BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2008-12-21 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
NAME: jezzieswims/ real name Jessica
STORY: Just finished my first season of tri after several years of running. I needed to mix it up and all the running wasn't doing good things for my head. Not that I tri I actually love to run again.
FAMILY STATUS: Newlywed it'sjust me and my husband.
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm in HIM training now and am putting in 7-10 hours a week. So far it's going well. While training for oly distance I was putting in 7 or 8 hours and things went pretty well.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 5 tris this season 3 sprints, one relay run and an olympic distance
2009 RACES:  California 70.3 is on the schedule for April 4th I'm still working on the rest of 2009.
WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to drop 5-10 pounds generally to get faster and see lower body fat.
WHAT is important to you next few months: Biking and generally working on getting faster. A little friendly motivation and advice on transitioning to longer distance tris would be very helpful. I love this sport but still have a lot to learn.

2008-12-21 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

NAME: Helen aka aquagirl
STORY: Oh...does it have to be short?? Ok...I am an  NICU nurse. I only work part time so I actually have loads of time to train. I began this journey when the chronic insomnia I had developed from years of shift work was really starting to take its toll on my health. I decided to join a gym and get in shape. I cycled a lot in my twenties and have always loved the water so triathlon seemed natural...I just had to learn to run!! I started with a couple of try tris and was hooked. Last year I did an Oly and a few smaller races. My health has improved one hundred fold. I still battle the insomnia but not nearly as badly as before.

FAMILY STATUS: I am Mom to two fantastic boys, aged 9 and 13 and have been married for 17 yrs.
CURRENT TRAINING:I LOVE to train....if I was not so afraid of getting injured I would happily put in twice the hours I do now....motivation is NOT something I require, common sense is!!!
THIS YEAR'S RACES: As I already mentioned I did an Oly this year as my "A" race. I was pretty proud to have completed it and came in with a better time than I thought I would. I did two other races as well...a sprint-like distance and another race which was shorter than an Oly but all hills. I also did my firt half marathon in September

2009 RACES: For 2009 I am planning to do my first HIM, Timberman at the end of August. I will also be doing another half mary at the end of Feb and then again at the end of May. I am also planning a relay with some BT peeps at Patriot in June.....I will be the cyclist!
WEIGHTLOSS: Well....I am that rare freak that has trouble keeping weight on....have been like this my whole life. Trust me, its not all its cracked up to be.....
WHAT is important to you next few months:
The most important thing that I would like to accomplish this year is to learn to enjoy racing....I train because I love it with every fiber of my being but would happily NOT RACE. I have to get over that.

Other than that I want to stay injury free and enjoy this wonderful journey....I am forever grateful to have been given the gift of good health that lets me pursue this sport! OK.....that sounded really sappy, but its true!!  


2008-12-21 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1866241

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
kaqphin - 2008-12-21 7:03 PM

Hi Ladies - if you have room I really really really want to be in your group. But I dont want to be taking anyone elses spot. 

Im doing my first sprint distance in 3 years in February so the timing of this couldnt be more perfect. 

Other goals: weight loss and getting on my bike more... 


Cat you are welcome to join..I'd love it You have been a support and encourager for me last few years.

2008-12-21 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
No need for your information to be short...long is great as we learn more about you. I've been accused a few times of having awful long blogs.
2008-12-21 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
This going to be soooo fun!!
2008-12-21 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1866267

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
KathyG - 2008-12-22 11:21 AM
kaqphin - 2008-12-21 7:03 PM

Hi Ladies - if you have room I really really really want to be in your group. But I dont want to be taking anyone elses spot. 

Im doing my first sprint distance in 3 years in February so the timing of this couldnt be more perfect. 

Other goals: weight loss and getting on my bike more... 


Cat you are welcome to join..I'd love it You have been a support and encourager for me last few years.

Thanks Kathy!!! Ever since I say you and Judi were doing a group Ive been waiting for it to go up!!! I will go write a nice LONG introduction now...

2008-12-21 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

It looks like Kathy, Jessica and I are all doing the No Sugar Challenge as well.  

And I did notice that the group was predominantly Eastern Seaboard.  I am one of the Sunny West Coasters, but I haven't been able to run in shorts in about a week - too cold.  I have never run in snow, although I have seen it (snow) before. 

Whose triathlon will be first?  I think I am going to aim for a sprint distance in April.   I would have my choice of an open ocean swim tri in Newport Beach on April 19 or a lake swim tri on the 26th. 

About my only piece of training equipment is my Garmin 305.  I love it.  Does anyone else use this or something similar?   

Happy training this week.


2008-12-21 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1864200

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
NAME: Catherine.... but everyone calls me Cat

STORY: Im a 26 year old living in Sydney Australia. I got into triathlon with an enticer race in early 2005 because a friends wanted to do one. I didnt even know how to ride a bike but bough my Trek with the clip in shoes and everything and learnt to ride on that... 

My friend lost interest but I stepped up to a sprint distance in 2006 but got terrible heat stroke and was sick for several days afterwards. I later found out I had a chronic stomach conditions which when active interferes with my bodies ability to absorb water which would have been part of the issue. 

Spent the next year pretty sick and trying to get healthy. Was on some yucky medicaiton that saw me gain ridiculous amounts of weight and struggled to stay active. A year later I started to move again and then got myself on crutches due to a bad ankle injury... a run in with plantar fascitis and runners knee got me to early 2008.

In mid 2008 I got back into the gym with the real motivation coming around my favourite time of year... the Tour De France... to put it mildly Im obsessed about it ... I love love love it! Since then Ive slowly managed to get active consistantly and loose a little weight (much more to go).

In October I signed up for a Womans race and finished... it was an enticer type distance but mentally a MASSIVE victory for me! Slower, bigger but on the mend I adored it - had a lot of run issues during the race and since then I have been working on re-learning how to run as the physio has diagnosed terrible biomechanics as the major contributor to all my issues. 

In the aftermath of my race i started to talk to some women at work about doing a triathlon together in February and we have 17 women now committed to racing a range of distances up to a full sprint. 

FAMILY STATUS: Single - live with one frustrating flatmate

CURRENT TRAINING: Im on holidays right now which means more riding outdoors as I dont normally get much time to do it. Apart from on holidays my plan looks a little like this:

Sunday: Long Ride outdoors  + sometimes a swim

Monday: Intervals on Spin bike + Weights

Tuesday: Tempo Bike + Run/walk on treadmill (Brick)

Wednesday: Off or Swim or Easy ride or run - this is a sliding day

Thursday: Run (intervals) + Weights with PT

Friday: OFF

Saturday: Swim (plus sometimes a ride

Being on holidays this will be changing around a bit and I want to get more running in - especially outdoors. And Ive had a nasty  virus with ear problems so havent been in the pool for a few weeks... good thing my swim is the least of my worries!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Enticer in October 2008

2009 RACES:  Sprint Distance February 1st

WEIGHTLOSS: In the last few months Ive lost just over 10 pounds... current goal is to maintain over the holidays. I have a total of 30-40 pounds weight to loose so Im focusing on good nutrition for fueling my workouts rather than a dedicated diet plan. Its working so far but I suspect things will start to get more challenging at some point! I went MONTHS on a strict plan and didnt loose anything so the last few months have been a revelation!

WHAT is important to you next few months: I would really like to finish my Sprint in a PB time... not having heat stroke will help but Im 30 pounds heavier right now than my last race so that would be a big ask.

I would like to improve my bike skills... and I would like to run regularly as I dont really enjoy it and need a lot of cajoling to actually run. 

Im also looking forward to having a group to share all my questions, last minute race worries etc with because doing this sprint distance - especially when Im responsible for all these other people being signed up - seems really daunting. Especially when they are mostly a lot smaller and fitter than I! 


Edited by kaqphin 2008-12-21 6:43 PM
2008-12-21 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Hi Cat!  Glad you waited for us to go live
2008-12-21 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1866295

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

QueenZipp - 2008-12-22 11:45 AM Hi Cat!  Glad you waited for us to go live

Thanks Judi - I really really really wanted to be in your group! 

2008-12-21 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1866246

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
jezzieswims - 2008-12-21 6:05 PM NAME: jezzieswims/ real name Jessica
STORY: Just finished my first season of tri after several years of running. I needed to mix it up and all the running wasn't doing good things for my head. Not that I tri I actually love to run again.
FAMILY STATUS: Newlywed it'sjust me and my husband.
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm in HIM training now and am putting in 7-10 hours a week. So far it's going well. While training for oly distance I was putting in 7 or 8 hours and things went pretty well.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 5 tris this season 3 sprints, one relay run and an olympic distance
2009 RACES:  California 70.3 is on the schedule for April 4th I'm still working on the rest of 2009.
WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to drop 5-10 pounds generally to get faster and see lower body fat.
WHAT is important to you next few months: Biking and generally working on getting faster. A little friendly motivation and advice on transitioning to longer distance tris would be very helpful. I love this sport but still have a lot to learn.
Hi Jess!  We're shaping up with a nice group now!

2008-12-21 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1857705


Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

Name Chistery/Kathy

I started running last year.  I wanted to do "get moving"  I had the help of "real runner"  you know someone who loves to run.  She pushed  but did not shove. I completed my first 5k and a 1/2 half marathon.  I like that you have experience with sports injuries.  I have had both ankles reconstructed but have the OK from my doctor to do what I want.  When I started to get shin splints he suggested swimming as a better form of exercise.  I asked about a tri he said go for it.  So next year I am planning to do my first tri.

Single w/1 dog

I train on an indoor bike for 30 minutes then run for 15 minutes not swimming yet.  I am undecided if I should join a masters swim team or find a coach.

I am planning on doing the Subaru Womens Tri as my first tri.

As a beginner I would like to learn all I can before my first race.  I have some information but haven't put it together in a plan.

I hope I can join your group.



2008-12-21 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1866305

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Chistery - 2008-12-21 6:53 PM

Name Chistery/Kathy

I started running last year.  I wanted to do "get moving"  I had the help of "real runner"  you know someone who loves to run.  She pushed  but did not shove. I completed my first 5k and a 1/2 half marathon.  I like that you have experience with sports injuries.  I have had both ankles reconstructed but have the OK from my doctor to do what I want.  When I started to get shin splints he suggested swimming as a better form of exercise.  I asked about a tri he said go for it.  So next year I am planning to do my first tri.

Single w/1 dog

I train on an indoor bike for 30 minutes then run for 15 minutes not swimming yet.  I am undecided if I should join a masters swim team or find a coach.

I am planning on doing the Subaru Womens Tri as my first tri.

As a beginner I would like to learn all I can before my first race.  I have some information but haven't put it together in a plan.

I hope I can join your group.




Do you have a swim background to be proficient in a masters group?  Most masters classes don't take a lot of time teaching the strokes so if you're a relatively new swimmer you'll want a coached program at a gym or privately. 

2008-12-21 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
NAME: Hello, my name is Kendra, and my user name is ilucy2...yes after the i love lucy show.

STORY: I started training with a friend who was training for a 150 mile race through the desert, and I really enjoyed running. Unfortunately four weeks prior to my first du, I fell and broke my leg and ankle, which required surgery and several screws. The doc failed to give me PT, and after 6 weeks told me to work the leg hard. Turns out the bones that were screwed together were healed, however all the ligs, and tendons, were torn from my knee down, and I reinjured. They said I would never run again, I am now jogging again. They said I will never race, but I plan to this summer. A race for me is important not only for my mental health, but for my children, to see that I did not give up.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with two children and two guinea pigs. My oldest daughter (10)enjoys running, and was proud that she ran 35 miles for school last year. My husband is extremely over weight, and of no motivational support.

CURRENT TRAINING: My training is all over the map at the moment. I am slowly starting to jog on my ankle, and was lifting heavy but injured my arm in a motorcycle accident. However this I am hoping is temporary. I am trying to jog/stairstep 2-3 times a week, and bike 1-2 times a week. I hate swimming, but will return to that in a couple of months.

2009 RACES: My goal for spring is a sprint tri.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am struggling with the horrible weight gain due to the inability to run. The only excerise that takes it off for me is running. I would like to lose 60 lbs. I was doing the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program, but got discouraged and quit.

WHAT is important to you next few months: I have been able to go two miles on the treadmill, and in the next couple of months I would like to make it to five, without pain. I really would like to lose body fat.
2008-12-21 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Had I not joined another group already I would have joined yours.  Hopefully next year!
2008-12-21 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Texas: Between Dallas & Fort Worth
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Please let me join!
NAME: PacMo/ my real name is Maureen
STORY: I am 39 years old (I'll be 40 in January).  I lost about 30 lbs this past year & wanted an athletic challenge. A chain of events let me to triathlons.  Well, I was planning on training for a 1/2 marathon when I started seeing a guy who is a triathlete.  Then, J-Lo (who I LOVE) competed in a triathlon. Finally, I met my daughter's friend at daycare who is also a triathlete.  I figured it was a sign!!  So, I this is my first season! I will be competing in my first event called "My First Tri" on April 19. 
FAMILY STATUS: I am divorced, 4th grade teacher with 3 kids: 2 teenage boys and a 3 year old girl.  There’s ALWAYS something going on at my place. 
CURRENT TRAINING: I haven’t been following any set training schedule (which is why I joined BT).  I go to the gym 4+ times a week and spend about 30min running, 20 min spinning, & some weight training.  I just got in the pool and nearly drowned!  I need help!
WHAT is important to you next few months: These next few months I would like to figure out how to swim effectively.  I can run and bike okay (not fast, but steady) but I suck swimming!

2008-12-21 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1866396

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

PacMo - 2008-12-21 7:49 PM Please let me join!
NAME: PacMo/ my real name is Maureen
STORY: I am 39 years old (I'll be 40 in January).  I lost about 30 lbs this past year & wanted an athletic challenge. A chain of events let me to triathlons.  Well, I was planning on training for a 1/2 marathon when I started seeing a guy who is a triathlete.  Then, J-Lo (who I LOVE) competed in a triathlon. Finally, I met my daughter's friend at daycare who is also a triathlete.  I figured it was a sign!!  So, I this is my first season! I will be competing in my first event called "My First Tri" on April 19. 
FAMILY STATUS: I am divorced, 4th grade teacher with 3 kids: 2 teenage boys and a 3 year old girl.  There’s ALWAYS something going on at my place. 
CURRENT TRAINING: I haven’t been following any set training schedule (which is why I joined BT).  I go to the gym 4+ times a week and spend about 30min running, 20 min spinning, & some weight training.  I just got in the pool and nearly drowned!  I need help!
WHAT is important to you next few months: These next few months I would like to figure out how to swim effectively.  I can run and bike okay (not fast, but steady) but I suck swimming!
Hi Maureen!  Welcome. 

Does your gym have a swim instructor?  I started swimming with a coach 2 years ago.  He is free with my gym membership.  He took my swim from a step above "put yor face in the water and blow bubbles" aand dog paddles to a smooth stroke.  We've had a few horrific fights in the 2 years together but have come to a great working relationship.  It takes persistence and lots of drills to get a good feel for the water.  Once you have that the stroke becomes smooth and then it's working on speed.  I'm not fast (yet) but I'm still a way better swimmer than I was last year at this time.

2008-12-21 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Can I join too???

NAME: Kristin
STORY: My story is pretty simple really, ran NYC marathon in '00 and '01 and soon after that, met my husband who did tris. He got me in the pool and on the bike and I've been hooked. Raced a few sprints in '04, took two years off having 2 kids and started racing again in '07. Currently, Im a SAHM after teaching for 15 years. I love staying home and playing with my girls. Summers we seem to go to the beach as often as we can
FAMILY STATUS: Married to a very supportive guy who is trying hard to race despite many injuries - he still thinks he can beat me in a race though We've got 2 little girls, Emily who's 3 1/2 and wants to do a kids tri next year, and Kate who's 2 1/2 who's going to look pretty in a tutu and fancy shoes cheering at races - according to her.
CURRENT TRAINING: Currently, I'm kind of doing mostly trainer rides. I started doing Jorge's bike power group but haven't kept up as I'd planned. This year I MUST remain focused and committed which is why I'm here!
THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past season, I raced Escape from Alcatraz, Rhode Island 70.3, and a few local sprint tris. I placed 1st athena in 2 of my sprints and 3rd AG in my last sprint of the season. I was pretty happy with my season. The RI race was my first ever long course and I plan on taking some major time off my finishing time for this coming year.
2009 RACES: Dum, da dum dum.... IM Florida!!!! Im so nervous already! This year I will probably do RI 70.3 again and also an Olympic distance 2 weeks after RI. There's also a local sprint that I'd like to do just becuase I like the race but with IM training, I don't know if it'll work. My husband and I both got into Escape from Alcatraz again but we're almost definitely not going to go. Im hoping he'll be healthy and injury free and we'll train for and complete RI this year.
WEIGHTLOSS: Hoping to get down about 10 lbs. and more importantly, keep it off through healthier food choices. I know my weaknesses will show once IM training starts - eat what I want, when I want b/c I'll work it off. Im going to try hard to not make that happen.
WHAT is important to you next few months: I'd like to learn everything there is to know about IM training and how to keep my family time in tact while doing it!
2008-12-21 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Texas: Between Dallas & Fort Worth
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

I'll check on that!  Thanks.  I was thinking about paying for a coach - but FREE is much better!

2008-12-21 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Welcome aboard!
2008-12-21 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Judi and Kathy, is it too late to join your group? It was looking pretty full. Let me know before I work on a bio. I would love to be part of your group. I need accountability and to be frank, am a bit afraid of it, but I need something to get me back to my former tri self.

2008-12-21 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1866492

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

zeefraugtries - 2008-12-21 9:49 PM Judi and Kathy, is it too late to join your group? It was looking pretty full. Let me know before I work on a bio. I would love to be part of your group. I need accountability and to be frank, am a bit afraid of it, but I need something to get me back to my former tri self.

You are welcome to join...we will be kind but supportive and encouraging...accountability helps all of us.

2008-12-21 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1866492

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

zeefraugtries - 2008-12-21 8:49 PM Judi and Kathy, is it too late to join your group? It was looking pretty full. Let me know before I work on a bio. I would love to be part of your group. I need accountability and to be frank, am a bit afraid of it, but I need something to get me back to my former tri self.

Hi Sharon!  Welcome aboard

2008-12-21 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1866265

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN



I see you are another that loves to train but is more neutral about racing. Racing in a relay will be a blast for you..I enjoy that most of all other than Ironman races.

So we have a aquagirl and pike on the same time. For those of you who don't know me...I picked a fish name to call myself to be more positive about my swimming. I'm not sure if Helen picked her name for similar reason or not.

The journey, improved healthy and great example we are for our children is amazing and life changing for us and our kid's lives too.

Welcome aboard...


aquagirl - 2008-12-21 7:20 PM

NAME: Helen aka aquagirl
STORY: Oh...does it have to be short?? Ok...I am an  NICU nurse. I only work part time so I actually have loads of time to train. I began this journey when the chronic insomnia I had developed from years of shift work was really starting to take its toll on my health. I decided to join a gym and get in shape. I cycled a lot in my twenties and have always loved the water so triathlon seemed natural...I just had to learn to run!! I started with a couple of try tris and was hooked. Last year I did an Oly and a few smaller races. My health has improved one hundred fold. I still battle the insomnia but not nearly as badly as before.

FAMILY STATUS: I am Mom to two fantastic boys, aged 9 and 13 and have been married for 17 yrs.
CURRENT TRAINING:I LOVE to train....if I was not so afraid of getting injured I would happily put in twice the hours I do now....motivation is NOT something I require, common sense is!!!
THIS YEAR'S RACES: As I already mentioned I did an Oly this year as my "A" race. I was pretty proud to have completed it and came in with a better time than I thought I would. I did two other races as well...a sprint-like distance and another race which was shorter than an Oly but all hills. I also did my firt half marathon in September

2009 RACES: For 2009 I am planning to do my first HIM, Timberman at the end of August. I will also be doing another half mary at the end of Feb and then again at the end of May. I am also planning a relay with some BT peeps at Patriot in June.....I will be the cyclist!
WEIGHTLOSS: Well....I am that rare freak that has trouble keeping weight on....have been like this my whole life. Trust me, its not all its cracked up to be.....
WHAT is important to you next few months:
The most important thing that I would like to accomplish this year is to learn to enjoy racing....I train because I love it with every fiber of my being but would happily NOT RACE. I have to get over that.

Other than that I want to stay injury free and enjoy this wonderful journey....I am forever grateful to have been given the gift of good health that lets me pursue this sport! OK.....that sounded really sappy, but its true!!  


2008-12-21 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1865949

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open

Joanne...welcome to our group.

I know Joanne from tris in the area and have swam with her once at Walden pond a couple summers ago and went for a bike ride too with a BT MA get together.

Sweet job on your 5 miler this year and look forward to seeing you at some tris this summer.

You do a great job of balancing your life as a Mom, full time employee and training!

Glad you joined us


tri_again - 2008-12-21 3:30 PM

Hi gals, I could use some mentoring....


NAME: Tri_again / real first name - Joanne
STORY: I got into tris as a way to remain motivated to work out -- gotta keep training if there's a race coming up!
FAMILY STATUS: Married - 3 kids 7-15; work full-time and volunteer in community
CURRENT TRAINING: During the season, I aim for 3 SBR a week. My DH isn't very supportive of me doing 2 w/os a day, so this has become a problem. Currently just trying to stay in shape and not lose too much fitness.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did several road races, including a 5-miler at 8:43 pace (which is fast for me). I did three tris last year. Longest races for me thus far have been half-marathons and olys.
2009 RACES:  List not etched in stone, but I'm looking at Webster Lake sprint, one of the Black Fly tris, and Cranberry.
WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to be 12-15 lbs lighter. Waiting till after the holidays to work on this.
WHAT is important to you next few months: Swimming.... and getting a plan together to optimize the little time I have to train.

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