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2010-12-28 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN

Room for one more?? I hope so.

: Jeff
LOCATION:  Southern CA

BACKGROUND: I’m a 42 year old former BT’er. I started in 2007 and was very active up until 2009. I had planned on doing a HIM and IM in 2010 but unfortunately it didn’t come to pass. I haven’t raced since 2009 and my training has been sporadic at best. I’m looking to turn things around and get back into the groove I was in for so long.

:  Going through a divorce and have two kids
: Mortgage Banking – 8-5
Current Training:
Currently none really, I’m trying to figure out a goal race and then start to figure out training from there.

This years races:


Weightloss: I’m about 175 and could lose 10-15 pounds. I’m more concerned with my cardio and know that the weight will fall into place once my training becomes consistent.

I look forward to a great 2011!!!!

2010-12-29 2:18 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
So to touch on the topic of nutrition and weight managment. No matter how much I excercised I did not seem to lose weight.  Now I know that If (Calories Consumed - Calories Burned) = negative then you lose weight. So I'm trying something new - I'w watching what I eat.
I'm using an app on my phone to track how much food I'm taking in.  I think its working - I'm less likely to snack on junk food, especially since its a pain in the a$$ to enter all that data later on.
I'll issue a verdict in a week or two on how its really working.
(I'm using "My fitness Pal" - one of the dozens of free andriod apps for nutrition management)
2010-12-29 2:31 AM
in reply to: #3264704

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
wow, what a story stlphil. definitely bring it here. slow is fine as long as your fine with slow.

im not going to cap the group until we have about 15. i need to figure out how many we are right now.

im a big carb counter when losing weight. cals never works for me. i can drop 10+lbs in a week with strict phase 1 atkins carb mgmt. once i get to desired weight, i crank up training volume and that lets me eat more balanced. you really cant use carb diets during major builds though so it has to be done early in the season.

however, my wife, the nutritionist i met with on the road to ironman, and many i know swear by the cals in/out. if any of you want me to forward some tips on portion control the nutritionist sent me, you can pm me for it. i may not get it out until early january though.  

mark will keep us posted about his app, but i suspect even a handwritten food journal would get the job done. just taking the time to stop and think about whats going in gives you the pause necessary to not overindulge. having said that, these apps are so darn easy.

Edited by phatknot 2010-12-29 2:39 AM
2010-12-29 2:34 AM
in reply to: #3265015

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
jeff, you are more than welcome to join too! nice to see you getting back in the game.

consistency is the key. and it somehow seems linked to weight management for me and it sounds like a lot of others.

what i have got so far is 7 in and 2 queries, so we are still growing the group.
1 mgalanter-mark
2 spleen-pete
3 grey75t- grey
4 jwillett1-jeff
5 stlphil-phil
6 kate_r - kate
7 elheffe99-Jeff (2x jeff)

couple of queries but not in yet: slokat, judytag

while we keep growing, lets hear your thoughts on weight management during non-racing, racing, etc. Recent research from So Ct cited in the tri mags says you can gain bike power by losing weight (and youd also gain running speed by losing weight), by doing interval training, but not by the combination of interval training and weight loss...

Edited by phatknot 2010-12-29 2:45 AM
2010-12-29 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
NAME: Katie
LOCATION:  Boston area

BACKGROUND: I'm 38 and this will be my second season.  I started tris because I am an injury-prone runner and I wanted a goal to keep me fit.  Going to the gym with no goal was unmotivating to say the least.  I did 3 races last year and loved 2 of them (the off-road mt bike tri was not my thing).  I like that no one else I know does triathlon sometimes as it gives me my own thing, but it does get lonely.
FAMILY:  Married with 3 boys ages 14, 11, and 3.
WORK: I teach middle school part time and do laundry full-time.
Current Training: I joined a master's swim class in Novemeber and just got a trainer for my bike (which I haven't ridden since my last race).  My IT band is an issue, so I want to try holding off on the run so that I can do some stretch and strengthening with it.
This years races:
TBD - though I want to try an Oly this season.

Weightloss: .  I want to lose 10-15 pounds in the next 3 months so I will be at a better weight to race (and look better in jeans.)
2010-12-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN

As far as the weight-loss thing goes, I think it's easy to stall when you are training because you already have a focus - a triathlon.  When I lost weight after my last baby I did it through watching my diet (food journal) and daily exercise, but my focus was losing that 20 pounds.  I lost nothing last season because I ate all the time.  I am going to try to focus on losing 10-15 pounds and getting back on the bike while I swim in my class, then start officially "training" and just try and maintain my weight.  Maybe I'm ADD, but I can only obsess about one thing at a time.  I'm going back to the food journal and trying to create a 500 cal/day deficit to lose about a pound a week.  It's tedious, but realistic and it worked last time.

2010-12-29 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3265588

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
mgalanter - 2010-12-29 12:18 AM So to touch on the topic of nutrition and weight managment. No matter how much I excercised I did not seem to lose weight.  Now I know that If (Calories Consumed - Calories Burned) = negative then you lose weight. So I'm trying something new - I'w watching what I eat.
I'm using an app on my phone to track how much food I'm taking in.  I think its working - I'm less likely to snack on junk food, especially since its a pain in the a$$ to enter all that data later on.
I'll issue a verdict in a week or two on how its really working.
(I'm using "My fitness Pal" - one of the dozens of free andriod apps for nutrition management)

When I first started training out here on BT, I lost weight and at a decent clip, but then I hit a wall. It wasn't until I committed to logging my nutrition, that I broke through that wall and had more results. I used the nutrition tracker out on this website and after getting to know the ins and outs of it, I really like(d) it. My current job has "allotted" use time on the internet so it became hard for me to log nutrition (not to mention workouts or inspires), so I kind of fell off the wagon of using it.

I recently got an Android phone as well and downloaded an app by sparkpeople called Diet & Food Tracker, I'm sure it's like the other ones that have been mentioned. I really like it because it's with me all the time. It's amazing how cognizant you are of what you are putting in your body once you start to log everything, and I mean everything. I know for me I didn't realize how much stuff added up in a day, or especially a weekend.

On a side note, I downloaded an Oly Workout Plan and got in a run yesterday. I'm going to have a few hiccups in the next few weeks because I'm not set up to train (no swim membership or trainer in the house). I'm hoping to have that remedied soon so I can start hitting workouts. It's a start....
2010-12-29 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Harvey, I would like to join the group.
I must first confess that I have been frequently following your training logs after you crushed the course in Augusta in 2009.

Name: Peter Schriver
Age: 48
Story: Started triathlons 4 years ago as a mid-life crisis. I was working to hard, not sleeping enough and stressed out. I developed a-fib and decided I needed to get back in shape as the father of 2 young children. I started with a sprint  and was hooked.
Family Status: Married with 2 kids
Current Training: Last season (2010) I pushed myself to go long. This year (2011) I want to go fast. At 6'5" I am unsure what my weight should be. At 205lbs I really start to look scrawny and at 215 I feel like I need to drop a few lbs.
Planned races: Sprint and 1/2 IM early in the year and a 1/2 IM late in the year with several races in between. I also put in for the lottery at Kona and will take that spot if available.

2010-12-29 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3266058

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Atkins works.  I was a very serious no-carb eater for a few years in my heavy jiu jitsu competition days and it was the only time my body fat was in the single digits.  As soon as we started with kids though it became hard for me to really stick to that style of eating and when that happens the pounds go on.  It works, but you really have to be rigorous.  I'm not sure how tolerable it is for endurance sports but it worked fine when all was doing was anaerobic stuff.

I just downloaded the same calorie counter for my android phone.  Let's see how it goes....
2010-12-29 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hey Harv - have room for one more - a fellow Georgian and EC team mate?  I'm lacking right now in motivation and kinda feel like I have lost my mojo which I know you have plenty of.  What I'm looking for is to just get back into the sport on a daily basis via discussion with fellow triathletes (I am still doing my workouts via Coach Dan but have stopped logging).

2010-12-29 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi all,

Thanks for the comments. I'm currently looking at cals in vs cals out with a bit of added nutrition but the question I'm interested in is does anyone have any experience of what type of deficit I should be looking at. I use myplate to calculate my calorie intake and have a HRM that will tell me the cals used in exercise but I'm not sure what I should be aiming for as a daily deficit to loose weight. 

I think it should be about 500 cals a day but if I'm doing a lot of training I can use between 1,000 and 2,000 so assuming a standard calorie intake of 2000 kcal that would mean eating 2,500 - 3,500 cals. Does this sound right?  

2010-12-29 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi Kate,

I will throw out couple of things. First, HRM's are well known for overly exaggerating the number of calories we burn. I have found that if you figure 100 calories per mile for the run, 30 calories per mile for bike, and 300 calories an hour for the swim you should be spot on. Those numbers might be a little conservative, but I would rather be on the low side than the high side.

Next, I have found that there comes a point in your training that increased time has dimensioning returns when you are trying to lose weight. During the summer I had weeks were I put in 800 minutes of training and did not lose a pound. In fact, I gained weight. I think when you really increase your time it is hard to control your appetite. During those times, I ate like a horse. My body just needed the increased calories, which is not conducive to weight loss.

Just my 2 cents.


2010-12-29 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
I think there's still room, right?  Please let me know and I'll post a bio, if so.

2010-12-29 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi ... don't suppose you have room for a total newbie from Down Under??
2010-12-29 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Ah, heck.  I'm just gonna post one anyway.

STORY: I played basketball (yay!  Another b-baller) all through school but didn’t start running until after college (2005).  I got hooked and I’ve run 5 full marathons and a million half-marathons.  Started biking in 2006 for fun, fell in love and did my first HIM in 2006. 

I’m in Sacramento now but all of my furniture and household items and bf are in San Diego, where I’ll be heading soon.  Looking forward to living there.

Life has been pretty hectic, just finishing my PhD…hoping a return to reality finishes.  I need help staying motivated, as I get overwhelmed and sometimes let stuff go…especially swimming, as it’s my weakest sport.  I need lots of improvement!  Looking forward to an interactive group. 

FAMILY STATUS: I have a serious, live-in boyfriend, 2 dogs (my running buddies) and a cat.  No kids…maybe in a few years.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have officially started training for IM CdA using the Be Ironfit competitive plan, but I’ve been slacking a bit due to insane work crap.  I will get my booty in gear, though, I promise!

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I didn’t do anything too exciting this year.  Lots of running and biking…but only 1 tri.

2011 RACES: 

Mardi Gras Half-Marathon, New Orleans, February 13, 2011

SuperSeal Olympic Triathlon, San Diego, March 27, 2011

La Jolla Half-Marathon, La Jolla, April 17, 2011

Wildflower Long Course, Lake San Antonio, May 1, 2011

San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon, June 5, 2011

IM Coeur d'Alene, WOO HOO! June 26, 2011

Las Vegas Rock n Roll Half Marathon, December 4, 2011

IM CdA is my A race and my first IM.  Can’t wait!  I need races scheduled so I don’t lose motivation/slack.

WEIGHTLOSS: I waver between 125 and 130.  I’m good with that but would like to stay fit. 

So excited to share this journey with all of you! 

2010-12-29 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
can i still play with the cool kids.....

NAME: Will
LOCATION: Glendora (Los Angeles suburbs)

BACKGROUND: I am 48 and going strong. I have ventured down the tri route to lose weight and have succeeded. but i have also had setbacks-getting hit by a car and enduring surgeries to reattach my tendons in my right elbow, and i also had a partial knee replacement. Surprisingly I did my first tri 5 months after the knee surgery and rehab.
Since September running has been my focus, and every morning the alarm goes off at 4:45. i now cover 15 miles most mornings and i love it. My longest run has been 22 miles just because i could.
I haven't swam in 2010 due to California budget cuts closing my local pool.
Cycling is my strongest discipline and I love to climb hills.

FAMILY: Married with 2 kids 15 and 10 a dog and a tortoise.

WORK: I am the IT Director at an arena that keeps me busy, but also allows me to have afternoon runs and then shower. i also have a weight room onsite.

Current Training: I run most mornings and lately lots of trainer rides up to 2 hours. i live near the foothills and love to ride the hills. i am working to find a place to swim that fits my schedule and budget.

This years races:

A marathon or two.
also at least one century with lots of hills.
2012 IM

Weight loss: . since September i have lost almost three inches in my waist with just running. it is nice to have to buy new pants. but i also want to lose another 25 pounds to look better naked. I think i can do that by eating much better. the i have worked out today so i can overeat philosophy isn't working anymore.

2010-12-30 12:24 AM
in reply to: #3256691


Las Vegas, NV USA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN

I'd like to join this it still open?

I just joined I'm very new to all of this. Is there a profile I need to fill out?

2010-12-30 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
I'd like in if there's room for another Jeff and father of three! I'm from Corona, CA. I've been intrigued by this thing called triathlon for as long as I can remember. Started road biking at 13 (now 37) and did my first tri in 1995. Did a few here and there, mountain bike racing, college, Army, and lost my path a little growing up. Shoot forward to now.... I did a sprint last year an missed podium because of my terrible run by 27 secs. Ended up in hospital in July for appendicitis and decided to make a crazy challenge to myself to get "it" back and signed up for Oceanside 70.3 on 4/2/11. So here I am, first time trying the mentoring thing. Jeff A.Corona, Ca 37 Married father of three (17,12,4)Manager for Trader Joes Co.
2010-12-30 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Welcome aboard all you who have joined while I was seeing Flashdance on the West End with my family and friends. Not a bad show at all and a great mini trip but thats not what you need to hear. You need to hear that you are on the team and I am going to close it for now. Here are the newly added so they know they made the cut:

Slokat-Katie (I only obsess on one thing at a time haha)
PSchriver-Peter (Thanks for the stalking 8) and looking forward to meeting you someday at a race)
LisaB-Lisa (aka MILF for those of you who don't know her true nickname)
Nerdjock - (a fellow IMCDA hopeful like me)
Wplummer-Will (join the cool kids!)
Emholli- if you get your bio posted
tri4fun73- (our third Jeff)
m9m98814- Melissa

This is going to be a great group. I am really digging the level of interest. We have some nice discussions about weight management. I want you to feel free to continue these and to discuss your progress meeting your weight loss goals. Don't be bashful at all. We want to know how you are doing so we can cheer you on.

I keep getting the team award for the most assinine way of behaving on podiums but I think we should have some fun with this thing of ours so go ahead and have some here. Peter may have heard about me acting like a complete imbecile on the stage in 2009 at Augusta but thats another story.

Next topic I want to raise is stretching. I want to hear your thoughts about it. I heard it mentioned earlier. With what little time we have, does it fit into the schedule? Is it worth the time? How do you bring it into your training and racing. I can tell you that I have had my best year this year and I didn't stretch at all. Carry on with any other questions, posting your bio if you haven't, and following up on the weight mgmt discussion.

This group is going to need to get posting and rocking if we are going to catch up to the others. They got a head start....
2010-12-30 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
Re: weight mgmt, I also could afford to lose 10 lbs..Stretching, gotta do it everyday. Passive, active, any type. ITBS has plagued me many a time and I vow it not to return. In college we studied geriatrics (kinesiology mjr) and two things prevented them from active lifestyles, 1. Flexibility, 2. Core strength. Last year after my surgery and 2 mos. Recovery my flexibility was gone and after 6 months I think I've just found it!
2010-12-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3268073

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
Hmmm one for, one against stretching. When I am older and not throwing down so much SBR, I can see some utility. Right now, it seems like a luxury like strength training but thats another/related debate. 

Weight loss seems so personal in terms of what works.  However, we all seem to agree that logging incoming cals/carbs is a huge step in the right direction. Accountability to self and/or others helps. So does regular weigh ins and making weight loss a priority for us obsessives...

Edited by phatknot 2010-12-30 11:35 AM

2010-12-30 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
Have room for another hooked Canadian?? Tongue out

I'm Nicole from Toronto.
This was my first tri season, and YES-- LOVED IT!
I was a competitive swimmer in my younger (i.e. highschool) days, turned to running in University as a way of keeping fit.

But a relatively recent change in a medication spelled a 20lb weight gain-- that of course I'm looking to get rid of!
(plus an additional 5-10 bonus lbs)

2011 will be focused on building up from the sprint to Oly distance, with an eye at getting HIM fit for 2012.

I've got my eye on a few tris for 2011, but haven't registered for anything yet (looks like registration isn't an option until 2011 anyway!)
but as far as running goes, here's my plan:

end of March 2011- ATB 30K
mid- May 2011- full marathon
mid-to-late August 2011- Midsummer 30k
mid-October 2011- full marathon

Edited by nicruns 2010-12-30 11:37 AM
2010-12-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
AHHH, I jacked my knee up yesterday. I slipped while getting in the car and felt some thing stretch/pop in my right knee. It was super sore and tight today so I've got a bit of a limp going. Not what I was hoping for. I guess I'll lay off of it for the weekend and then see if I can do anything on Monday. I'm guessing swimming should be ok....damn.

2010-12-30 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
a speedy recovery to you!
as much as i love winter running (as far as running in the cold goes), i'm terrified of ice.
brutal how quickly a small slip can really do some damage.

last night was hill training for me. 7 hill repeats with a 2k warm up + cool down.
stretching, for me, was DEFINITELY necessary after that one
(& i blame the turkey for it!)
my hip flexors are prone to getting tight & i too have had ITBS troubles in the past, but luckily (knock on wood!) with some major attention paid to strengthening up my core, i've been trouble -free for a good long while.
but i'm still bonding quite frequently with my old foam roller.

what can i say...?
i'm a pick your battles kind of girl
2010-12-30 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3256691


Las Vegas, NV USA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - CLOSING very shortly
Yay! I made to 'team'! 

Ok, so here is my bio.....

NAME: Melissa
LOCATION: Las Vegas, NV (Sin City)

BACKGROUND: I am 33 years old and in medical school- 2nd time in graduate school. My first graduate degree is in psych and I’m now transitioning over to Occupational Therapy (OT). I’ve had a regular routine for over a year- but that was all derailed in the last few months due to illness (bronchitis, etc.) Looking to get back in the game (and back on the health wagon) and finally decided to bite the bullet to get into triathlons. I’ve been wanting to for over a year now, and feel I’m in a great position to go for it!

FAMILY: Single with 1 dog.

WORK: I’m in medical school (accelerated program).... but definitely have the time to train. Just a matter of scheduling and motivation (I won’t lie about that one) and energy. I’ve also taken up pole dancing as a hobby (yes, really, a hobby). A few of us in school decided to pick something fun and silly to do for fun.....and since this is Vegas, well, it’s pole dancing. VERY fun. 
Also, I am scheduled to be sworn into the US Navy next summer- and I’m entering as an OT and as a psychotherapist.

Current Training: Haven’t been in a regular routine for about 3 months now- currently, I’m working on a schedule to include the swimming, running, and biking as well as weights as well. Running is definitely my strong suit right now.

This years races:

First Triathlon! I’ve signed up for the Sprint Triathlon in Hurricane, Utah in May 2011. I am SO excited!!!

Weight loss: Have definitely put on weight in the last 3 months due to an inconsistent schedule. Diet and nutrition are my biggest problems right now.

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