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2010-04-19 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Happy Boston Marathon Monday!

A couple of housekeeping items now that the group is official.

1. I've listed all group members with links to your logs on my first post for easy access
2. I recommend adding our group thread to your log for easy access (if you don't know how to do this and would like to - let me know and I can explain)
3. I'll be adding all of you as my friends in my training log - I suggest you do the same with the other members of the group so that it is easy to inspire all the members of our great group!
4. Start posting your workouts to your logs (if you don't do so already) - the best way I can help you is if I know what you are up to.
5. Feel free to read through my logs - I think some of you already have
6. I'll try to respond to any questions posed on the group thread or via PM within 48 hours.

Ok - now back to training

2010-04-19 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hello all,  I had a great weekend.. Sat. we had a karate tournament and my daughter and I cleaned house!!!  Not to mention my daughter (Grace) had to fight a girl twice her size and she just man handle like a true warrior.. Sat. I ran almost 2.5 miles.  I am new to running so does anyone have any advice for me just starting out?  What is the best way to get my base built up.  My legs are sore today, but my back feels good.  My bike is broken, and I am waiting for my new bike to come in, but til then I thought I'd get some running in.  Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
2010-04-19 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2802469

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I used to hate running too - always thought of it as a necessary evil for staying in shape.  Then I started entering 5ks and began challenging myself to get prs with each new race.  That didn't always work out they way I hoped Smile, but I found I was enjoying running more.  I then found myself signing up with a marathon training group and surprised myself by how much I enjoyed the training.  So, I guess for me training with others and challenging myself to improve with each race was the key to learning to like (sometimes even love) the run.  

You should run in the fun 5k, I think you'll find it a much different experience then running on your own.  Also, living in Orlando, FL I certainly understand heat and humidity.  Believe it or not, you will get used to running in the soup; just make sure to drink plenty of water.

Now, if you could send me some of your swim mojo I'd really appreciate it!  


BTW, I hate to admit it, but I have no idea what a C25k is! 
2010-04-19 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Lol, C25K is a running program, "designed to get you from the Couch to running 5k in 9 weeks".
Going to try to accelerate it a little bit.

I entered the fun run... The other half (aka Superman, lol) is doing it with me. So that should be good motivation. It's on the 6th of June.
I think between Megan and I, swimming mojo will be all over the place here, I forgot to mention that I am also a coach (Silver accredited in Australia, probably means nothing to you guys, lol).

Megan... I have no idea how to add the thread to my log... or add people as friends! Help me, lol.

2010-04-19 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
C25K is how I started my running. It served it's purpose perfect for me and left me wanting more once done. The best I can say is be patient with your running. Give it time and it will pay you back. My problem has always been something getting in my way of running.

I think June 6'th is a perfect day for a race. It's the day I kick off my tri season
2010-04-20 12:08 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
That's perfect then Chris

I have been the same. This is the third time I have started C25K. First time I got gall stones, which led to pancreatitis which lead to hospitalisation and a long lay off... the second time it was an ITB injury... which I have just recovered from.
So hoping this time to take it s...l...o...w...l...y... and then nothing else will happen

I worked out how to add people to friends... now I just gotta work out how to add the thread to my log... hmmm...

2010-04-20 2:17 AM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hi Megan,  would you mind telling me how to add this thread to my log and how to add friends?  I am new to this whole forum thing and I can't figure it out!  Thanks!
2010-04-20 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2802704

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Congrats to you and your daughter -that's awesome!  AS far as building your running base, one way is to run 3 x per week, 2 days short miles and the 3d a long mile day.  Each week the long mile run should increase a little bit.  The long run should continue to increase for 2-3 weeks before going back down to the milage you did on one of the earlier long runs (does that make sense?).  Then you start the process all over, starting where you left off.  Be careful, you don't want to injure yourself as that can really set you back.  

Also, some have posted about a C25k program, maybe it is something you should check out.

Good luck,
2010-04-20 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
How to add Friends on your Training Log:

On the top Navigation - click "Settings"
Click on "Training Blog Customization"
Click on "Friends"
Add friends manually in the spaces provided
Click Update
Friends will appear on the left column in your training blog.

How to add this group as a link on your Training Log:

Copy this URL:
On the top Navigation - click "Settings"
Click on "Training Blog Customization"
Click on "Blog Links"
Paste URL in the space provided
Add Link Description: e.g. "Totally Awesome Spring Mentor Group"
Click Update
Link will appear in the right column in your training blog below "Personal Bests"
2010-04-20 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2800426

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
swayerm - 2010-04-19 12:03 AM

  • My doctor has been testing me for coeliac disease and irritable bowel syndrome, so I haven't felt like doing much of ANYTHING the last few days...

  • One of my running partners is going through a similar ordeal right now - has been for the last 2 years. She has found that eating gluten free has really helped and is now on meds to help with flare ups. Good luck finding a solution that works for you!
    2010-04-20 8:18 AM
    in reply to: #2800516

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    Extreme Veteran
    Stamford, CT
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    bballcalgirl - 2010-04-19 5:39 AM

    Hello All!  no productive weekend for me as far as training goes.  I only did a bike ride on Sat.  School and work are killing me right now.  But I start my training program tomorrow.  I am super excited but a little nervous as well.  I am going to my first (sprint) tri on June 12.  That isn't much time to train but it is a super short sprint - 1/2 m swim, only 6 mi bike and 2 mi run.  Definitely do-able but I have the jitters since I have no idea what to expect!  Hope everyone's week starts off well!  

    That is my kind of race! I love the super sprints - I try to do a local one every year called the Westport Minuteman! That is a great distance to start off with and it is great "transition" practice. You have plenty of time to gear up for that race.

    2010-04-20 8:25 AM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Loveland, Ohio
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    So awesome to read that the C25K was a starting point for so many of you. Stories like that make me love this sport even more!
    2010-04-20 8:42 AM
    in reply to: #2802469

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    Extreme Veteran
    Stamford, CT
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Some thoughts on running:

    I used to hate running too - was the person who said "I don't do running...I have asthma." But, eventually I have grown to really like it. When I first started I was always gasping for breath and really sore the few days after. Obviously this made running not so enjoyable. Turns out I was going waaay to hard. Since then I have learned to slow way down and build a base first.
    I like Ann-Marie's idea of doing 2 shorter runs and one longer run. However, if you have time I have actually seen a ton of improvement running more times per week but keeping the time/distance in check.

    Say for example you currently run a total of 10 miles per week broken into 2x2.5 mile runs and 1x5 mile run. Instead, try 3x1 mile (or 10 min), 2x2 mile (or 20 min) and 1x3 mile runs (or 30 min). The mid distance run should be 2x the short run and the long run should be 3x the short run. Usually I tack the short runs onto another workout such as after a bike or before a swim. Then every week, increase the time or distance by no more than 10%. So week 2 would look like 3x11 min, 2x22 min and 1x33 min. Every 4 weeks or so through in a recovery week with 3-4x running and no long run.

    I have found that running more frequently but with the same total weekly mileage as I would running say 3x per week has helped decrease running related injuries, helped my running confidence and increased my speed.
    2010-04-20 8:57 AM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    White House, TN
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Thanks alot Anne & Megan.  That helps alot.  I am amazed at how sore I am for only running 2.33 miles at 10.44 per mile.. I am very athletic and didn't see this one coming... My legs are still very sore.  I think i'm only gonna run 3 times this week, then try and follow Megans outline.. That makes alot of sense to me..Thanks

    Edited by kenpoforlife 2010-04-20 8:58 AM
    2010-04-20 10:57 AM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Extreme Veteran
    Lafayette, IN
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    I also believe that running more days per week is better for you.  I feel so much better when I am able to run 5-6 days a week vs 3-4 days a week. 

    For anyone that says, "they hate running", get into a running group.  My long runs are always with a group.  It makes the time so much more fun.  I have learned so much about my running partners.  I hear stories about their kids, work issues, family issues, fun places to run, awesome places to go, etc.  It's more of a social event.  The group will also hold you accountable.  Everyone has those days where they just don't feel like working out.  If you are in a group, you are more likely not to skip the workout.  The hardest thing will be getting there.  After you start running, it's not that bad. 

    2010-04-20 12:30 PM
    in reply to: #2804236

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    x2 on running with a group.

    2010-04-20 4:51 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    I am hopefully going to be running with the tri club at least once a week, so that should motivate me to do it on my own... cos I really do hate looking silly in front of people :D

    As for the coeliac disease thing, the test was negative which was good. But turns out I have irritable bowel syndrome, so I have to see a dietician and do an elimination diet to find out what is actually irritating me.
    So that is going to be interesting with training and whatever, cos I've hear that the elimination diets are pretty crappy...

    And thanks for the running advice guys. I am slowly building up and up, I have to walk the dog every day anyway, so every second day I am throwing in some running... any more than that and me knees are giving me grief, so I'll keep plodding along
    I hope there are no more storms though, we had an epic one last night which stopped me from riding to work today... Scary enough on the highways around here without people not being able to drive in the wet!!
    2010-04-20 4:56 PM
    in reply to: #2787624


    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Ok, so I have a couple questions for Megan or for anyone who has done a tri before.  How long should I be able to  ride/bike/swim before the triathalon in comparison the the race length.  The race I am doing is 1/2mi swim, 6 mi bike, and 2 mile run.  Also, is there a way to practice for the transitions or maybe a website that says what to expect? I am totally clueless about this and a little nervous.  Thanks everyone!  It is raining here there goes my bike ride.  I might have to ride in the gym but I"m not very fond of we will see.
    2010-04-20 7:08 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    White House, TN
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Yall don't know about my bike so I'll make it as short as possible.  2 weeks ago my road bike had a mechanical failure and damaged the Frame.  It's a carbon frame which make it worthless now.  The manufacture won't warranty anything and it's going to cost over 1k to fix it.  Thankfully my wife has agreed to go ahead and let me get a Tri bike, and fix the road bike later and use it as a social/off season secondary bike.  All that to say that today the local bike/triathlon shop let me take out a bike to keep my riding going until my bike comes in.  I rode a Cervelo P3, all I can say is WOW that thing is fast.  I didn't have time to do my normal 35-40 miles, but I did do 12 miles in about 30 minutes.  It was really alot faster than that but I took it me the first 5 miles trying to just get used to the bike.. It's my first time riding a tri bike so it took me awhile getting used to it.  I can't wait til my new bike comes in.  I hope once I get used to it I can get around 25mph average..  I have ordered a Quintana Roo CD 01 if your interested, but I am stoked... It's an awesome bike!!!!
    2010-04-20 7:16 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Extreme Veteran
    Lafayette, IN
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    I love my Cervelo.  Its a great brand.   
    2010-04-20 7:28 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Awww, I'm jealous!!

    I ride an old Cannondale, which tri bar extensions, that I bought third-hand off a friend for $300

    I need to save money before I get a new bike. I fell in love with an Avanti bike at my last tri... Do you guys rate them?
    What bikes do the rest of you ride?

    2010-04-20 7:31 PM
    in reply to: #2805676

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    White House, TN
    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    I love Cervelo.. My two choices was the Cervelo or the QRoo  CD 01... I think they are both awesome, but the QRoo has one thing that is important to me.  It has replaceable Drops, and hangers..  I refuse to have another carbon bike without that...  That P3 was fast though....
    2010-04-20 7:41 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    I'm jealous of all of you - I have a really, really old Trek 1200.  
    2010-04-20 8:03 PM
    in reply to: #2805469

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED


    I asked myself the same question last fall when I started training (aka learn to swim) and found the free training "Programs" on BT a good place to start. The programs gave me an idea of what I needed to accomplish prior to race day. I've used similar programs in marathon training and they work like a charm if followed closely. 

    Regarding transitions... there are dozens of videos on that will give you some great tips on transitions.

    I hope this helps!


    2010-04-20 8:26 PM
    in reply to: #2787624

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    Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
    Also for the swimming stuff, you can get pretty awesome plans from, which is what I used before I found this site.

    Sometimes I cheat a bit and use that for idea when people ask me for a plan as well, lol, swear by that website, as it can give you different lengths ets as well.
    And printable, just slip them in a plastic pocket and stick them on pool deck. Voila

    I have so much to learn about bikes... most of those posts were gibberish, lol. I know how to change gears on mine, and that the carbon fibre rim on the back is considered cool... but I have no idea why! Lol.
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