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2009-01-01 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Happy New Year's everyone!! I'm finally feeling normal again. Turns out one of my tonsils was swollen, but luckily the inflammation is down now.

I plan to be running tomorrow! Woohoo!!!

Hope everyone had a great night and a wonderful start to the new year.

Oh, and I'm not sure if anyone out here listens to the free tri podcast the "Stay Tuned Report" (available on iTunes) but Brian asked me to give a new year's I'm on there between the 10-12 minute mark.

Happy 2009!!

2009-01-03 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
So did everyone go on vacation and not invite me along??

Hopefully you're all out training and too busy to stop by here...
2009-01-03 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1884369

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-03 3:10 PM So did everyone go on vacation and not invite me along?? Hopefully you're all out training and too busy to stop by here...

Don't feel bad.  If there was a group trip I got left out too!

I've just been squeezing in the last of the partying and overeating and made it back on to my bike today.  I know a few people are starting plans on Monday so hopefully we'll get some action on here.

***If anyone hasn't made their logs public or added the people in the group as friends on your log please do so we can keep in touch that way too.  Thanks!

2009-01-04 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1884809

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Hey Guys,

I've been checking  in, just not leaving any notes. Traveled to Pittsburgh to hang with the family. Managed to get a run in before leaving, then Saturday morning, my wife and I went to the hotel gym to run again since the kids were staying with the Grandparents. Ahh, some quiet time.

I'm thinking that tonight I will be able to write a bit more about me(that sounds bad dosen't it? "More about ME") Anyway, I'll also post  more about my goals.

 Bad food time is over - time to get to work.


2009-01-04 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1885089

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-04 9:13 AM

 Bad food time is over - time to get to work.


You should really come over and polish off the rest of the sugar cookies that have been taunting me the last week.

Looking forward to reading more about your goals!

I actually get my rear outside for a run earlier (the treadmills in our building were all taken and I knew that if I waited I wouldn't get it done). It was soooo cold and windy it was unbearable. I cannot wait for the Chicago weather to start warming up...
2009-01-04 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Hey all,

After two consecutive long weekends, back to reality tomorrow (Mon) here in NJ.  I've had a blast spending time with family and friends, and I'm not excited at the prospect of returning to a 5-day work week. 

Week 1 of my training plan is complete, and while I am certainly not breaking any land speed records, it felt good (actually, not good... it felt GREAT) to increase my level of activity.

Best of luck to everyone as they start achieving their goals in 2009.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's progress.

Happy New Year - hope to hear from everyone soon.


2009-01-04 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Back home now, the lovely 5 hr drive from Pitt in the rain. Joy.

Here's a quick history of me - I was very active in High School, I wrestled at 145lbs my senior year, but I lived normally at about 160.  Then came college, bad food choices and less sport. Intramural sports weren’t cutting it. By the time I left I was up to 185. 

 My chosen profession didn't help either, I am an editor. I edit television commercials, where we totally cater to our agency clients. So, free, order out lunch, snacks all over, tons of soda and sit in front of a computer screen for 8 plus hrs a day. Next thing I knew, 235lbs.

That's not so good on a 5' 6" guy. I always really loved to watch the Ironman on TV. I was in awe of their accomplishments and i really enjoyed the compelling stories they told about the "regular people" completing the distance. I felt that I would somehow try someday. I started to run, well, run/walk to be able to run a 5K race. Once I made that, I pulled out my mountain bike and started to ride again. 2 parts down, 1 to go. One morning I just got up early enough and went to the local school pool. Two days later I signed up for my first sprint. 

 The running helped me to get my weight down and get my wind back. After the first year of struggling through a few sprints, I was down to 190 and running 26min 5k's. Not very fast, but not too bad. 

 I want to end up at 170-175, and be able to finish a sprint in under 1:15. I still have the ironman goal out there, but schedule won't allow it currently. I really think I'm going to shoot for a 70.3 this year and feel out the longer distance. i know I could complete the distance right now, but I want to complete it comfortably. I'm hoping you guys can help guide me into that.


2009-01-05 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1886109

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
tommyp2602 - 2009-01-04 10:59 PM

 My chosen profession didn't help either, I am an editor. I edit television commercials, where we totally cater to our agency clients. So, free, order out lunch, snacks all over, tons of soda and sit in front of a computer screen for 8 plus hrs a day.

I work in advertising. Am I allowed to ask which agencies you work with? (Although we do most of our editing in-house since we're one of the "bigger" agencies out there).
2009-01-05 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Todd -

Do you know how to create a table that we could drop into our profiles (like they do in the challenge forum)?

It'd be great to get a table with everyone's information so we can have easy access to each other's logs and what not.

I am sooooooooooo not tech savvy, but could give it a try (although I think it'd be laughable!).
2009-01-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Okay, so I finally found some motivation and ran 4 miles today.  Go me!!!  Unfotunately, my maraton next week is only going to be a 1/2.  Oh well.  I get to see s good friend of mine who moved to France this summer and is coming for a visit.  Yea!!!
2009-01-05 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1886961

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-05 12:16 PM Todd - Do you know how to create a table that we could drop into our profiles (like they do in the challenge forum)? It'd be great to get a table with everyone's information so we can have easy access to each other's logs and what not. I am sooooooooooo not tech savvy, but could give it a try (although I think it'd be laughable!).

I'm not familiar iwth the table.  How is it different than adding each other as friends in our log?  Does it just put everyone in one place rather then scrolling thru the friends icons?  I've never done it but am willing to give it a shot.   


2009-01-05 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Okay, I just signed up for a HIM in May and am really scared and nervous.  I can do this, right?  Right?  (running off to throw up now....)
2009-01-06 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1887600

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
TeeCris - 2009-01-05 4:07 PM

I'm not familiar iwth the table.  How is it different than adding each other as friends in our log?  Does it just put everyone in one place rather then scrolling thru the friends icons?  I've never done it but am willing to give it a shot.   


Hmm...I'll try and mess around with it sometime this weekend and see what I can figure out.

tricrazy - 2009-01-05 6:06 PM

Okay, I just signed up for a HIM in May and am really scared and nervous. I can do this, right? Right? (running off to throw up now....)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which half are you doing? You're going to be awesome. Just you wait and see!
2009-01-06 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED other fun news. I woke up at 4:40 to make a 5am yoga class.

I am DETERMINED to make this pre-work workout thing a habit. When my IM training kicks in, I'm going to need to be doing things before work, especially when it comes to my 2-a-days.


My shoulders are killing me now though. And I'm about to fall asleep at my desk. It's going to be a loooooooooooooooong day. chance does anyone out there listen to the Stay Tuned Report podcast (it's free to subscribe on iTunes)?
2009-01-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

Which HIM? I think I will do Steelhead. AAHH. I will decide in the next few weeks.  You should do fine. 


2009-01-06 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
I am doing White Lake here in NC.  My stomach is still in knots today.  I can only imagine what it;s going to be like come race day!

2009-01-06 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1889245

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2009-01-06 10:37 AM I am doing White Lake here in NC.  My stomach is still in knots today.  I can only imagine what it;s going to be like come race day!

Congrats on signing up!!  Honestly, no matter how much you train and stick to the plan you'll probably have the same feeling the morning of the race.  But once you get started it all goes away and you just keep moving forward.  And at the end you can reflect on an awesome accomplishment!! 

For me nutrition became an isssue for the first time at that distance.  You'll read it on here alot about knowing what is being served on the course and making decisions on what to bring with you etc.  To have a good day it is important to figure all of that out during your training.  Try to keep it simple too.  We'll be here to help.

2009-01-06 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1889021

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-06 9:22 AM other fun news. I woke up at 4:40 to make a 5am yoga class. I am DETERMINED to make this pre-work workout thing a habit. When my IM training kicks in, I'm going to need to be doing things before work, especially when it comes to my 2-a-days.

Great job!  I STRUGGLE with the early morning stuff.  Way to go.  Hopefully I'm inspired enough to try and make it a habit also.   

2009-01-06 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Okay...I'm thinking something along these lines in regards to a needs a bit of tweaking so we can actually read folks' names more clearly. I'll probably play with the background image when I can get on photoshop at home and fade it a bit...then I can post the code. The code would be dropped in the "Goals" section of your profile/control panel (long term or short term...doesn't matter)...that way, whenever you go to your 'training logs' section, we're all grouped together in an easy-to-access area with a direct link to our group thread.

thoughts? changes? everyone's link work? did I miss anyone?

TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group

Todd - TeeCris

AJ – artford333

Barb – Running Jayhawk

Katherine – kitkat1

Kevin – kevind92

Rachel - tricrazy

Rebecca - katiemacsmom

Tom – tommyp2602

Our Group Thread!

I'm not really computer geekish...I just had a slow afternoon at work.

Edited by RunningJayhawk 2009-01-07 8:11 PM
2009-01-06 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1862005

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
Barb that is too cool!!!  I love it!
2009-01-06 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1890675

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

I love it. How do I put it in my goals?

Workout for today - I went skiing with my two oldest boys tonight. First time this year, I will be sore tomorrow. For sure.

2009-01-06 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1889986

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-06 2:10 PM Okay...I'm thinking something along these lines in regards to a needs a bit of tweaking so we can actually read folks' names more clearly. I'll probably play with the background image when I can get on photoshop at home and fade it a bit...then I can post the code. The code would be dropped in the "Goals" section of your profile/control panel (long term or short term...doesn't matter)...that way, whenever you go to your 'training logs' section, we're all grouped together in an easy-to-access area with a direct link to our group thread. thoughts? changes? everyone's link work? did I miss anyone?

TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group
Todd - TeeCris
AJ – artford333
Barb – Running Jayhawk
Katherine – kitkat1
Kevin – kevind92
Rachel - tricrazy
Rebecca - katiemacsmom
Tom – tommyp2602
Our Group Thread!

I'm not really computer geekish...I just had a slow afternoon at work.

Anytime you mention code I think you auto qualify for computer geek

Thanks for putting that together for us Barb.  Now there is nowhere to hide!  One comment:  when I clicked on the links they take me to the user profile.  Was that intentional or did you want it to link directly to the training log?


2009-01-06 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1891159

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED
TeeCris - 2009-01-06 9:41 PM

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-06 2:10 PM Okay...I'm thinking something along these lines in regards to a needs a bit of tweaking so we can actually read folks' names more clearly. I'll probably play with the background image when I can get on photoshop at home and fade it a bit...then I can post the code. The code would be dropped in the "Goals" section of your profile/control panel (long term or short term...doesn't matter)...that way, whenever you go to your 'training logs' section, we're all grouped together in an easy-to-access area with a direct link to our group thread. thoughts? changes? everyone's link work? did I miss anyone?

TeeCris’ Rockin’ Mentor Group
Todd - TeeCris
AJ – artford333
Barb – Running Jayhawk
Katherine – kitkat1
Kevin – kevind92
Rachel - tricrazy
Rebecca - katiemacsmom
Tom – tommyp2602
Our Group Thread!

I'm not really computer geekish...I just had a slow afternoon at work.

Anytime you mention code I think you auto qualify for computer geek

Thanks for putting that together for us Barb.  Now there is nowhere to hide!  One comment:  when I clicked on the links they take me to the user profile.  Was that intentional or did you want it to link directly to the training log?


Because not everyone had their logs activated for public view, I set it to profiles. I can easily do the logs for those of us who have them public though.

And really...I'm quite computer illiterate. It's amazing what a little bit of trial and error, patience and a slow afternoon at work can mean for a table.
2009-01-07 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1862005

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Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

All of you morning workout people. Tell me...


I was going to get up this morning for a run on the treadmill, and just couldn't do it. I'm not sure if yesterday's 4:40 wake up call just did me in or what. But I was dead tired, even with laying down at 10:30 last night.


This is going to be such a battle for me this season...I just know it.
2009-01-07 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1891812

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Ann Arbor,MI
Subject: RE: Tee Cris' Group - CLOSED

RunningJayhawk - 2009-01-07 10:23 AM Okay... All of you morning workout people. Tell me... HOW DO YOU DO IT!? I was going to get up this morning for a run on the treadmill, and just couldn't do it. I'm not sure if yesterday's 4:40 wake up call just did me in or what. But I was dead tired, even with laying down at 10:30 last night. :sigh: This is going to be such a battle for me this season...I just know it.

 You just have to jump up and get moving. I go in spurts. I can get up no problem for a few months, then all of a sudden it's very hard. I'm trying to swing back ot getting up early. Tough so far, but I'm close. I can feel it. Keep at it.

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