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2008-04-25 11:54 PM
in reply to: #1360697

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the great welcome Caius, I love the chart too!  Well my first tri is in just less then a month now...worry has not set in yet just nervous and excited to do it.

I am trying my first brick workout this weekend (its not supposed to snow!) I'll let you all know how I do with that.

Have a great weekend!


2008-04-26 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1363128

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

feel free.  It is adapted from the new "Horton Hears a Who" movie! Wink

Edited by Invigilator 2008-04-26 8:14 AM
2008-04-26 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1363210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Gloria - I think you and I are living the same life!  I'm also a bit nervous about my first tri on June 1, and here in Calgary it looks like we will finally be getting spring!

Enjoy your brick!


2008-04-26 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I ran my 5k today at a nice pace for me, finished in a 23.32 which so far is a good time for me but i know i can do better and have it in me to do better. The body worked right today, only cramped alittle but i muscled through it.

all in all it was a great time.


- Jameson

2008-04-26 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Great run!!
2008-04-26 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1363305

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Invigilator - 2008-04-26 9:13 AM
It is adapted from the new "Horton Hears a Who" movie! Wink

What that movie any good? I missed it at the theather though my daughter kept asking to go to see it. If it's decent I'll pick up the DVD for her when it's out.

Hey, you know...who says we can't talk about non-tri stuff?

2008-04-26 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1363447

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Yeah, awesome run Jameson! That's a very good time. Oh to be that age again. I WISH I had been involved in sports when I was younger. What was I thinking messing around with computers?

Edited by caius 2008-04-26 1:05 PM
2008-04-26 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1363355

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
tracyhmcd - 2008-04-26 10:29 AM in Calgary it looks like we will finally be getting spring!

Yeah well, here in Toronto, we had 25ºC (that's 77ºF for our friends in the US of A) last week and now they're calling for chance of some wet flurries for this coming week! Huh? Crazy stuff.

2008-04-26 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1363210

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
triidahogirl - 2008-04-26 12:54 AM

I am trying my first brick workout this weekend (its not supposed to snow!) I'll let you all know how I do with that.

Good idea! The transition from bike to run is a great one to practice. Do a ride that's similar in terms of distance and speed to what you're going to do in your sprint and then start running. If you're not used that feeling it will be quite interesting. Your legs will feel heavy like lead but should come back to normal within 5-10 minutes. Don't overdo the run as bricks are pretty damaging to your muscles. Just run until your leg muscles feel like they've made the transition from biking to running. You'll know it when you feel it.

It's probably a good idea to do bricks at least once a week going forward.

Let us know how you made out.

2008-04-26 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1363526

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the advise on the brick workout, I haven't gone out yet just waitng another hour for some warmer weather... we get a lot of our weather from our friends up north in Canada here...if we  don't like it we just wait a minute and it changes lol.

How do I add everyone in the group to my BT friends list , I have looked around the site and can't figure it out yet?

Also for my first tri  I am renting a wet suit, the water should be about 60 F that day...the local bike shop is renting Profile wetsuits...has anyone ever used one or know how they fit? At my weight I need the men's one XL, but it's made for guys up to 6ft 2in...I am only 5 Ft 5" tall...what is the most important measurement to go off of for sizing ?  I don't want to invest in buying one till I hit my goal weight , I have about another 60 lbs left to go, wow I remeber when that number was triple digits !


2008-04-26 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Rest day today.  Took an easy spin thru the 'hood on ye olde comfort bike.

78 degrees, sunny, flat pedals... cotton t-shirt.... tennis shoes...  thick padded seat...  upright handlebars....

Nice change from the rigors of training.

The other day, I was reading a Triathlete magazine from last spring and Dave Scott said people who do sprints should do a brick workout once a week.  (I think it is the Kona edition from last year.)  I do know brick workouts are hard on the body.  What are your thoughts, Caius?  Once a week?   I have a sprint coming up at the end of the month.

I'm sure fitness leve has a lot to do with it.  And "just enough to (from bike to run) to get your legs under you" is probably key as well.


2008-04-26 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Thank you! i'm alright with that run today but i think i can do better, i plan on running another 5k in 2 weeks and lowering that time, in my mind its another way to make sure im ready for the triathlon when it comes around at my college in a few months. it's fast approuching and im working harder and harder everyday for it.

I may attempt a 10k or a half marathon after that triathlon but im not sure on it yet, but we will see.


2008-04-26 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1363511

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-04-26 2:03 PM

Invigilator - 2008-04-26 9:13 AM
It is adapted from the new "Horton Hears a Who" movie! Wink

What that movie any good? I missed it at the theather though my daughter kept asking to go to see it. If it's decent I'll pick up the DVD for her when it's out.

Hey, you know...who says we can't talk about non-tri stuff?

I liked it a lot.  There was a bit more added to it, except for the cutting of the musical numbers that were in the old animated version.  My girls liked it a lot.

2008-04-27 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Almost a 7 mile run today in between rain storms.

Our 6 year old and I went to see Horton when it came out.  I remember the original one on TV eons ago.

2008-04-27 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1363697

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-04-26 5:09 PM

The other day, I was reading a Triathlete magazine from last spring and Dave Scott said people who do sprints should do a brick workout once a week.  (I think it is the Kona edition from last year.)  I do know brick workouts are hard on the body.  What are your thoughts, Caius?  Once a week?   I have a sprint coming up at the end of the month.

Absolutely! See my post earlier to triidahogirl. Start doing bricks weekly; but don't over due the distance as it's taxing on the muscles. Just enough to switch over from your biking to your running legs.

2008-04-27 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1363602

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
triidahogirl - 2008-04-26 3:53 PM

How do I add everyone in the group to my BT friends list , I have looked around the site and can't figure it out yet?

1. Click on Control Panel which is located in the top left just under the BT logo.
2. Click on Edit your Training Settings
3. Click on the Friends tab and enter all the BT screen names in.
4. Click on Apply and you're done.

The next time you go to your Training Log page, you should see all your BT friends listed.

triidahogirl - 2008-04-26 3:53 PM

Also for my first tri  I am renting a wet suit, the water should be about 60 F that day...the local bike shop is renting Profile wetsuits...has anyone ever used one or know how they fit? At my weight I need the men's one XL, but it's made for guys up to 6ft 2in...I am only 5 Ft 5" tall...what is the most important measurement to go off of for sizing ?  I don't want to invest in buying one till I hit my goal weight , I have about another 60 lbs left to go, wow I remeber when that number was triple digits !

Never used a Profile wetsuit. The most important measurement is how it fits around your body. It should be snug, not loose anywhere. Almost a little too snug as it will relax a bit when you get in the water.

If it's not too expensive to rent the wetsuit, I would consider renting it before the race so that you can get one or two test swims in. Some people find it a little odd feeling at first until they get used to the sensation of the tight fitting wetsuit.

Beyond that, you will want to get a couple of open water swims in as well if possible as it's QUITE different that swimming in a pool. Especially if the water is nice and dark where you can't even see your arms in front of your face. You want to sort out these issues now as opposed to waiting until race day.

I'm sure you will be fine. I am SO excited for you.

2008-04-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
As a followup to Caius's wetsuit response, I was in a shop on Friday trying on Blue Seventy suits. At just over 6' I figured I would definetly need a tall, and weighing in just under 160 a small = Small/Tall. I ended up trying on 3 suits, in varying sizes/models and the strore owner actually stated that the Small (but not tall) fit the best. So even though I looked like I just stole a short guys's suit (no offense to anyone vertically challenged) I have such a short upper torso that the small looked to be the best fit.

I'm still not 100% convinced, because it did feel a bit snug under the armpit area, where all your movement will be, so I'll still be trying on some more.

Key tip - give yourself a lot of time!! I was in the shop for 1 1/2 hours trying on just 3 suits. They said that if you can get your suit on in under 10 minutes you've done something wrong. I also needed a lot of help getting the arms to fit over me since the suits were new. Once they've been used a few times the material should loosen up.

I'll let you all know how future fittings / struggles progress.

Caius - on a T.O note. Have you ever been to the EnduroSport outlet? They have some 06 Orca's for a really good price, but I'm not sure what to expect in terms of service from an outlet shop.

2008-04-28 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I've been to that location when it was just their regular store, but have never been to their outlet store. As such, I can't speak to their service. In general, I found their service to be hit and miss - it depends who you get.

That said, I did buy my wetsuit from them. It's a Nineteen Pipeline which is their bottom line model but works great. I ended up buying it at the end of the season when they were getting rid of their rental wetsuits.


2008-04-29 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1365485

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Things I learned on my brick workout

Remember to change out of my bike shoes to my running shoes before attempting the run…no I don’t have the clip kind of pedals but I did need the arch support my running shoes provide. I didn’t last too long on the run at all!

Be prepared for my legs to feel like lead, heavy and not very responsive at first.  Is it ok to stretch out  in the transition area at the tri before I start running?

Even two days later I will feel sore if I sit too long in front of my computer at work…good excuse to take a break and go walking outside.

Thanks for all the advice on the brick and the wetsuit. I can rent one at the bike shop here where I live. I need to find a place to open water swim before the race definitely. The “lake” the tri is being done in isn’t really a lake it is a gravel pit that gets filled with water in the summer months. Right now it is still empty I heard it will be filled in a few weeks.
Hope everyone is starting out with a good week !

2008-04-29 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I had my running club last night.  We ran a little over 2 miles, but my left calf started acting up again at about 1.5 miles.  I don't really feel that I am pushing it in terms of pace either.

I think I am going to have to quit this course and take a solid month off of running.  You have no idea how bad this sucks.  This started as an unrealted injury a little over a month ago.  Every time I start doing something good in my life, something goes wrong.  I already have it in the back of my head that this might keep me from doing any races this year.  Since races are what keeps me motivated to train, I feel like I am in a pretty bad spot.

I am not looking forward to today at all.

2008-04-29 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - don't stress too much about taking time off from running. Remember, you're training to be a Triathlete, not a runner. You've still got two other sports to occupy your time, so use those, set some goals, and work your off towards them for the next month or so.

It sucks to be hurt, and I know what you're going through when it comes to running. When I first started getting ready for a Try a Tri last year, I couldn't run 1km. Once I did start running a bit more I found my ankles were in constant pain - the tendons on either side. I had to do the same as you, and took 3 weeks off running completely (it took about that long for the pain to subside). I also went out and bought myself a pair of dedicated running shoes (but ended up spending very little money since I found them in an Addidas outlet store).

Before each run I would take 5-10 minutes to warm up my muscles on my bike trainer, and then would gently stretch, and I found doing some ankle rotations really helped. I now run pain free.

I find I don't need the warmup routine any longer becaue my body has adjusted to the stress of running, and to date I've now managed a run of 13.5K pain free (slow pace). I think you'll find your body will adjust and adapt, and giving it some time off is probably the best thing you could do. So for right now, focus on some pain free time in the pool.

2008-04-29 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1368429

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
triidahogirl - 2008-04-29 1:24 AM

Is it ok to stretch out  in the transition area at the tri before I start running?  

Great job!

Yes, sure it will be ok to stretch in the transition area. I don't know if it will help though. That feeling is just something you have to get used to. And actually, as you practice brick runs more often, the lead legs feeling diminishes a little bit and the transition to your running legs will occur faster. Keep at it, you're doing great!

2008-04-29 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1368581

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Invigilator - That is some great advice that squishybelly provided.

There are a couple of other things you should try.

1. See a physiotherapist/podiatrist and see if there is something biomechanically wrong that you can address somehow.

2. If you haven't already, get fitted for proper running shoes that will work for you. Do you need motion control, stability, neutral shoes? Go to a store that specializes in running and get someone there who really knows there stuff to spend some time with you.

3. Slow your run down even more. As a new runner your sub 6:00min/km pace is still pretty fast. Just as a test, see what happens if you run at 7:00min/km or even slower. There's no shame in going slow. Just see what happens with your calves. Test it out.

4. Check your cadence and stride. Do you take short quick steps or lopping long strides? Try to keep your cadence high (28-30 right food strides per 20 seconds). Try to keep this cadence even if you're going slower than 8:00min/km. A quick candence will put less load on your legs and eventually help you go faster.

5. If you want to keep working on your running endurance while your calf heals don't forget that you have the option to do some aqua jogging.

I can tell you from my own personal experience that when I started, the first 4-5 months were absolutely horrible. As a non-runner, well non-everyting really, my legs were constantly hurting with shin splints, calf pains, heal name it, it hurt. It took my body a good amount of time to adjust to the new stresses but adjust it did and eventually all of the pain went away. The best advice that I ever got in terms of running was to slow down. It's not glamorous and I always wondered what was wrong with me that I have to go so slow while everyone else around me was running so fast.

It just takes time. Give yourself that time and forget about pace. Just worry about distance right now. Of course, do have things checked out in terms of physiology and shoes in case that is something that can help out immediately.

Whatever you do, don't give up. Who's going to win this? You or the 'issues'? You will, of course!

2008-04-29 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1369125

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-04-29 11:13 AM

Invigilator - That is some great advice that squishybelly provided.

1. See a physiotherapist/podiatrist and see if there is something biomechanically wrong that you can address somehow.

My wife said the same thing.  I'll get a referal from my doctor this week

2. If you haven't already, get fitted for proper running shoes that will work for you. Do you need motion control, stability, neutral shoes? Go to a store that specializes in running and get someone there who really knows there stuff to spend some time with you.

This one has been taken care of.  I need stability shoes, and am currently in a nice pair of NB 768's.

3. Slow your run down even more. As a new runner your sub 6:00min/km pace is still pretty fast. Just as a test, see what happens if you run at 7:00min/km or even slower. There's no shame in going slow. Just see what happens with your calves. Test it out.

I'll gev that a try.  I am almost certain I could speed walk a 7 minute Km.  The pace seems easy, but it might be more of an isue of cadence.

4. Check your cadence and stride. Do you take short quick steps or lopping long strides? Try to keep your cadence high (28-30 right food strides per 20 seconds). Try to keep this cadence even if you're going slower than 8:00min/km. A quick candence will put less load on your legs and eventually help you go faster.

Makes sense.  I'll give it a shot.

5. If you want to keep working on your running endurance while your calf heals don't forget that you have the option to do some aqua jogging. 

I am clueless as to this.  I'll have to look into it

Thanks for the encouragement and advice.  I don't like that my body can't keep up with my lungs.  I'll keep working on the swim and bike training, (it has really helped my cardio in the last month).

2008-04-29 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

This is actually a pretty big time for me swim-wise.  I am week 5 of the 0 to 1650 program right now.

5 weeks ago, I could swim about 200 meters continuous.  At the end of next week, I'll be settling in to do 1500 meters.

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