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2011-01-24 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Hi Nate & the group,

I would like to join your group.  My name is Gabi and I am 33 years old. I have never done a triathlon. I am a volleyball player. I always disliked endurance training so I figured I would challenge myself and sign up for a triathlon... I am currently signed up for the reverse tri - Los Alamitos, CA which is on Feb. 26. I am currently following a 6 week sprint plan I got somewhere online... so far I am liking it and thinking about doing more races. What is a good number of races for a beginner?

Swimming- no problem. Used to be a swimmer so just need to get back into it. Although I am little afraid of the ocean swim… just need to get out there and do it I suppose.

Biking – ok. little afraid. I’m used to mountain biking – my first road bike ride I crashed about 200 meters from my house LOL. Been kind of afraid ever since and need to get comfortable riding.

Running – I hate running. I think I put that in my head and so I’m trying to overcome this mental block. I am currently running approx. 30 min. 5K.

 Besides the tri plan I am still playing beach volleyball and doing Crossfit 3x a week.

 The reason I wanted to join a group is for some guidance and encouragement as I do not know anyone that does triathlons.

 Thanks. Gabi

2011-01-25 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
 Jeremy and Gabi, we do have room for a few more so welcome aboard.
@ Jeremy.. I totally understand abot running in the cold...hate my treadmill
@ Gabi.. A reverse Tri...sounds interesting. I understand about your dislike of running, my is the swimming part...I wouldnt be near a pool at 6am, but its apart of tri so I must.
2011-01-25 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
After taking a look at your training I would say that your "striders" are fartlicks. You are correct in that you speed upto a sprint of only 100m. If your doing a 30 minute run I would do 10 minute warm up (60-70% hr) then start the "striders" (6) on every 1:30. So at 10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00, 17:30 do your approx 100m sprint then go back down to the same speed as your warm up. Then cool down the rest of the time.
They have those runs "Run 40:00 (Main Set: 5*1000m w 3" recovery)" as a key run so I would assume to run those (1000m) at 75 to 80 % hr with a recovery of 3 minutes at "jog pace - 60-65%".
If you cant get in the 5 I would try to stick to the time so If you can only get in 3 or 4 that should be fine. I adjust my training I do for my needs as the person who wrote these doesnt know adjust it to your running style, try to keep the times the same though.

I also have that can set it up to beep when you are to "stride" and beep again after 100m and so can do alot so play around with it. Have fun
Hope this helps

Edited by natebs 2011-01-25 8:36 AM
2011-01-25 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3320021

New user

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open


That helps a lot.  Thank you for the clairification. 

Good tip on the Garmin!  I'm going to have to check that feature out - instruction book here I come...

Do you use the HRM function in the pool, or do you just go with the finger pulse method?


2011-01-25 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

So i have been doing some more reading on tri and training etc. I was thinking starting a 16 week Run focused program. I feel a little lost as to timing... would you normally sign up for a tri that falls let's say half way thru your program or is everything timed for when you are done with the program? Also, how far apart do you schedule your events? i'm looking at couple of races that are about a month apart.

THanks. Gabi
2011-01-25 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3319970

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
natebs - 2011-01-25 9:17 AM  Jeremy and Gabi, we do have room for a few more so welcome aboard.
@ Jeremy.. I totally understand abot running in the cold...hate my treadmill
@ Gabi.. A reverse Tri...sounds interesting. I understand about your dislike of running, my is the swimming part...I wouldnt be near a pool at 6am, but its apart of tri so I must.

I can force myself to bike on the trainer because I can do intervals, but running on a treadmill is just something I can't do, that and I don't have time to run till 9:30 or 10:00 at night and the gym is closed by then anyway

Question for those out there: I have a heart rate monitor and have read some tri books.  While training a few years back I did what the books told me keeping the heart rate a set amount and stuff.  I did that for around 5 months.  Then last year I started running and didn't use the heart rate monitor and just ran.  I found myself running greater distances faster then when I did with the HRM.  So is the HRM just for people in shape already to help fine tune their abilities or can out of shape people benefit from it too?

2011-01-26 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Gday all

@Tad - I dont use my Garmin in the water at all. I just go by percived effort in the water. They say the 305 is water resistant not water proof as well.

@Gabi - I pick my "A" race out of the 4 races I`m doing then count back the weeks (26 for me) and start the training program from there. I have one race that falls within the plan so I will not race the whole race just race the run part of it as that what I need to work on this year. My "B" race is the last race in the season for me so after the "A" race I will count back from the "B" race in my plan and continue from there.
Most plans should have you peaking on race day.
If you are longer then 16 weeks out I would do some base work so you are ready for the plan when it starts.

@ Jeremy - the HR monitor is for everyone...knowing your zones is very important wen using one though. Also it keeps you from going to hard all the time. Your long runs each week should be below 75% of your HR to prevent injury. During the week on your other runs going above that is ok for short intervals. Also having a written plan helps you to do what needs to be done each day of the when to do speed trainnig vs threshold training vs base training.

have a great day

2011-01-26 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I am interested in mentoring for my upcoming sprint tri (my first). I am a runner by nature but my best friend can't do a half- or full marathon so I am willing to give a triathalon a shot with her. I am not in horrible shape but I have to learn how to swim. I am feeling very overwhelmed by all the information available and I have no idea what to do. I am not even sure if this is how to subscribe to the mentor program. Let me know if I am in the right place? Thanks and if I am I look forward to working with you.
2011-01-26 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Yes that is the right way to sign up.

On another note, how many have used this tool to plan your training for your first A tri?  This is what I have used and it looks to give me a nice progression so that I peak the week before the tri, with the week before being a recovery week.  It also lets you schedule some bricks (2 activities back to back).  Give it a try.

Edited by willo12345 2011-01-26 7:49 PM
2011-01-27 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Welcome lv4today, and yes this is the right place

As for swimming I would recomend that you find a indoor pool/gym and see about taking lessons.  Most places even offer a 1 on 1 session which is really helpful.  When I first started to train in swimming I could barely swim 25 yds and had to hang on to the wall for a few minutes before swimming back.  I got better by watching the other people there swim and asking questions.  I found that almost everyone that swims laps is either a swimmer or a triathlete, and they where all very helpful.  Most would even watch me swim a lap or two and would tell me what I was doing wrong and how to improve. Good luck. 

Equipment Maintenance:  While on the bike the other day my left pedal felt loose, I figured I would just tighten it when I was done, but 10 revolutions later and the hole crank arm came off of the bottom bracket still attached to my shoes.  So even though most of us are riding their bikes on trainers this winter be sure not to skip on regular maintenance like lubing the chain, shifter alignment, checking all nuts and bolts to make sure they are tight, etc.  have fun training.
2011-01-27 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Welcome to the group Tonia, best way to learn to swim is to get wet. Like Jeremy said..ask questions at the pool, most people will help. When I started into tris I also couldn`t swim 25m. Going 3 to 4 times a week I was able to swim upto 750m without stopping in 3 months, a year later I was able to do 4k. I did hire a coach for 2 one on one sessions from a lady in my tri club.
I would highly recommend finding a plan to follow.

@ ALL...Joinning a Tri club will also help everyone, so look in your area for one, most should be having sign ups soon, ours here in Barrie is Friday evening.

Thanks for the reminder Jeremy about the bike maintenance.

Edited by natebs 2011-01-27 10:01 AM

2011-01-27 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
On a personal note...WOOT...just PB my 10k run           
Since focusing on my running since November I have knocked about 5:30 off my 10k
2011-01-27 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3274388


Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
HI Everyone, I am feeling pretty good today I did a 1250 yd swim with a 500 pb of 7:30 and the total 800 was finished in 12:15, after 2mi t'mill run. I am finally following an olly program from here, just started imposing some method to the madness. If I don't follow a program I tend to get carried away with myself and go to hard or do too much and then I feel like crap and I'm sore and you know the story. Enthusiasm can sometimes be a bad thing if not harnessed. Hope ya'll are training hard (I still get a kick out of ya'll...coming from NY). That's it for now.  
Nate, what's your 10k time and how are you  dropping time like that?( taxi?)  lol  good job...put the time in so we know the deal.

Edited by mike14 2011-01-27 5:20 PM
2011-01-28 4:01 AM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi, my name's Rommel and I entered my first enticer last year in Oct/Nov and I liked it. I want to enter another one this March/ April with a mate of mine. I feel like I need some mentoring as I teach by day, am a Dad to my 2 young boys and a husband to my supportive wife. At 35, I think life is just beginning again! I hope I can join and get some good tips too! I look forward to making contact.


2011-01-28 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3274388


Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi Nate. My name is Shavone and I am a 29 year old from Raleigh, NC . I just had a baby 4 months ago and want to get back into shape. I have never done a triathlon before and plan on doing the Rambling Rose Sprint in May 2011. I used to run track but never long distances. The most I've done in the past is a 5k but would love to build up my endurance. I like to swim but have never done it for time. I went to a biking trail with my husband two years ago an realized it drained me far more than running. I am both excited and nervous, but hopeful this will jumpstart me into getting physically fit while doing something I love. I would love to join your group.
2011-01-28 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I would also like to join Natebs Mentoring program.  I'm 51, lost 85 lbs over the last 2.5 years.  since 5/09 I have run 8 marathons, 6 of those boston qualifiers.  Ran 5 marathons last year, including one 50K.  I have signed up for the Cedar Point Rev3 Half Ironman on 9/11/11.  

I am currently training for Boston in April.  I felt the need to try something different and am very excited about attempting the triathlon this year.  I am planning on doing a sprint distance in May. 


2011-01-28 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Welcome to the group Rommel, Shavone and Ken. Im at work so just says "hi" right now. This should make us a full group now...just have to figure out how to change the main title.
Have a great day all and I will try to touch base with everyone this weekend...
2011-01-28 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hello Nathan. I would be interested injoining your group. I live in Peterborough, Ontario. I have been training for three months now for my first triathlon. I have biking and swimming experience but no tri experience. I could really use some mentoring.  Thanks for your consideration, Kevin

Edited by kevin wheeler 2011-01-29 9:17 AM
2011-01-29 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3327900

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Sorry Nathan. I didnt realize you were full. It said you were open on main page. Hopefully you could let one more into your group. Thanks, kevin
2011-01-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3274388


Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Is anyone using a heart rate monitor to train with? Nate how do you like the 305?
2011-01-29 11:54 PM
in reply to: #3328443

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hey there Mike, I use a heart rate monitor when I train. My wife gave it to me for Christmas and it was the best surprise in years for me. It's a Polar CS300- I think. So far, I've used it for swimming laps, cycling and running. I seem to be maintaining everything within the HR limit and sometimes it goes a bit higher. I don't worry too much about it, once I get into the rhythm and then afterwards, I look at my results. Some of the results are encouraging.

Edited by Rommel 2011-01-29 11:54 PM

2011-01-30 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3328443

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

 I train with heart rate  while running and cycling. I need to recheck my zones, though since I have been in "off season" mode for about a month.



What kind of training plan did you use for your 50K? I would like to try one later this year.

2011-01-30 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

I have been training for three months now on the Olympic program on  I have been unable to bike outside because of winter but doing my minutes on a spinning bike.   Could anyone tell me how a spinning bike or trainer really compares to riding outside, up hills, etc.? Thanks Kevin

2011-01-30 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3329172

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hi Stacy,

Since I had just finished Boston in April, I was in pretty good shape.  The Ultra that I did was on 6/19/10 which was the Niagara Falls Ultra.  What I did was use the marathon plan from the book Advanced Marathoning by Pete Pitizinger.  I then added 2 miles to the long runs.  I was using the 55-70 miles per week plan.

2011-01-31 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Welcome Van and Kevin

  I see that you are riding for a decent amount of time on your trainer.  Whats you kind of rpms are you doing?  Are you doing any intervals while on the trainer or watching riding videos?
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