BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mav's mentor group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-06 11:03 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
It was cold, dark, and rainy (sounds like the beginning of some cheazy novel, doesn't it?!) but I got my butt out for my run. It was a little over 3.5 miles and because of my slacking days i'm not thrilled with my times anymore (averaging 10min/miles) but I know I will get back to my glory days in due time!! Tomorrow will be an active rest day all in the name of peaches

Edited by Happychick 2011-01-06 11:05 PM

2011-01-07 2:38 AM
in reply to: #3261680


Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Morning all

Very pleased with myself this morning, baby woke for her morning feed just after 5am and after I put her back to bed around 5.45 I couldnt get back to sleep so I thought "stuff this" and got up and took the dog for a 5k brisk walk, got back and made porridge with banana, and a tomato omelette with ham and cucumber for breakfast at 7am, and have been cleaning the house like a mania ever since.

I feel amazing (well, now I do, don't know about later)

Have decided to follow the 16 week sprint triathlon x2 plan. I feel that I will be able to stick to that quite closely but I will have to start on a Sunday not a Monday so B/friend can look after little one whilst I go swimming. I can manage the running and the cycling with her really (I think)

Am going to go and have a look how to import my training plan to my log and join you to it - Might be back soon for some assistance lol

sorry NAME: Tanwen   
2011-01-07 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3283452

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
RedSoxChick - 2011-01-06 9:15 PM I am dropping by to say that you have all chosen the BEST MENTOR!

I am very lucky to have known MAV personally for last 2 and a half years.  In fact, I consider her my mentor in many things but triathlon is where it all started. Without her guidance and enthusiasm I probably would have said 'nah, this isn't for me'. I'll never forget my first nervous phone call to meet up for an open water swim, something I'd never done.  Obviously I survived~

MAV was there at the finish line of my first sprint .... because she's awesome and a whole lot faster than I was (and she still is!

Over the last year I watch her train for Ironman Arizona and I continue to be in awe of her commitment to the sport and to herself everyday.

Take advantage of her boat-loads of knowledge and be as inspired as I am everyday!!

....and most important - breath, believe in yourself, and HAVE FUN!

She is a great swimmer.
I have made many good friends on BT....Lisa is the best
2011-01-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3261680

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN

I'd like to join your group. 

Name: Katie

Story: I'm 25 and in the middle of a divorce.  It's been a goal of mine to complete a sprint tri.  Every year I get too intimidated to sign up.   Yesterday I decided to just do it and signed up for my first tri a tri.  I though it'd help give me something to work for and distract myself from everything else going on around me.  I've made it my goal that this is my year of change.  My ex laughed at me when I told him I signed up.  I want to prove to myself that I can do it and also prove him wrong.  I'm extremely nervous but also excited at the same time.  I'm not a strong swimmer, or runner, or biker for that matter.  But with training and persistance I will get better. 

Current Training:  I go to the local YMCA a couple times a week already and will start a training program when I get back from a couple week training session for work. 

Weight Loss:  I used to be around 145 and then had three surgeries within a year and a half so I put on 40 lbs from not being able to move around much for that time period.  I'd love to lose all of that weight, but I'd be happy with 25 lbs. 

2011 Races:  Timberman Triathalon-Sprint Course

My Goal: To finish the Timberman!  To feel better about myself by accomplishing a long time goal and to gain a sense of confidence that I currently lack. 

I will appreciate anyone's comments or words of encouragement!

2011-01-07 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Welcome Katie!!!
Timberman is a great course. Of course you can do it. I know it sounds crazy...but anyone can do it , if they follow the training plan. Look over the BT training plans and see what one fits your needs. Then get started ...its that simple...really. The hard part is making it through all the training and finding the time. Once you have made the commitment...its a done deal!!!!

FWIW... I thought doing an ironman was going to be terribly hard. The hard part was doing the training. If you do the training will finish the race without a problem. I smiled the whole day of my IM race. One of my friends told me I made it look easy. It really is about commiting to the training.

1. sign up for the race
2. Tell everyone you know../and some that you dont know...that you are going to do it. This makes it really embarassing to back out
3. Find people in your area who are also training ( BT state forums are a great place) The Mass state BTers get together for a lot of fun workouts

If you follow these weill be a piece of cake!!!!
2011-01-07 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Good Morning all!
I have left inspires in all of your logs. On each day there is a spot in the corner that says "inspire me" it will have a number next to it if you have a message. If you click it you will see a message. If you want to reply to the message hit reply and it will take you to the persons blog.

INSPIRE EACHOTHER!!! It will keep you motivated...especially if others are looking to see if you are sticking to your training plan.

Happy training!!!! Lets all try to get it done today.

2011-01-07 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3284280

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hi Katie!

you said:
I'm 25 and in the middle of a divorce. 
[snip]  My ex laughed at me when I told him I signed up.

I say:  you've made the right decision. 

My STBX looks at my happiness, and is envious.

that's been all I need to know that I made the right decision... 

it's probably going to get worse before it gets better...  but it *will* get better.

Blue skies!
2011-01-07 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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New user
Subject: Training Nutrition
One of the things that my brief foray into "exercise" has shown me is that I know *squat* about "fueling my body."

Another thing that I've learned is that there is *tons* of information out there, and most of it varies *wildly*

What would be perfect for me, personally, is a weekly meal plan.  that way I can cook on Sunday, and not have to think about "what am I going to have for lunch/dinner/etc"

Does anyone have any suggestions?
2011-01-07 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3284280


Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
ktaho - 2011-01-07 3:21 PM

I'd like to join your group. 

Name: Katie

Story: I'm 25 and in the middle of a divorce.  It's been a goal of mine to complete a sprint tri.  Every year I get too intimidated to sign up.   Yesterday I decided to just do it and signed up for my first tri a tri.  I though it'd help give me something to work for and distract myself from everything else going on around me.  I've made it my goal that this is my year of change.  My ex laughed at me when I told him I signed up.  I want to prove to myself that I can do it and also prove him wrong.  I'm extremely nervous but also excited at the same time.  I'm not a strong swimmer, or runner, or biker for that matter.  But with training and persistance I will get better. 

Current Training:  I go to the local YMCA a couple times a week already and will start a training program when I get back from a couple week training session for work. 

Weight Loss:  I used to be around 145 and then had three surgeries within a year and a half so I put on 40 lbs from not being able to move around much for that time period.  I'd love to lose all of that weight, but I'd be happy with 25 lbs. 

2011 Races:  Timberman Triathalon-Sprint Course

My Goal: To finish the Timberman!  To feel better about myself by accomplishing a long time goal and to gain a sense of confidence that I currently lack. 

I will appreciate anyone's comments or words of encouragement!

Good for you. Too right, you show him. I went through a divorce at 21 and I went back to university to give myself a goal.

I'm nervous too, I've just signed up for my first tri a tri too.

all the best


2011-01-07 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3284724


Subject: RE: Training Nutrition
onefaller - 2011-01-07 6:02 PM One of the things that my brief foray into "exercise" has shown me is that I know *squat* about "fueling my body."

Another thing that I've learned is that there is *tons* of information out there, and most of it varies *wildly*

What would be perfect for me, personally, is a weekly meal plan.  that way I can cook on Sunday, and not have to think about "what am I going to have for lunch/dinner/etc"

Does anyone have any suggestions?

This is exactly what I need aswell. with a 4 month old it's hard enough to find time to eat or train let alone both lol. also my boyf has decided to do a 0k run with his sister and needs to lose about 70lbs so a meal plan for both of us would be amazing.

 I have asked his mum who is a retired chef - but used to be a nutritionalist befoore that to write one up for us, just now n skype. if she does it and its any good I will find a way to post it on here or soething,

 please excuse spelling, typing with one hand and baby on lap
2011-01-07 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I thought I would stick my nose in here and tell all of you that you will soon realize how lucky you are to have MAV as your mentor. She is not going to tell you everything yeat but she finished IM Arizona in less than 15 hours. It was fantastic to see. I have know Marianne for three years and I promise you that you have a class act for your mentor. By the way, she also broke her jaw in a bike wreck last year but I'll let her tell you about that. I know a lot of her secrets so if she gives you all a hard time, just message me and I will give you some ammo. Good luck to all, see you at the finish line, Bryan.

2011-01-07 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
MAV said...."FWIW... I thought doing an ironman was going to be terribly hard. The hard part was doing the training. If you do the training will finish the race without a problem. I smiled the whole day of my IM race. One of my friends told me I made it look easy. It really is about commiting to the training." ------ no worries MAV, I'll let Ironman know you said it was easy.
2011-01-07 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN you have met my "groupies" . Bryan has been my mentor since I joined BT 3 years ago. Iwould NEVER have stayed involved in the sport had it not been for his help and support. He came to Arizona for my IM and suprised me at the athletes dinner...I had NO idea he was coming. He helped my husband get into the finish so he could"catch" me at the finish...I couldnt ask for a better mentor or friend. He has ALWAYS told me that if I do the training...I will finish. THE TRAINING is the hard partCool. The race is the party to celebrate the training.IM training is hard...the race was a blast!!! ask about diet...this is probably my weakest link. I always say " I eat, therefore I train" I have really found that eating "clean" is the best way to loose weight. By clean I mean NO procesed foods. SO lean meats, fish, eggs and unlimited veggies and fruit. Even if you try to follow will probably loose weight. Also hydrating will help keep you full and keep you from snacking on crap. Oh how I love my junk food

That being said...the first group challenge for the next 7 days will be to drink 64 ounces of water a day or more. Are you in?????
2011-01-07 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3261680


Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Drinking enough water has always been my downfall, pretty much before having Teigl I didn't and would get migraines and all sorts.

whilst pregnant I made a concerted effort to drink more as it helped refresh the amniotic fluid and since I'm breastfeeding I have kept up, if not increased my water intake.

so this challange is one for me,  I really dont know if I will manage 4 pints a day though - saying that I'm most probably managing about 2 1/2 already.

Nice to see so many people thinking highly of you Marianne, I seem to have stumbled upon an excellent  support group

Happy me

 Going to bed now, only had 4 hrs sleep last night, going away for the night to friends tomorrow so going to try and get a little more tonight.

Rest day tomorrow and then start on Sprint training on SUnday. they have a pool near them so I can go before coming home and if I have to I could do the cycle on monday 

Hope everyone has a good weekend 
2011-01-07 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3285316

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I'm in...  
2011-01-07 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3261680

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I'm up for the challenge...we had an 8 week health challenge at work two years ago and drinking 64 ounces of water was week 1.  I was able to do it, but also found out I had a small bladder and made many trips to the restroom. 

2011-01-07 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3285508

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
ktaho - 2011-01-07 6:01 PM I'm up for the challenge...we had an 8 week health challenge at work two years ago and drinking 64 ounces of water was week 1.  I was able to do it, but also found out I had a small bladder and made many trips to the restroom. 

You will build up some need it for longer bike rides when drinking and riding for long periods
2011-01-07 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Mav - you have a great group here!

Happy Training!
2011-01-07 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hello Mav and Group,
I would like to join your group.  Have some fun and along the way finish a few triathlons in 2011.

NAME:  Fit4Infinity - Mark
STORY:  A few years ago my parents health began to decline.  When my father said the only way he could control his diabetes was to choose fitness or drugs for life.  This was the moment when my life changed.   I took a hard look at myself and realized that was my future.  If I waited any longer, I would not have a choice.  I would be on drugs for life.  I choose fitness for life.  I am fit for infinity.  I lost over 160 pounds and discovered the joy of exercise and that satisfied feelling you can only get after a good workout.   Then I had the idea that I could reshape my self image into that of an athlete.  But not just any athlete, now I am a triathlete.

I've been given a second chance and I am living the dream.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married 20 years

CURRENT TRAINING: Swim, bike, run with some core and strength training added for balance.  I workout 2x once in the morning and during lunch.  The longer workouts I carefully balance with my family obiligations on weekends.  I'm in week 19 of a 20 week marathon plan.  So my run miles are up there around 45 miles per week.  Bike time is around 60 miles per week all of those miles on the trainer.  It's Wet and it's Dark in the PNW in the off season.  I've started Jorges Power program, but I put a hold on the really intense stuff until after the RnRAz marathon.  The bike is my favorite leg of the triathlon.  I swim between 5-7k yards per week.  First of the year, I joined a masters swim group and am actively re-building my swim endurance and efficiency.  Shocking how quickly it fades away.   

I also train and compete with my labrador Retrievers in the sport of canine agility.   So sometimes my perspective on something about tri training, gets the dog treatment.  Although I try not to let people know I'm using animal psychology.  I believe that sound training method can be transferred.  Things that work in the pool can be broken down and reconstitued in bike or run training, Power is power.

  Marathons - RnRAz
  HM: Mercer Island, CincoDeMayo, Seattle Half Mary,
  Sprint: Issaquah, and Kirkland,
  Oly: Lake Meridian, Bonney Lake,
  HIM: Lake Stevens 70.3,
   -->Rev3-Portland <Most Important race of the year>
  All roads lead to IMCdA in 2012.

2010 RACES: 
  Marathons - RnRSeattle
  HM: Mercer Island, CincoDeMayo, Super JocknJill
  Sprint: Issaquah, and Kirkland,
  Oly: Lake Meridian

  My racing weight is 215, but I would like to move down to 199.

  My goals are to celebrate health and have as much fun as possible in every training session and in every race.  To learn from my experiences and to help others to be successful.  To share this lifestyle with as many as possible.  To give back and to foster a spirit of Camaradrie!

2011-01-07 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY!!!! It would be a great honor to have you join us Mark.
Your determination is an inspiration. I am sure that there is much we can all learn from you

2011-01-07 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3285668

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
GaryRM - 2011-01-07 7:40 PM Mav - you have a great group here!

Happy Training!

Gary is another "groupie" and  has his own wonderful mentor group...dont get any ideas about going to the dark side ( gary's group) LOL!!!!

2011-01-07 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3261680

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hi May,
I would love to join your group! I feel very inspired by reading everyone's posts, although I have lots to do still in getting my training plan set up and explore other features on the site.

Name: Susan
Location: Atlanta, GA
Age: 43

Story: Let's see. The truth is that no matter my successes with exercise, I constantly have to find new ways to fight my inner couch potato and try to ward off a creeping waistline. That's where I'm at now, in spite of being able to say that I've run three marathons (and don't plan on ever doing THAT again!), and several half-marathons over the years. I still enjoy running, but I seem to be less inspired lately and started swimming last year to cross-train. I enjoy swimming a lot, but don't have very good endurance yet. My husband is a runner constantly fighting injury, and we end up biking together frequently. A few friends announced at the end of December that they had signed up for an Iron Girl in May and I decided what better opportunity to do my first Tri than with others that I know. That said, I think that most of my training will be on my own, so I am looking for answers, encouragement, and comraderie!

Family Status: Married, two cats
Current Training: I've been swimming for about 45 minutes once a week (with many rest breaks), running about 2-3 times a week, and just a little biking now and then.
My last race was probably a 10k over Labor Day weekend.
2011 races: Iron Girl on May 15 at Lake Lanier Island
Weight Loss: just interested in fighting off weight gain at this point
2011-01-07 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Welcome Susan!!!!!
I think Georgiagal  from our group is also registered for the Irongirl in GA ( her post is on the first page).

The nice thing about the "all womens" races is that they are often geared to beginners and are very beginner friendly. My first race was the Danskin sprint. Once I did it, I was hooked. I have been a mentor for the past 2 years for this race and I physically coach the women who are doing it for the first time. We do group swim, bike and runs...practice transitions and talk about racing in general. All of my mentees have had a blast. You should check on the website for the irongirl races and see if they offer this type of group training...its so much fun.

Glad you can join our group. If you havent read todays posts...we are in a challenge to drink 64 ounces of water a day...for at least the next week.
2011-01-07 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
Hope everyone has had their water for the day....if you will be awake alot tonite catching up!!!!
2011-01-07 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3285316

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
I'm in on the water challenge, too! This is definitely a weak spot for me.

As for nutrition, I'm no expert, but I love Nancy Clark's Sports Nurtition Guidebook. It has great common sense advice.

I realized a couple of months ago that nearly everything I eat comes out of a package. So, I read this book cover to cover and got some great ideas for breakfast, lunches and snacks. I'll have to say that eating 1/4 cup of nuts and dried fruit is was more satisfying than one of those 100 calorie packs of cookies! In the meantime, I've lost a couple of pounds. Considering my training came to a screeching halt during the holiday rush, this isn't too shabby.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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