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2009-04-14 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Cindy:  I hear ya!  If its any help, I think your group would probably be last to enter the water, so there shouldn't be many people passing you (or over you!).


Sara:  I think swimming is harder for people as its just not as 'accessible' for most people.  Running can be done almost any time with just a pair of shoes, biking almost the same, where with swimming you need a pool, you can only go at certain times, etc.  My big problem in the water is probably breathing.  I just don't feel comfortable being 'restricted' to breathing at certain times, as opposed to running when you breath however you want.




2009-04-14 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

"I just don't feel comfortable being 'restricted' to breathing at certain times, as opposed to running when you breath however you want."

Hey Robb, I know I had a huge issue with OWS because I was trying to stya focused on breathing every third stroke and bilateral breathing and all the stuff you are suppose to do that it really hindered me in the swim. Until I decided to go with a breathing pattern that was comfortable for me, which is breathing every stroke. Since I changed it has made a world of difference for me. I know people always say you have to breath bilateral, and i am working on it, but I also know that if I get hit with hand or wave, I can make it until the next stroke to breathe and it also helped me get over the 'face down in the dirty murky water where I  can't see" 

2009-04-15 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Could I join too?  Swimming is going well, but the more information I can get on it the better.  Would also be great to hear some nutrition advice too.

My name is Robert and I started doing triathlons last year.  I started off with two sprint triathlons, and ended with an olympic distance race.  (with a mix of running races from 5k to 1/2 marathons)

This year I am preparing for two 1/2 ironman races (Tupper Lake &  half Vermont Journey) along with a few sprints and olympic distance race.  
2009-04-15 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
If it's not too late I'd like to join this group.  I'm also a member of another group from the last mentor program and would like to stay in touch with them too..   my largest weakness is swimming (followed closely by the bike and run) and eating (I over indulge myself occasionally).

Name: Stan

Story:  I live in NYC, so it's semi tough to train.  Mainly train at my gym and central park.  I raced in my first sprint tri in Oct.  I was just happy to finished since I only trained for 7 weeks and now I'm a big fan of the sport.  My goal this year is to do 2 more sprints in the spring and early summer, an Olympic distance at the end of summer and the Montauk sprint in Oct (to see if I improved from last yr).   My biggest weakness right now is swimming, particularly the OW part of it.

Family status: Married 5yrs and have a 21 month old boy.

Current training: due to location I mainly do my training inside and try to get to central park as much as possible.

This year's races: My goal is to do 2 sprints in the spring and early summer, an Olympic distance at the end of summer and the Montauk sprint again so I can see if I've improved from last yr.

2009 races: 1) Iron Clad Sprint , 2)Harriman sprint 3)? (Olympic) 4) Montauk sprint 

Weight loss: I'd like to lose around 12 lbs..  Only problem with that is I eat too much.

2009-04-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Cindy - I agree with Rob.  Start out with a duathlon if you want.  You can always work your way to a tri.  I did a du first but I felt the same as you….no challenge it.  So I decided to take the bull by the horns – learn to freestyle swim – and do a tri.  I would recommend starting out with a tri that’s a pool swim or doing some practice open water swims.  (Doing that should build your confidence cause the mental aspect can definitely affect you in the water.)  Also remember that in a sprint the swim is the smallest portion in the race.  You can definitely make up time on the bike and run!

2009-04-15 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2084963

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
yeah!  i'm in, thank you.  what gets me kickin and screaming about the swim?  I have never been comfortable in water over my head.  I can swim in it but i don't like it.  when i'm over my head i'm on the lookout for something that i can grab onto.  this gets a tad challenging in the ocean.  can we fix it without therapy?

2009-04-15 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2085080

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

yes, knowing that my group is last is actually comforting.  i've even had thoughts of just hanging until everyone is in and then jumping in.  i know, not very competitive thinking but i am definitely in survival mode about the swim.  i'm working on changing that.

i agree with your comment about the breathing; between my natural discomfort with swimming and being concsious about my breathing i'm a total wreak.  clearly this leads to hyperventilating, etc.  but, i am confident that i can overcome these obstacles and complete both tri's that i'm looking at this season.

thanks for your supportive insight robb, it's very helpful.

2009-04-15 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2085165

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
jim, good advice on the breathing - i'll take it.

btw, your accomplishments in the past year are inspiring. everyone in this forum has accomplished incredible feats and that gives me alot of inspiration to keep pushing and challenging myself.

2009-04-15 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2085778

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

thanks betsy.  the duathlon doesn't challenge me - at least in my head it doesn't Smile

i'm going back to the pool tonight after more than a month of avoiding it and my goal is to just get in the lane and do whatever it takes to stay in the water for at least 20 mins.  i don't care if i crawl, backstroke, dogpaddle, just keep moving.  i'll build from that.

open water swims here (Boston area) are not happening for a while.  if i buy a wetsuit i can see myself getting in to the ocean maybe mid june.  that might be a stretch.  someone in the winter forum i belonged to suggested i get the suit now and start practicing in the pool with it to get used to it.  i'm supposed to ignore the weird stares which frankly would never be a concern if i can convince myself that the suit will help me float Laughing

2009-04-15 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2086229

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Oh wow...Boston.  Definitely too cold then!

You can do 20 minutes.  I am sure of it!  Like you said, doesn't matter what stroke you do, just keep moving forward!

Swimming with a wetsuit in a pool is a good idea.  If you can handle it, I would suggest sleeveless as it's less constricting. 

2009-04-15 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Wow! I'm seriously impressed by all of you! This being my first attempt at a tri, I'm sure I'll learn a lot just reading all of your postings.

2009-04-15 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

I am going to start swimming in the pool with my wetsuit next week and hopefully at he end of April, I can get in OW. Personally I prefer the warmth and I go with a full suit instead of sleeveless!  GUess I am to wimpy!  lol

2009-04-15 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Looking forward to getting to know and learn from all of you.  My info...

NAME: Robert

STORY: Over 2006-2007 I lost a bunch of weight.  2008 came around and I was looking for something fun to keep me exercising.  I tried a bunch of things, and running was one I started liking it after my first 5k.  (never thought I could run 1.5 miles much less 3.2 miles, but I did it and I did it under 30 minutes)  The summers are hot here so I started swimming for fun to keep cool on my lunch break.  I saw that they were holding a short tri 2 minutes for me, so I thought why not!  (I was already running and swimming, and had been taking spin classes for a year)  After that race I was hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Single (gives me plenty of time to train, and extra money to spend on racing :-)

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I following the Bronze Beginner 1/2 Ironman plan here on BT.  I'm on week 10 of my training, so only 10 weeks to my first 1/2 ironman.  I have been doing running/snowshoe races through the winter and get to do my first tri of the year on 5/3 then one on 5/17.  (two short sprints to get me ready for the half)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year I did my first running race in April and my first tri in July   (could not swim freestyle for more then 25 seconds, just sort of swam under water for a bit, came up for air, repeat until I got through the 350 yards).  Followed it up with a longer Sprint, then an oly in September.  With running I slowly brought my distances up and times down from a 5k in April to a 1/2 marathon in October.

2009 RACES: June - Tupper Lake  (1/2 IM)    July - Pinbush (sprint)     August - Half Vermont Journey (1/2 IM).  September - Lake George Tri (oly).  (My "A" races are the two 1/2 IM

Goals:  I am volunteering for IMLP this year, and if all goes will with my 1/2 in June I'll be signing up for that.  VERY scary and exciting! 

2009-04-15 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2086944

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Cindy:  The ocean maybe not so much, but if you can find a shallow lake somewhere, they can warm up pretty quick (sometimes late may - early june, especially with a wetsuit).


Robert:  Welcome aboard!  Good luck on the HIM, thats a huge amount of progress

2009-04-15 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2085067

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hi Tim!

Welcome to our little group.  Since you liked mountain biking so much, have you thought about Xterra racing?  I have an "off-road" race close to home in August that I'm thinking about since getting off the asphalt sounds waaaay more fun!

TI is a pretty good beginner's tool.  I watched the video once and was mortified by some of the technique taught, but the drills are absolutely a necessity to get better at swimming (biggest pet peeve was head positioning...too many people complain about difficulty breathing using the TI way).

Any definite races planned for the next few months?

chichitao - 2009-04-14 10:58 PM Is the "open" sign still correct...if so I would love to join. 
About 2 years ago I got into mountain biking.  Loved it so much and decided to move into the road bikes as well.  Loved it so much I decided to give tri's a try.  I had zero swim experience and just self-taught using the TI method.  

My goal is to do mostly sprints this year and finish the year in Sept with an Oly.  I am looking for any help I can get or give and look forward to meeting everyone and working with ya'll this year!
2009-04-15 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2085080

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
I'm with you 100% on the accessiblity! With the restriction...I get that, too. I've had hiatuses (sp?!) where I don't swim for months and then getting back in the groove takes time.  I noticed that my husband doesn't exhale when his face is in the for the folks with breathing problems, I ask you: What are you doing when you face is down?  Try out exhaling through your nose, mouth and both.  Getting that CO2 out is just as important as getting oxygen in.  That CO2 changes your bloods pH which affects your performance.

Robb - 2009-04-14 11:08 PM 

Sara:  I think swimming is harder for people as its just not as 'accessible' for most people.  Running can be done almost any time with just a pair of shoes, biking almost the same, where with swimming you need a pool, you can only go at certain times, etc.  My big problem in the water is probably breathing.  I just don't feel comfortable being 'restricted' to breathing at certain times, as opposed to running when you breath however you want.




2009-04-15 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2085165

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
I've even watched ITU races where the pros only breathe on one side.  Definitely, for everyone, go with what is comfortable for yourself.  One drill to try is breathing only on your right side for one length of the pool, every stroke, and then breathing only on your left side for one length of the pool, every stroke. 

Aside from breathing, bilateral breathing helps your body stay balanced in the water so that one side doesn't have to work harder than the other to get your body to roll (thats where we get extra propulsion from-SO, if you're swimming flat and those hips aren't rolling side to side then work on that the next time you go for a dip.

jford2309 - 2009-04-15 12:15 AM

Until I decided to go with a breathing pattern that was comfortable for me, which is breathing every stroke. Since I changed it has made a world of difference for me. I know people always say you have to breath bilateral, and i am working on it, but I also know that if I get hit with hand or wave, I can make it until the next stroke to breathe and it also helped me get over the 'face down in the dirty murky water where I  can't see" 

2009-04-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2085344

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Hey Rob, you're just in time.  My how this group filled up quick!

Sounds like you have some good experience under your belt.  I've heard GREAT reviews about Tupperlake!

RobbyN210 - 2009-04-15 8:07 AM Hello,

Could I join too?  Swimming is going well, but the more information I can get on it the better.  Would also be great to hear some nutrition advice too.

My name is Robert and I started doing triathlons last year.  I started off with two sprint triathlons, and ended with an olympic distance race.  (with a mix of running races from 5k to 1/2 marathons)

This year I am preparing for two 1/2 ironman races (Tupper Lake &  half Vermont Journey) along with a few sprints and olympic distance race.  
2009-04-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2085484

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN

Hi Stan,

Thanks for joining us.  We're a pretty active group at the moment, so I'm sure you'll pick up some good advice for your training and races. 

First off, I think it is awesome that you get to train in Central Park! Holy cow! I'm full of info on the swim so feel free to ask questions.  As far as the overeating, start thinking of whether you eat because you're physically hungry OR for some other reason (an external cue like the time of day, something is just sitting there and it looks good to eat, you're bored, etc). 

With the OW swimming, like other folks have said, it's a huge difference from the pool because you'll have bodies around you AND on top of you, waves coming and going, and often a bottom that you a) can't see and b) can't touch...lots to think about.  I teach swimmers to get comfortable and confident in all sorts of aspects of the swim like, the stroke-remember, freestyle (front crawl) is fast, but you also can do some breaststroke and sidestroke as other options; breathing- you can breathe on the left side, ride side, AND straight ahead (some people do this when sighting); the craziness in the water-there isn't too much you can do to mimic the start, but I use resistance training in the water to practice pulling my body through rough water.

trying1 - 2009-04-15 9:14 AM If it's not too late I'd like to join this group.  I'm also a member of another group from the last mentor program and would like to stay in touch with them too..   my largest weakness is swimming (followed closely by the bike and run) and eating (I over indulge myself occasionally).

Name: Stan

Story:  I live in NYC, so it's semi tough to train.  Mainly train at my gym and central park.  I raced in my first sprint tri in Oct.  I was just happy to finished since I only trained for 7 weeks and now I'm a big fan of the sport.  My goal this year is to do 2 more sprints in the spring and early summer, an Olympic distance at the end of summer and the Montauk sprint in Oct (to see if I improved from last yr).   My biggest weakness right now is swimming, particularly the OW part of it.

Family status: Married 5yrs and have a 21 month old boy.

Current training: due to location I mainly do my training inside and try to get to central park as much as possible.

This year's races: My goal is to do 2 sprints in the spring and early summer, an Olympic distance at the end of summer and the Montauk sprint again so I can see if I've improved from last yr.

2009 races: 1) Iron Clad Sprint , 2)Harriman sprint 3)? (Olympic) 4) Montauk sprint 

Weight loss: I'd like to lose around 12 lbs..  Only problem with that is I eat too much.

2009-04-15 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2086141

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
oshunluvah - 2009-04-15 12:40 PM and screaming about the swim?  I have never been comfortable in water over my head.  I can swim in it but i don't like it.  when i'm over my head i'm on the lookout for something that i can grab onto.  this gets a tad challenging in the ocean.  can we fix it without therapy?

I must confess, the water over my head doesn't bother me, it's the thought of "there might be some BIG fish in here that will bite my toes!" 

I see this happen  a lot with recreational swimmers at indoor pools-they have the endurance to make it from the shallow end to the deep end and yet cling to the lane lines.  Getting in longer swims then necessary will help (so you can say, I have swum 1,000 yards without stopping, so I can do this 750 yard swim right now).  For safety (if you're thinking-"I'm worried about being saved if something goes wrong!) there are usually PLENTY of kayakers, lifeguards, people in motor boats to assist you if you need it.  But, really, the biggest cure is getting in those OWS and learning to trust your body-it WILL get you through the swim leg!
2009-04-15 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Vienna, VA
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN it too late to join??  I hope I can still join because I REALLY could use your swim advice!!

If it's not too late, here is my info...

NAME: Anthony

STORY: I am 26.  I consider myself an "athletic" person, at least in high school I was (but that was awhile ago).  Since then, I have kept in shape playing recreational sports like basketball and softball with the occasional 5k in there.  However, 2 years ago, while I was in grad school I got involved in the Cycling Club and really enjoyed cycling!!  I looked into trying to join a cycling team, but it looked highly competitive.  I also enjoy running, so I thought, hey, I should try out triathlons.  So, here I am!


CURRENT TRAINING: Sadly, I have been making up my training on a day-to-day basis like "Hey, I'll go running today" or "Hey, I'll go biking today".  I realize this is bad, so as of yesterday I have adopted the "20 week olympic - 2x balanced" plan from the BT website.  I also purchased the Triathlon Bible and am going through that HUGE book right now...

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  My main goal is to do an Olympic distance in September (The Nation's Tri).  I have yet to sign up for any other tri, however, I do plan on signing up for some sprints...I need to get on this!!

2009 RACES: ...Sprints, 5ks, 10ks... September - Nation's Tri (oly)

Goals:  To finish the Nation's Tri.  To improve my time in every Sprint Tri.


Edited by bigredx24x 2009-04-15 9:19 PM

2009-04-15 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: wetsuit?
After all this swim talk, I'm beginning to wonder if I can really do this part as easily as I thought.

The swim portion of the race I'm planning takes place in a reservoir. Their website says that the water temperature is expected to be 60-65 degrees. It will be in early August. Will I NEED a wetsuit for this?

What are your suggestions?
2009-04-15 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - OPEN
Welcome Robert, Stan and Tim!

Looks like we have a diverse group of athletes!    I look forward to learning from each of you!
2009-04-15 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2087753

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: wetsuit?
Jessica - You CAN do this!  I personally would wear a wetsuit.  (Sara is the expert though.)  A wetsuit will help your bouyancy in the water as well.  So if you need to take a break, just float!

jae.miles - 2009-04-15 9:15 PM After all this swim talk, I'm beginning to wonder if I can really do this part as easily as I thought.

The swim portion of the race I'm planning takes place in a reservoir. Their website says that the water temperature is expected to be 60-65 degrees. It will be in early August. Will I NEED a wetsuit for this?

What are your suggestions?
2009-04-15 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2087776

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Twin Falls, ID (not from here, I just live here)
Subject: RE: wetsuit?
Thanks for the suggestion...and so quick!

I'll look into renting one later this summer, as I'm hoping that it will be easier to find one to fit this backside I've got into.

BTW...are my logs visible? I just started keeping track this week, and want to make sure they are there to see!
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