BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now! Rss Feed  
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2008-12-18 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

NAME: David age 34

STORY:  Started this sport 2 years ago on a whim, some friends of my were having a few adult beverages and one mentioned an upcoming triathlon in town.  We started "training" (had no idea what I was doing) and got completely hooked.  That year we did about 5 sprint tri's and I had the genious idea to try a 1/2 with no base work, got through it with more pain than I have ever had.  Later in the year IMKY was still open so I thought I would try a full IM, this time I did it right with a coach and put in the time. Unfortunatly my body did not like the added running and stress fracture in my left leg screwed my training up most of the year.  I am not very patient so I never let it heal until about September.  Anyway this year year I want to become compeditive in the sport so if my body holds up I would love to have a great year.   Lately I have become a mentor to quite a few people that are "newer" to the sport and have really enjoyed that side of the sport.  I also helped out this year with our local tri and learned so much about the behind the scenes of the sport.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 yorkies, and a boxer (named Kona, my ultimate goal) that likes to run 5 minute miles lol

CURRENT TRAINING: Just finished the winter bike program.  Nothing too structured until the 2nd week Jan.  Going to FL 1st week so I can't wait to bike and run outside.  Getting about 1.5+hrs per day right now just focusing on quality not quanity.

This year's races:  70.3 FL  Had an ok race but ran a total of 12 miles the 6 weeks before the race due to leg injury.  Did many sprints/oly for training (I love to race) against coaches advice.  Key race was IMKY had a great day (except the run) due to very little running. 

2009 Races:  May 70.3 fl, some sprints/oly, Aug 1 70.3 steelhead, Aug 30 IMKY, Nov IMKY

pretty full schedule but again I love the racing side of the sport, its what drives me.


Weight Loss: Never started this sport for weight loss but I was into working out pretty heavy and found that is not very useful in this sport.  Found that my body had changed so much and I was down about 50 lbs (from 210 to 160lbs)

2008-12-19 2:31 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Bob, thanks for including me, looking forward to the group.... here's my story

Background: 34 years old bankruptcy/tax/litigation lawyer in Connecticut.  I played college football at Colby College (D3 defensive tackle) and rugby in law school.  After law school work, marriage and kids led to about 40 pounds of weight gain.  Started tri training in November 2007 as I was looking for something rigerous and varied to get my butt back in shape.  Over the past year I completed 8 sprint distance tris, 1/2 marathon, 20K and a couple of 5Ks.  I have no endurance sport background, just learned to swim (for real) and bike (for real) over the past year.  I think my greatest sports attribute is my ability to absorb training volume and mental toughness.  I have fought through injuries, played with pain and all that good stuff, but now being a little older wiser I think I have a good understanding of when to push and when to back off.  

Family: Married with 2 daughter (5 and 8 months) 

Goals for 2009:  My A races for 2009 are a sprint (July), my first Oly (August) and my first marathon (Hartford, CT in October).  Total I have 4-6 sprints on calendar as well as a 20K, a few 5Ks and 10Ks.

Limiters: Very busy and stressful job.  Tough to get to the pool more than 2-3x week. Nutrition.

Training: As a gold member I have access to the D3 folks and am following a winter maint. plan.  However, my schedule does not permit close compliance so I basically try and do the following: (RUN) 5-7x week, usually I run for 30-40 minutes at "lunch" and maybe a twofer 1x a week, (BIKE) for the last couple months I've basically been doing spin class 2-3x week as my bike, but I just got a KK road machine so I hope to ramp that up to 4-5x week with a longer weekend "ride", since the long run option is out now that its winter in Conn. (sorry I don't do the run in the snow thing I am not that tough anymore); (SWIM) 2-3x is all I can manage due to schedule.

Weightloss:  I have lost  40 lbs over the past year.  I have lots of problem with nutrition.  I eat good food (mostly organic, little red meat, etc.) but I eat too much.  Oh, I also have a chocolate problem.

I am looking forward to learning from everyone!

2008-12-19 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Well I typed all this up earlier and then lost it so here goes again.

Name:  Bryan (Mndiver)

Story:  I got into triathlon in late 2005 after almost hitting 300 pounds.  I played 3 sports in high school and football in college.  After that was all done I had no goals and discovered I couldn't just work out for the sake of working out.  Working out to me was boring if it didn't serve a purpose other than general fitness.  My wife got into running and I tried it a little but was a complete failure at it.  Eventually she decided to do a triathlon and I thought it sounded interesting.  I committed to doing a sprint and never turned back.  The only problem I have had is that I constantly need to keep upping the ante.  Being goal driven can sometimes make it a bit hard on a guy

Current trainig:  I have used BT programs for 2 years and highly reccomend them.  I am going to switch it up a bit this year and use Don Fink's 30 week Advanced IM training plan.

This years races:  I did some running events in the spring followed by a few sprints, a couple of Oly's a HIM and finally IMWI as my last race of 2008.  Had a very good year setting PR's at every race and distant.

2009 races:  I plan on doing many of the same races in '09.  I like to be able to compare races from year to year.  I will also do IMWI again this year with a goal of knocking considerable time of '08's performance.  Thinking I am capable of going 12:30 with a few refinements in body composition.

Weightloss:  As I said I was pushing 300 pounds at one point.  I competed most of 2008 at around 225 pounds.  Was up to 232 at the start of December but am getting serious about dropping weight again.  Would like to race in 2009 at 200 pounds or so.  I have a real problem with portion control and eating when bored.

2008-12-19 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Thanks for having me in the group.  Here is my little Bio:

Name: Triguynewbie/ Mike

Story:I am 29 Police Officer/General Contractor from Central Florida.  I have always wanted to try a triathlon but never took the plunge.  Last year I saw a story about St. Anthony's on the news and it really sparked my interest.  A month or so later my daughter was invited to do a kids tri with a friend and she wanted to start training.  I started training with her and then thought that I should just do the race as well.  I did my first race as a mini-sprint and have been hooked ever since.  I joined an April mentor group and my mentor was one of the Tampa BT Peeps and I did a few training rides with them and Shaun who I just saw is also in this group.  I start with a coach in Jan and cannot wait for the new season.

Family: Married with three beautiful little girls  10, 7, 5.

Last years races: 1 mini-sprint, 1 oly (2:55)

This years races: So far I have 4 bike races, a couple 5 and 10k running races, 2 sprints, 1 supersprint, 2 oly's, and maybe a HIM

My goal is mainly to get faster for smaller races.  I wanted to try a IM this year but I don't think I will be able to dedicate the required training time with my work schedule this year so I have decided to put it of to '10. 

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and gain some valuable insight and motivation.


Edited by triguynewbie 2008-12-19 12:09 PM
2008-12-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

What's everyone's typical schedule like to fit in training?

During the warm weather, I typically try to alternate run or swim in the mornings before work.  Then typically bike or run at lunchtime.  Luckily I have a rails to trail type trail that's right by my office that's good for running and my mountain bike - you just go - no stopping!

The roads are okay, but there are so many hills and bends, it's tough to get into a good rhythm on my bike.  It gets to be a pain to be constantly shifting.

Even luckier for my coworkers in the afternoons, we have a full gym and shower here at work.

2008-12-19 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1863820

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
willie05 - 2008-12-19 3:14 PM

What's everyone's typical schedule like to fit in training?

The last few weeks for me I have been focusing more on running.  Since the time change it's really hard to get that afternoon run in.  Something about running in the dark. 

I'm with you on alternating run and swim days in the mornings and then trying to throw a bike ride or trainer ride in the afternoon.  I live in rural SC so most of our roads are fairly safe to ride long on with only moderatly rolling hills. 

2008-12-19 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1862957

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
mndiver - 2008-12-19 9:08 AM

Well I typed all this up earlier and then lost it so here goes again.

Name:  Bryan (Mndiver)

Story:  I got into triathlon in late 2005 after almost hitting 300 pounds.  I played 3 sports in high school and football in college.  After that was all done I had no goals and discovered I couldn't just work out for the sake of working out.  Working out to me was boring if it didn't serve a purpose other than general fitness.  My wife got into running and I tried it a little but was a complete failure at it.  Eventually she decided to do a triathlon and I thought it sounded interesting.  I committed to doing a sprint and never turned back.  The only problem I have had is that I constantly need to keep upping the ante.  Being goal driven can sometimes make it a bit hard on a guy

Current trainig:  I have used BT programs for 2 years and highly reccomend them.  I am going to switch it up a bit this year and use Don Fink's 30 week Advanced IM training plan.

This years races:  I did some running events in the spring followed by a few sprints, a couple of Oly's a HIM and finally IMWI as my last race of 2008.  Had a very good year setting PR's at every race and distant.

2009 races:  I plan on doing many of the same races in '09.  I like to be able to compare races from year to year.  I will also do IMWI again this year with a goal of knocking considerable time of '08's performance.  Thinking I am capable of going 12:30 with a few refinements in body composition.

Weightloss:  As I said I was pushing 300 pounds at one point.  I competed most of 2008 at around 225 pounds.  Was up to 232 at the start of December but am getting serious about dropping weight again.  Would like to race in 2009 at 200 pounds or so.  I have a real problem with portion control and eating when bored.

you sound like my long lost twin

2008-12-19 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1863820

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
willie05 - 2008-12-19 3:14 PM

What's everyone's typical schedule like to fit in training?

Right now, I am swimming most mornings before work.  After work, I alternate bike/run workouts.  I'm following a swim-focused training plan, so I spend lots of time in the pool.  

I would love to fit in training over lunch, but I don't have access to a shower/locker room area.

2008-12-19 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

I'm up at 3am every morning during the week and off by 5pm. M/W/F I start Masters swim at 6pm and at 7pm I finish and walk 200 feet to the track for my run workout,eat and in bed by 9pm. T/TH I am with my daughter(wifes workout days), she will do homework or movie while I ride my trainer, then its strength training and she counts for me and also does some of my core workout (shes only five). Weekends I will get my long run and bike in, very early so I have time to do non tri stuff.

Here is a pic of my coach!


2008-12-19 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

My training is still off season until January. I'm doing a couple of marathons (Houston and Little Rock) early season so I'm trying to build up my run fitness that I lost during IM training. I run Tu/Th and bike during the week on the trainer 2 days focusing on endurance. One long run on the weekend and a long ride. I've been neglecting the pool for 1 million reasons I find every day, but my coach just emailed me to remind me that time is ticking to January 1 when I'm back at masters. I usually do my workouts during the season in the morning and after work, but I've been lazy lately and sleeping in more and doing more at night.

Stuart, that's awesome that you are up at 3 a.m. I need to get back into getting up early since 5 am masters is starting in 2 weeks. Ugh.


2008-12-19 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1863820


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
You guys make me feel like such a slacker. ;) I'm just running 3x, biking 2x, swimming 1-2x, and strength training 2x per week right now. I usually get up at 5 to get something in before work, but I always do my swimming in the evening because of the hair issue.

Edited by Colleen 2008-12-19 6:45 PM

2008-12-19 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1864231

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Slacker - that would be meSmile.  Bascially one a days at lunch.  Today was the exception.  Got some strength training in at lunch and then some time on the treadmill tonight.  That all changes after the first of the year.  I joined a masters swim group that starts on the 6th so that will get me out of bed early 1-2 days per week.  Will still be doing my lunch work outs and will be adding the weekends when possible until ski season is over.

2008-12-19 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

WOW!!! After reading where some of your guys training is I think I am the one in need of a mentor. This is exciting to see the energy and excitement for the upcoming year.

I start up with my coach on Jan 1st and right now I'm not doing anything structured. Just trying to keep a decent base. I am behing where I was last year at this time but I was training for a 10K series last year and this year am just focusing on Eagleman 70.3 in June and IMLP in July.

The BT plans are very solid plans. I followed the marathon training plan for my first marathon in 2007 and had a phenominal 1st marathon with energy to spare. Since recovering from a stress fracture in my femur in 2006 I  have tried to make a point of making sure recovery was part of my training. In 2006 I was more worried about missing a workout than I was about getting sleep and really paid the price. REST IS TRAINING!!

 Keep up the great work and keep the chatter alive!!

2008-12-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1864454

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
rstocks3 - 2008-12-19 11:41 PM

The BT plans are very solid plans. I followed the marathon training plan for my first marathon in 2007 and had a phenominal 1st marathon with energy to spare. Since recovering from a stress fracture in my femur in 2006 I  have tried to make a point of making sure recovery was part of my training. In 2006 I was more worried about missing a workout than I was about getting sleep and really paid the price. REST IS TRAINING!!

 Keep up the great work and keep the chatter alive!!

Resting is where I am having a problem.  It is extremely hard for me to say "no" to a planned workout just because I am tired.  The training plan I am following is a bit too hard/too much for me, but I struggle with adjusting the plan to fit my fitness level.  This morning, I overslept and missed my swim workout, which is probably a good thing since I am really tired and need to rest.  I don't have anything else scheduled for today, since my sister is hosting an extended family holiday party later today and I have to help with preparations.

2008-12-20 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1864561

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
phillybarb - 2008-12-20 7:58 AM
rstocks3 - 2008-12-19 11:41 PM

The BT plans are very solid plans. I followed the marathon training plan for my first marathon in 2007 and had a phenominal 1st marathon with energy to spare. Since recovering from a stress fracture in my femur in 2006 I  have tried to make a point of making sure recovery was part of my training. In 2006 I was more worried about missing a workout than I was about getting sleep and really paid the price. REST IS TRAINING!!

 Keep up the great work and keep the chatter alive!!

Resting is where I am having a problem.  It is extremely hard for me to say "no" to a planned workout just because I am tired.  The training plan I am following is a bit too hard/too much for me, but I struggle with adjusting the plan to fit my fitness level.  This morning, I overslept and missed my swim workout, which is probably a good thing since I am really tired and need to rest.  I don't have anything else scheduled for today, since my sister is hosting an extended family holiday party later today and I have to help with preparations.

I know where you are coming from Barb. I had to tell myself "You do what you can when you can but make sure you rest" a lot this year. It probably hurt my performance in races to an extent but kept my sanity and I stayed injury free. I also found that if I slept in for a day or missed a workout I was much more motivated to get one in the next day.

You're training is inspiring Barb and you are well on track for reaching your goals. BTW - Congrats on the 3000 straight swim!!  Enjoy the day with your family and if you start to stress about missing a workout, 15 min runs or brisk walks will usually do the trick!

2008-12-20 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1862793

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Name:  Shaun / CubeFarmGopher

Background:   I am a work-from-home project manager for a computer company.  This will be my 4th year of racing in triathlons after many years of couch-dwelling and fooling myself into thinking that, because I played sports in HS, it somehow meant that I was actually still in shape.  Over my 4 year "career", I have progressed from sprint races to truly fallilng in love with the Ironman distance.  Last year, I finished IMKY in August and IMFL in November; my 2nd and 3rd IMs, setting a PR at Florida.

Family: I have no "human" family but I am the new father of a wonderful black lab (or horse?) named Brendan.

Goals for 2009:  I have two "A" races in my schedule for 2009; American Triple T in May and a rematch with IMKY in August.  Triple T is going to be a weekend of fun and excitement and a true test of my recovery abilities.  IMKY is going to be an all-out war with the course that caused me to have my worst-ever race experience, but that taught me a lot about my true focus areas.

Limiters: By far, my biggest limiter is my running endurance.  Over the last 4 years, I have made significant gains in my swim and transformed my bike leg into a formidable weapon (20.1mph avg at IMFL) but I have not made any true gains in my run.

Training:   I have a tri coach that I have been with for the last 2 years and is a close friend that I met when I lived in Maryland.  He provides the general schedule that is needed to get me ready for my races.  I just started working with a strength and speed coach in Tampa who is going to focus on my nutrition, strength, and quickness; especially when it comes to running.

Weightloss:  I had an initial assessment with my strength coach yesterday and found that I could stand to lose a decent amount of fat, targeting 30'ish pounds or so before my first race.  My biggest weakness is my nutritional component.  Since I work from home, there is a lot of "idle" eating that I do when I get bored and it often leads to eating the wrong things like potato chips or other highly-processed foods.

2008-12-20 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Wow this group does have a lot of people working really hard right now.  My training this month has been one of run focus.  That sais I'm only shooting for about 85 miles this month.  Swim has been pretty iffy because of a shoulder that has me pretty concerned right now.  Biking has been on the trainer when I fit it in.  Usually just twice with one ride being about an hour and the other 1.5-2 hours.  I'll start serious IM schedule following in mid Feb and just kind of wanted to take it less structured until then.
2008-12-20 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Hey everyone!! We have one more to join our merry group!! His name is Rick and his screen name is rkreuser.  Rick is a great triathlete with tons of natural talent and is a wealth of information when it comes to triathlon. He is also one that needs a good kick in the arse to keep his training on track and I think this will be just the group to give it to him!!

There, he should appreciate that introduction. (Was that my outside voice?)

2008-12-20 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1864917

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

Edited by jsklarz 2008-12-20 4:33 PM
2008-12-20 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1865011

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:33 PM

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

LOL!! That is funny! I'm with you on getting the diet on track. This week isn't the week to try that though. Increasing the training time will be the focus for this week just to justify the increase in consumption. (I can't say that I have ever had white clam pizza though)

2008-12-20 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1865018

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 5:38 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:33 PM

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

LOL!! That is funny! I'm with you on getting the diet on track. This week isn't the week to try that though. Increasing the training time will be the focus for this week just to justify the increase in consumption. (I can't say that I have ever had white clam pizza though)

White clam pizza is a New Haven thing.  Sounds gross but it is sublime.  I ama seriously PO'd at myself because I was over 225 for the first time in months today.  Too many holiday parties and too much work getting in the way of training!

2008-12-20 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1865040

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:54 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 5:38 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:33 PM

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

LOL!! That is funny! I'm with you on getting the diet on track. This week isn't the week to try that though. Increasing the training time will be the focus for this week just to justify the increase in consumption. (I can't say that I have ever had white clam pizza though)

White clam pizza is a New Haven thing.  Sounds gross but it is sublime.  I ama seriously PO'd at myself because I was over 225 for the first time in months today.  Too many holiday parties and too much work getting in the way of training!

I think I can see a Jan-Feb weight loss challenge coming on!! Is anyone else in the group interested? 

2008-12-20 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Over 225 again?  Oh yea, that sounds familiar. Welcome to Rick also.
2008-12-20 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1865103

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 6:54 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:54 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 5:38 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:33 PM

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

LOL!! That is funny! I'm with you on getting the diet on track. This week isn't the week to try that though. Increasing the training time will be the focus for this week just to justify the increase in consumption. (I can't say that I have ever had white clam pizza though)

White clam pizza is a New Haven thing.  Sounds gross but it is sublime.  I ama seriously PO'd at myself because I was over 225 for the first time in months today.  Too many holiday parties and too much work getting in the way of training!

I think I can see a Jan-Feb weight loss challenge coming on!! Is anyone else in the group interested? 

Yes - My 2008 goal was 220 by 8/15 (my B'day).  3 weeks ago I was 218.  Today I was 226 today       No reason I should not be 210-215.  Can someone taser me everytime I reach for a cookie, please.

2008-12-20 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1865120

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 7:12 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 6:54 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:54 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-12-20 5:38 PM
jsklarz - 2008-12-20 5:33 PM

Did anyone else have white clam pizza and chocolate cake for breakfast?  I just realized that, combined with the buffalo burgers I grilled (post now storm grilling is the best), probably makes this the weirdest eating day of my life.  I really have to get my nutrition back under control.... No chocolate cake tonight.  Only apples and carrots. 

I definitely need to hit the trainer tonight.

LOL!! That is funny! I'm with you on getting the diet on track. This week isn't the week to try that though. Increasing the training time will be the focus for this week just to justify the increase in consumption. (I can't say that I have ever had white clam pizza though)

White clam pizza is a New Haven thing.  Sounds gross but it is sublime.  I ama seriously PO'd at myself because I was over 225 for the first time in months today.  Too many holiday parties and too much work getting in the way of training!

I think I can see a Jan-Feb weight loss challenge coming on!! Is anyone else in the group interested? 

Yes - My 2008 goal was 220 by 8/15 (my B'day).  3 weeks ago I was 218.  Today I was 226 today       No reason I should not be 210-215.  Can someone taser me everytime I reach for a cookie, please.

Are you signed up for the No Sugar New Year Challenge, which starts on Monday?   It's going to be a tough one, but it is definitely something that will benefit lots of us.

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