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2011-08-31 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Rachel: sorry to hear about the race. You will be back. It's a great accomplishment to even be able to get to the starting line.
Roni. Good luck in Hawaii. Wish I was going but I would only be able to carry your bags

2011-08-31 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

A few days old now so perhaps you've seen this already.  I just got it.    Maybe one of the most emotional images i've ever seen.  Had to share....

This is Petty Officer Jon Tumilson's dog Hawkeye at Jon's funeral.  Jon was one of the 38 SEAL's killed in the helo incident earlier this month over in Afghanistan.  I understand Hawkeye is going to lead Iowa out of the tunnel on Saturday in their opening game.  

more here




2011-08-31 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3666889

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-31 2:14 AM

Well after a big weekened of IM watching, it's time to look at those calendars again!  Are you racing?  Tell us the all about your secret strategy to make the most of the day!

For the rest of us, what's on tap this Holiday weekend?  Time to make the most of the Summer!

No racing for me...well, I'll be racing around packing this weekend so I can just relax on Wednesday after dropping off Ripley and Mochi to their respective babysitters.

Good luck to Roni and Rob on their races!!!

Congrats on your two new babies, Matt!

Here's my month:

August's totals:
Bike:30h 40m  - 524.88 Mi
Run:15h 41m 24s  - 119.84 Mi
Swim:14h 50m 40s  - 34220 Yd

Pretty proud of swimming as much as I did...almost as many hours as running!  Now THAT's Crazy...but it happens when 4000 yd swims take twice as long as Kylinda would take...Still proud, nonetheless.   


2011-08-31 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3667720

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Havin'Fun - 2011-08-31 1:33 PM

Just wait.  Believe it or not they get alot more expensive the older they get.  I say that and mine are only 10, 9, & 7 1/2.  I'm sure others with older kiddos can chime in even more. Smile

Chiming in here, and all I will say is .....  OMG, you have no idea how expensive they get!

No racing here.  Good luck to all our Racing Peeps.  REPRESENT!!!

2011-08-31 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

No racing for me this weekend; just more work.

Rachel, congrats on making it to the starting line.  You'll be back, stronger and better for the experience.

Roni, have a great race!

Rob, good luck x2!

John, I hadn't seen that pic yet; thanks for sharing.  After Falling Man this morning on Yahoo!, I need some people of wal-mart to balance things out.


2011-08-31 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3667673

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-31 11:07 AM
Havin'Fun - 2011-08-31 1:20 PM

Sorry about the bike and the wedding ring.  But a huge congrats on the baby!!!    

its actually mine not his but don't tell him cause i'm up to my ears trying to pay for three kids. 

matt you better not spit in the coffee i just ordered!  congrats on the kiddo!!!!

check out the last page after you place an order.  it appears there are a few lines on there that may not need to be there...


Checkout Success Sample Text ...

A few words about the approximate shipping time or your processing policy would be put here.

This section of text is from the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin.

Thanks for the order John, I successfully resisted the urge to label it: Cadmus' "Special" Blend given the comments above. 

I did include a test tube and a subpoena, please provide some saliva for testing .  At least one of these kids might be able to attend private school!!!

2011-08-31 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3667768

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-31 1:58 PM

A few days old now so perhaps you've seen this already.  I just got it.    Maybe one of the most emotional images i've ever seen.  Had to share....

This is Petty Officer Jon Tumilson's dog Hawkeye at Jon's funeral.  Jon was one of the 38 SEAL's killed in the helo incident earlier this month over in Afghanistan.  I understand Hawkeye is going to lead Iowa out of the tunnel on Saturday in their opening game.  

more here




Everytime I see this photo it rips my heart in two.

2011-08-31 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Yeah, that is really sad.
2011-08-31 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3668088

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Terps421 - 2011-08-31 3:23 PM Yeah, that is really sad.

2011-08-31 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

just noticed a dumb error in my last post.  38 total killed, not all navy boys.

looks like he was a triathlete as well. 

2011-08-31 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3667452

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
cadmus - 2011-08-31 12:29 PM

Hey guys, you may have noticed I've been a little absent the last 6 weeks or so (or maybe you haven't, I wasn't exactly keeping pace with Tony and John's post count).  So here's a little update on the happenings in the Cadmus household.

Let's start with the losses: 

 My wife's mountain bike, which also served as her every day bike, was stolen.  Cost of Home Owners deductible and increased premiums over 3 yrs is a wash with the replacement cost, so I think we're just going to eat it and find a bike that's more suitable to her current needs (it was full suspension, she hasn't hit the trails much since the kids came along).

We had a nice vacation at the beach, except for the part about me losing my wedding ring in the Pacific Ocean.  Thankfully it was a team effort in losing it, so my wife isn't mad at me .  Replacement is on its way, but can't get here soon enough.  If I have to explain one more time to the cashier or barista why I don't want to meet up with them for drinks or be introduced to their sister, I'm going to lose it.... ok, that might not be entirely true.

Now for the awesomeness that has taken me away from training and my friends here.....

My wife and I have started a small business, selling freshly roasted premium coffee.  Getting this started has occupied the majority of my 'spare' time the last 6 weeks.  The biggest efforts being building a website (I guess I'm not as geeky as I thought) and drinking a lot of coffee to see which roast levels are best for each bean (rough, I know, but someone has to do it).  Wander on over and check it out if you're tired of drinking stale, over-roasted coffee. 

In my other spare time I've been doing some contract work for a company out of Seattle.  I really enjoy this work and the company is great, hoping this will pan out to a full-time gig. 

And the biggest news - through all of this other stuff going on, my wife and I managed to find some time to ourselves and are expecting another child next year. 

Probably more than you wanted to know aboout the Cadmus clan, but hey - you didn't have to read it all


2011-08-31 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3666889

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-31 5:14 AM

Well after a big weekened of IM watching, it's time to look at those calendars again!  Are you racing?  Tell us the all about your secret strategy to make the most of the day!

For the rest of us, what's on tap this Holiday weekend?  Time to make the most of the Summer!


1st Oly for me this weekend.  Strategy . . . . go easy and enjoy--seriously, that's it.  I'm also going to try to work on the mental part of my run....the part where I say f-it and just want to walk.  Any suggestions for this??

2011-08-31 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3667046

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-31 9:01 AM

Post 'em peeps....what're you proud of????

For me, happiest having made it through 1 BIG DAY and 2 tough Century Races and taking 1st AG/3 Female OA in one of them.  Hope this pays off come 9/11!

August's totals:
Bike:42h 15m 21s - 725 Mi
Run:16h 56m 32s - 112.36 Mi
Swim:17h 39m 01s - 40588 Yd


August's totals:
Bike:10h 03m 45s  - 166.82 Mi
Run:8h 28m 41s  - 45.13 Mi
Swim:5h 34m 48s  - 13418.5 Yd

 I feel like I must have been slacking in August, but going back to work on the 11th really cut into my training time.  Need to take that into consideration when scheduling races for next season. 

2011-08-31 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

No racing for me this weekend. Here are my August numbers, most I have ever swam in a month:

Bike:18h 38m 13s - 346.28 Mi
Run:13h 40m 23s - 78.98 Mi
Swim:15h 11m 50s - 40833.2 Yd
2011-08-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

No races for me this weekend.  I have a long run on tap - only 1.5 hours as the tapering has started.  I'm also hoping that when I see the doc tomorrow he gives me the clear to start swimming again.

August was one of my best ever, but the swimming was off.  No comparison to the numbers racked up by Suzy and Kim -- awesome.


Bike:22h 56m 09s  - 364.52 Mi
Run:15h 01m 35s  - 97.84 Mi
Swim:11h 36m 07s  - 15000 M


2011-08-31 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3668346

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Brent - good luck with your move!

Matt - Congratulations on the baby! I'll be ordering up some Hardy Har Harrar in honor of my grandfather, whose favorite joke ended "hardy har har".

Rachel - I'm sorry about Louisville, but try not to let it get you down. You should be proud that you took on such a tremendous challenge. And the next time will be better!

Rob, Roni, and Jayne (and anyone else I missed) - good luck with your races this weekend!

Suzy and Kim - you're both amazing.

John - I hadn't seen that picture, thanks for posting it. That was a devastating day.

Edited by gotta run 2011-08-31 9:42 PM

2011-08-31 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3668424

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

No racing for me this weekend, just hanging out with the kiddos.

Here are my numbers. I feel good about keeping my run volume up during a month when it wasn't easy to fit in training. 

August's totals:
Bike:9h 36m 30s 
Run:22h 33m 38s  - 154.22 Mi
Swim:4h 17m 31s  - 15580 Yd


2011-08-31 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3668424

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Wanted to chime in and wish the racers good luck this weekend, as well, as congrats for a new kid! 


My stats aren't as high in the run/swim (since I'm not doing any more tris), but I think it's the highest volume in biking...and it's going to get higher next month.

Las Vegas had two triathlons cancelled...including the 5150. It was claimed that Permit wasn't acquired or wasn't given.  All I can say is...wth?

There may be a small chance that I will do a late triathlon - November.  I got time to train. Since I already will have a great cycling base, and would be training for Half-Mary. I can knock this out without any problems.  The $55 pricetag isn't bad either. 

2011-08-31 11:46 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


August's totals:
Bike:20h 19m 48s  - 468.31 KM
Run:2h 12m  - 18.12 KM
Swim:8h 35m  - 18600 M
Strength:2h 05m

Had to stop running again a few weeks ago and still not sure when I'm going to brave giving the knees another go, probably next Tuesday.

Well, I'm now finished with the off-season and am officially back in Spring training. My first tri will be a mini-sprint in early October and then an Oly - The Noosa Triathlon - on 30 October. This is one of the biggest triathlons in Australia and attracts 5000+ competitors including teams.

After that there's lots of sprints around and I've entered the Mooloolaba Triathlon - another Oly but also an ITU race.

2011-09-01 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3668262

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-08-31 7:59 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-31 5:14 AM

Well after a big weekened of IM watching, it's time to look at those calendars again!  Are you racing?  Tell us the all about your secret strategy to make the most of the day!

For the rest of us, what's on tap this Holiday weekend?  Time to make the most of the Summer!


1st Oly for me this weekend.  Strategy . . . . go easy and enjoy--seriously, that's it.  I'm also going to try to work on the mental part of my run....the part where I say f-it and just want to walk.  Any suggestions for this??

I have a strategy in mind when my head starts talking to me!  In longer races, I tell myself well ahead of time, "I will only walk the water stops to get some nutrition in and then I must run!".   There are definitely times where I have wanted to walk well ahead of those points, but for me it is a good carrot.

2011-09-01 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


August's totals:
Bike:20h 20m 40s  - 323.94 Mi
Run:6h 39m 46s  - 42.58 Mi
Swim:2h 57m 10s  - 8350 Yd

Happy with the riding I did this month, but the swim portion took a back seat.

Good luck to the racers this weekend, my next race and probably last tri for the year is next weekend.

2011-09-01 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3668262

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-08-31 8:59 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-31 5:14 AM

Well after a big weekened of IM watching, it's time to look at those calendars again!  Are you racing?  Tell us the all about your secret strategy to make the most of the day!

For the rest of us, what's on tap this Holiday weekend?  Time to make the most of the Summer!


1st Oly for me this weekend.  Strategy . . . . go easy and enjoy--seriously, that's it.  I'm also going to try to work on the mental part of my run....the part where I say f-it and just want to walk.  Any suggestions for this??

I know where you are at.... once I give into that thought it is all downhill(well actually seems like uphill), if I was to do my Oly over again today i would start out really ...really ....slow and pace zone 1 or 2...and then just see how it goes....

You are going to do great !!!


2011-09-01 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3667333

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

tricrazy - 2011-08-31 11:41 AM Hey all.  I haven't been on BT is almost a month and it was a crazy month.  I had IMKY this past weekend and things didn't go very well.  The short version is I DNFd the day.  The paramedics pulled me off the course at mile 95 of the bike.  It was extremely disappointing.  I am going to try again in few years I think when my kids are a little older and I have more cycling experience.


Needed to chime in on this I can't even wrap my head around attempting to do an IM yet. So just getting out there and doing your best is impressive to me, and trying to do it with a family to raise doubly impressive...


2011-09-01 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Quick question...

     If you were fitted at one bike shop, and decided not to go back because of various reasons.   After a while, you realize you need to get a better fit on the bike (in my case it was swapping out saddles and seatpost after a LBS screwed up the screw), so you go to another shop based on a high recommendation from a friend.  That bike shop takes a look at your bike, and informs that the bike is too big (in my case)/small.   Who would you believe in? 

In my case, I got an offer on replacement frame of a smaller size directly from the bike manufacturer, and the only way I can get it is through bike shop #1 (authorized dealer).  After getting my head kind of bit off - (fitter's wife btw), she basically says that the fitter stands by his analysis EVERYTIME, and blames me for not going to them for getting fit. "If the fitter believes in that you should be in a particular size, then that the size you should have, however, you are supposed to come in every few months or so to get adjusted".   She did email the bike manufacturer, but I feel like I'm gonna get screwed in this whole saga.  She claims that the fitter has been doing fits for 15+ years and knows his "-hit". The silly thing was, when I told her, "I would like you to contact the company so I can get a frame in size 44cm." She says, "They do not make it in that size, only 48cm or bigger."  I proved her wrong...*eye roll*

I'm not doubting Fitter #1 ability.  What IF I will be better in a smaller size?  I was told by Fitter #2 that I would be more comfortable, more powerful on the hills due to slightly different geometry/smaller geometry.

Anyone experienced something similar to this?  Where two shops (not just bikes, but cars for example is another thing) have conflicting advice, and BOTH are known to be great fitters/shop. 

2011-09-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3668765

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
CyborgQueen - 2011-09-01 8:52 AM

Quick question...

     If you were fitted at one bike shop, and decided not to go back because of various reasons.   After a while, you realize you need to get a better fit on the bike (in my case it was swapping out saddles and seatpost after a LBS screwed up the screw), so you go to another shop based on a high recommendation from a friend.  That bike shop takes a look at your bike, and informs that the bike is too big (in my case)/small.   Who would you believe in? 

In my case, I got an offer on replacement frame of a smaller size directly from the bike manufacturer, and the only way I can get it is through bike shop #1 (authorized dealer).  After getting my head kind of bit off - (fitter's wife btw), she basically says that the fitter stands by his analysis EVERYTIME, and blames me for not going to them for getting fit. "If the fitter believes in that you should be in a particular size, then that the size you should have, however, you are supposed to come in every few months or so to get adjusted".   She did email the bike manufacturer, but I feel like I'm gonna get screwed in this whole saga.  She claims that the fitter has been doing fits for 15+ years and knows his "-hit". The silly thing was, when I told her, "I would like you to contact the company so I can get a frame in size 44cm." She says, "They do not make it in that size, only 48cm or bigger."  I proved her wrong...*eye roll*

I'm not doubting Fitter #1 ability.  What IF I will be better in a smaller size?  I was told by Fitter #2 that I would be more comfortable, more powerful on the hills due to slightly different geometry/smaller geometry.

Anyone experienced something similar to this?  Where two shops (not just bikes, but cars for example is another thing) have conflicting advice, and BOTH are known to be great fitters/shop. 

WOW, there is an awful lot going on in this post!

There are people in this group far wiser than me on the whole bike fit issue, but as someone who went through this last year let me ask a few questions:

1. What are the credentials of fitter #1 and fitter #2? are they Serrotta certified? FIST certified?  I really wouldn't give a crap if they fit 10,000 people if they have no real training to do so. 

2. If the manufaturer is willing to swap bikes, are they admitting there is a fit issue?  If so, who cares if you have to order it through fitter #1? do it and if you feel more comfortable with fitter #2 have him do any modiciations necessary.

3.  Riders and styles change over time.  My initial saddle worked fine, until I started riding way more aero.  Change the saddle and other stuff might need to change as well.  Find one fitter you trust and stick with them.  I wish I had done that before I plunked down some serious change on a bad bike for me.


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