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2010-01-04 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2591782

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

sneddie7 - 2010-01-04 4:04 AM Hi Rob,  One more guy trying to push myself more.  I am 35.  I am in the Navy and stationed aboard a submarine.  I am married with 5 kids.  I am probably about 20 lbs above what I want for my race weight.  My goal is to run the florida ironman in 2011.  I would like to do a 70.3 prior to that to get the feel for the race.  I have about 10 to 15 hours a week to train right now but that goes up and down with my military commitments.  Just looking for some new ideas and others to push with.


Welcome aboard Ed!

That's a good chunk of time for training each week, and if structured well should get you more than ready for the 70.3.  Fitting in the long rides becomes especially important for the long distance races.  Any particular 70.3 that you are considering for this year?

2010-01-04 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2591840

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

jstdoit - 2010-01-04 7:36 AM Hi Rob, One more here if your group will have me. I am 45 and didnt do much last year and that cost me greatly. I went from 212 to 250 and am still wondering how I let that happen but it is what it is and its time to get more active. I rode the HotternHell here in Texas in 2008 and had a great time doing it. Spring I rode Beauty and the Beast(65mi) in Tyler Texas and figured out that winter will take a great toll on your body if you let it. I have been more active as of late and would like to get a tri or 2 in this year. I do travel an extreme amount for work so that puts another challenge in my training. Like yourself I have 2 beautifull daughters 12 & 14. Ahhhhh, the lovely teenage years begin. I have a feeling it will be the longest and shortest time of my life. Thanks, Tommy

Welcome Tommy!

Doing some tri training should help reduce SOME of the stress of the teenage years .

Fitting in training with a lot of work travel can be tough, especially biking.  Running in other places can be fun, depending on where you travel. Hotel pools are usually kind of short, but if you don't mind looking a little funny, you can always use stretch cords or a swim tether.

2010-01-04 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Ok, it looks like we've got a nice sized group with a lot of great backgrounds and good goals.

Here are the members:

 maine rob (Rob)

jennifer65 (Jennifer)

stabori (Sharon)

cris577 (Cris)

aureua (Becky)

swimfreak17 (Ronda)

Kris4 (Kristen)

Zannard (Zane)

akchahal (Anne)

hirlr17 (Jim)

sneddie7 (Ed)

jstdoit (Tommy)

Here are some ideas to get the most out of this group and from BT in general.

POST QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS on this thread - this will be a place for ongoing conversation about anything having to do with training, nutrition, equipment, or anything else that people want to know. Fire away with any questions that you have, and I will do my best to answer them or to help you find an answer. Everyone else in the group should feel free to respond to questions as well, as I'm sure that many of you have a lot of knowledge to contribute in some area or another.

LOG YOUR TRAINING! Use your individual training logs to keep track each day of what you did, how you were feeling, etc.  Don't be intimidated by the logs - you really do not need to fill in all the details - just give everyone some idea what you were doing that day, even if it's as simple as putting in a 5 minute swim. This will allow you to track your progress over time, both by looking at monthly totals for each sport, as well as going back a year or two from now and seeing how you have improved or changed.  Knowing that others may be checking out your logs also gives you some motivation and accountability to keep going. If you really do not want others to see your log, you can make your log private. You can also limit access to your log to people who you have in your friend list.

USE THE "INSPIRE ME" FUNCTION IN YOUR LOGS:  The inspire me function allows you to leave comments directly on other people's logs, and to reply to comments they have made on your log. If someone leaves you an inspire me message, pressing reply will take you to their log where you can reply to their comments or comment on their training for that day as well.  Adding people to your friends list in your log can also make it easier to check out people's logs and to leave them inspire me messages.

CHECK OUT THE FORUMS ON BT: There is much useful information to be gained from many of the forums, and there is some entertainment value to some of the other forums (see "Cup of Joe"). The race reports section can also be very inspiring and encouraging.

 Happy training everyone!



2010-01-04 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Wow!  I went offline for about 14 hours and come back to find so many new people and new posts.  I am really looking forward to “training” with all of you!

NAME: Aureua (Becky, age 28 from Duluth, GA)

STORY: I actually ran cross country and track in high school (I wouldn’t believe it either except I was there!) and played lacrosse in college.  After graduating I somehow gained about 55 pounds in a very short amount of time.  I took up running again for exercise and weight loss and my mom actually got me into triathlons.  I am down about 30 pounds with another 30 to go.  I did my first sprint tri two summers ago and followed it up with another 3 months later.  I then took the winter and part of the spring off before joining a local tri club and getting back to training.  Last season I did 2 olympics, one sprint, and Augusta 70.3.  It was quite a year.    

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 3+ years (no kids yet)

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am working on building my base.  I can swim, bike, and run but I lost a bit of fitness by taking September through November off.  I am just trying to increase my general fitness level and hopefully make some progress on my running.  I am feeling like a slight failure in that I took so much time off and lost a lot of the fitness I had gained but I am moving forward and building back up.  I am excited to be starting in the winter this year instead of waiting for the spring.

2010 RACES (OH MY!): Well, I am signed up for Ironman Louisville.  There, I said it.  I don’t know if I can do it but I am going to give it my best shot.  A lot of my friends are doing it and I guess you could say I got caught up in the excitement.  It is going to be one heck of a year.  I am also planning on a spring Half Ironman (TBD) to get some more experience with longer races.  I hope to also throw two Olympics and a half marathon in there as well.  Training for Louisville will probably take everything I have.  This is quite possibly the greatest undertaking I have ever committed to (marriage, et al not included).  I am nervous about it every day but am having fun training with my friends.

GOALS: I am still working on my goals but here is what I have so far.  First, I am giving up soda.  I think it messes with my stomach and I am so dependent on it.  I am 5 days in and Diet Coke free.  I also want to work out in the morning.  I am not a morning person and getting up early has never been my thing.  But with the additional mileage I will need to tack on in preparing for Louisville morning workouts are going to need to happen.  So today is day 1 of that goal – and yes, I made it to spin at 5:30am this morning.  My other big goal is to stick to my training.  I tend to go 2-3 weeks on being on plan and then fall off for 1-2 weeks.  And I feel like I don’t make as much forward progress as I should.  And of course the weight loss.  I would love to lose 30 pounds but I don’t know if that can happen in the immediate future.  But I am determined to chip away at it.  And start holding myself accountable (I am very easy on myself).

2010-01-04 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I enjoyed reading all the bios and wanted to comment.  Instead of replying to each one I put my thoughts in one post.  I hope that's ok.

maine rob (Rob):  Thanks for organizing the group.  I am looking forward to it!  I hear P90X is supposed to be really great.  I have it on my laptop but have never tried it.  What do you think so far?

jennifer65 (Jennifer):  Do you have your first tri picked out yet? 

stabori (Sharon):  What types of mental blocks barriers for running?  I used to get worried that I would run out of steam and be stuck 2 miles away from the house and not be able to make it back.  And in races I am afraid of going to “fast” in case I can’t finish.  J

cris577 (Cris):  Where are you located?  What distances will your duathlon be?

swimfreak17 (Ronda):  Wow!  It is wonderful that you can swim that far.  Any tips on not getting bored?  I don’t know where you are but in the Georgia area they do open water swim races during the summer – 1k, 3k, 5k, etc.  Would you ever think about trying something like that?

Kris4 (Kristen):  Congratulations on being cancer free!  I see you’re following the IronGirl plan – are you doing an IronGirl race?

Zannard (Zane):  San Antonio must be nice.  What types of adventure races?  How does one prepare for an adventure race?

akchahal (Anne):  I’ve never done TNT but from what I hear it is a wonderfully supportive and fun thing to be a part of.  I think they have coaches who help plan training schedules too.  I see Teams competing at every race and it is neat to see the camaraderie they have.

hirlr17 (Jim):  I did my first race on a mountain bike too.  What is your first workout for today?

sneddie7 (Ed):  This is going to sound silly but are you stationed on the submarine 24/7?  And how long will you be on it?  What types of workouts do you do on board?  I sometimes travel a lot for work and stay in hotels and try to get creative with working out in my hotel room.  Do you have a fitness room on board?

jstdoit (Tommy):  Another work traveler (I am as well) – what kinds of activities do you do on the road?  I find it is pretty difficult to get my workouts in while traveling but am trying to make an effort to prioritize my fitness and health.  It is just a little hard when you’re working long hours and eating out all the time.

2010-01-04 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Becky, I live in a very small town near Mount Vernon, Illinois. 

Last night I spent a great deal of time looking around for a program specific to the duatholon, but didn't have much luck so I ended up ordering this book:

In the meantime I'm just going to keep plugging away I suppose alternating between my treadmill and spin bike for now.  I think we should make it back out of the single digits/teens back into the 30s next week, but until then it's inside for me...I'm not quite brave enough for the weather.

I have a few questions though:

I think someone mentioned that using a MB for your first time would be okay?  I'm hesitant to go purchase a road bike because I live in the middle of the country and as such, some of the terrain I ride on for practice purposes isn't really all that road bike friendly.

Also, I'm still working my way through the nutrition section, but wondered if anyone had any tips to share not necessarily for the day of the event, but during our prep time. 

2010-01-04 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2592848

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I say go for the mountain bike.  I did my first tri (18 mile bike) on one and did just fine.  You might have to work a little bit harder if there are any climbs but you will do just fine.  Wait and see if this is something you love before buying a bike.  Especially if your roads are iffy.  There is also the possibility of borrowing a bike from a friend for the race (but make sure you practice on it ahead of time) but I think a lot of us have done or will do our first tri on whatever we have on hand - in my case it was a MB as well.
2010-01-04 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi All,

To aurea,.. I totally empathise with following a plan for so long and then falling off track to speak.  I did train last year to do a triathlon near where I live Stockton in the uk. I followed a few plans from the site and managed to get to cycling about 12 miles without having to stop, I joined a local ttriathlon group for their weekly swims and they helped me (when they had finished falling about laughing at a nice way) to get to swim 750m without drowning, and I planned to walk/ run the last bit. However, despite paying for my place and everything i just bottled out in the end. However, I did go down and watch the race, and especially the transitions and know i could have done that. So i kept up training till about november then I've done nothing since then.. I was in two minds and i have an ongoing back problem which comes and goes.

So, I thought joining the group would help to keep me on track because I have decided I am going to do this this year.

I'm going to follow the couch to 5k run programme for the run and then look at the training plans on here again..or..I have just purchased triathlons for dummies, from Amazon.

Did I mention I was 44 and work full time and also have lots of problems with getting up in the mornings!

2010-01-04 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Oh, and I am also using a mountain bike - but to be honest I have been using the ones at the gym since about October.Smile
2010-01-04 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

For those asking about mountain bikes - a mountain bike is absolutely fine, and you will not be the only one using one, especially at sprint and olympic distances.  You don't usually see them at the really long distance events like ironman, but every once in a while there's someone riding one.

If possible, ditch the treaded tires and get some slicks, as that will help a lot when road riding on the mountain bike.


2010-01-04 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2592848

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Cris577 - 2010-01-04 2:12 PM

Also, I'm still working my way through the nutrition section, but wondered if anyone had any tips to share not necessarily for the day of the event, but during our prep time. 

Common sense rules the day for nutrition while training - a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, a good amount of lean protein, and quality carbs is the way to go.  Cut out the sweets, unhealthy fats, processed foods, soda, and other junk.  Depending on your goals, you'll want to adjust your total intake according to how much you are training.

There's nothing wrong with alternating bike and run workouts, although you can mix it up (especially for duathlon) and do some combo run/bike/run sessions.  I've even done some bike trainer/treadmill workouts with 10 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes on the treadmill, repeat for an hour or so.  The big picture will be to build each discipline up to the point that you can comfortably complete the distances of your goal races in each sport separately, or beyond the distances if you have the time and fitness to do so.

2010-01-04 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2592803

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

aureua - 2010-01-04 1:52 PM

maine rob (Rob):  Thanks for organizing the group.  I am looking forward to it!  I hear P90X is supposed to be really great.  I have it on my laptop but have never tried it.  What do you think so far?

I'm just getting into it, and so far it's kicking my butt . It's not a substitute for tri training, but I think using in the off season will be a good way for me to improve body composition and get stronger for the season ahead.

2010-01-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2593702

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

I did P90X about this time last year. I made it to about day 75 before I quit. It just ate too much of my evenings up. At least with tri training I am not locked to the TV. How many pull-ups are you up to? Good luck, it will defnitely make you stronger.

I still dread those advanced yoga poses.

2010-01-04 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2593802

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

zannard - 2010-01-04 8:37 PM

I did P90X about this time last year. I made it to about day 75 before I quit. It just ate too much of my evenings up. At least with tri training I am not locked to the TV. How many pull-ups are you up to? Good luck, it will defnitely make you stronger.

I still dread those advanced yoga poses.

I don't want to talk about pullups right now - all I can say is ouch .


2010-01-04 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Ok.  Did day 2 of week 1 couch to 5k.  Please tell me this will get easier.  Also swam about 2,050 yards (1.25 miles) today, with some pull sets, kick sets, sprint sets, and moderately paced 100's.

To Rob:  I do have access to a bike, its heavier like a mountain bike but actually has smooth road tires.  Looks like from the replies tho that I won't be the only one out there on a mountain bike.  I also have a 24hr membership so I have access to the spin classes and bikes there and I have a recumbent bike at home.  Hmm, I have a lot of bikes around and yet, I haven't been on a bike in years.

To Becky:  I swam competively in HS (school team and year round as well)  but then quit in college and hadn't swam seriously again until this year (I'm 32 so it had been a looonnngg time).  First time back, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack in the water and then like magic, it came back and so much quicker than I thought too.  As for the boredom thing, I dunno, I love being in the water, always have, so I feel very comfortable there and don't get bored really, I do mix up what I do in the water a lot and the longer sets are nice for thinking things out in my head.  Do you have a swim plan or do you just do laps?  I like plans, you can make them harder physically or more challenging by doing them in less time and you can switch them up.  Some days I have lots of shorter, sprint like distances and others I have lots of long, endurance building ones, and other days, I make the workout a combo of both.  However, I have to say, I don't know if that's the right way to do it for a triathlon tho.  It just works for me but I have never done a tri.  I would love to do those swim races only but its been so long since I raced, I think I need more time to get faster.  I am still a long way away from my HS times. 

Right now I think the most overwhelming thing is trying to schedule all the activities.  I have taekwondo on tue, thurs, sat and I ride my horse tues, wed, and fri and maybe one weekend day too, and swim usually mon, wed, fri hardish and then usually thurs and sat an easy stretch out swim and I am doing couch to 5k on sat, mon, and wed.  Where do I fit the bike in?  I'm thinking tues, thurs, and sat?  I'm trying to keep Sundays completely off so I can sleep in and veg and recover in preparation for next week but maybe I should schedule a few activities on Sun so I can unload some of the days.  I work Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri from about 8-2ish give or take an hour or so.  I also have a husband and 4 yr old I should probably see sometimes too! 

Rob again:  I am planning to try for a sprint tri in December.  I know that seems far away but I am at ground zero for the bike and run.  Any good planning tips?


Happy Training to All!
2010-01-04 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2592803

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

aureua - 2010-01-04 12:52 PM I enjoyed reading all the bios and wanted to comment.  Instead of replying to each one I put my thoughts in one post.  I hope that's ok.

Zannard (Zane):  San Antonio must be nice.  What types of adventure races?  How does one prepare for an adventure race?

I do like San Antonio, but like Rob said, brutal in the summer. I did my first tri last year and when I hit the run the temp was over 100 degrees. Oh, and they ran out of water at the last aid station. Can you say fuel belt?

The adventure races I have participated in are basically duathlons with a raft instead of the second run at the end. Some people may have a different name for them. I am in the Air Force and there are 2 different bases that put them on yearly. Both have been approx 26 mile bike/6-8mile run/2 mile raft. Both times I have done 8 man relays, 4 people on the course at a time and you have to stay together. You are only as fast as your weakest link. The first one this year is in April and my team plans on doing a 4 man team. No swapping out this time. Fun! Can't say I prepared much in the past, added some biking to my running, but that was before the tri bug bit me. 

2010-01-04 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2592001

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Maine Rob - 2010-01-04 8:35 AM

Welcome Zane!

Do you have some goal races planned for this year?

My main goal race is an Olympic Distance tri on Oct 2.  It will be the finishing race of a 6 race sprint series here in San Antonio. The madness all starts in May.
I hope to complete all the races to get my experience up and be competitive within my age group for all. 

I have a couple of duathlons I am doing in the spring to keep me motiviated. 
2010-01-05 2:13 AM
in reply to: #2592043

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
I would like to do the hawaii since I am here but not sure if my work will support.
2010-01-05 6:07 AM
in reply to: #2593869

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

zannard - 2010-01-04 9:12 PM

My main goal race is an Olympic Distance tri on Oct 2.  It will be the finishing race of a 6 race sprint series here in San Antonio. The madness all starts in May.
I hope to complete all the races to get my experience up and be competitive within my age group for all. 

I have a couple of duathlons I am doing in the spring to keep me motiviated. 

Sounds like a busy, but fun year. The nice thing with those kinds of series is that you see a lot of the same people, and develop some friendly competition with them, which keeps the motivation up between races.

2010-01-05 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2593815

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Swimfreak17 - 2010-01-04 8:45 PM Right now I think the most overwhelming thing is trying to schedule all the activities.  I have taekwondo on tue, thurs, sat and I ride my horse tues, wed, and fri and maybe one weekend day too, and swim usually mon, wed, fri hardish and then usually thurs and sat an easy stretch out swim and I am doing couch to 5k on sat, mon, and wed.  Where do I fit the bike in?  I'm thinking tues, thurs, and sat?  I'm trying to keep Sundays completely off so I can sleep in and veg and recover in preparation for next week but maybe I should schedule a few activities on Sun so I can unload some of the days.  I work Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri from about 8-2ish give or take an hour or so.  I also have a husband and 4 yr old I should probably see sometimes too! 

Rob again:  I am planning to try for a sprint tri in December.  I know that seems far away but I am at ground zero for the bike and run.  Any good planning tips?


Happy Training to All!

Wow, that's a full schedule. You may want to consider dropping a few sessions of the swim - I know, only swimming 2-3x a week doesn't seem like much when you're used to 5-6 swims, but it will allow you to maintain your swimming abilities while juggling your other goals.

December is a good timeframe. You'll have plenty of time to gradually build the bike and run.  Have you considered any intermediate goals, like maybe a 5k run in the summer?

2010-01-05 6:18 AM
in reply to: #2594248

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

sneddie7 - 2010-01-05 3:13 AM I would like to do the hawaii since I am here but not sure if my work will support.

Which Hawaii race? THE Hawaii race?

2010-01-05 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2592026


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Thanks Rob, I still have not figured out  the site yet and the whole training log.  That was my bike time LOL.
2010-01-05 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

I am open to dropping the easier swims to help the schedule out.  I just like them because they don't feel like work, they just relax me.  Looking at my week is kinda scary tho so if they have to go, they have to go.  It gets worse too because in about 6 weeks or so, horse show season starts and some weekends will be totally taken up with that and then I guess I have to try to fit my saturday activities in somewhere else.  Is is really bad to skip a run or bike so early on?  I don't want to get in the habit of that tho.  I'm hoping that by aiming for December I can not only be prepared, but maybe even be a little over-prepared.  Less to worry about that way.  I will be nervous enough already.

In regards to the 5k only, I was hoping that maybe I could be ready to do one in June or July.  It seems like soooo far right now as I huff and puff and in 30 minutes barely go 1.5 miles. 

2010-01-05 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2594338

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
No the 70.3 I will be deployed for THE hawaii race
2010-01-05 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Wow, with all the time off around the holidays I forgot how busy work is. Anybody else feel like that. I am stuck in a hotel the rest of the week in Dallas. Doing employee evaluations as we speak wanting to go get on the treadmill instead. Oh well, I feel like I need to give my legs a day off anyway. Anybody got some sure fire stress relievers other than a workout?

On to a question. I have a backyard pool but really no good for swimming laps(not to mention its freezing outside) due to size. At some point I am going to have to join a center that has a pool to train in. Considering my schedule and not wanting to throw away money too early are there specific exercises I can do to prepare myself for the swim training? Is this just wishfull thinking?

As you may notice from my question, Ive never really been a swimmer.

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