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2009-04-23 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2105140

New user

Subject: RE: Beginning to panic about the swim
Hi Joesph,

The great thing I found out about a try a tri is that there are alot of newbies and alot of people that aren't overly confident with their swim.  I did my first one last year and there was a man that did the whole swim, back stroke!  One of the people in my group didn't finish the swim but he's been taking swimming lessons over the winter and ready to try again!  Don't be discouraged, it will come with practice and it's good to know that you won't be alone.


2009-04-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2105340

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Hi Dave,

Yes, I've been cleared to exercise again.  I've been doing some weights and swimming but just started back regularly at the gym last week.  No problems with the swim and I'm being careful with the intensity on the stationery bike.   Only walking on the treadmill for at least two more weeks.  I was following the Sprint 20 week 2X balanced workout so I've adjusted it for my race date and made myself a spreadsheet, planning my training around my travel to Egypt in another week.  When I start to run (really jogging in my case), I'll do the walk/jog/walk thing.  I've made my training log public (big step for me as I usually keep everything very private).

2009-04-23 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2086257


Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hello Pashda, I'm new at this, but I have signed up for a sprint tri. on June 19, 2009. I'm 45 and have been in the gym the last three months cycling, I have lost about 25lbs and plan to lose more as I start a swim and bike program. I contribute my weight lose mostly to better eating. My tri. is only about 8wks away, but hope you can help me out if possible. I purchased a gps heart rate monitor and plan to use it to help target hr for peak work out. Hope that I can join your group. Doing a tri for the first time just seems like a great personal challenge. Thank you  

Felix in Florida  
2009-04-24 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2107079

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
OK folks all those above this message are in and welcome to the group. You will all benefit most from this by keeping your training logs up to date as much as possible and by supporting each other. To all of you who have never tried a triathlon before congratulations for making the effort to have a go. Remember even if you finish last you are ahead of those who do not finish and if you DNF you are way ahead of the millions sat on their backsides watching you compete.
A bit more about me, Last year a friend announced he was going to do a triathlon and the rest of us on the train commute laughed. I was an unfit ex soccer player who lifted weights 3 times a week and decided to borrow his training plan to give me something to follow to try and get fit again and lose some of the 204lb I was carrying. After 6 weeks I was loving the training and figured I may as well attempt the race he was planning in June. It was a great experience and I raised £800 for a charity and I was hooked. Even though I had to walk a lot of the run I finished and couldn't wait to do another. In 6 weeks I return to the first race and am hoping to finish with a smile rather than a grimace this time. When I started training I could just about run 2 miles before collapsing, could only swim 50m non-stop and was ok on my bike. I used to hit every training session at full speed and maximum effort and that worked for a while but I kept getting colds and had permanently sore legs. Last December I signed up to a mentor group on BT and changed my training totally and it has helped me get faster and stronger with a lot less pain.
I will be hoping to pass on all that I have learnt in the relatively short time I have been a triathlete and would encourage you all to also check out run by Gordo Byrn the legend who mentored me.
2009-04-24 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2101455

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
blakekenny1 - 2009-04-22 2:33 AM

Pashda - Can I get in on the action?  I have a pretty tight schedule, but have been pretty religious about using BT for information.  Lacking a bit with regard to posting workouts... Below is my intro. to the Michigan forum.  I have been doing a bit of research and know a couple of people doing Tris, but this seems to be a great way to learn more.  Thanks!

Hi Blake, I too work in a bank. Its certainly a time to hold tight at the moment. Looks like you have your work cutout with your lively family and high number of interests. Try to keep your training log up to date as much as you can. Any initial questions ?

2009-04-24 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2104179

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
pdbman - 2009-04-23 3:15 AM

Can I play?  I'm new to the scene but have always wanted to tri it. 

What I hope to get from this group:  1 - I know nothing about the tri.  I have some questions about the transitions, what I will need, how to pack, set things up and whatever else would be helpful for my first tri. 
2 - I am learning how important nutrition is and the affect it can have on your training.  I would like to learn more about a good training diet and how to eat to prepare for a race.

Hi Paul, transitions are a very personal thing but there are some golden rules for any race. Always do yourself a checklist of kit to avoid forgetting anything. Take as little as possible into transition, too much kit just gets lost or in the way. If its going to rain take a couple of plastic bags to put your bike and run shoes into, they are much harder to get on when wet. Practice transitions before race day it will allow you to relax on the day which will make you faster. A minute saved in transition is a lot easier than trying to do 5k a minute faster.
I must confess I am not a nutrition expert so would recommend the nutritional cafe threads on the forums.


2009-04-24 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2105661

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
jen spiegel - 2009-04-23 6:16 PM Hi Dave ( & Everyone)

Are there any openings left in your group? 

I am as new as it gets & definitely need some guidance.

Because I work long hours (7:30am- 5:30pm) during the week the only time I can train is from 5-6am  (the YMCA opens at 5).  And on weekends i can take an hour or two as well. 

I am definitely aiming to lose some weight along the way.  Currently I am 5'3 and 167lbs, my personal goal is 140lbs.  Most importantly I want to be lean & toned.

Hi Jen,
your training times are my favourite time to be out running. I also find I miss fewer sessions by getting up early and out as the sun rises. Sometimes after a long day at work the motivation is not there. I am sure you will be lean and toned after the next few months of training. 13 weeks is plenty of time to be ready for your sprint race, are you following a programme or taking each day as it comes.?
2009-04-24 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2106309

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
hussybowler5000 - 2009-04-23 10:06 PM

Hi Dave,

I would like to join your group too, if there is still space.

Family Status: Long term boyfriend and two dogs, a 5 year old rottweiler/ lab/ shephard and a 1 year old rottweiler/ pug mix.

Hi Erica, That Rottweiler/Pug breeding programme must have been interesting !!
If you are a former swimmer you already have a headstart on most of us who swim like bricks. Swimming is the most technical of the 3 sports and hard work doesnt always lead to improvement. The running we can sort out no problem. When you go out for your runs try to aim for a high cadence of around 85 and aim for midfoot strike. That is you dont want your foot to land too far ahead of your hips as you will then be landing on your heel which can actually slow you down. By landing midfoot your foot is under your centre of gravity and you are ready to push back with it. It will feel a bit strange at first as will the high cadence but you will get used to it. Long slow runs is where we want to start as this builds the endurance in your muscles and tendons ready for the speed work later. If you have a heart rate monitor aim to keep you HR around 135 on these long runs. This may mean you are almost at walking pace but you will find you can keep going at that speed without getting out of breath and that is the aim. After a few weeks you will notice your getting faster at the same HR or HR is lower at a set speed.

2009-04-24 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2107079

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Felix101 - 2009-04-24 4:24 AM Hello Pashda, I'm new at this, but I have signed up for a sprint tri. on June 19, 2009. I'm 45 and have been in the gym the last three months cycling, I have lost about 25lbs and plan to lose more as I start a swim and bike program. I contribute my weight lose mostly to better eating. My tri. is only about 8wks away, but hope you can help me out if possible. I purchased a gps heart rate monitor and plan to use it to help target hr for peak work out. Hope that I can join your group. Doing a tri for the first time just seems like a great personal challenge. Thank you  

Felix in Florida  

Hi felix,
gps HRM is perfect as a training tool. 8wks is not long but you have already done 3 months of cycling so I guess your fitness is pretty good already. So swim and run, how are you doing at the moment in terms of time per workout and frequency ?

2009-04-24 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
I have a question about bikes.  I currently have a mountain bike but was looking to get a road bike.  I have limited funds so I want to go the used route.  Wondering how I figure out my size/fit and all that.  Any brands that are better than others?  Any help is appreciated!

2009-04-24 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED


I am looking forward to this new experience and learning from you and the others in the group. Here is a little bit more about myself and my goals.  I am completely new to this sport and have never competed in any to the three events.  I am looking for my first road bike; hope to get it next week.  I used to be a decent athlete, many years ago, until I had a couple of leg injuries (Blown knee and Snapped Achilles)  Consequently, I had to give up soccer and have gradually gotten more and more out of shape.  My main goals are to just get back in shape, complete the sprint in October, and try not to injure myself.



2009-04-24 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2108081

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Alane123 - 2009-04-24 5:50 PM I have a question about bikes.  I currently have a mountain bike but was looking to get a road bike.  I have limited funds so I want to go the used route.  Wondering how I figure out my size/fit and all that.  Any brands that are better than others?  Any help is appreciated!


Alane, There are many factors that are going to affect your choice of bike. Size and fit are most important and a good idea is to get your inside leg measurement as a 1st point but you may have short legs and a long torso or the other way round. Go to the biggest bike shop near you and sit on a whole bunch of bikes to get your size sorted out. Then you are able to narrow down the used bikes on Craigslist or Ebay etc. Brands are going to depend on how much you can spend. eg if you have $500 to spend you will get a lot more choice of good used bikes such as Specialized, Scott, Trek, Bianchi all of which are quality. Often the difference between a high end bike and the cheaper model eg Trek 1.9 or Trek 1.2 is down to the components bolted to the same frame and forks.
Can you give me an idea of price range and your size ?
2009-04-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Cutting and pasting from MS Word is what's causing the problems here (in Internet Explorer only, ironically enough).

Please don't cut and paste from Word. It contains formatting codes which cause the browser to stop rendering the rest of the post. There doesn't appear to be much we can do to work around it. It's your browser acting like a browser.  I'm not sure if it's specific versions of Word or all versions.
2009-04-24 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2108270

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

Scott, I was similar to yourself without the bad injuries but from a soccer background. One thing I found was the soccer gave me strong legs for the cycling but also heavy legs not best for distance running.
You have a nice long summer to prepare for the race so I think slow and steady to start is going to be the way for you to go. Use one of the training plans on this site, maybe the 2x balanced 20week sprint plan. This focuses on time rather than distance or speed and will leave you ready for the sprint. It also incorporates recovery weeks each month which are vital to let your body recover and avoid burn out or injury. Have a look at the plan and see what you think. Enjoy shopping for your bike, that was the best fun for me. What have you got your eye on ?

2009-04-24 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
I'm just curious...I did a quick run to the local pool last night and on my way there, I stopped my watch timer whenever I got to a stoplight. Is it more accurate for me to keep it going when I am stopped or should I get in the habit of always stopping it? What do you do? Any advice would be appreciated. Kristin
2009-04-24 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2107839


Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Hi Dave, feel great that I got in with your group YES! I just started to swim this week. The first day (Wednesday) I just worked on technique for about 30min and felt pretty beat. The next day I went to the gym and cycled for about 15min and worked on some weights (light and high reps). I really just kind’ a wanted to recover from my swim. But my HR  gps arrived at home that day and decided to take it for a ride about 3+ miles, cool stuff. Today, I jumped in the pool and swam for about 35min and combined technique and some exercise training, I covered about 500 yards. I felt pretty good and tired after my swim. I drank some whey to help with energy. I’m just trying to apply some of the stuff that I find on the web concerning nutrition. I know you want us to work the log and I will log all my work by tomorrow. Again, thank you very much for your dedication and motivation.


Personal Info: I’m married and have two children and two dogs. I plan to make triathlons part of my life to help me with conditioning.  


2009-04-25 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2108422

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Dave, I completely agree with you about the cycling and running, I am good for short runs the longer distances are tougher right now.  I am letting time handle that, slow and steady. Thanks for the advise on the training plans on the website, I will check into them.  I am enjoying cycling though.  Since it is my first road bike and I am on the tight budget, I have narrowed it down to a Mercier Orion AL and Fuji Newest. Both are entry level bikes under $700.  Both have aluminum frames with carbon front forks.  The Fuji has a little better components, Shimano Tiagra and 105's versus the Mercier which has Shimano Tiagra and Sora components.  The Mericer is a little lighter, comes with clipless pedals, is $100 less and if I purchase it at the local bike shop they will service the bike for free for the life of the bike.  That didn't sound to bad to me, the shop has been around for over 20 years.  I am looking at all the bikes again this weekend if you have any suggestions or recommendations, I am all ears.
2009-04-25 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2109469

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Hi Scott that sounds like a good deal from your LBS. For what its worth the Fuji has been getting good press in the UK and Tiagra/105 is obviously better than Tiagra/Sora. Make sure you test ride them both as well it may help you decide easier.
2009-04-26 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2105319

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

First of all, thanks for letting me in.  I am following a training plan from a book published by triatlete magazine.  It is simply called essential week-by-week training guide.  My plan calls for 6 days of working out and rest on Monday.  It starts the first week with 1000 yards of swimming, 40 minutes of biking and 40 minutes of running.  It peaks in week 11 with 2275 yards swimming, 2 hours of cycling and 1 hour 14 minutes of running.  I just finished my first week and my legs were really shot on the bike today.  The rest of the week went very good. 

I do have a question though.  The guide to this program said to set my training log to public and put the group in the friends list.  How do I do this? 

Thanks again,


2009-04-27 2:44 AM
in reply to: #2111368

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Hi Joe
your training log is already set to public as I have been able to see it.
To add the group to your friends on your log press the settings tab at the top of the page and follow instructions there.
Your training plan looks good and would probably be enough to do an olympic distance race. Looking at your logs for the first week you seem to have gone into your sessions aiming for speed all the way. I would suggest backing off the pace a bit to allow you to complete the 40 mins of running or cycling.
The goal is to always be able to train the following day. What I am trying to get at is that by running hard on saturday your legs were shot which meant your bike on Sunday was not as good as it could have been and you did 21min instead of 40. I guess we have to allow for the beer. Smile. Try backing off the pace of your run maybe to 6mins per km and go for the full 40mins. It will feel slow but you should finish feeling like you could have gone further. This will build you gradually toward the long runs in week 11.


2009-04-27 6:32 AM
in reply to: #2112044

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Sorry, I think I mis-stated my training plan in the last post.  The 40 minutes for the first week were 40 minutes total for the week.  It was 2, 20 minute runs and 2, 20 minute bike rides.  I really think you are right though.  I pushed pretty hard on the runs and my bike ride was a lot slower than I wished on Sat. 

Thanks for all the help. 


2009-04-27 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2086257

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

Hi Y'all,

I thought is might be useful to everyone to compile a list of our members with just a bit of information about them.  We can use the list to add everyone to our friends list.  I tried to accurately use the information from your posts and profiles so I hope this is okay.

Train on!


User name
First name
Race date(s)

Pashda Group Spring 2009

Pashda - MENTOR
Essex, England

Bridgewater, MA
Sprint May 17, 2009

Sprint May 30, 2009

Sprint August 2009

Royal Oak, MI

Sprint July 2009

Marathon May 10, 2009

West Jordan, UT

Georgia, US
Sprint June 21, 2009

Sprint July 19, 2009


jen spiegel
Sprint July 25, 2009


Sprint October 2009

Florida, US
Sprint June 19, 2009

2009-04-28 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2112868

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

Melody, thank you for that.  At very least it is cool to see what's going on, and where folks are from!


2009-04-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Hi folks, been looking at your training logs and good to see all the peach coloured days. One thing I notice for some of you that have the HR monitors, you look like you are running hard most of the time. I may be wrong but I bet you are struggling for breath most of your run and are puffed out at the end of the run checking your watch to see if you beat the time from last week. This is a recipe for injury and overtraining. Try to change the readout on your watch to show the HR only and run your normal route moderating your speed by your heart rate. You are aiming for zone 1 or 2 for most of your runs which will build your endurance base, strengthen the legs for race day and important to some of you will burn fat. It will feel painfully slow but trust me it works. If your HR starts to go too high then walk for a minute to allow it to calm a bit. A rough guide for you is 160-your age for zone 1. I personally struggle to keep my HR that low at anything over a walk so have set myself a target of 140-145 for my long runs and usually manage that.
2009-04-29 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Tapering, and getting close to race day
My Tri is quickly approaching on Sunday May 17th.
It is 250yd pool swim, 9.3 mile bike, 3.2 mile run.

As swimming is my weakest, lots of my available training time is spent in the water.  I would guess that I will continue my swimming right up to the race day.  But, what about the other two areas?  I feel comfortable with each on their own.  Should I scale back training in those two one day / three days / ?? before the 17th?

Most mornings I do a quick 20 minute indoor bike ride of about 5 miles.  Normally walk/jog/run between 1-3 miles during lunch (weather permitting).

So, what is tapering, and should I be doing it?

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