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To race or not to race
Do the sprint2 Votes - [5.26%]
Do the Oly0 Votes - [0%]
Just take pictures33 Votes - [86.84%]
have some pizza - at a RESTAURANT, you freaks1 Votes - [2.63%]
dump her like a hot potato1 Votes - [2.63%]
Let me take her pace booty picture1 Votes - [2.63%]

2009-07-22 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2302110

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Subject: RE: To race or not to race
monroeduck - 2009-07-22 2:15 PM

ultrahip_00 - 2009-07-22 2:08 PM

i think it really isn't too big of a deal - but i am going to not race.  i have a HIM 2 weeks after that anyways. . and i just raced last weekend.  i don't think i've ever attended a race and not raced.  it will be fun to watch her though and cheer her on.

and KSH - yes, he must be lucky.  my gf is pretty straightforward normally, and when she isn't, i can usually figure it out quickly, as we have been together almost 4 years. .

Get on one knee at the finish line. Step up.

I am only kidding and its none of my business but that one be one heck of a way to pop the question.

A friend of ours did that at the New York City Marathon about five years ago. They were on `Good Morning America' ...

2009-07-22 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2302160

Salisbury NC
Subject: RE: To race or not to race
thegoddess - 2009-07-22 2:32 PM

Make this one all about her -

Sorry I thought i was in the how to keep your relationship exciting thread.
2009-07-22 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2302170

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Subject: RE: To race or not to race

monroeduck - 2009-07-22 3:36 PM
thegoddess - 2009-07-22 2:32 PM

Make this one all about her -

Sorry I thought i was in the how to keep your relationship exciting thread.

It works for both. Heh.

2009-07-22 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2302081

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: To race or not to race
monroeduck - 2009-07-22 2:04 PM

KSH - 2009-07-22 1:56 PM

ultrahip_00 - 2009-07-22 10:50 AM

my gf is doing her 2nd sprint on Aug. 2nd.  it will be here first race w/an OWS.  there is also an OLY that day.

i would like to do the OLY, (i have done 3 oly's before), but she did express that she wanted me to be able to take pictures of her. .
she says it isn't a big deal if i do one of the races.
she has came and taken pictures of me atleast 4-5 races (she didn't want to race at those)

so, do i:
do the sprint?
do the OLY?
not race and take pictures?

When she says, "it isn't a big deal", does that mean, "read between the lines- don't race and take pictures- I'm testing your love for me"... or does it really MEAN "it isn't a big deal"?

Based on which one of those you pick, you have your answer.

Because I can tell you, if I don't my boyfriend that he could race and it wasn't a big deal... that's what it would MEAN. He could race. If I wanted him to really take pictures, I would tell him to take pictures and not race. I say what I mean.

You have a lucky boyfriend

He does love me for that. He never has to read between the lines with me. I say what I mean. No testing his love or dedication to me.

2009-07-22 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2302160

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: To race or not to race

thegoddess - 2009-07-22 2:32 PM

Make this one all about her - there will be other races you can do together.  So just wear you most peacocky race shirt/hat/etc and smile and shake the cowbell and take pictures and tell her how great she did.

I've tried to be pretty careful about what I wear when supporting my wife at a race.  For me, I won't wear a race shirt from a longer or more prestigeous race to her race, because I want it to be about her accomplishment, not mine. 

2009-07-22 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2301509

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: To race or not to race

I say you should make it all about her.  Buy her a pink race belt or something, and make a sign, shake the cowbell, take a ton of photos (and delete all scary ones...."yes you are gorgeous every minute, it is incredible!")  . . . 

Reap the rewards.

PS-us ladies are very complicated and we aren't about to change!!

2009-07-22 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2301509

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Hailey, ID
Subject: RE: To race or not to race
My wife did her first race this year, and I raced by her side, stayed with her the whole time and made it about her. Maybe should would like that, or maybe she would rather have you take pictures. Either of those two, but do not race your own race, beat her or don't show up
2009-07-22 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2302534

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Subject: RE: To race or not to race

McFuzz - 2009-07-22 6:43 PM

thegoddess - 2009-07-22 2:32 PM

Make this one all about her - there will be other races you can do together.  So just wear you most peacocky race shirt/hat/etc and smile and shake the cowbell and take pictures and tell her how great she did.

I've tried to be pretty careful about what I wear when supporting my wife at a race.  For me, I won't wear a race shirt from a longer or more prestigeous race to her race, because I want it to be about her accomplishment, not mine. 

You are very considerate, Mike-what a lucky gal you have...and being selfless and humble is a great quality.  And Doug is also selfless and humble, but I want everyone to know my man is a competitor, not some lazy bum.  IM shirts are hot.  Just saying. And if he is not racing, it means he is watching kids so I can race, so I think the race shirts keep his head in the game.

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