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2011-01-20 2:03 AM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi Laura et al, 

Sorry, not enough time to read all the messages at the mo but am very keen on tagging along with your group.  I am Canadian also, living in Bangkok; married mom with two kids + two jack russells who love basketball (don't ask!)  Long history of various sports but in my adult years spent a lot of time paddling + more recently started playing rugby at the age of 36.  Seven years on I've been told to get off the pitch or risk a crippled retirement!  My brother Mark has always been a great inspiration and has completed more than 150 triathlons ... I've always watched in awe so have finally pulled my finger out and registered for the Mekong River International Triathlon on Sunday March 27th.  This weekend Sun Jan 23rd we have a crazy Bangkok dash race with 9 phases ... my first tri @ tri so to speak.  I'll most likely end up running with my bike cleats or swimming with my bike helmet by the end of it!  I look forward to reading about you all and following 'our' progress!  Bridget

2011-01-20 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi My name is Mark, and would like to join this group if stil open.

Quikly I competed in a tri a tri last year and would like to compete in 2 sprint tri's this year, and a couple of 10-15km road races.

I have a background in running, biking and some swimming.

When time permits I will fill in more info

Thank you.
2011-01-20 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Hi my name is Bill and I would like to join your tri-mentor group.  I like that you have experience across the board with various distances in multisport. Since my goal is to work my way up to doing full and my dream to do Maui, I feel I could benefit from your experience.

I am a late bloomer…I decided to compete in my first triathlon at age  57  I have done two tri's in the past during the 2005 season with the Leukemia charity group Team in Training.  I struggled during my training season because of developing bronchitis. I raced with difficulty but completed each race by pure determination for those who fight leukemia on a daily basis and never give up. So I was not going to quit fighting either.

   I had plan to continue my quest the following year, but decided to returned to school. My workload was to great to fit in any tri-training the first year. The next year I started training. I had plan to race in the St Anthony Olympic distance triathlon. The day I was going to sign up I was involve in a auto accident in which I ended up tearing my right rotator cuff in two places. I went through rehab but still had to much pain to be able to compete even the next year. At that point I decided to have corrective surgery, but had to wait because of ongoing litigation. That summer I had the surgery and rehab and started to train for the 2009 race which I signed up for. Maybe I am not suppose to run this race because have way through I developed bronchitis again. I withdrew this time since I had the option to freeze my entry to this year.  The race is on May 1, 2011. I am considering doing a local sprint race two weeks before hand.

 I have started my pre-conditioning training two weeks ago and I am slowly picking up the pace. I will start my swimming this week, I am a couple of days behind because I had a fall with my bike this weekend after a ride and have road burn on my knee. I decided to wait a couple of days before getting into the pool because it was pretty raw. Today will be my first day.

 Swimming is definitely my weak leg of the race. I struggle all the time with it. I need to improve my breathing technique because I find myself dead in the water to the point of hyperventilating. Any advice that you can share with me here would be helpful. Your swimming experience is another reason I pick you as a mentor.

 I am in the process of updating my profile and logs on BT so you can look at them and make suggestion with my training. I have about twenty pounds to lose. I am confident that I can do this since I have been a certified personal trainer in the past. I am pretty good with wait loss management and nutrition. I will have to figure my nutritional needs in for this type of rigorous training while still achieving my weight loss goals.

  am totally looking forward to working with you and any advice that you may have would be deeply appreciated. I know as a personal trainer that having someone to motive and guide you is most valuable when trying to achieve any type of physical or athletic goals. Like they say “Dream with out a plan is nothing but a dream!”

Looking forward to working with you,
Bill Pickert
Member ID billyd36

2011-01-20 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

I'm new...and interested in joining the group time to get othere details up now, but I'll post some more details soon.

Short story--have done some running races (15k, 1/2), and a couple of cycling events, but looking to try my hand at a tri this summer.


2011-01-20 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Are you still taking Mentees?


Was a varsity athlete in high school and club athlete in college.  My workouts pretty much ended there, except sporadic gym trips.  I seriously miss being in shape and actually do love to workout.  I realized I just flat out will not work out unless I have a reason too   Once I get to the gym I have a great time and work hard, but making myself go and finding time around school & work is the hard part.  I have always hated to run, but completed a 5k in November.  Decided it's time to step it up!

Single with 2 monster dogs.  I live with two roommates, one I'm trying to talk into joining me in this!

 Nothing!  For about 4 weeks now I've been going to the gym 2-3x a week, I'll run some and hit the weights.  I need a deadline and motivation!

I'm looking at doing "The Rookie" in mid-April, it's a 300 meter swim, 11.2 mile bike, and 2 mile run.  My thoughts are to train for it like it's a Sprint distance though.  I'll see how I do and how I feel about this, and go from there!

I was always very muscular, was a size 3-4 and "overweight/obese".  My body composition is very different now, so I'm not sure how an ideal weight for myself.  I probably need to lose about 30-40 lbs.  I've never had to get back in shape, I think that will be the biggest hurdle for me.

 I'm very competitive.  I am commited to getting healthy and back in shape.  I picked a triathlon for the well-roundedness (is that a word??)  I am very nervous about this, so will be super open to advice!  I'm easily coached.
2011-01-20 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3307666

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi!  I saw your post about bike fit, but a lot of people had already replied.  Did you get it sorted out? 

I'm impressed with monthers with kids that find the time to tri.  I know i will struggle with it when DH and I start having kids. 

Welcome to BT, like the others, I recommend that you use the logs on here.  It doesn't take much time and will make it easier to track your progress.  I've used other logs before, and i really like this one.

2011-01-20 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3307780

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Mike, you will have plenty of time to focus on biking when the weather warms up, so no worries.  As I said previously, i did my first tri on a clunky old mountain bike and didn't start bike training until March.  I think if you focus on swimming and running right now, you should be in good shape for the summer
2011-01-20 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3307825

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Elena. 

I love working out but without races, I lack the motivation to get to the gym/get outside.  I wish I could stay in shape if I didn't have a goal I'm working towards, but the truth is, I'm too much of a type A person. 

I find excersize is a great way to relieve stress so it should be helpful with wedding planning.  If you have to miss a workout here and there don't let it add to your wedding stress.  Enjoying your shower and bachelorette party are more important.
2011-01-20 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3308817

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Are you biking on an excersize bike or a spin bike?  If a spinning class do what the instructor is doing.  if you are on an excersize bike, i would bike more for time than distance.  If you want to, you can throw in a few harder intervals to help build your cardio capacity.  The one thing is that riding a bike outside is quite a bit different than an exersize bike, but riding an exersize bike is better than nothing.
2011-01-20 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3308856

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Amanda.  I think that sounds like an excellent gift to yourself and it sounds like you have a great start on things.  Sweet things are totally my downfall as well.

Strength endurance - the thing that has worked the best for me is a combination of strength training and plyometrics.  That said, I'm not consistent about it these days

Nutrition while working out or nutrition in general? 
2011-01-20 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3309435

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Welcome to BT Melissa, it looks like you have a great start to triathlons!

2011-01-20 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3310142

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome Crystal!
2011-01-20 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3310338

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Bridget.  you will have it all figured out soon

I used to play rugby as well.  I was a prop and a lock.  I had to give it up too after i had ACL reconstruction surgery.
2011-01-20 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3311252

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Mark!!!
2011-01-20 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3311622

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Bill!  you are such an inspiration

When you are swimming, do you breath out while your face is in the water?  If not, that will make it a lot easier for the breathing.  I breathe out through my nose, but others I know breath out of their mouth instead.  Also, it helps to slow down a bit.  kind of like running, it doesn't help anything to swim anaerobically all the time.
2011-01-20 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3311846

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Welcome to BT Ginny!

2011-01-20 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3312111

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Welcome to BT Sara!

The thing about running is, that if you keep it aerobic, it is a lot easier and much more pleasureable.  I'm much like you though, if I don't have a reason to workout, I find it hard to get the motivation.

Do you have any background in swimming and biking and have you picked a training program yet? 

Also, having a workout buddy is great motivation, but if you can't convince your roomie to be a workout buddy, you can have a virtual one.  I didn't know anyone in real life that was training for IM Florida, but there was a great people here on BT that I shared my training with that made it feel like I wasn't out there all alone.

2011-01-20 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3312294

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Daffodil - 2011-01-20 7:01 PM

Hi!  I saw your post about bike fit, but a lot of people had already replied.  Did you get it sorted out? 

I'm impressed with monthers with kids that find the time to tri.  I know i will struggle with it when DH and I start having kids. 

Welcome to BT, like the others, I recommend that you use the logs on here.  It doesn't take much time and will make it easier to track your progress.  I've used other logs before, and i really like this one.

Thanks I have sorted out my bike fit. It's so helpful to have access to all this information and advise on BT. Especially when I don't know anyone else who is into triathlon.

I have started logging my training on BT. Hope I'm doing it correctly so you can see what I've been up to and can offer heaps of encouragement along the way!

Looking forward to seeing more comments from you...
2011-01-20 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3307799

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Thanks for the link.  Very helpful so far.
2011-01-20 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3307550

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hey Laura.  I'll be taking some swimming lessons in Fergus to improve my technique.  This may be a silly question, but is there any drawback to working on my cycling endurance outdoors at this time of year (from a training standpoint)?  I see you're getting a lot of mentees now so if you have a chance to respond it's very much appreciated.
2011-01-21 1:34 AM
in reply to: #3311622

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hey Bill ... your 'dream' quote has just become my quote of the year!  Awesome!

2011-01-21 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3312515

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
goingbald - 2011-01-20 10:14 PM Hey Laura.  I'll be taking some swimming lessons in Fergus to improve my technique.  This may be a silly question, but is there any drawback to working on my cycling endurance outdoors at this time of year (from a training standpoint)?  I see you're getting a lot of mentees now so if you have a chance to respond it's very much appreciated.

Wow!  you are much braver than I am.  There is no problem with biking outside, I just get way too cold when it is under 10C.  I can do short distances up to 5C but my feet turn to ice pretty quickly.
2011-01-22 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Closed
When I swim, is it OK to just swim for distance or time, or do I need to incorporate drills?
2011-01-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3315122

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Closed
doxie - 2011-01-22 11:50 AM When I swim, is it OK to just swim for distance or time, or do I need to incorporate drills?

I would incorporate some drills in to work on your form.  Stuff like a kick set, swimming with closed fists, dragging your fingers, breathing drills.  I don't think it is necessary to do speed work yet.  I would work on building endurance and form before adding speed sets.  This is particularly important for swimming because form is everything, even without doing the speed work in the pool, you will make huge time gains just by improving your form.
2011-01-24 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3312310

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Thank you for your encouraging words!

Since I don't have a bike, I am limited to stationary bikes at the gym, but I am building up my resistance and pace while I save enough to buy a bicycle. This morning I went to my first spinning class and it kicked my butt!! But I felt very proud for completing it (45 minutes on a bike! first time ever!!) Laughing It made me think of how will I feel when I cross that finish line on my first sprint triathlon!

I got my swimsuit today , so I am officially starting my training tomorrow! I have been walking and biking but not swimming. I switched to a shorter training schedule (12 weeks) because when I looked at the 22 week one I realized I was able to do more than expected for the beginning weeks. I f I feel challenged I will double up that week...

Anyway.  Thank you for your time and any help you can offer.
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