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2010-01-04 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2588732

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hello All

So the local gym I belong to has 2 branches so it is pretty easy for me to schedule swim workouts around their group water exercise classes.  I also use the gym in the winter to get my bike workouts in on a spin bike and to do some core workouts, but I will do just about anything to avoid running on a treadmill.  In winter I will also cross country ski as a alternative workout and in summer, I usually get one day of mountain biking instead of all road biking, just to mix it up

My wife's in college full time, which means I never see her, and my only time committments are work and keeping the dog out of trouble. 

2010-01-04 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2592033

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
In response to Marsha's winter training gear question, I like a product called Yakstraxs. They are more of a coil instead of a cleat or spike. They give you good traction on ice but they aren't nearly as annoying on dry pavement. I saw them at Sports Authority this afternoon.

As far as the rest of the gear goes, you don't have to go with anything fancy. Layers are the key. Good old fashion thermal/long underware under sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt (a dry weave shirt is better than cotton as you want to keep the skin dry as possible to stay warm) under a sweat top, glove, and a wool cap work for me down to 8F . I like wool gloves and cap cause they breathe well.

Personally, I enjoy running on a nice crisp day when everyone else is inside. It is very peaceful, and the cool air just revs me up. My favorite runs are on a day when it just started snowing, before you get too much accumulation to when the raods become a mess. Those runs just make you feel alive, it one on one you vs the elements and you accepted the challenge and they just make me feel so alive.

That said I won't go out when the roads get really sloppy/ icey mainly because if the conditions are danergous for driving they become twice as dangerous for someone sharing the road.


2010-01-05 3:06 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
The cold temps arent as extreme here as in the US, and we usually dont get many days where it would fall below 20 degs F. Its been hovering around that this week but with no snow where I am, so I've been out running in normal shoes. I wear Under Armour Coldgear leggings and mock top and then layer with a L/S running shirt. So far that has been enough although I would swap into my Gore windproof jacket if it was damp or particularly windy, instead of my shirt. I wear wool gloves and a buff folded into a beanie that covers my ears nicely. Any more and I tend to get a little warm, although the other day I was out for 100mins and was just getting a touch chilled by the end.

What are people's thoughts about adding high intensity sessions for a short spell at this time of year? I am starting a circuit training class today and KB's later in the week, and thought a 4-6 week spell of high intensity stuff might give a boost to my fat burning. I'm doing well on that front, but would really like to shift the last 6-8lbs and get the lean look, as well as do some muscle building/toning activity to replace some of it with muscle.

I am building a solid aerobic base, and that wont stop all year, but I hit 40 in the summer and I want to get there with a few more lbs of muscle on me than I have now. I have lost 27lbs which has been mostly fat, but I'm also sure that 4 months of pure S/B/R has also got rid of a little muscle and I want that to stop and be reversed.

Appreciate any thoughts from those with more experience of weights/circuits etc....
2010-01-05 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
wow - went circuit training today and I am whacked!

I was going to try and get an easy run in later but not a hope. I jogged back the 5 mins from the gym and was like a wounded animal. As long as I recover for tomorrow OK I think this is going to do me some good. BAD snow forecast tonight so might not be doing much the next few days - which could be just as well!
2010-01-06 12:52 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
OK-now you're all on my friends list....there will be no group hug....
2010-01-06 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Gday all
I as well live in Canada (Ontario).
I am starting my 3rd year of tri`s. Absolutly love race day.
The first year I did 2 sprints.( In between the 2 I had a car accident that put me on the couch for 4 weeks) then an oly. During the bike ride I decided I liked the longer distance tris. So a few weeks after I signed up for the 2009 louisville Ironman.
So in 09 I did 1 sprint, 1 1/2 ironman and then the full.
I was in a group like this that helped me alot, especialy when trainiing got harder.
This year is up in the air right now....
At the end of November I woke up with a herniated disk in my neck-- 6 weeks now of sitting around the house. I just started riding my bike last week.
I hope to do 2 1/2 ironmans, and a couple olys. In october there is a race in North Carolina that is 4 races in 3 days...sounds like fun...sprint on friday, 2 olys on Sat. and a 1/2 on Sunday....who else is up for it?
glad to be aboard.
I have a treadmill, bike trainer, rowing machine and a gym set at home. I use the pools in town and also one that is close to where I work.
Heres to hoping 2010 summer is warmer then 09 

2010-01-06 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
How's everyone doing. I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday but today is another day. .

Did some reseach to help answer Damon's question. Personally, I think any workout which changes things up, works your core, and keeps you interested is a good thing. Crossfit, Kettleball, circuit training are good workouts which work alot of muscles we triathletes don't train. A friend and co-worker of mine is a Cross fit instructor and another is a crossfit junkie and they swear by it. Others I talked to liked it for an offseason workout especially as an alternative to weight training (alot more insteresting) but didn't do it during the season since they felt pretty tight afterwards. Any exercise which strenthens your core will pay off on a long bike and run and of course in the swim. But the biggest plus was the mental edge you could take from pushing yourself in crossfit/kettlebell and applying that to running when the going gets tough.

So bottom line, I think there are alot of advantages to these kinds of workouts, especially if it keeps you energized and going to the gym.

2010-01-06 11:10 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
My motivational clip of the day.

This is an oldie but goodie:

That Guy.
Editorial by Tom Demerly.

That Guy. You know him. He can also be That Girl, and often is.

It is that guy (or girl) who you see at every race. He's at every one. Everywhere in the country.

He is always more tan than you are. He is usually a good bit thinner too. His calves have those mysterious vertical striations that define each individual muscle; as if to say, "I have spent hours training each individual muscle in each calf- each individual muscle fiber in fact."

He/she has triathlon clothing that is super cool that you've never seen before. You have no idea where it came from. If you were to ask him- if you mustered up the courage to approach him- you would get some vague answer like, "Ahh, well, I know Dave McGillicutty at Sweetass Trisports and he got these samples, prototypes really, that he….. blah, blah, blah…." And you just wanted to know where you could buy a pair of those cool trishorts he has. Maybe they would make your look like Michalangelo chiseled it too. Prolly not though.

So this guy (or girl): His bike is clean. It is also weird. It has parts you think you may have seen in a magazine and, is that what carbon fiber looks like? Half the stuff he has, no, all of it, is stuff you've either only seen in magazines or never even heard of.

He's wearing sunglasses. But he didn't buy them. They just kind of "got there". He drives a special car just for doing what he's doing now: Getting ready for a ride, a run, a swim workout or the triathlon you're at now. He has stickers all over it.

You know when he talks about "Hawaii" he isn't talking about the state as a vacation destination, but rather, an event that you've only seen on TV. He is either talking about getting into it, having already gotten in, or why his last race there wasn't as good as it should have been. It had something to do with some chemical in his body you've never heard of. "Too much polychondrotineospandoplasm in my maldochondriacts during the last ten miles of the run. I should have know better." Yeah, an obvious mistake for someone like that guy (girl). Another thing that guy knows that you don't. Polywhat in his maldowho?

So you get to the race and there is that guy. Setting up all his stuff in the transition area like he's done probably a thousand times before, or so it seems.

And that guy is the reason why so many people are afraid to give this sport (and many others) a try. Because you know you are not That Guy (or girl) and they will look at you and think "Oh, another novice athlete…." And maybe you are embarrassed by that. I know I have been.

That guy is experienced, dedicated, accomplished, fit, knowledgeable, well versed and respected in the sport. You are a beginner. So you are at the bottom of the food chain here. You may be the big woman or man at work and at home. But here you feel like the first day of kindergarten and you don't even know where the bathroom is but you have to go. It's been a long time since you felt like that.

And you'll feel embarrassed in front of that guy.

Consider this though: You are that guy. You are that girl. Don't understand? Let me explain.

On the hypothetical morning we're describing you got up early, loaded up whatever bike you have (the old mountain bike you've had since you were 16, that old ten speed from college, whatever), put the gear you scrapped together in your car and went to the race. You stood there in your sweats and registered, set up your transition area as best you could.

Welcome to the show my friend. You are walking the walk.

You made that monumental leap off the couch and into the realm of That Guy. And now you, to millions and millions and millions of people- you are That Guy.

The next time you go to work when the conversation comes up about what you did Sunday morning you will say, "Oh, ahh, well I did this little triathlon, my first one, I'm not really any good, I was nearly last…."

But to the people at work, and your family, and your friends, and everyone else not there on Sunday morning (and some that were…) you are That Guy. The guy who does those endurance races. Who works out all the time (even if you don't). Who eats right (even though you don't).

Pretty soon it will get around work, what you did Sunday morning, and someone will ask you, "Hey, ahh, have you ever done that one in Hawaii?"

And then you answer, "Oh, Hawaii, no, I'm not that good. I've never done Hawaii…" And to you now it is just "Hawaii". You are That Guy. To someone out there you are That Guy.

Everyone has That Guy. He's better, faster, smarter, luckier. The interesting thing about That Guy is, to someone- you are that guy. No matter who you are, there will be That Guy. Don't let him bother you. Do what you do. Remember, to someone, you are that guy.

2010-01-06 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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New user

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hello group

Nate, sorry to hear about your herniated disc, ouch!

Andy, thanks for sharing that I really hope to be "that girl" someday, the one who crosses the finish line somewhere!

Today I made an amazing discovery about myself. I don't dislike the cold as I had previously thought, rather I dislike being cold. For me that is a huge difference! I sucked up my dislike for the cold, strapped on my ice cleats and went for a wonderul run outdoors today. It was -22C (-7F) but it wasn't really all that cold! My legs were cold and I will need to add another layer there but all the other parts were sufficiently warm. The area I ran in was hilly and breathtaking! I started and ended my run at our Legislative grounds which are all done up with Christmas lights, ice sculptures and festive music playing. I feel like I just discovered something new and exciting today - and I feel really nerdy gushing about it on here!

Edited by _Josephina_ 2010-01-07 7:56 AM
2010-01-07 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
great stuff Josephina - good to make a discovery like that!

Thanks for the info Andy. I did 1hr of circuits on Tuesday and it was HARD, and the next day my quads were wrecked. In fact they still feel tight now! Didnt do as much upper body stuff as I hoped, as it was mostly squat related stuff (hence the quads pain) but I'm sure it all contributes to what I want - high intensity fat burning!

We've had 8" of snow that has brought most of the country to a standstill again. My cars are buried and yesterday I didnt get out to do anything, but today I made it to the gym and did a tough interval run and weights. I was interested to see if I could even run after Tuesday and the stiffness in my legs, but it really didnt affect my running at all. Thats good news if it means I can combine circuits without ruining my running. Tomorrow I hope to try running outside with my trail shoes as they have some fairly beefy treads that I hope will be useful for staying upright in the white stuff!

Bad news is the KB class is canceled because of the weather, so it will be 2 weeks before I try it now. Good news is my set of resistance bands were delivered today, so now I have a new tool in the armoury. Anyone have some good ideas for training with bands?

Edited by Bigpikle 2010-01-07 8:21 AM
2010-01-07 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Thanks for the inspiring words Andy.  Love to read that stuff.
Josephina, Great for you to push through mind over matter and find that running in the cold isn't all that bad.  I'll have to remember that at my 5 mile run on Sunday.  Supposed to be a blustery 10F and windy.

This Saturday I will be competing in my 4th indoor tri out of a series of 8.  Then I'm heading up to Wisconsin to race in a 5 miler with my husband.  I've been working really hard to win the tri-series, but I'm tempted to dog it so that I can bring down the hammer on my husband strictly for bragging rights.Tongue out  JK - my running sucks but my husband is a soccer player, not an endurance athlete.  We've never raced together so this should be interesting.

BTW - I ordered some Yaktracks, should have them by Monday.

60 min Computrainer this morning.  Finally feeling strong again after breaking everything down with Crossfit this week.

Random: Anyone ever try Tai Yoga Massage?

Edited by Mars11 2010-01-07 10:03 AM

2010-01-07 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Nate, Sorry about your disc; hope you're up to full speed soon.

Joanne, Way to tough it out in the cold.  I love running in weather that no one else will dare to go out in.   Just another example of what makes you 'That girl".  Coming across another runner/cyclist in crap weather always brings a little shared smile to my face.  You both know the other one isn't nuts-just dedicated.

Marsha, Good luck this weekend.  I'm in envy that you are in 'racing' shape.  I'm a good 3 months away from daring to show my fleshy, white body off in a big public forum.

I'm excited about our group.  Seems like everyone is willing to contribute-and that's GREAT!
2010-01-07 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full

Thats the link to the 4 tris in 3 days.

Bigpikle - We`ll have to ship you some snowshoes

Josephina - After years of running and tris Im still learning new things about my self. Unforunately right now its about recovering from injury but that being said I have a great Chiropracter who has taught me alot. Also this is the best place to post things like that, we all love to hear it.
2010-01-07 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Snowshoes would be cool - I went snow shoe hiking in a forest in Finland at -13F a couple of years ago and it was quite a workout!

Anyone know any good resistance band training stuff?
2010-01-07 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Thanks for the very inspiring article.  I even read it to my husband and 6 year old son.  I had never before looked at myself through those set of lenses.  I'm definitely keeping this in my "tool belt" for mental stamina.  Thank you!

BTW--my 6 y.o. wants to do a triathlon "like mommy" this summer.  I love how we can inspire our kids along the way of our own journey!  Even if you don't have kids, you all are spurring me on to do my best.

Good on ya!
2010-01-07 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
One of the things I really love about this sport is those images, those things you learn about yourself. Those moments are worth so much more than any finishers medal or trophy. Those moments when you go out an do something that just makes you go wow I never thought I could do that, are the best. Joanne's run yesterday and Damon's run earlier this week sound like some of those moments. I am very fortunate that I work about 2 miles from Valley Forge National Park. On a cold, crisp winter afternoon, running through that park, is almost surreal.

One of the coolest things I've gotten to do was watch my two boys do a youth triathlon, just after my race. Knowing that you are a hero in their eyes and having them try an follow in your footsteps was one of the best images I have in my head. When you can set an example and inspire your friends, coworkers, and family to improve their habits, to workout, and adopt a healthier lifestyle is extremely rewarding. You really can become that guy (or that girl).

Enjoy the ride and savior each of those moments.


2010-01-07 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Answer to a couple of questions? I don't have any experience with resistance bands so I don't know any routines, but I looked these up on line. Here are the links

Tai Yoga Massage: Well my wife is a Tai Chi instructor and is learning yoga to start teaching a Tai Yoga class. I enjoy yoga and definelely can say it helped my flexibility and the breathing exercises really help to hold thing together when things get tough late in a race. Tai Chi I also find very relaxing and fun. And putting those two together seems pretty cool. But I never did Tai Yoga massage so I can't help you there.

2010-01-08 2:28 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
thanks Andy

I spent a while investigating the web for exercises and You Tube has some good routines, so I'll add your links to it.

I'll keep people up to date as they are cheap and potentially a quick and effective workout.
2010-01-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
went out for a 40 min snow run for the first time ever this afternoon - great fun. I used my trail shoes and never had any issues with grip on ice, compact snow or deep snow. Highly recommended for a challenging run session.
2010-01-08 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
A first for me today as well....aqua running. Someone in my tri club metioned it last night so I thought I would give it a try. I enjoyed it for the 30 minutes and the workout was great. I will be doing more of this as it saves my neck from being pounded.
2010-01-08 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2603349

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
natebs - 2010-01-08 6:05 PM A first for me today as well....aqua running. Someone in my tri club metioned it last night so I thought I would give it a try. I enjoyed it for the 30 minutes and the workout was great. I will be doing more of this as it saves my neck from being pounded.

is that literally running in the pool? Sounds like a full body muscle workout as well?

2010-01-08 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Well, I managed to squeeze in an appt for Tai Yoga Massage this Sunday afternoon.
90 minutes of stretching/massage.  I'll let you know how it goes.
My Yoga instructor has given us a small sampling of how it works, and I loved how I felt afterward.
I can only imagine what I will feel like after 90 minutes.  It's the least I can do for my body after all the pounding and heavy lifting.
2010-01-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2603349

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
natebs - 2010-01-08 2:05 PM A first for me today as well....aqua running. Someone in my tri club metioned it last night so I thought I would give it a try. I enjoyed it for the 30 minutes and the workout was great. I will be doing more of this as it saves my neck from being pounded.

Aqua running is a great alternative to regular running. I like to use the aquajogger belt and I would highly recommend it (unless you manage fine without a belt). I did aqua running all through my pregnancy and had no trouble getting back into running after 6 months off (course I'm a lot slower at running now than I was but I'm working on it!)
Also did aqua running through many running injuries that I've had over the years. There are a ton of threads about aqua running on BT if you search from them I'm sure there's a ton of good info about workouts and such you can do. 
2010-01-09 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
I totally fell off the map last week and I'm playing catch up this weekend! Lots of great info and posts!

Edited by shiggy 2010-01-09 3:11 PM
2010-01-10 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
When you're dealt lemons, make lemonade!

Well I cant get a car out of the street due to snow, so it was time for a long snow run. Only ever ran on snow once, a couple of days ago, but headed out with a sense of trepidation for a long run. Quickly settled into it and pushed to my longest ever distance - a full 10 miles.

One very happy triathlete here today

Have a great day training everyone.
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