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2008-12-31 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


Great job on doing the swim drills. I know they are a pain and feel awkward, but as Robert has said they are so key to getting correct form. Swimming is so much form. Way more than running and biking where endurance plays such a key role, swimming you can being working as hard as you want but with unproper form you won't be able to go as fast as others who will be using less energy.

2008-12-31 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1866775


Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Michael,

 My name is Doug.  I live in Florence, Ky (outside Cincinnati). 44, married, two kids, dog, etc..   I'd like to join your group if you still have openings.  I have always been a runner 5-10K stuff, but I would like to really challenge myself and I think training for a sprint race would be a great start.   I'd like to try my first sprint by the end of March and it would be great to have a mentor who could steer me in the right direction.  Thanks!

2008-12-31 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hey Doug, you are in and welcome to our group. A sprint is a great goal. Do you have one your thinking of?

2008-12-31 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Welcome everyone!  This is a strong group, so I am not sure I belong here...  Is there a site I can go to?  Y'all have so much more experience than me, it's pathetic.    The only race I've run was a 10k when I was 13-14 years old.  That was in the 80's.  Ugh!

Anyway, don't let me slow you down.  I'll try my best to keep up.  Ha!

Yeah, I am bored today and off 'til January 5.  So, I'll be trolling...  Happy New Year!

2008-12-31 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


you belong here.. you have given great advice already.. I am hooked to your tips.. this is my third year saying I am going to do a tri, but the first year that I am seriously commited. I have never done anything like this before I am a complete newbie and am scared to death... I just keep reminding myself, that one foot in front of the other will get me where I am going eventually...

 Hope you decide to stay..


2008-12-31 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

I'd like to join this group if there is still room. I will write my bio tomorrow if that is ok?


2008-12-31 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1866775

User image

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Welcome Tammy, Rebecca, James, Irwin, Doug and Kim. This is going to be a great group.

Ken, I am a newbie too. You so belong here. We all do. I need to go back and read your tips and try to digest it all.

I've had never done anything like this before and my first tri was in October. For those of you who have not done a tri take the same attitude I had-to finish is to win. That was my only goal. I didn't care how long it took I was just aiming to finish and no be last but I also told myself that last is still a place and a lot better than other people who were sitting on their butts.

I just get on the bike and ride and know absolutely nothing about cadence, rpm, HIIT (I think that's what you called it) or any of that. I bought a bike in November after that first tri and took it for a safety check and have an appointment for a fit in a couple weeks. I may try another shop so I can get it in earlier. I was a little uncomfortable on my bike and am afraid. I've only taken it out twice. My borrowed bike had sissy brakes (on the top rather then just on the hoods) and I really got used to them. People have said I will get used to the "big girl" brakes. I'm so afraid I'm going to wipe out. I also don't have "real" pedals or shoes. I got cage type pedals but am afraid I won't be able to get my foot out in time so I took them off. Maybe I can afford shoes and clipless pedals this year. My daughter got me a cheap bike computer that I may try to install tonight.

As far as running goes I can pathetically jog 1 minute walk 1 minute right now. Or atleast I did it once for 45 minutes with a friend. We covered 3 miles. Normally it takes me 60 minutes to walk 3 miles so I guess that was improvement. If I follow the 20 week Olympic training plan I am supposed to run 40 minutes tonight. I was going to warm up for 5 minutes and then alternate 1w/1r for 30 minutes and then cool down for 5 minutes. What speed should I do my alternates at? Any advice on building my running would be appreciates. My thought is if I have to walk the entire thing then so be it but if I start doing races where there are time cut offs that won't do plus for my own sense of satisfaction I would like to be able to run. Do some people just realize it is the necessary evil or TRI? Some people hate the swim but I HATE the running.

Take Care,

2008-12-31 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1880405

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
K Robert - 2008-12-31 5:53 PM

Welcome everyone!  This is a strong group, so I am not sure I belong here...  Is there a site I can go to?  Y'all have so much more experience than me, it's pathetic.    The only race I've run was a 10k when I was 13-14 years old.  That was in the 80's.  Ugh!

Anyway, don't let me slow you down.  I'll try my best to keep up.  Ha!

Yeah, I am bored today and off 'til January 5.  So, I'll be trolling...  Happy New Year!

Don't worry about that at all, we all start somewhere and who knows where it will take us. Years ago I only ran 5k's. The thought of going anything longer than that was insane. I remember going for  a 5 mi run one day back when I was about 19. I couldn't walk or do anything for  a day. My non athletic friends thought I was insane for running "so long."

Now 2 Ironmans and 20 marathons later I love to encourage "newbies" to not put limits on there possibilies. You never know what you can do til you take a shot at it.

2008-12-31 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1880479

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
kimk - 2008-12-31 7:08 PM

I'd like to join this group if there is still room. I will write my bio tomorrow if that is ok?


Welcome Kim, we'll hold you to it for tomorrow Wink

2008-12-31 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1880534

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

craftyazgal - 2008-12-31 7:59 PM Welcome Tammy, Rebecca, James, Irwin, Doug and Kim. This is going to be a great group. Ken, I am a newbie too. You so belong here. We all do. I need to go back and read your tips and try to digest it all. I've had never done anything like this before and my first tri was in October. For those of you who have not done a tri take the same attitude I had-to finish is to win. That was my only goal. I didn't care how long it took I was just aiming to finish and no be last but I also told myself that last is still a place and a lot better than other people who were sitting on their butts. I just get on the bike and ride and know absolutely nothing about cadence, rpm, HIIT (I think that's what you called it) or any of that. I bought a bike in November after that first tri and took it for a safety check and have an appointment for a fit in a couple weeks. I may try another shop so I can get it in earlier. I was a little uncomfortable on my bike and am afraid. I've only taken it out twice. My borrowed bike had sissy brakes (on the top rather then just on the hoods) and I really got used to them. People have said I will get used to the "big girl" brakes. I'm so afraid I'm going to wipe out. I also don't have "real" pedals or shoes. I got cage type pedals but am afraid I won't be able to get my foot out in time so I took them off. Maybe I can afford shoes and clipless pedals this year. My daughter got me a cheap bike computer that I may try to install tonight. As far as running goes I can pathetically jog 1 minute walk 1 minute right now. Or atleast I did it once for 45 minutes with a friend. We covered 3 miles. Normally it takes me 60 minutes to walk 3 miles so I guess that was improvement. If I follow the 20 week Olympic training plan I am supposed to run 40 minutes tonight. I was going to warm up for 5 minutes and then alternate 1w/1r for 30 minutes and then cool down for 5 minutes. What speed should I do my alternates at? Any advice on building my running would be appreciates. My thought is if I have to walk the entire thing then so be it but if I start doing races where there are time cut offs that won't do plus for my own sense of satisfaction I would like to be able to run. Do some people just realize it is the necessary evil or TRI? Some people hate the swim but I HATE the running. Take Care, Jill

Jill you are doing great. I love hearing this battle going on inside you. You are making amazing progress but still wanting to do better and push yourself more and that is awesome. As far as the running don't worry about pace right now. Just keep following the program to the best of your abilities and using the 10% rule (never increase your total time, distance more than 10% per week so that you hopefully will avoid injury) to keep improving. Over time your endurance will build and you will be able to run longer and faster just through consistency.

Biking- it takes time. Time to get comfortable, confident and just use to being in the saddle and the brakes, and yes it will happen. That day where you are just riding and all of a sudden you are on your way down. It will eventually happen to everyone and yes its  a bit scary but usually toughens you up and makes you less afraid of riding. Clipless pedals are great once you start to build the basic confidence with the bike. Just getting out and riding will help with the brakes issue and a good fit should also help a lot.

2008-12-31 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1880428

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
tlstacy - 2008-12-31 6:18 PM


you belong here.. you have given great advice already.. I am hooked to your tips.. this is my third year saying I am going to do a tri, but the first year that I am seriously commited. I have never done anything like this before I am a complete newbie and am scared to death... I just keep reminding myself, that one foot in front of the other will get me where I am going eventually...

 Hope you decide to stay..


Tammy, sorry if you already said but do you have a goal race in mind? Don't be scared (okay a little healthy fear always motivates) this is your year and all of our years to blow away are fears and goals.

2008-12-31 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join

I am 37 and married to Tom for 13 yrs. we have 4 children,Tara13,Erin11,Brenna8 and Liam6. I started tri's 2 seasons ago(live in Wi) when I quit smoking(just had my 2yr anniversary Dec26). I became a fitness instructor so I have full use of the Y. Trying to make the rest of my life healthy for me and my kids.

On the weight issue...I joined Weight watchers last November and have lost 16 lbs and made lifetime. I still would like to loose 10 more lbs. I struggle with loosing a pound gaining 2, loosing 2 gaining 1!

experience in tri's...My first yr I did 2 sprints (j-hawk early and late bird) Same venue one in spring and one in fall with pool swim. 2nd yr I did j-hawk early and late, Naperville womens(ovarian cancer) and trying for children's. I will do j-hawk and Naperville again and would like to make children's an Olympic. might add in a few more.

I'm looking forward to being part of the group


2008-12-31 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Congrats Kim on the 2yr anniversary of not smoking. Great gift to your family and yourself.
2009-01-01 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Happy New Year everyone. Tried to get my workout in yesterday but ran out of time, so here I am on New Year's getting ready to do a 30 min bike. We have a huge family lunch so will let me feel less guilty about that.

I'm riding my bike on a trainer, no clue what to do, so I'm just going to get my butt on it and pedal. Am I supposed to do anything fancier like shifting?

Ken - after all my dumb questions, you should feel great about having me in the group, I have no idea what I'm doing. You totally belong and you've already inspired me.

Jill - ya I hate running too, I'm hoping I'll get a passion for it after my first tri. I did a 10K a couple of years ago and I think I was 2nd to last so yes, I want to finish and not be second to last
2009-01-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

I would love to join your group.  I've been intimidated by the other groups and you all make me feel comfortable.  I'm a 39 year old female.  I am very much starting from the beginning...again.  I finished a sprint tri 18 years ago and was on the college cycling team but I haven't done much since.  I don't even have a bike any more.  I've been out of it so long I feel like a brand new newbie.  I'm tring to figure out what bike I should get.  I'm in Spokane, WA and the roads are packed full of snow so it will be awhile before I can get out.

As I quickly approach 40 I am very motivated to get back into shape and experience the joys and challenges of competition, even if it is just with myself.  I'm currently out of shape - I need to lose 70 pounds - and I have to start small.  My first event is just a 5k on March 14th.  There are sprints I would like to do, one in June, July, and August (Seattle Danskin).  Depending how my training goes there is also an olympic September 13th I would love to be able to do.

I really appreciate the opportunity to be in your group and I hope with your support I'll be able to achieve my goals.


2009-01-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1866775

User image

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
I went out and did the Egg Nog Jog this a.m. It was a 5K race. My first ever. I didn't officially sign up because funds are tight right now and I didn't feel like spending $15. I didn't eat anything and didn't get a bag but that's okay I didn't need either. I had a time of 46:30. I had a time of 45:10 at my first Sprint tri. I was definitely more enthusiastic at the Tri and there was more support at the Triathlon. This was a small local race in a suburb of Tucson.

What was I thinking doing a run after doing a run workout already twice this week? It was good to get a workout in and see some of my TTG friends.

I resisted the urge to go to McDonalds on the way home. I came home instead and made my own Egg McMuffin with a w.w. w/flax seed english muffin, egg, soy bacon and 2% cheese.

Since I'm supposed to have balanced 2x workouts this week I'm not sure what I should do. Any suggestions? Do I say today was a rest day even though I did a 5K or should I not do my bike workout or do I just count this as extra exercise? I don't want to exhaust myself in my first week.

2009-01-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Welcome Shannon. I started my post about an hour ago so I didn't see yours there. I'm so glad I don't live where it's cold. We lived in Everett, WA for about 6 months and in the White Mountains of AZ for about 18 months but other than that I've been in Tucson since I was 13.

Good for you wanting to get in shape.

Trudee good for you getting on the trainer before lunch.

I need to work strength training in any suggestions?
2009-01-01 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1881231

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
shannon1066 - 2009-01-01 2:03 PM

I would love to join your group.  I've been intimidated by the other groups and you all make me feel comfortable.  I'm a 39 year old female.  I am very much starting from the beginning...again.  I finished a sprint tri 18 years ago and was on the college cycling team but I haven't done much since.  I don't even have a bike any more.  I've been out of it so long I feel like a brand new newbie.  I'm tring to figure out what bike I should get.  I'm in Spokane, WA and the roads are packed full of snow so it will be awhile before I can get out.

As I quickly approach 40 I am very motivated to get back into shape and experience the joys and challenges of competition, even if it is just with myself.  I'm currently out of shape - I need to lose 70 pounds - and I have to start small.  My first event is just a 5k on March 14th.  There are sprints I would like to do, one in June, July, and August (Seattle Danskin).  Depending how my training goes there is also an olympic September 13th I would love to be able to do.

I really appreciate the opportunity to be in your group and I hope with your support I'll be able to achieve my goals.


Shannon you are in. Getting back at it seems to be a common theme with our group. Your goals look very achievable and motivating. I feel your pain about the snow covered roads. I live in Michigan and it already has been a long winter.

2009-01-01 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
AHHHHHH. Curse words. I'm trying to figure out how to put the bike computer on. I think I got the sensor in the right spot now I need to figure out what size my tire is. WTH. I just want to ride my bike. After I get the computer on I get to figure out how to put air in the tire. Okay, don't everyone laugh at me
2009-01-01 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1881394

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

craftyazgal - 2009-01-01 4:16 PM AHHHHHH. Curse words. I'm trying to figure out how to put the bike computer on. I think I got the sensor in the right spot now I need to figure out what size my tire is. WTH. I just want to ride my bike. After I get the computer on I get to figure out how to put air in the tire. Okay, don't everyone laugh at me

No laughing here cause I was there before. Sometimes the sensor needs to be a bit in front of the magnet to get a good reading, at least that has been my experience at times. As far as the tires, what type of tube do you have? (If you know) Does it have a plastic cap to it or do you spin a small metal part at the top of the stem?

2009-01-01 9:23 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hey all,

Is this group still open?  I would love to join!  Do I need to do anything else to join?

I am new to tri training..just started this past Monday.  I have ran one official 5k (a year ago), did not even own a bike 7 days ago, and I can swim, but have only ever done it while my 3 kids were climbing on me or I was throwing then around while they begged for more. So to say I am just starting out is the understatement of the century.

I am 38, married for 13+ years to the greatest most beautiful woman in the world, have 3 wonderful kids and I am an assistant principal at a HS.  I started running and learning martial arts the summer of 07 to lose weight and spend time with my son.  I went from 290lbs (I am 5'8" to 225lbs and ran a 5k last Dec in 31:29.  I have been slack this past summer and fall due to a lot of reasons (work, grad school working on doctorate, family health issues -- cancer scare wife, miscarriage: and good old laziness).  I started running again and then had a vas and went on vacation.  I have ran 3 times a week for the past 2 weeks, swam twice already this week and bikes twice already also. I can barely swim a full lap (50m) without stopping.  So far my swim routine is to warm up, swim 50m, and then work on drills.  The couch to sprint plan calls for a warm up, 50m frestyle, and then cool down.  I a little ahead a true couch tater, so I warm up, swim the 50 as best as I can (while working on a few breathing tips I have read about -- tucking chin, rolling hips), then work on drill for 3, 4, or even 5 more full lengths while stopping for bout 30 secs at each end.

My biggest pitfalls will be nutirtion and job can be very demanding for time, then I have my 3 kids, and I am taking 9 grad hours this spring.  However, I have a plan that will work if I can stick to it.  Probably the biggest adjustment to make it work will be getting up at 4:30 on swim days or going back out at about 9pm to swim.  Getting the bike and run in won't be a huge challenge time-wise.

I liked what I read and the tone in everyone's posts...this seemed like a great group for me.  I just hope that 1) I can get in  2) I can bring something to the table to help everyone and pull my weight.  I plan to compete in a sprint in mid May.

I AM going to complete two majopr life goals in the next two years in my life....earn my Doctorate and finish a HIM.  I will be halfway to the first one this May and I have already started on the second.

Thanks for reading...I will be swimming and biking tomorrow.

2009-01-01 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

jtflash you are in, not sure how many we are up to now but many one or two more and call it good

I hear you on the lack of time and nutrition as challenges. Two of my big struggles also.

2009-01-02 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


 Good morning and Happy New Year.  My name Drew.  I would like to join your group if you have any openings left. 

I am soon to be 30 (FEB, 24). My wife and 2 girls and I live in Columbus, IN. I have been a gym rat for 3 years with no real goals, except to work out.  I came across a Men's Health article about triathlons and started training for a Sprint that will take place April 19 in Carmel, IN.  I have been training for 3 weeks and have become addicted to the training and this website. 

Goals- i would like win the "first timers award" at the Sprint in Carmel.  Maybe a bit lofty, but need something to shoot for.  Never thought I could do an IronMan, but anything is possible.  Lets see how the Sprint in April goes.  I hope the traing takes off 10 lbs, no problem if it doesn't. 

I loved reading the chats from your group and hope everyone can help with support and questions.



2009-01-02 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Rochester, New York
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

You had said one or two more, and I think I'm the second...and would love to join if possible.

I'm not new to triathlon, as I have completed 3 sprints and one olympic. My original goal was to complete a HIM this year, but after getting my butt kicked in the olympic distance this past summer, I need to exorcise that demon first. So, my immediate goal for this year is to successfully complete the Tri in the Buff in July. Also, maybe a couple of sprints thrown in there.

Bio: I'm 39, married and have a 4 year old and 5-month old twins. I'm a pediatric ICU nurse and nursing school instructor, and although my time is limited, I am a morning person who gets out of bed to train early.

I hope you have rrom for one more in the group, I really enjoyed the support last year!

2009-01-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1880617

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
My goal for my first sprint tri on April 11th is to finish, I don't want to be last be even if I am as long as I finish I don't care.  I would like to do 3 events this year and just do better each time.  I am following the 20 week training program and am keeping my traning log up to date.  I also would like to loose the last 30 extra pounds I am carrying as well.
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