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2010-01-01 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2587488

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
cjonestri - 2010-01-01 9:22 AM


Just wondering, but could your bars be in too close?  Maybe bringing them out just a bit, not too much or you'll increase drag, might help with stability.  Just a thought.


Sorry, I know I'm showing my bike noob-ness, but I don't know what that means. Are you talking aero bars? Because I mean that when I'm on the hoods and go to move my hands at all (to go into aero, into the drops, reach for a water bottle, look at my watch, you get the picture) I fall over. I have really bad balance I guess.

2010-01-01 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2587611

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Atlantia-- Do you think increasing core strength could be an issue? I will say, if it's all in your head, that's still a big obstacle to overcome-- head games are VICIOUS.  BUT, having said that it sounds like you're ready to put it behind you, and so you WILL! Living where I do, the roads are hilly, potholed from long winters, with sand-covered death traps and tourists who don't know where they are going. I also feel much safer on my trainer and have certain days/conditions/routes I just won't bike. But then again, when I get out there, I ALWAYS think: WHY don't I do this more often????
2010-01-01 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2584237

New user
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Happy New Year,
     I am sop greatful for all of you and the support I am already receiving from everyone.  This is going to be my year to get er done.  I am so thrilled to have friends to help make my dream a reality.  I have mapped out two alternate routes on this site for variety and even though I worked a double yesterday and didn't get home till 7am, because of you all this is no longer a reason not to get out there and just do it.  Thanks for your support and I am going to make this year the year I realize my goal and get in shape for a marathon.  Will report my progress and keep up with my log so you can see my progress
                                                                Thanks again
2010-01-02 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2587611

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Atlantia - 2010-01-01 10:45 AM
cjonestri - 2010-01-01 9:22 AM Atlantia,

Just wondering, but could your bars be in too close?  Maybe bringing them out just a bit, not too much or you'll increase drag, might help with stability.  Just a thought.

Sorry, I know I'm showing my bike noob-ness, but I don't know what that means. Are you talking aero bars? Because I mean that when I'm on the hoods and go to move my hands at all (to go into aero, into the drops, reach for a water bottle, look at my watch, you get the picture) I fall over. I have really bad balance I guess.

I know what you mean.   My bike seems ultra-senstive when it comes to 'steering' and riding with one hand on the bars can be scary, not to mention reaching for a water bottle.  When I had the bike fit, they changed out the bars, so (for me) the bars should be the right size.   You might want to take your bike to the local bike shop and ask them to check it out and make sure it's dialed in right for you.   Last time I had mine in the shop, I asked them to check and they said I'd eventually get used to it.  Ah...not yet!   So, next time I'm back down there, I'm going to re-visit the situation.  
2010-01-02 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2587537

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
aquinn - 2010-01-01 9:59 AM
Sadly, the knee was hurt jumping really high on a backyard trampoline...with my 2 nieces whose father had just died. I know trampolines aren't safe....but really they could have asked me to eat fire that day and I probably would have.

just b/c we do triathlons doesn't mean we can't have fun doing other things in life. I am up visiting friends in CT for New Years and I rand a beer and donut mile today....4 beers, 4 donuts and 4 1/4 mile runs.
2010-01-02 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2587611

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Atlantia - 2010-01-01 10:45 AM

cjonestri - 2010-01-01 9:22 AM


Just wondering, but could your bars be in too close?  Maybe bringing them out just a bit, not too much or you'll increase drag, might help with stability.  Just a thought.


Sorry, I know I'm showing my bike noob-ness, but I don't know what that means. Are you talking aero bars? Because I mean that when I'm on the hoods and go to move my hands at all (to go into aero, into the drops, reach for a water bottle, look at my watch, you get the picture) I fall over. I have really bad balance I guess.

The other think to remember is a bike will tend to go "straight" more easily the faster you are going. The gyroscopic effect of the spinning wheels keep the bike tracking straight. So moving your hands while going 5-7mph is harder to do than when you are at 15-17. Again, assuming there is no issues with your bike, wheels, etc.

Happy new years everyone!!

2010-01-02 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2586919

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Aflores - 2009-12-31 5:29 PM

I was looking into doing the LA Triathlon on October 3, 2010. When I read the description, I panicked. The swim is at Venice Beach, yikes open water. Maybe I should look into one where you swim in a lake. Maybe I should overcome my fear.I am not sure if I do a sprint or Olympic distance one. I did sign up for a Tri Intro class hosted by the Pasadena Tri Club, maybe that will help me overcome my fears. Your thoughts would be helpful and much appreciated.OK, and I put spaces between my paragraphs, but for some reason all my sentences are being lumped together. Sorry if it makes it hard to read.

I think the class with the tri club is a great idea. You'll prob learn a lot from the class but more importantly you meet others that can help you as well as others in the same boat.

IMO the best think you can do is do some practice open water swims. You want to start any triathlon mentally confident that the water in and off itself isnt' an issue. Once the water is warm enough, go for a swim with a friend or two. Also, a wetsuit will give you boyancy. I have a close friend who feels the wet suit also provides a "protective skin" so he is just more comfortable with 3-5mm of neoprene wrapped around his body.

One last thing, if possible get in the water before the race....esp. if the water is cold (which I doubt is an issue in Oct in LA). There definitely is a certain amount of shock that can occur if you jump into cold water. When you get in the water, stretch out the neck of the wetsuit and make sure the water fills the suit.
2010-01-02 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2587480

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
cjonestri - 2010-01-01 9:19 AM

Hey, Tim and Laura

Just wanted to get the word out to anyone shopping for a helmet that I bought a new Giro Ionos helmet, normally $225.00 for $150 at  If you enter REALDEAL in the coupon code box you'll get an extra 10% off so with shipping it was $150.81.


Happy New Year!

Thanks for sharing!!
2010-01-02 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2583571

New user
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Waiked again today  even added a lap my laps are 0.36 of a mile and I did 4 today hooray.  Mon I am going to call the community center in town and inquire on use of the pool and I am going back to the rehab center to run on the treadmill and maybe take a spin on a stationary bike. Just need to get a daily schedule going   Thanks
2010-01-02 11:14 PM
in reply to: #2589658

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks Tim!
2010-01-03 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2589644

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
konichiwa - 2010-01-02 6:13 PM

Atlantia - 2010-01-01 10:45 AM

cjonestri - 2010-01-01 9:22 AM


Just wondering, but could your bars be in too close?  Maybe bringing them out just a bit, not too much or you'll increase drag, might help with stability.  Just a thought.


Sorry, I know I'm showing my bike noob-ness, but I don't know what that means. Are you talking aero bars? Because I mean that when I'm on the hoods and go to move my hands at all (to go into aero, into the drops, reach for a water bottle, look at my watch, you get the picture) I fall over. I have really bad balance I guess.

The other think to remember is a bike will tend to go "straight" more easily the faster you are going. The gyroscopic effect of the spinning wheels keep the bike tracking straight. So moving your hands while going 5-7mph is harder to do than when you are at 15-17. Again, assuming there is no issues with your bike, wheels, etc.

Happy new years everyone!!

I will have to remember that. I think my fear of falling is making me really tense and slow, which is exacerbating the problem. I really can't wait for all this snow to melt so I can get back out there and report back.

2010-01-03 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2586774

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Atlantia --


One thing you could do is mount an aero bottle on your bike and also take a regular water bottle with you. Use the aero bottle most of the time, and slowly build up the amount of times that you are practicing to grab your regular water bottle. That way, you are still getting some fluids in you while riding, but hopefully it will also help you practice as much as you need and get comfortable grabbing for your bottle. It does take a while getting used to, but eventually it will become second nature to you. 

Edited by gymnutt03 2010-01-03 6:55 PM
2010-01-04 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2583571

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Okay, two questions:

 First, has anyone figured out how to turn on the “on/off” key for this email string?  I keep searching but have not yet unlocked the mysteries of this program.  I mean, every time I want to post a message, or read what someone else may have written, I need to go to the Mentor’s page, search through all the closed groups until I find ours.  Certainly there must be any easier way to direct our logon to the group.  Please help.

 Second, as some live here in the Commonwealth, has anyone ever tried the Smithfield Sprint or know anything about it?  I’d like to do it as a warm up but cant find much information on the event.

2010-01-04 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2591828

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
cjonestri - 2010-01-04 7:13 AM

Okay, two questions:

 First, has anyone figured out how to turn on the “on/off” key for this email string?  I keep searching but have not yet unlocked the mysteries of this program.  I mean, every time I want to post a message, or read what someone else may have written, I need to go to the Mentor’s page, search through all the closed groups until I find ours.  Certainly there must be any easier way to direct our logon to the group.  Please help.

 Second, as some live here in the Commonwealth, has anyone ever tried the Smithfield Sprint or know anything about it?  I’d like to do it as a warm up but cant find much information on the event.

Cavin -
To change the settings to get an email whenever someone responses to one of your posts go to the Settings link at the top of the page, and then click on "Forum Settings". I then set "Receive e-mail notifications by default?" to Yes.

I also added a hyperlink on my dashboard (Settings >> Training Blog Customization >> Dashboard) for our thread:

You can use the hyperlink tool/icon to change the display link to something shorter. If you look at my blog you'll see what i mean.

2010-01-04 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2592367

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I think that worked- thanks!

2010-01-04 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2591013

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN


 Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and Happy 2010.  I see by the additional posts that many have responded but I’d like to add an additional comment.  With plenty of clubs around, and several bike stores that are capable of fitting bikes, you might consider a friendly visit before something happens to ruin your season or worse.  However, what I was trying to point out in my first post was that leverage (read control) could be marginally adjusted by spreading out the pads on which your arms/elbows rest. 

 When in the aero position, your arms/elbows combined with body weight steer the bike down the road.  True, core strength and forward progression, gyroscopic effect, also occupy a large part of the equation, but leverage on the bars play a significant role.  Try this at home, or in the office if you think your co-workers wont mind.  Cross your arms around your torso and swing side-to-side from the hip.  Obviously this is pretty easy and not much force is necessary to accomplish this task.  Now do the same with your arms straight out.  As you will experience, more force (centripetal) must be exerted to rotate your body.  (Sorry for the rudimentary example)

 If you spread out you pads, much like extending your arms, you will have more leverage requiring more force to steer because of the increased arm moment- ie, hopefully less falling.  Sorry, I is a pilot and sometimes get way to Elmer Fudd technical!!!!

 Hope this helps!


2010-01-05 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2592826

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
cjonestri - 2010-01-04 2:01 PM


 Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and Happy 2010.  I see by the additional posts that many have responded but I’d like to add an additional comment.  With plenty of clubs around, and several bike stores that are capable of fitting bikes, you might consider a friendly visit before something happens to ruin your season or worse.  However, what I was trying to point out in my first post was that leverage (read control) could be marginally adjusted by spreading out the pads on which your arms/elbows rest. 

 When in the aero position, your arms/elbows combined with body weight steer the bike down the road.  True, core strength and forward progression, gyroscopic effect, also occupy a large part of the equation, but leverage on the bars play a significant role.  Try this at home, or in the office if you think your co-workers wont mind.  Cross your arms around your torso and swing side-to-side from the hip.  Obviously this is pretty easy and not much force is necessary to accomplish this task.  Now do the same with your arms straight out.  As you will experience, more force (centripetal) must be exerted to rotate your body.  (Sorry for the rudimentary example)

 If you spread out you pads, much like extending your arms, you will have more leverage requiring more force to steer because of the increased arm moment- ie, hopefully less falling.  Sorry, I is a pilot and sometimes get way to Elmer Fudd technical!!!!

 Hope this helps!


Thanks for the explanation. It isn't too technical, so no worries.
I got another trainer workout in this morning, and I am so ready for spring. Anybody else already getting tired of winter?
2010-01-05 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2594431

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Atlantia - 2010-01-05 8:28 AM

Anybody else already getting tired of winter?

I'll second that...unfortunately the worst of the winter is still to come. Luckily, Laura and I are heading on our honeymoon to Costa Rica on Jan 16...we delayed it just so we could break up the winter a bit.

Did you do any specific workout on the trainer?

I hit the pool this morning...always tough for me to get out of bed but I am fine about 20min after getting up.
2010-01-05 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2594868

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Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Congrats on the wedding and best of luck on the honeymoon. 

2010-01-05 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2594868

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
konichiwa - 2010-01-05 10:59 AM

Did you do any specific workout on the trainer?

No. I'm still at the point where half an hour feels like eternity. Longest I've managed is 40 minutes. Do you have any suggestions? My weakness on the road is climbing hills.

Sounds like an awesome honeymoon, have a great time.

Edited by Atlantia 2010-01-05 2:50 PM
2010-01-05 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2595782

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - OPEN
Atlantia - 2010-01-05 3:49 PM

konichiwa - 2010-01-05 10:59 AM

Did you do any specific workout on the trainer?

No. I'm still at the point where half an hour feels like eternity. Longest I've managed is 40 minutes. Do you have any suggestions? My weakness on the road is climbing hills.

Sounds like an awesome honeymoon, have a great time.

Most of my trainer rides are b/t 60-90min. Recently its been on the lower end. I find the time goes by quicker when I have set workout in mind. I tend to make-up my own from past experience but you can always buy a book like Indoor Cycling Workouts in a Binder.

Or you can ask me to write some for you I'm not a coach but I can get you in the right direction.

Anyways, here are two sample workouts for you.

10' easy spin
2x (1' easy, 30" rec , 1' mod, 30" rec, 1' hard, 30" rec)
6' easy spin

2x (10' mod, 3' easy spin)

3x (1' left leg only, 1' right leg only)
5' very easy

10' easy spin
2x (1' easy, 30" rec , 1' mod, 30" rec, 1' hard, 30" rec)
6' easy spin

4x (5' hard, 90" easy spin)

3x (1' left leg only, 1' right leg only)
5' very easy

You can use HR or RPE (Borg 20pt scale) as your guide.

easy = HR Zone 2 = RPE 10-12
mod = HR Zone 3 = RPE 13-14
hard = HR Zone 4 = RPE 15-16

As far as getting better on the hills, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Being newer to cycling I'd focus on riding more, and on doing different intervals (mod and hard). If you do that, all of your cycling will improve dramatically.

Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any questions.

2010-01-06 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2583571

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Tim, those look like great workouts to start. Only one question: what does rec stand for?
2010-01-06 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2597044

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Atlantia - 2010-01-06 8:34 AM

Thanks, Tim, those look like great workouts to start. Only one question: what does rec stand for?

Sorry about that....

rec = recovery

Happy training!!
2010-01-06 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2597044

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Atlantia - 2010-01-06 7:34 AM Thanks, Tim, those look like great workouts to start. Only one question: what does rec stand for?

Yes, I agree- those look like great workouts! I'm gonna give them a go! I would guess that 'rec' would mean recovery time after the hard effort....
2010-01-07 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2583571

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Tim & Laura's Mentor Group - CLOSED
so what kinda workouts does everyone have planned for today?

I am hitting the pool over lunch...prob do around 2000m. Then its on the trainer for 1hr plus after work...

Edited by konichiwa 2010-01-07 10:24 AM
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