goal of course is to better last race - but is there a number to shoot for? 8.25?

 Have a great week everyone!

2008-03-03 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday Check In

Congratulations on your PRs Hilary!  I think I forgot to send an inspire....

I've been having some bad insomnia...not really sleeping well during the few hours I am considering myself asleep.  My brain seems to be affected alot more than my I've been keeping up with my training, but doing stupid things at work.  On the other hand, I'm really happy with my February totals!:

Bike:12h 41m 02s  - 233.1 Mi
Run:13h 44m 03s  - 62.66 Mi
Swim:7h 20m 32s  - 12624.32 M
Strength:5h 01m
Chiropractic:2h 00m
Dancing:01m 30s
Massage:4h 10m
Physical Therapy:4h 42m
Skiing:2h 15m
Snowboarding:3h 30m
Stretching:5h 27m 42s

2h 04m 11s


2008-03-03 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
I just realized...I danced for an hour and a half at the sock hop, not one minute 30 seconds
2008-03-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: ...
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2008-03-03 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1249083

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
re fuel/hydration belts I have the amphipod 4 bottle system - love it! - nice job on the running!
2008-03-03 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
I have the Nathan brand--currently only a 2 bottle, but will be needing a 4 bottle one shortly.  I got mine in pink and some % goes to breast cancer research.  I've been very happy with it as I can't drink from a cup while running without making a mess and not getting much of the water in my mouth   These squirt right in.

2008-03-03 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!


Had a weekend full of wedding planning, party at a colleague's house, went to see Angels and Airwaves, chopping the 2" of ice that was caked on my sidewalk, and last but not least, a trainer ride last night.  I'm leaving the office right now to go home and go running!

2008-03-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday Check-in:

Officially my HIM training program starts tomorrow! 20 weeks to SOR!

Weekend workouts consisted of a Brick on Saturday and a 10K endurance run on Sunday. My son spent most of the day Sunday at a baseball camp at UW-Whitewater. My run Sunday was in and around campus.

It's been fun to watch my son's interest and skills in baseball increase over the last couple of years. I look forward to the new Brewer season as we have a 20-pack season ticket package for the fam. Should be good times.

Saw "Vantage Point" on Saturday afternoon. Decent movie, but we saw it on the "ultra screen". I knew as soon as I sat down that I was way too close to the screen. To see the whole screen one had to scan quite a ways back and forth, up and down. Combine this with fast-moving action and I developed motion sickness half-way through the movie. What a panzy! Kinda took the fun out of the flick. Not doin' that "ultra screen" thing again unless I sit WAY in the back.

2008-03-04 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Don't have a whole lot to post.  Just wanted to bump us off the 2nd page!!!!!

I leave for Houston, TX in 1 more week!  Can't wait. 

I owe PeterAK a DTC training session but it doesn't look like I'll make it anytime soon!

Up to my elbows putting fress coats of paint on the walls of every room in our house as we prepare to put it up for sale.  Just paid to put an ad in the local paper and also posted on  Check out the West Bend, WI listings!

2008-03-05 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-05 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Nice and Sunny in Chicago too  - too bad it's in the 20's- a rare evening swim on tap for me - perhaps another coat of minwax on the cabinets before i go...

 Happy wednesday folks!

2008-03-05 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hi Dave.
2008-03-06 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
back to the surgeon this afternoon. Force,  I hope you're right!
2008-03-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hope the surgeon appt goes well Dave.

I swam at lunch today for the first time in over three weeks.  Ahh, so that's what the pool looks like!  Also going to hit the computrainer tonight for... Gasp... A two-a-day!!!

Force, which half plan are you on?  I just printed the BT beginner half plan and am going to make that my new plan of action, subject to modifications for other races.

Happy Thursday everyone!

2008-03-06 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1255007

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

trixie - 2008-03-05 7:05 PM Hi Dave.

Hi Trix...

2008-03-07 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1256392

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

daveo1101 - 2008-03-06 11:34 AM back to the surgeon this afternoon. Force,  I hope you're right!

Hope all went well. Any answers from the surgeon?



2008-03-07 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1258186

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Well.. .. ..  Had nice chat and not so nice physcial exam by the surgeon.  - The good news - Hernia repair is sound -  no evidence of infection  or other obvious malady. - Bad news - he doesn't know what  it is - he thinks I am healin slowly - advice - keep exercising being sure to warm up .. - take NSAIDS as needed - Ice as needed and wait another 2 months - at that point we will be 7 months post op - F/u then.  If it is still bothering me  we'll do a CAT scan to see what is going on and possible referral to Pain specialist

 I don't feel like anything is resolved

2008-03-07 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1258375

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hang in ther buddy! (bad sentence considering where it hurts) It gets better. I went through the exact same thing when I had the procedure. I can remember about 3-4 months after the procedure I went swimming got out and stretched to put on my socks and felt a pull and a pain like I had just gotten out of surgery. It takes time for the scar tissue to break up and loosen up. And by the way, nearly 4 years after surgery, the boys still ache every now and then. Just a fact of the procedure.
2008-03-07 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Bummer Dave.  Hope it does heal up over the next two months.  Did the doc say not to push it when exercising? 

Happy Friday all.  Nobody racing this weekend, right?  Today is a rest day for me after working out five in a row.  Tomorrow have some wedding plan stuff to do, watching Marquette B-ball on tv, and a run.  Sunday going to hit up the computrainer.

Have a great weekend!

2008-03-07 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1259408

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

I am racing this weekend - last race of the series - I'll pay for it later but while I'm racing I'm fine. No he said to keep exercising - just ice and NSAIDs as needed

 Have a good one and thx for the words of encouragement...

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