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2010-12-29 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3265521

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
kt65 - 2010-12-28 8:58 PM Ironmonger-no laughing...recovering from injury is no laughing matter!  You are smart to take it slow and short right now!
Todd and Mike-hope you are able to get to pain-free running. 

Thanks...knee's just gonna be sore for awhile, that's become clear.  Just got in from running in the slush out on the roads in Blue Hill, Maine (sis-in-law's place)...remnants of the blizzard we had a couple days ago, 17F outside...quite the change from SoCal training.  Getting acclimated to running in New England, I s'pose.  

2011-01-10 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
My longest so far was on Sunday at 15 miles.  It was 7F and my water froze in 5 minutes.  The running is coming along slowly but surely.  The 15 miler was at a sub 9:00 mpm pace and in z2 so I met both goals.  The mileage goes up pretty quick at this point, but I do have gotten in 120, 138 and 138 miles for base building before the build so that moves me to at least moderatly ok with building at this point.  I am really happy about dropping the HR 10 bpm at a 9 mpm pace on the long runs.  I have a 16 miler planned for this week. 

So, at the marathon, they transport you by bus from the finish line to the start? So you park at the finish line yes?  I need to start making reservations like sooon.
2011-01-10 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3290981

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-01-10 2:58 PM  

So, at the marathon, they transport you by bus from the finish line to the start? So you park at the finish line yes?  I need to start making reservations like sooon.


We booked a hotel close to the Commons (i.e., the shuttle pickup).  Things are a bit pricey in the area, but we figured this is probably going to be a one-time thing and we shouldn't cheap out too much. 
2011-01-10 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3290981

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Oak Creek, WI
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-01-10 4:58 PMMy longest so far was on Sunday at 15 miles.  It was 7F and my water froze in 5 minutes.  The running is coming along slowly but surely.  The 15 miler was at a sub 9:00 mpm pace and in z2 so I met both goals.  The mileage goes up pretty quick at this point, but I do have gotten in 120, 138 and 138 miles for base building before the build so that moves me to at least moderatly ok with building at this point.  I am really happy about dropping the HR 10 bpm at a 9 mpm pace on the long runs.  I have a 16 miler planned for this week. 

So, at the marathon, they transport you by bus from the finish line to the start? So you park at the finish line yes?  I need to start making reservations like sooon.
Goods news on the training... There are quite a few transportation options to get around Boston... If it works for you getting a hotel down near the finish line and expo is really fun... There is just so much excitement and the atmosphere is incredible there... We stayed at the Hilton back bay last year... And it was great... We are staying closer to the commons this year (can't recall the hotel right now)... A couple of random bits of advice... 1) get to the commons early.. The lines can get insanely long for the shuttle buses... Better to get to athletes village and chill out than standing on your feet forever in line... 2) bring something comfy to sit/lay on in athletes village... 3) a ton of port a johns down near the start line as you're walking there... So no need to freak out and wait in line forever in athletes village if the lines are too long... 4) look into dinner reservations soon... The good italian places fill up fast... Our hotel put on a nice spread the night before the race and we ended up doing that... 5) don't forget to grab an official race poster at the expo... If you look really close they have all the participants names watermarked in the background of the poster.. Pretty cool... 6) there is a cool old church by the finish line that does a 'blessing of the athletes' mass the day before the race... Kind of neat... 7) just enjoy... There are so many awesome things to take in... Last year was my first... And it was truly an unforgettable experience...
2011-01-11 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread

Glad I found this.  Just decided to check "Massachusetts" on a whim.

I'm in, after qualifying at GO! St.Louis last April with a 3:07:xx.

As of today, I'm happy to even be training again because I'm coming off an injury that sidelined me for 3 solid months.  Incidentally, my last truly long run was 85 miles through the Wasatch mountains.  Alas, I did not earn a belt buckle.  But Boston is sure to be a different story.  Speed, though, is nowhere to be found right now.  I don't know what my goals should be, and they'll surely morph as I drop the extra 15lbs I've collected in my running hiatus.  Oh, and I'll actually start running again!  13mi on tap for this weekend.

I'll be checking in, and I'm looking forward to chatting with you all over the next 90ish days.


2011-01-12 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3293357

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Ft. Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Hey getsome, don't sweat it.  I took off pretty much since my last 1/2 marathon and did not run a step in December - my first and only long layoff since I've been doing this.  When I first started running again, I was shocked at how much I lost.  Its coming back, slowly at first but the last week I've started making those step improvements back to form.  If you are back to 13 mi again it sounds like you're doing just fine.

2011-01-21 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Hey all first off congrats to all of you running the race this year. I am preping for my first half ironman in June and I have heard from many people to run Boston as a bandit. I wasn't sure how many people actually do that, how frowned upon it is and so on. I was just curious what all of you thought about it!
2011-01-21 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
My frank honest opinion on bandit racing?  Thief of services; bandit Boston?  Thief by deception, grand larceny.  What is it with you people that thinks it is okay to do this?  What gives you the right to STEAL?  To say "I'm not good enough or I'm too lazy to qualify, so I'm just going to jump in & run the Boston Marathon anyway."  Are you serious??

We are doomed!
2011-01-23 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3313202

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Ft. Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Monger hit it on the head, when you ask people who have trained for YEARS to qualify you should probably not expect a warm reception on this topic.  The race filled in less than 8 hrs on registration day and cost us like $120 or so.  Also, case made about "stealing", think about it... race organizers prepare for a field size and folks who jump in compete for the water, gatorade, etc. plus create more congestion?

My opinion, if you do this have someone support you with water, etc. and don't mooch off the on-course resources and stay way back and let those who qualified and pay good money enjoy their day or better just watch on TV and start your prep now to qualify in 2011.

Edited by beadams 2011-01-23 7:04 AM
2011-01-23 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
My suggestion to all is not to worry about banditing or not banditing...focus on your fitness and prep and enjoy "YOUR" experience...Its like worrying about the weather waste of your time and attention.
2011-01-23 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
UMAN,  I am definitely worried about my fitness & training.  My long run so far is only 4 1/2 miles, on a treadmill.  I just hope I have someone to run with & I am not last across the line. 

2011-01-23 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3316108

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Iron Monger you can only do what you can do..keep on plugging away and stay healthy
2011-01-24 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread

To Bandit is to steal from folks who may go without food or water they need on the course because of your rudeness.  Would you ski down the halfpipe during the Olympic games if you were not a registered contestant?  It is really a big insult to the actual racers, stealing from the people who put on the race, etc., etc.,  Just train for it and qualify don't be an arse. 

Anyway.  How early should one get to the shuttles?  I am trying to figure out when to be where on a tight schedule. 

Training is starting to pick up, long of 16 this week 17 next week.  How much swim, bike are folks doing?  I ask because I have signed up for an IM at the end of July.  Ya wife said the same thing, you did what with your shoulder still nowhere near 100 %! 

Currently I am running 5 days a week with (this weeks runs 8,4,7,8,16) 1 day swim 2000 yards, bike 30 miles and then a lite swim day 1000-1500 and a lite bike day 20 miles.  Does that sound like too much for mary training?   

My run speeds are still slow, but I have noticed a slight endurance increase and still some time before the race.  Ugh gona be like 5 months from getting back into things before I am feeling solid again. 

2011-01-24 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Ok well I guess I got my answer, Like i mentioned i am new to marathons and I am like so many others who simply do not know about these things. It definitely makes sense that people who bandit are taking away from those who qualify! I hope to actually run Boston down the line as a qualified runner, looooong way to go! Good luck everyone!
2011-01-24 9:37 PM
in reply to: #3318015

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-01-24 8:37 AM

To Bandit is to steal from folks who may go without food or water they need on the course because of your rudeness.  Would you ski down the halfpipe during the Olympic games if you were not a registered contestant?  It is really a big insult to the actual racers, stealing from the people who put on the race, etc., etc.,  Just train for it and qualify don't be an arse. 

Anyway.  How early should one get to the shuttles?  I am trying to figure out when to be where on a tight schedule. 

Training is starting to pick up, long of 16 this week 17 next week.  How much swim, bike are folks doing?  I ask because I have signed up for an IM at the end of July.  Ya wife said the same thing, you did what with your shoulder still nowhere near 100 %! 

Currently I am running 5 days a week with (this weeks runs 8,4,7,8,16) 1 day swim 2000 yards, bike 30 miles and then a lite swim day 1000-1500 and a lite bike day 20 miles.  Does that sound like too much for mary training?   

My run speeds are still slow, but I have noticed a slight endurance increase and still some time before the race.  Ugh gona be like 5 months from getting back into things before I am feeling solid again. 

Keeping up my swim and bike, cuz I was planning to do an Oly in early March (gonna pass on it now due to unexpected expense of having to replace rear derailleur on my tri bike...the hanger failed during a ride on Saturday...ouch) and am registered for Timberman 70.3 this summer.  Putting in 4000-5000 yds in the pool most weeks, riding around 85-105 miles/wk now (four rides).

Still nursing a sore left knee (getting better every week), but am up to 35 mpw (on 4 runs), long run so far of 16.85.  Long runs are around BQ pace, but not doing any hills at all until knee is totally sound.  Could put up another BQ time on a flat course now if I had to, I think, but not near where I hope to be by April.  I'll be moving up to five runs in a couple weeks and dropping the bike mileage a bit.
2011-01-31 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Got in the 17 miler on snow and ice on Sunday (yay for yacktracks), have an 18 miler next Sunday and got in 182 miles in January.  What kind of miles did the rest of you healthy folks throwing down for January? 

I swam 14500 ish yards and biked 245 miles.  Up from 8500 and 85 or some such.  Run was up 44 miles this month, so getting a little umphta back.  Can't like getting back in shape.  The shoulder mobility is finally increasing, but the strength is still down = slow swims. 

2011-01-31 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3331801

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Oak Creek, WI
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-01-31 5:45 PM Got in the 17 miler on snow and ice on Sunday (yay for yacktracks), have an 18 miler next Sunday and got in 182 miles in January.  What kind of miles did the rest of you healthy folks throwing down for January? 

I swam 14500 ish yards and biked 245 miles.  Up from 8500 and 85 or some such.  Run was up 44 miles this month, so getting a little umphta back.  Can't like getting back in shape.  The shoulder mobility is finally increasing, but the strength is still down = slow swims. 

nice work... that is solid...!!! 

missed one week and logged almost 150 miles running...  not much else...  plan is to build some easy volume... and sneak in a little speed late...  got kind of a late start on things...
2011-01-31 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
January Stats:


535.22 Mi
Run:144.47 Mi
Swim:45000 Yd
Strength:9h 17m

Will not go above 45 miles per week..intend to work more hills and speed going forward.
2011-02-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
I'm at around 35 mpw...just a bit under 140 for January...long run of 18 so far.  This is a recovery week then I'll work up to about 40-42 mpw by the end of the month, then 50-55 by the end of March.  (That's as far as I've ever taken things for any marathon, actually.)  Finally getting to the end of what seems to have been a left quad tendon issue...also babying both calves and right ITB, so no hills at all so far...for Boston, I'm more interested in getting to the starting line feeling good than feeling fast.
2011-02-02 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Uman those are some serious bike miles and swim yards to go with your run miles.  I was smoked on yesterday's run so I am taking today totally off.  It was only a 4 mile recovery run and I did not want to screw up my tempo run for Thursday.  I may just move things around, it depends on how tomorrow feels.  I can give up a 4 mile run if I can recover for the speed work and 18 miler.  Unfortunately my dad died yesterday so I will be driving 700 miles down for the funeral.  So things will be hit or miss for a bit and then I get another 10 days of reacclimating to high altitude again.  It is only the start of February, but I think the time is gona just go by really fast at this stage in the build. 

Hopefully I can balance the bike and swim build while maintaining the mary training and not get toasted too often. 

I have a 3 mile race in March for braggin rights against my 16 year old son.  He is more genetically gifted than I am (his mother's side), but I am more consistent in training.  It should be a very close race, I put it within 15 seconds of each other.  But he gets to stop at 3 and I have to go run another 7 to complete the workout. 

Oh well, hang tough folks, most of the build is in place, it is now just topping off the final endurance piece with those 20 mile runs. 
2011-02-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3335647

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Oak Creek, WI
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-02-02 2:08 PMUman those are some serious bike miles and swim yards to go with your run miles.  I was smoked on yesterday's run so I am taking today totally off.  It was only a 4 mile recovery run and I did not want to screw up my tempo run for Thursday.  I may just move things around, it depends on how tomorrow feels.  I can give up a 4 mile run if I can recover for the speed work and 18 miler.  Unfortunately my dad died yesterday so I will be driving 700 miles down for the funeral.  So things will be hit or miss for a bit and then I get another 10 days of reacclimating to high altitude again.  It is only the start of February, but I think the time is gona just go by really fast at this stage in the build. 

Hopefully I can balance the bike and swim build while maintaining the mary training and not get toasted too often. 

I have a 3 mile race in March for braggin rights against my 16 year old son.  He is more genetically gifted than I am (his mother's side), but I am more consistent in training.  It should be a very close race, I put it within 15 seconds of each other.  But he gets to stop at 3 and I have to go run another 7 to complete the workout. 

Oh well, hang tough folks, most of the build is in place, it is now just topping off the final endurance piece with those 20 mile runs. 
Very sorry to hear that... My condolences... Some things far more important than running... Prayers going out to you and your family...

2011-02-03 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
I'm running my first Boston and getting really excited!  Posting so that I am on the thread to get automatic updates of future posts.
2011-02-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3335647

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Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-02-02 3:08 PM Uman those are some serious bike miles and swim yards to go with your run miles.  I was smoked on yesterday's run so I am taking today totally off.  It was only a 4 mile recovery run and I did not want to screw up my tempo run for Thursday.  I may just move things around, it depends on how tomorrow feels.  I can give up a 4 mile run if I can recover for the speed work and 18 miler.  Unfortunately my dad died yesterday so I will be driving 700 miles down for the funeral.  So things will be hit or miss for a bit and then I get another 10 days of reacclimating to high altitude again.  It is only the start of February, but I think the time is gona just go by really fast at this stage in the build. 

Hopefully I can balance the bike and swim build while maintaining the mary training and not get toasted too often. 

I have a 3 mile race in March for braggin rights against my 16 year old son.  He is more genetically gifted than I am (his mother's side), but I am more consistent in training.  It should be a very close race, I put it within 15 seconds of each other.  But he gets to stop at 3 and I have to go run another 7 to complete the workout. 

Oh well, hang tough folks, most of the build is in place, it is now just topping off the final endurance piece with those 20 mile runs. 

Baowolf sorry to hear about your comes first..I probably wouldn't be thinking about workouts...give you a lot of credit.

Show that young son of yours that us old folk still have some gumption.

Keep plugging away and the milage will take care of itself.

Uman Out
2011-02-11 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3158883

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
Still sick, but had to get in my 6x800 repeats today.  The good news is I averaged 6:27 mpm for the repeats.  Bad news is I will probably pay for it this afternoon and have to go to bed 3 hours early.  Sometimes ya just have to say screwit and get er done.  Just not every time.  I did take a day off early and skipped bike and swim workouts and slept 14 hours in an effort to kick this thing.  We see tomorrow how I feel. 

Keep at it folks only 3x20 milers left to go before race day!  Cheer!, Cheer.. welll get er done anyway. 
2011-02-14 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3158883

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Oak Creek, WI
Subject: RE: Boston Marathon : Official Thread
9 weeks...!!!  yikes...
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