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2008-04-24 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1358818

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2008-04-24 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1358997

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2008-04-24 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1359438

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2008-04-24 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Just popping in to say "hello" to Verna and also thank her for being a mentor! I had the privilege of meeting her at IMCA. Oh, and I'm a TCSD member, too. You guys and gals are lucky to have her as a mentor...she's a real "tough" sweetie!
2008-04-24 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1359971

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Open :)
mixie - 2008-04-24 12:02 PM
flinster - 2008-04-24 8:58 AM

...I'm still intimidated by the open water swim, but I am sure that I will get braver as I get more endurance built up in the pool.

That's great you have a club, I bet they will have some practice OWS swims and maybe even a clinic. Is it a calm swim? I know a lot of the sprints out here are in a bay or harbor so it's protected from waves and current.


Open water swim (OWS) was one of my biggest concerns too up until recently. I was nervous about it, I had hard time breathing in my wetsuit, I kept thinking that I am going to drown before I'll reach the shore and so on. I even bailed out on a club race (Did Not Show) because of that.

You are absolutely right about building endurance in the pool. I heard a tri coach saying that the recommended ratio is 3:1 or in other words, you need to be able to swim comfortably in a pool 3 times the distance that you are planning to swim during your OWS. This is not to say that everyone who does OWS can do this, but I truly believe that whomever can do it, does pretty well in OWS.

As Verna suggested, attend group OWS and/or clinics. Let the instructor know your concerns and don't be afraid to ask (any) questions. I learned that they add a tremendous value to your confidence. Tips and lessons learned during those sessions will stay with you forever.


2008-04-25 5:00 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
What is everyone up to today?  I have a run on my schedule.  I'd LOVE to run outside in our nice 70 degree weather BUT, my hubbie headed out to sea today (Navy Submarines).  So, the kids and I will head to the YMCA and I'll hit the dreadmill.  5 miles for me, how about you?

2008-04-25 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1360243

New user

Subject: RE: mixie's group Open :)

Thanks for all of the OWS hints.  The good news is that my first tri is a pool swim...we have been practicing this...learning to pass people in the pool, five second delayed starts, all that good stuff.  I expect to start trying some of the OWS clinics once I have this first race under my belt.

 On a completely different note, I had a new first yesterday--I swallowed my first bug while riding my bike.  Still not sure how that happened, but bugs are good sources of lean protein, right? 

2008-04-25 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1360963

New user

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

ebshot - 2008-04-24 6:00 AM What is everyone up to today? I have a run on my schedule. I'd LOVE to run outside in our nice 70 degree weather BUT, my hubbie headed out to sea today (Navy Submarines). So, the kids and I will head to the YMCA and I'll hit the dreadmill. 5 miles for me, how about you?

 I did a 7-mile bike and 3-mile run yesterday.  The weather in Richmond is gorgeous right now, so it was great to be outside.  I'm taking today off, in preparation for an 18-mile ride and 1 or 2-mile run tomorrow morning.

 How long will your husband be out at sea? 

2008-04-25 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1360963

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

ebshot - 2008-04-25 3:00 AM What is everyone up to today?

Rest day for me. My body was waiting for this... 

2008-04-25 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1361220

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
flinster - 2008-04-25 9:48 AM

 How long will your husband be out at sea? 

 With the sub force, I am not allowed to say.  It's classified info.  So, if I told you I'd have to kill you.  It isn't too long though.  

 This group is already helping me.  If I hadn't posted that I was doing 5 miles, I think I would have quit at 1.  I was tired and just wanted to go home!  I am very glad I finished BUT, I'm ready for a nap! 

2008-04-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1361939

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Edited by mixie 2008-04-25 2:24 PM

2008-04-25 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
My weekends are primarily devoted to family obligations, and only if time permits - to my training. So, I always feel lucky if I manage to get a work out in during the weekend. This is not optimal - but the best I can do...
2008-04-25 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Happy Friday everyone!

For me, today was supposed to be a rest, but since I'm NOT doing anything tomorrow (in prep for a 10k on Sunday) I'm going to do a short, slow recovery run with my roommate and the bike up to my friend's house tonight.  Both will be slow and easy (I'm hoping!). But the ride will be uphill *sigh*

This weekend I think I'm going to hit some golf balls and then Sunday is a local 10k.  I think I'm going to use it as a time trial and base my training zones off of it. We'll see. I fear that the course is hilly so that might throw things off a bit. 


2008-04-25 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Not much for me this weekend.  I have a  two hour tri training class tomorrow with focus on the bike.  After that, I am hoping to jump in the pool for 1000-15000m, time permitting.  My daughter has a Brownie costume dance (how funny, she's 7) so I'll have to keep an eye on the clock.  Sunday is an off day and I can't wait!  It has been a busy/crazy week.  Mass at 9:00 and nothing else!!!!!!  Okay, I say that but I am sure I'll end up at least gardening.  Gotta get my veggie plot ready!  
2008-04-25 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Dang you all for snapping me back to reality from my "easy recovery day"!!!

Tomorrow I have a 2100m swim with speed work -- all at a 2:00 pace or faster.  Then it's off for a 60+ mile group ride.  A hilly group ride.  However, I'm on-call and may have to go to work for a short while.  If that's the case, then I get to do three or four loops around a local lake by myself.  I hate riding by myself and would rather do the group ride, even if it is hilly.

Sunday is a rest day - yippee!!!

2008-04-26 12:48 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-04-26 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Thanks for letting me into your group, Verna. I was so impressed by your story/success when we met last month, so I'm really glad to be here.

NAME: BunnyB / Melissa

STORY: I'm 44 years old, so it looks like I'm the ol' fart of the group. I'm originally from Tennessee, but I've been living in southern California for about 11.5 years. Ever since the first time I saw one of the Kona races on TV, I've been intrigued by triathlons and wanted to do one. However, I was extremely overweight (330+ pounds) at the time, so I just shelved that notion immediately. LOL

After having lost some weight and successfully recovering from a multi-level spinal fusion last year, when my friend Terri (MrsUSMC) mentioned she was interested in doing a tri, I was immediately on-board with the idea. So, here I am. My first race will be the Subaru Women's Triathlon Series down in San Diego on October 19.

The scariest part of that for me that I'm still struggling to actually learn to ride a bike. I never learned how as a kid. Yes, that's right, I actually signed up for a triathlon before mastering how to ride a bike.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm divorced and live alone. Like Verna, I have a pretty demanding job and a nasty commute. I work in the IT department of a large research and development center that supports the Air Force. I commute ~30 miles each way for work, so I'm losing a good 90-120 minutes each day sitting on my a$$ in a car.

I'm seriously considering moving closer to my work when my lease is up at the end of August just to regain some valuable time in my schedule. The other advantage of living up in the Redondo/Hermosa Beach area is that it would provide a lot of opportunities for biking on The Strand and working on my OWS. I would even be close enough to work that I could ride my bike which would be nice, too.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now, I'm just kind of winging it. Since I'm still doing more walking than running when I "wog", I've been focusing on increasing the time of my running segments. My plan is to start the Pates sprint training plan on May 18 which will take me the 22 weeks up to my tri in October. Even though the race I'm doing is a super sprint, I thought I would use the sprint training plan. I figure if I train for the sprint distance, then I should have no problem finishing a super sprint. I've been toying in my head with doing the Tinsel Tri sprint distance race in Hemet in mid-December, too.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Mostly running events. I've already done two 5ks this year and have 3 more on the books over the summer (May 25, June 14, and July 26). There is also a 10k option at the July race, but I haven't decided if I'm going to just work on improving on my 5k race, or if I want to challenge myself and go for the longer 10k distance.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is definitely another major challenge area for me. I have lost nearly 80 pounds from my top weight, but I still have a long way (100+ more pounds) to go before reaching my ultimate goal. I had been a lot closer, but ended up regaining a lot of weight during the 18 or so months of my back issues which ultimately resulted in the surgery. So, I'm back at it again. Let me tell you, having to lose the same weight again that you had previously lost sucks! LOL

I've really found myself having a LOT of anxiety related to my weight lately, too. I have a massive fear that I won't be able to find a wetsuit that fits. I've already accepted the fact that I'll most likely have to buy a man's wetsuit since ones designed for women rarely go above 175 pounds or so, but even that terrifies me because 1) I'm short (5'4") and 2) I'm extremely round since I'm a apple shape. While I know I need to let that motivate me to eat clean and stick with my food plan, I find myself emotionally eating, usually junk food, when I start feeling anxious about it which definitely doesn't help the situation.

Ok, I'll stop now before this turns into a short novel. I know, too late. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all better.

Edited by BunnyB 2008-04-26 9:49 PM
2008-04-27 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Welcome Melissa!  So, you are the old fart and I'm the crazy lady with all the kids! Surprised  Funny!

I too have been intrigued with triathlons since I saw a Kona race on tv about 15 or so years ago.  My goal has been to finish a tri before I turn 30 (I turn 30 in December!).  So, this is it!  My first on is June 8.  I rode the bike course yesterday and it took me about an hour to complete the 14.4 miles.  Cry  I was pretty disappointed.  I really thought I'd be faster.  Oh well, I'll keep training and get my bike tuned up. That can't hurt! 

Oh well, I'm off to make lunch for the kids.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend. 


My training is a nap today!!! Wink

2008-04-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1352162

New user

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Welcome to the group, Melissa!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! It was gorgeous here on Saturday...I got in a 12-mile bike ride (instead of the 18 I had planned) and a 1-mile run. Had to cut the bike short because I had volunteered to help my church fix up a house on Saturday afternoon, and I didn't want to arrive too late.

Yesterday was rainy and gloomy--perfect day to buy a new saddle for my bike. I have also decided to get brave and switch to clipless pedals. My bike is currently in my living room, getting a makeover. Anyone willing to take bets on how many times I will fall off my bike in the next few weeks? Got any hints for me?

2008-04-28 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Thanks, ladies! It was insanely hot here this weekend. We actually had a record high of 106F yesterday. Thankfully, it was a planned rest day for me, so I stayed inside with my new best friend -- the air conditioning. LOL
2008-04-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1366013

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Hi Meilssa! Welcome to the group!


flinster - 2008-04-28 7:19 AM

Yesterday was rainy and gloomy--perfect day to buy a new saddle for my bike. I have also decided to get brave and switch to clipless pedals. My bike is currently in my living room, getting a makeover. Anyone willing to take bets on how many times I will fall off my bike in the next few weeks? Got any hints for me?

HI think that you'd be surprised that it won't be too bad. You can start off by practicing clipping in and out on a spinning bike or on your bike if you have a trainer. It will help you getting comfortable with it. Another thing that I did - when I first got mine - was to ride with one clipped in shoe and one standard (un-clipped) sports shoe (I know it sounds funny). But then, I imagined that the non-clipped shoe cannot be removed off the paddle and when I need to stop- I need to dismount the clipped shoe first. I rode that way for a while - until I felt confident enough dismounting safely. Finally, the paddle I use (a cheap brand) have an adjustment screw that controls the force required to dismount. I set it to the minimum. Now, does that mean that I did never fall off my/with my bike? No!! Just yesterday - it happened to me for the first time!

Good luck! 

2008-04-28 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Okay, heart rate question.  I tend to run high in my heart rate.  160 is average for bike and 170-180 average running.  Today on the treadmill, I was trying to get my heart rate lower to no avail.  I had to walk/slow jog to keep it in the 160s.  My tri group on Saturday was pretty shocked to hear how high my rate is.  What does everyone else think?  Some said I should talk to the doc.  Advice?
2008-04-28 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1366724

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2008-04-28 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1352162


Columbus, WI
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Our beautiful weather in Wisconsin decided to take a major turn on Friday back to cold with a chance of snow tonight, so I am back inside riding the bike and running at the gym. The cold weather this weekend did give me a chance to get in to a running store to have my shoes looked at and they were able to make some adjustments with arch supports which will hopefully take away some of the leg and back pain I get when I run.

Yesterday I did 14.5 miles on the bike and ran 3.1 miles on the crosstrainer. This afternoon I am planning to swim 1000m. Hopefully, by the end of the week I'll be able to get back outside but it doesn't look to promising.

I am another one that has issues with my heartrate. I have not really gotten a good reading on the bike yet, but when I run I top out at 175 and have a hard time going below 160 unless I am walking. I do have exercised induced asthma and use an inhalor before each workout, so this may be causing the increased heartrate. I still plan to ask my doc about it when I see her next week.

2008-04-28 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I agree with Verna that it is always a good idea to consult with your doctor first - before engaging with high effort cardiovascular activities. Once cleared by a physician, I would identify my HR zones (which are different for running and cycling) and check myself against them at all times. When I exceed my targeted HR zone, I slow down (to whatever speed it takes) for it to get it under control. According to other's experience, after training enough, it will eventually improve overtime.

Here is an article with some of the basics. 

Hope it helps. 

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