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2010-04-07 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Hello all new-comers to the ghoulie clan! Yes onevette you can be apart of our group!! (Im making the executive decision...haha)

Hi I'm Melissa...22 from Edmonton, AB...Finishing off 1st year of medical school here at UofA...moving to Victoria, BC for the summer to do research in renal physiology and to train for TRI!!! Muhahahah...I have lots of races planned...including a HI in Calgary in August and a marathon in San Fran in October.

Again..welcome! This is just a drive by...currently studying for a final on fri...wooo pulmonary med!

2010-04-07 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
what's toppage??
2010-04-07 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2774906

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
MarlaS - 2010-04-07 1:56 PM what's toppage??

There is room for 20 posts on a page...when you hit 21 it moves to the next page, and you are on top of that page! Then you get to claim top of the page! =toppage!
2010-04-07 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2774906

Subject: ...
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2010-04-07 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2774860

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
onevette80 - 2010-04-07 3:44 PM Can I be in you guys' group?

Welcome, welcome.
Tell us about yourself.
2010-04-07 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Is there room for one more in the group for a newbie from Michigan.    Have done a 10 week indoor training program which just ended. Ready to start an outdoor program

2010-04-07 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2774936

Subject: ...
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2010-04-07 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2774973

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Thanks Bill  
   Well not much to say. Looking for a better bike than my mountain bike with road tires.  I am currently taking a swimming class to improve my swimming. Last biking trip was Sunday at 2 hours of high wind and hills.  Monday was swimming for an hour.  Yesterday was running 2.5 miles  and tonight its swimming class.
2010-04-07 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2770589

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group

Name: Ryan

Story: Unlike most, I stayed pretty fit in college.  I ran in high school.  I got into cycling in college and rode about 150 miles a wk minimum with plans of riding cross country with my two brothers.   And I grew up in the lake.  I didn’t get fat and lazy till I got out of college and began sitting at a desk for 10 hrs/day.  I can’t remember why I decided to train for a tri, but I did.  After 3 yrs of nothing I got after it.  I began running and cycling pretty consistently and immediately lost 15lbs.  I thought I could muscle out a sprint by the end of summer.  500 yrd swim is in nothing, who needs to train for that right.  I mean, I did grow up in the water………… LOL

Well with that embarrassment out of the way.   I’m going to give this thing another try!!  I did finish, but really never recovered from swim and basically walked the rest of the race!   For me it’s more than just finishing, I want to be a competitor!   

Family Status
: I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Kim, for 7 yrs.  We have a 21 month old little girl that I can’t wait to have racing, Kensley.  I’m an engineer for a day job and build cars on the side, so I stay pretty busy!

Current training: I refuse to be in the same situation again, so I’ve been swimming 4 days a wk.  Unfortunately, I’ve had A LOT of knee pain so I haven’t done much running or riding.  I just recently saw a Dr/my sister about it.  Luckily, she thinks it’s just ITB, which I agree seems to fit perfectly.  I’ve been doing the stretches and did some cycling last wkend with no pain.  I’ve signed up for a short sprint that’s coming up quick so I gotta get on the ball!! 

This year's races:  Lake degray sprint tri 4-25-10.  Mostly just want to see where I fare as far as the swim goes.  I’d like to be in the top 20%  Lake degray again in aug.  And hopefully a few in between.  May do the oly in Aug if I do well prior to that date.   I’d like to complete a HIM by the end of next summer, and A full by 2012.

Weight Loss: I’m not a big guy, but I could afford to lose 10 lbs.

2010-04-07 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2774898

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
mndymond - 2010-04-07 2:54 PM Hello all new-comers to the ghoulie clan! Yes onevette you can be apart of our group!! (Im making the executive decision...haha)

Hi I'm Melissa...22 from Edmonton, AB...Finishing off 1st year of medical school here at UofA...moving to Victoria, BC for the summer to do research in renal physiology and to train for TRI!!! Muhahahah...I have lots of races planned...including a HI in Calgary in August and a marathon in San Fran in October.

Again..welcome! This is just a drive by...currently studying for a final on fri...wooo pulmonary med!

Both of my sisters and one brother are MDs.  Let me just say...............  400 yrs of school=Your all freaking nuts!!!!!!!! 
Other bro speaks 9 languages and has 3 phds.  Needless to say.......... Im the blacksheep!
2010-04-07 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Ryan, FWIW about the ITB PT recommended my husband take a rolling pin to my outer thigh and roll out the tension... it helped with some of the pain, and comments about the rolling pin by the bed were fun for a while, until I started displaying a lovely bruise pattern from hip to knee. Sucked it up & sprang for a nice fat foam roller at the running store, and have been pain-free and bruise free (if you don't count the pedal-related falls over the last week) since.

2010-04-07 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: ...
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2010-04-07 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2775101

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
MarlaS - 2010-04-07 5:02 PM Ryan, FWIW about the ITB PT recommended my husband take a rolling pin to my outer thigh and roll out the tension... it helped with some of the pain, and comments about the rolling pin by the bed were fun for a while, until I started displaying a lovely bruise pattern from hip to knee. Sucked it up & sprang for a nice fat foam roller at the running store, and have been pain-free and bruise free (if you don't count the pedal-related falls over the last week) since.

Have you all ever heard of, or been recommended to use a foam roller? It does the same thing as the rolling pin but without the bruising. They are actually a piece of tubular foam about 6 inches wide and 2 feet or so long. You use your body weight to roll out all sorts of body maladies. I just recently purchased one at Target of all places. Came with a dvd showing how to work different muscles from arms, legs and back.
2010-04-07 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
I too am calling it a day. I will check with everyone tomorrow. So glad to meet you all.
2010-04-07 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2770589

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
I would like to join if you are still accepting mentees.


2010-04-07 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Wondering if there is still room in this group?  My first tri is at the end of May and I still have LOTS of questions.



2010-04-07 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2775143

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Have you all ever heard of, or been recommended to use a foam roller? It does the same thing as the rolling pin but without the bruising. They are actually a piece of tubular foam about 6 inches wide and 2 feet or so long. You use your body weight to roll out all sorts of body maladies. I just recently purchased one at Target of all places. Came with a dvd showing how to work different muscles from arms, legs and back.

YES!  A physical therapist friend of mine show the hub and I some exercises using one of those.  Very therapeutic!


Edited by waltontl 2010-04-07 4:54 PM
2010-04-07 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2775233

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
waltontl - 2010-04-07 3:50 PM Wondering if there is still room in this group?  My first tri is at the end of May and I still have LOTS of questions.



2010-04-07 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2775232

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
ransick - 2010-04-07 3:49 PM I would like to join if you are still accepting mentees.



Welcome Mike!
2010-04-07 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2775265

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Thanks!  I'll add my story after I get back from a business dinner.
2010-04-07 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Good evening everyone!

Looks like it's been a busy evening.

For those of you who have asked, yes we still have room. Come on in and tell us a bit about yourselves.

I just got back from a 21 mile bike ride not too long ago. It was a little windy, but I'm glad I went out.

2010-04-07 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2774389


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
ceilidh - 2010-04-07 1:06 PM Kali, where in Fla are you? I was raised on the west coast, near Sarasota. I still have family there.

I am in the panhandle in Panama City.  My husband has family in Sarasota, and it is really nice there.  I love the Tampa area and would like to move there someday!

2010-04-07 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2770589

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Name: Mike

Story: Been a casual runner and mountain biker for years but never anything consistent.  Last year, a friend talked me in to doing a half marathon.  I hadn't run more than 5 miles in 20 years.  I loosely followed a beginner plan and completed it last April.  Then I decided I should be able to do a Sprint tri by fall.  Well, I had never swam laps before and was in for a rude and humbling awakening at the pool.  I couldn't swim more than a lap without stopping.  Apparently I'm a slow learner because it took me going to the pool 3x a week for about 5 months before I could swim any real distance.  In January, I bought my first road bike and after getting some seat issues out of the way, I'm starting to get some biking in.  I was in a mentor group last session and learned a ton.  BT is just a fantastic web site.

Family Status: Married, 2 kids -18 daughter and 13 son.  2 dogs and a couple cats.

Current training:  Life happens quite often so my training has been flexible. Over the winter I tried to schedule 6-9 work outs a week (2-3 in each sport) and didn't worry about when I only hit 3-6.  Since January I switched to more run focused schedule because I have a 1/2 marathon this Sunday.  So I was trying to run 4x, bike 3x and swim 2x.  I've been traveling the last 4 weeks in a row, so it hasn't happened lately.  Looking back on my logs, I pretty much never get that many work outs in a week.  No wonder I'm slow :-).

This year's races (so far):
St. Louis 1/2 Mary 4/11 - registered
Effingham IL Sprint 5/16 - registered (first tri ever!)
Carlyle IL Sprint 5/23 - registered
Innsbrooke MO Sprint 6/27 - registered
Springfield IL Oly 7/25 - probably
Rest of season unknown 

I'm looking forward to being part of the Ghoulie's!

Edited by ransick 2010-04-07 9:00 PM
2010-04-07 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Hey, is there room in here for another mentee? I see that Bill Graves is hanging out here so it must be a fun bunch. 
2010-04-07 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Greetings to all the new Ghoulies and welcome to the Village.  My name is Kim and I've been a Ghoulie (from a prior challenge team) for quite a while now.  I'll be hanging out with you for this session.

Name:  Kim aka NJKim

Story:  Entered my first sprint tri 3 years ago on a bet with a friend.  I grew up riding horses competitvely, was mostly a gym rat after I got out of college, and had a brief flirtation with biking in my 30's.  I found myself pretty out of shape in my 40's and decided to make a change.  I joined an all-women's boot camp.  On the first day we had a fitness test.  First was a 1 mile run, which I mostly walked.  On the push up test, I did 4....and 3 of those were mostly cheating.  But it was a friend I made in that bootcamp that challenged me to try a tri and I was hooked.  I've done about 3 sprints a year since, and last year finished my first OLY and first Half Marathon.

I've also dealt with injuries along the way.  I've had severe plantar fasciitis and have ongoing patello-femoral issues.  I'm learning that strength training and stretching should be an integral part of our training and key in preventing injuries. 

I continue to work on nutrition.  I don't really have any weight loss goals at the moment, although I wouldn't miss 5 lbs.  But that would probably require I give up adult beverages.  That is not going to happen as part of why I train is to enjoy good food and good wine.  Ok, margaritas are good too.

Current Training:  It's heavy on run at the moment as I have a half marathon in less than two weeks.  I usually run 3 or 4 x week, swim 3 x week (1 session is a stroke clinic at my Y) and bike whenever I can find daylight.  I also stretch EVERY day and am working several strength training sessions into my plan.

Family Status:  Single and no kids.  Niece and nephews that I'm very involved with.

This year's races:  Unite HM 4/18, Superhero HM 5/23, Nantucket Sprint 7/10, NJ State OLY 7/25, and looking for a fall Marathon as I didn't get into NYC via the lottery. Cry  I'll probably add at least 1 or 2 more sprints and will do lots of NYRR races in Central Park.

I've participated in several mentor groups and found them to be a great source of information, from everyone who participates.  I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
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