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2009-05-20 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2162125

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey Bryan, sorry to hear about the knee.  That's a bummer. 

I've never had any serious knee injury and I am certainly not a doctor, but a couple things come to mind.  Did you go to PT after your surgery?  Did they give you any specific leg/knee strengthening exercies to do?  I have some minor left knee issues from time to time and I find if I can be diciplined enough to do my strength training for the joint 3-4x/wk the discomfort is almost nill.  Of course I am frequently neglecting the exercises and playing catch up.  You think I'd have learned my lesson by now.

Another thing to consider is your shoes.  What kind of mileage are on the pair you ran in?  Is it possible that you pronate a bit more now after the surgery?  Maybe you are in a neutral shoe and you should be in a support or stability shoe.  This is a complete would think that if this were the cause you wouldn't see pain so early in a run.

Hopefully Laura will chime in.  She's battle some severe knee pain on/off for the last cpl of years.


2009-05-20 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hi Bryan,

In addition to what Tim said, you may want to check out ART therapy. Here is a link with some background information:

I have a small tear in my meniscus on my left knee and a partial tear of the popliteal tendon on my right knee. I have found that ART therapy initially got me back to running after 11 months of constant knee pain every time I tried to run. Never got more than 0.5 miles to 1 mile before I had to stop. ART therapy fleshed out all of the issues I was having. It took a solid 3 weeks of ART before I tried to run, and I weaned myself back into the mileage. Now, I keep on top of stretching and using the Trigger Point Massage set ( every night. I have found that this keeps the pain to a minimum and lately I haven't felt any pain at all while running.

Another thing is that I have found it helpful to ice every night, regardless of if I have run or not. A simple 20 minutes once a night is all I do, but it helps!

Good luck!

2009-05-20 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Howdy folks!  I am assuming this mentor group is not yet full? 

If not, here goes:
My name is Charlie, I am a married father of 5 (4 boys & a girl), 47 years old from Central NJ.  I have some background info in my profile so I won't repeat it here.  I currently run between 10 - 20 miles per week and swim about 2 hours per week.  I commute to NYC each day (aprox. 4 hours round trip) and it is sometimes difficult to find the time to train.  Most of my training is in a health club in Manhattan near work.  I swim around 5:30 am at a health club near home a couple of times a week. 

To date I have done very little training on weekends but plan to change this soon!  I will backfill my training log from a spreadsheet that I maintain as time permits.

I have yet to start cycling, I figured I will try a couple of spin classes at the health club prior to trying to find a cheap bike!  I have a short-term goal of competing in a local triathlon no later than August.  Would love to attempt an Olympic distance first but will take the advice of this group.

Talk to you later.
2009-05-20 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2163617

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: New member - fontaic
Hi Charlie (fontaic).
Welcome to the wonderful world of Tri.
Many here are in their 40's, and working to get back into shape and/or improve overall qualiy of life.  Also, many understand the time and financial struggles of Tri's - balancing with work and family.

I am 46 and like you started running last year (after a long break since HS), and with a couple of kids.  So, I will provide you with some of my perspective --

Glad to have you here, and good for you to want to do a Tri.  Sonds like you have run and swim progressing well.  As you complete Training Logs, it will be easier to advise on more details.
Just coming off my first Tri, it is challenging and exciting.  Mine was a Sprint as I was somewhat nervous about all 3 events one after the other, and especially my swimming ability.  My suggestion would be to do your first Tri as a Sprint.  After going through it, I now know so much better what to expect and how to deal with various issues.  And a Sprint Tri can be pretty challenging for most people.

If you are still stuck on what to do or what distance, take a look at a race that interests you and look at the times and distances.  How do you compare?  Then do the 3 yourself - maybe only at your Health Club, but go swim the 10 laps then to the locker room for your sneakers and go spin or ride exercise bike for the 40 minutes or hour or the mileage, then over to the treadmill and run the 5k or 10k.  Can you do it as a walk-thru?  Or maybe try each at 1/2 the race length.  It will tell you a lot about your conditioning and also how your muscles and body will react to one exercise after another.

Welcome to the Group.

Edited by joeyg 2009-05-20 1:27 PM
2009-05-20 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Welcome Charlie!
I am a Mom of 5 and turn 40 TODAY SurprisedLaughing

I have a swim question - I am new to swimming and am unsure what a swim workout should look like.  This is what my swim looked like today:

100 breaststroke (warm up), 100 kickboard, 100 sidestroke, 100 sidekick - it is more of a resting sidestroke only using feet with one outstretched arm, 100 with flippers - this was my first time using flippers and I wasn't fond, 100 freestyle, 100 kickboard, 100 side stroke, 100 sidekick.  I planned to do another 100 of freestyle but got distracted chatting with fellow triathlete.  So 900 yars in all which is 1/2 mile and I did it in under 30 minutes though I forgot to check my watch so I am unsure of the time.
I am wondering if I shouldn't spend more time in freestyle but it really wears me out.  Please keep in mind I've only been swimming for 2 months.

Very open to suggestions.  Since I could barely swim a 25 on March 15 I know I'm making progress but not sure I am doing the right things to get the most of my time/energy.


2009-05-20 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2163756

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: New member - fontaic
Thanks for the advice Joey.  I think my first race will definately by a sprint!

2009-05-20 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2164283

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: New member - fontaic
Can see you started entering log info.  After typing in the time in hours:minutes:seconds and then the distance, hit the icon just below those two for Calc as that will compute your speed.  It will make it easier for you to compare your workout logs, especially when you run or whatever for different amounts of time.

Happy exercising....
2009-05-20 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2163911

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hi Keri.  Mother of 5!  I'm glad my wife isn't the only crazy woman out there (only kidding)!  I started swimming in December and could only do a lap and 1/2 before getting out of breath and stopping (mind you I have been running for a year prior).

The next week I could 2 laps freestyle (as slow as possible) before stopping.  Each time I swam I was able to do more and without stopping, concentrating on swimming as smoothly as I possibly could. 

All I can say is 5 months later I am able to swim 90 minutes freestyle without stopping.

Best of luck!
2009-05-20 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Happy birthday Keri!!!

Regarding swim advice, I would start with a short warm up, same as you did incorporating some kick or drills, and then aim to swim freestyle. Start with short sets: even if its 25 yards to start. You can always build to 50 and 100 yards once you are comfortable swimming sets of 25, and then you can progress to longer sets from there.

Edited by gymnutt03 2009-05-20 4:26 PM
2009-05-20 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2151526

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey everyone,

I would love to join this group if possible.... any room left for a first timer?
2009-05-20 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2151526


Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
OK..  let me try to get all of these...

Welcome Charlie ! !

Happy Birthday Keri ! !

Thanks for the information Tim and Laura..  Here are some answers to what you had to offer and ask.  When I had surgery I did not go to PT.  I was given a few exercises and did them for a month but that is about it.  It wasn't until about 3 weeks ago when I started weight training (with a friend of mine that is a trainer/physical therapist/massage therapist) that it started feeling better but I work out with him on Mon, Wed and Fri and today was the Wed of week three...  so I have been weight training for 8 days now.  It is feeling better but I guess I just need to take it a little slower instead of jumping in both feet first.  He is doing a great job working with me and I trust him totally.

In regards to shoes.  I went to a running store and went through the workout of them checking my feet and purchased a new pair of shoes and they have about 25 miles on them so it isn't the shoes. 

I guess it comes down to the fact that I am trying to do too much too fast and running the half marathon less than 30 days ago probably set me back a little.

Thanks again for the info and advice and thanks for allowing me to be a part of the group.


2009-05-21 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Happy Birthday Keri!  Did you do anything fun/special yesterday?

2009-05-21 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2164387

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Welcome to the group.  Post a bio when you get a chance.


2009-05-21 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Just a quick recap of who we have in the group;

konichiwa - Tim
gymnutt03 - Laura
kerikadi - Keri
mrtimbo - Tim
Cubacheski - Bryan
joeyg - Joey
URGuilty - ??? - waiting for bio
fontaic - Charlie
wkwl2714 - ??? - waiting for bio
2009-05-21 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2164338

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Here is detail on my swimming (I didn't record the time for a couple of swims):

Date                      Comments

Sun 12/7/2008     Swam.

Sat 1/10/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Sat 1/24/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Sat 1/31/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Sat 2/7/2009        Swam

Sun 2/22/2009     Swam (60 minutes).

Wed 3/4/2009     Swam (30 minutes).

Sat 3/7/2009        Swam (75 minutes).

Sat 3/14/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Sat 3/21/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Sun 3/29/2009     Swam (60 minutes).

Tues 4/7/2009     Swam (60 minutes).

Fri 4/10/2009       Swam (30 minutes).

Fri 4/17/2009       Swam (60 minutes).

Thurs 4/23/2009  Swam (75 minutes).

Mon 4/27/2009    Swam (30 minutes).

Fri 5/1/2009        Swam (60 minutes).

Mon 5/4/2009     Swam (60 minutes).

Thurs 5/7/2009   Swam (60 minutes).

Tues 5/12/2009   Swam (60 minutes).

Fri 5/15/2009      Swam (60 minutes).

Tue 5/19/2009    Swam (90 minutes).

I would say after my 5th swimming session I could swim an entire hour with short rests every 20 minutes or so.  Having said that, this morning I woke up with a muscle spasm in my back.  I almost stayed home from work but decided to pop two ibuprofen and gut it out today.  Needless to say, I won't be working out today!  Perhaps my 90 minute swim two days ago was overdoing it ...

The point I want to make to Keri is not to get discouraged.   

2009-05-21 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2164300

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: New member - fontaic

I saw that feature in the training log.  My quandry is that everytime I run, I warm-up for 5 minutes at a slower pace, and after the run I cool-down at a slower pace.  I want to include the warm-up and cool-down in my total mileage (see the attached spreadsheet example that I use).

For the training log purposes on the web site, should I not bother to record the warm-up and cool-down?

workout_example.xls (18KB - 24 downloads)

2009-05-21 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2163911

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Keri -

I would focus more on freestyle.  My typical swim looks something like;

300-500 freestyle
200-300 drills (kickboard, distance per stroke, first drill, catch-up, etc.)
Anywhere from 1000-2500 of all freestyle
100-200 any stroke I want (which for me means mostly free with some back)

The most important thing for a new swimmer with freestyle is body position.  Your body should be horizontal in the water.  It's very common to have "sinking hips" which causes you to work so much harder b/c of the extra drag.  If this seems to be an issue for you then you can try taking one thing and focus on it while swimming.  Maybe you do a 100 focusing on leaning on your chest.  The more you lean on your chest, the more your hips will come up.  Then the next 100 you focus on keeping a neutral neck with your eyes looking straight down.  Then the next 100 you focus on breathing to the side and body rotation.

For your warm-up, I would do 100 mostly freestyle and then 200-300 drills.

For the main set, I would focus on doing repeats at a distance you are comfortable with. Maybe you start with 10x50 with 20s rest in between.  Or you can do 5x100 with 30s rest in between.  Focus on form and don't worry about time/pace.  Just try to keep the efforts consistent for the repeats....i.e. don't have your last 50 being 10s slower than your first.

Then cool down with 100 of your stroke of choice.

Swimming takes time.  When I started ~5yrs ago, I would be dead after swimming 25m.   If it fits into your schedule, try to swim 3x/week even if the swims are short.  AT this point 3 shorter swims are probably more benficial than 2 longer swims.  The repition will help create the muscle memory and give you that good "feel" in the water.

Hope this helps.  Let me know if anything isn't clear or if you have any other questions.


2009-05-21 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2165628

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: New member - fontaic

Charlie -

I found it best to log your whole run in the logs.  Then I would just make a note in the comments section detailing it out;

wu: 5' @ 4.5mph

main: 20' @ 6mph

cd: 5'

The only time I stray from this is when I walk for part of the cool down.  I don't include it in the totals, but I usually will just add some text that says "10min walking after cd"


2009-05-21 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2151526

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey thanks for letting me's my bio...

NAME: Andrew (wkwl2714) age 21

STORY: Played sports all throughout my life and since I have gotten into school I have only been able to play intramurals.  I love playing sports and being active.  I haven't been able to do as much since I had a killer course load this semester in college and am looking for a fun new way to get in shape.  All my friends are doing marathons and I get bored running so I figured a triathlon would be great for me because I love swimming and biking. 



CURRENT TRAINING: I am starting training June 1st for an Olympic Tri.  I am still looking for a good training plan so if you have suggetions feel free to point me in the right direction.  I am going to be doing a Sprint length in late August so I figured with my Olmpic training program I would be in good enough shape to do the Sprint and figure out what changes I need to make.  I guess that's a bit about me.

Edited by wkwl2714 2009-05-21 10:26 AM
2009-05-21 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2165290

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
konichiwa - 2009-05-21 8:04 AM

Happy Birthday Keri!  Did you do anything fun/special yesterday?

I went for a swim in the morning and then just sat by the pool reading a book.
When I got home from the gym there was a birthday banner up and wrapped presents.
We opened presents shortly after the boys got home from school.  I got a framed collage of my first tri professional race pics, a case of gu, an arm band for my ipod, a bento box for my bike and a new bike seat - wahoo!!!  Nothing like having a husband that does all your birthday shopping at a tri store - LOVE that man Kiss
My husband made shrimp on the barbie and I made pasta.  Later in the evening we had turtle pie - frozen custard on a oreo crust covered in chocolate, carmel sauce and and pecans - it's about 4 inches high!  YUM!
Tonight the husband and I are going for Japanese and then to see The Soloist.  I honestly can't remember the last time just the 2 of us went to the movies together.  Sadly, it maybe have been Passion of the Christ!
2009-05-21 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is I followed your guys advice and went for distance rather than speed today.  I went slower and felt GREAT for the first 2 miles and didn't start feeling miserable until 3 miles, where it's usually 2 miles.  I ran 4 miles in 43:59.  I know I'm slow but I'm still pretty happy that I made it 4 miles.  My first mile was 12 minutes and I tried to pick it up just a little bit with each mile.  I still had enough in my tank to finish the last .25 mile pretty fast.

The bad news is my right neck/shoulder is killing me!  I pulled a muslce in my neck about 2 weeks ago it was really bad at first (short range of motion, very uncomfortable etc.) but but it seemed to get a little better every day.  I think swimming yesterday did it.  I wish I knew what I was doing wrong so I don't do this to myself again, it was bad last night.  My husband gave me a massage with arnica cream last night but it never really got any better.  Today it is still bothering me and even uncomfortable sitting here.  I could feel it on the run.  I planned to swim tomorrow but I might rest until Sunday when I have a OWS planned.

2009-05-21 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keri - good and bad news
Hi Keri.
Sounds like a good run.  4 miles is really good, and from looking at the logs your m/m pace was only slightly off your pace when you did 3 miles.  You'll be running 1/2 Marathons before you know it Laughing

Sorry to hear about your neck.  No real advice other than to possibly see a doctor.  Maybe time will heal, or maybe PT would help.

2009-05-21 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2166004

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Happy Birthday Keri,

Congrats on the run.  As for the neck I would say to try and find a Therapeutic Massage Therapist (not relaxation) in your area.  This type of therapist is more for pain relief than relaxation.  If I lived closer I would take a look since I have 7 months until I am a practicing MT. 

2009-05-21 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2166004

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
That darn swimming has claimed another victim?  Hope your neck feels better.  I left work early (at 1pm) due to my back spasm.  Eight hours later it appears to have loosened up considerably.  I'm still hitting the hot tub tonight and hoping I can run tomorrow.

Wife made me visit the doctor today when she heard I am serious about a tri!  He gave me a check up and an electro cardiogram, thank God all is OK.  Still gonna make my wife happy and go for a stress test due to an old heart murmur (bicuspid aortic heart valve).

Sheeesh, getting old sucks!


2009-05-21 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2151526


Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Good evening group..  Today was a better day for me..  if you remember I had the knee act up on me yesterday so I started out today with the mindset that I am not going to go out running fast and hurt it more but rather slow and steady.  I went out in the neighborhood tonight and ran 3 miles in 31:31.  It felt great and no pain in the knee.  I think I just need to keep it slow and build my way up and not get discouraged and not try to run faster for a while.
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