Other Resources Challenge Me! » April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge Rss Feed  
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2011-04-01 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

April goals:

4 long runs

12 bike sessions

8 swim sessions

Look! I'm tri training again! I fell off the bike and out of the pool for awhile. Can someone tell me how I can stop the double spacing here when I want to "enter" down to the next line. I'm sure it's in front of my face but I can't find it.

2011-04-02 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3426158

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I don't think I ever posted my goals on the thread...  but basically I left swimming and bike in number of sessions.  I can't swim yet and biking will not be easy with the hand.  I wasn't sure how far I'd be able to go but left it at that.  Running I put in termsof miles to force my self to actually move my rear.

I had wanted to run a little yesterday but time got sucked up by work during the day and then I took the kids to watch the elementary school lip sync show last night.  My older dd was excited to see some of her friends and my younger dd ran into one of her friends from dance class.  And one of the acts threw glow sticks into the crowd.  After 2 1/2 hours of this adventure, I was ready for a stiff drink when I got home!  But the kids were SO happy and thanked me the whole way home for taking them, so I think it was a win.

Going to attempt a drainer ride today.  Hoping the hand will hold up long enough to actually break a sweat!  First I'm off to clean out the kids drawers and closets...  I'm declaring it spring and putting away the heaviest of the winter clothing!

2011-04-02 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3425578

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I think I might also have to stick to a run walk combo. No problem - as long as I can run! It's funny, I was that girl in gym class that you couldn't get to run, ever. I would walk at a ridiculously slow pace around the track if running was required. Now not only am I a runner, but I'm a kinesiologist and physical education teacher.

LOL me too! I was the least athletically inclined kid, and there I was 15 years later owning a bootcamp and leading running groups, teaching yoga ... yup ... life is funny. Smile

2011-04-02 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3425986

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

D001 - 2011-04-01 4:35 PM
abrezo - 2011-04-01 10:22 AM If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!
It's always OK to join a challenge. Snow? Snow.... I am not a fan of the stuff. LOL

We got 5 cm overnight, it's still quite literally storming outside, and we are still under a winter storm warning.
Happy f-ing spring!

On an aside, I have a friend racing today. No word yet as to whether or not they cancelled the race.

2011-04-02 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

The March Challenge helped me keep track of all
the good base work i have been doing .
As a bonus of doing a swim clinic last week
I have been offered to attend the Master swim workout for a month (gratis)
so will giving it a try and see if my swim improves . I know it will.
I am aiming to build up to the Olympic distance . So endurance and speed
over an open water 1500 swim is a key objective for me .
Also time to ramp back up the bike volume .


IPityDaFool_small.jpg (21KB - 7 downloads)
2011-04-02 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3426156

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
mbasta - 2011-04-01 9:22 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-01 4:39 PM Ok, I posted some goals!  I put swim and strength training goals down on a per-session basis just to make sure to get me into the pool/weight room.  I've been bad with both recently.  My bike and run goals are based on minutes.  

We have the same name there Missy! I've never met another Missy. Is that your real name or a nickname? I'm known by my family and offline friends as Missy, but I use Melissa online and professionally.


I noticed our same-nameness when I was filling in my goals!  

It's definitely just a nickname, and actually I'm known as Missy only to certain circles of my friends.  Professionally I'm Melissa as well, so that's how I usually introduce myself to people in real life.  Though, within the last year or so, my friends have started calling me River because there is another Melissa in our circle, and it was getting confusing with 2 of us!  We tried agreeing to be called by our nicknames, but she wanted to go by Lissa but people would still forget and still say "Melissa".  So within that circle, I ceded the name and all its derivatives to her, and we came up with a new nickname for me.

I was actually debating whether to put River as my name on the spreadsheet since now more people call me River than Missy.... but then I thought it might confuse people who have already met me in these forums!

2011-04-02 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

It's only the second day, and April is NOT going well!  I don't know what my problem is; I can't seem to shake the "lazy bug"!  (This has been true of the past 6 months!)

Yesterday I was planning on going for a swim and run, but then I was invited out to dinner by a friend who is celebrating some news regarding her job.  So I skipped my workouts to help her celebrate.... Which ended up being dinner and lots of drinks and not getting home until 3:30am.

This morning I was supposed to meet friends for a long bike ride, but had to bail because I was sleeping off said drinks  I think I'll just go for a swim and maybe yoga later... That seems like a better hangover remedy than biking; I've done long bike rides while hung over, and they're not fun!

Tomorrow I have my group run with my tri club.  I'm thinking of making up for my missed bike ride in the afternoon, but that depends on weather.  If it's cold and rainy, I'll either opt for another swim, or lifting at the gym.

2011-04-02 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3426623

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
yogachic - 2011-04-02 3:10 PM
mbasta - 2011-04-01 9:22 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-01 4:39 PM Ok, I posted some goals!  I put swim and strength training goals down on a per-session basis just to make sure to get me into the pool/weight room.  I've been bad with both recently.  My bike and run goals are based on minutes.  

We have the same name there Missy! I've never met another Missy. Is that your real name or a nickname? I'm known by my family and offline friends as Missy, but I use Melissa online and professionally.

I have never thought of Lisa as a Melissa nickname! It makes so much sense.


I noticed our same-nameness when I was filling in my goals!  

It's definitely just a nickname, and actually I'm known as Missy only to certain circles of my friends.  Professionally I'm Melissa as well, so that's how I usually introduce myself to people in real life.  Though, within the last year or so, my friends have started calling me River because there is another Melissa in our circle, and it was getting confusing with 2 of us!  We tried agreeing to be called by our nicknames, but she wanted to go by Lissa but people would still forget and still say "Melissa".  So within that circle, I ceded the name and all its derivatives to her, and we came up with a new nickname for me.

I was actually debating whether to put River as my name on the spreadsheet since now more people call me River than Missy.... but then I thought it might confuse people who have already met me in these forums!

2011-04-02 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Got tortured by Rasoul piglet today then recovered in the pool.

I am sad cause today was the day of my favorite 10K and I had to miss it for the first time since I started running.

2011-04-02 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3426661

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
mbasta - 2011-04-02 3:02 PM
yogachic - 2011-04-02 3:10 PM
mbasta - 2011-04-01 9:22 PM

yogachic - 2011-04-01 4:39 PM Ok, I posted some goals!  I put swim and strength training goals down on a per-session basis just to make sure to get me into the pool/weight room.  I've been bad with both recently.  My bike and run goals are based on minutes.  

We have the same name there Missy! I've never met another Missy. Is that your real name or a nickname? I'm known by my family and offline friends as Missy, but I use Melissa online and professionally.

I have never thought of Lisa as a Melissa nickname! It makes so much sense.


I noticed our same-nameness when I was filling in my goals!  

It's definitely just a nickname, and actually I'm known as Missy only to certain circles of my friends.  Professionally I'm Melissa as well, so that's how I usually introduce myself to people in real life.  Though, within the last year or so, my friends have started calling me River because there is another Melissa in our circle, and it was getting confusing with 2 of us!  We tried agreeing to be called by our nicknames, but she wanted to go by Lissa but people would still forget and still say "Melissa".  So within that circle, I ceded the name and all its derivatives to her, and we came up with a new nickname for me.

I was actually debating whether to put River as my name on the spreadsheet since now more people call me River than Missy.... but then I thought it might confuse people who have already met me in these forums!


I think that's why people didn't call her that and just kept calling her Melissa (which confused the both of us!)  Now I tend to only respond to Melissa if I'm in a professional setting; among friends, I always assume they're talking to someone else Tongue out

2011-04-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3426685

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
QueenZipp - 2011-04-02 4:27 PM

Got tortured by Rasoul piglet today then recovered in the pool.

I am sad cause today was the day of my favorite 10K and I had to miss it for the first time since I started running.

That sucks. Next year you'll be at it again!


2011-04-02 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

10K complete!!  Improved from last year's time, had some trouble with my calf cramping but overall a very fun run.  Here's my race report for anyone who's interested.



2011-04-03 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3426551

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-02 1:27 PM

D001 - 2011-04-01 4:35 PM
abrezo - 2011-04-01 10:22 AM If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!
It's always OK to join a challenge. Snow? Snow.... I am not a fan of the stuff. LOL

We got 5 cm overnight, it's still quite literally storming outside, and we are still under a winter storm warning.
Happy f-ing spring!

On an aside, I have a friend racing today. No word yet as to whether or not they cancelled the race.

I've raced in nasty, stormy, but rainy weather...    can't imagine getting out there in snow!    Being from Bufffalo, NY I know snow shouldn't bother me.  I think I've just had enough!

Happy to report SUN here today and maye 50 degrees!!

2011-04-03 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
If it hadn't been for headwind in every direction I might have had a nice ride!  Geez o Pete the wind sucked today!!  I stopped 4 x to stretch cause it hurt so much.
2011-04-04 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I picked up a water belt (it came with water weights too) over the weekend for some injured water running. When I went to the pool yesterday it was closed for maintenence though... I'll check again today.

2011-04-04 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Riding my bike to PT today, it's too nice to drive!

2011-04-04 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
OOOOHHH, I get bike top page Cool
2011-04-04 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Good morning!

Congrats to those who raced this weekend  I've been having a hard time sticking to my training plan, but this is only my second week of it, so my goal for this week is to get better at following it!  (Last year I got by just by doing whatever I feel like, and just made sure to get the right volumes in; this year I want to get faster so I was hoping working off a training plan would help.... but not if I don't follow it!!)

So, according to plan, tonight I will do a 45 minutes swim and a 45 minute bike.  

2011-04-04 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Finally got the spreadsheet to work for me  YaY!
2011-04-04 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Hello everyone!  I'm home from the first tri of the season and ready for the challenge!  Now it's time to pick my goals.  Hopefully this month will be healthier than last.
2011-04-04 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3428251

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
mbasta - 2011-04-04 5:58 AM

I picked up a water belt (it came with water weights too) over the weekend for some injured water running. When I went to the pool yesterday it was closed for maintenence though... I'll check again today.

Suckage. But let us know how the water running goes!

2011-04-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3427249

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rnihill - 2011-04-03 7:09 AM
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-02 1:27 PM

D001 - 2011-04-01 4:35 PM
abrezo - 2011-04-01 10:22 AM If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!
It's always OK to join a challenge. Snow? Snow.... I am not a fan of the stuff. LOL

We got 5 cm overnight, it's still quite literally storming outside, and we are still under a winter storm warning.
Happy f-ing spring!

On an aside, I have a friend racing today. No word yet as to whether or not they cancelled the race.

I've raced in nasty, stormy, but rainy weather...    can't imagine getting out there in snow!    Being from Bufffalo, NY I know snow shouldn't bother me.  I think I've just had enough!

Happy to report SUN here today and maye 50 degrees!!

I would rather race in the snow than the rain. Rain goes straight through and you get wet and cold right away. With snow, you can stay dry and is easier to stay warm.

2011-04-04 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3428251

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
mbasta - 2011-04-04 5:58 AM

I picked up a water belt (it came with water weights too) over the weekend for some injured water running. When I went to the pool yesterday it was closed for maintenence though... I'll check again today.

Our pool is closed this week for maint too.

2011-04-04 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I'm jealous of all you people enjoying warm weather. We had 70+ on Saturday (I got out and did some yard work!) then got up to about 6 inches of snow Sunday morning. 28 F this morning.
2011-04-04 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Sorry, Paul....I was out sans jacket walking on my lunch and even though it's windy out will ride to PT again.
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