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2011-04-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Ken -  Sabres fan?  I've been a casual follower through the years, but seem to have been really enjoying the games this year.  My boys love watching it, running around the house with the plastic golf clubs like they're hockey sticks.

I briefly read through your logs.  Are you moving from the Rochester area?

Since this is a triathlon forum, I suppose I should talk about tri stuff.  I'm looking forward to getting back into a training routine.  The last month has been tough and it started with daylight savings time believe it or not.  Could NOT get my butt out of bed and it's been a very bad trend since.  Throw in late nights remodeling our basement and preparing tax returns for my clients, my morning workouts have been non-existent.  With the family, training after work doesn't happen so I train in the morning and at lunch.

Monday morning begins the new training schedule.  Two alarms will be set!


Oh, and GO SABRES!

2011-04-13 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3444921

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Hello everyone, I am looking forward to being part of a great group! Not only is Ken an excellent triathlete and mentor, but I have had the pleasure of meeting him in real life and he is a heckuva nice guy.

NAME: amschrod/Anthony

FAMILY STATUS: I am 53, I have been married for 24 years, and we have 3 children: son 23, daughter 21, and a son 14.

STORY: In January 2006, after running and entering local road races for several years, I decided I would give triathlon a shot.  Fortunately, I found BT where I have learned an awful lot about triathlon, and I have met some great people, both online and in real life.  I have also been a mentor twice, and had a lot of fun mentoring and seeing people in my groups do some great things. I have completed a bunch of sprints, olys and dus, and 5 HIM's. I may not be very fast, but I really enjoy training and racing.

I have been surprised that I have been able to get a little better each year. I thought that since I was over 50 I would hit a plateau. I have a goal this year of setting an HIM PR by going under 6 hours. I managed to go a little under 6:06 at the Toughman HIM last year, and that is a fairly challenging race, so I believe my goal is reachable with some smart and hard work.

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting back to more swimming and biking after being mostly running focused over the Winter

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2010 was a great season for me. 2 du's,  2 sprints, 1 oly and 1 HIM. I PR'ed at both HIM and OLY.

2011 RACES: I have already done a HM, which I PR'ed, and a sprint du where I was really happy with my performance so I have a great start to 2011. Also on the schedule:

  • American Zofingen Short course duathlon in May
  • Stamford Kic-It Olympic in June
  • Musselman HIM in July
  • Orange County Tri Olympic in August
  • The Survival of the Shawangunks in September. Kind of a crazy person's race that I have always wanted to do and I am really looking forward to it.

WEIGHTLOSS: Losing weight is not a focus for me, but it would probably help my running to lose 5 lbs, but those last few pounds are tough. I try to stick to a mostly whole foods diet.

2011-04-13 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Ah, time for the infamous bio/intro portion of our show.

Ok, I'm game.

44 years old, ballooned up to 284 lbs two years ago. Wasn't a fan. Can't say I did much about it. Wasn't a fan of that either.

One silly New Year's resolution later and am at 218 headed for 200 as first goal. I'll make it. Next weight goal of no-idea-what-yet will be harder. I hear 175 knocking out there in the distance.

Did a try-a-tri two years ago, overdid the run training (too far too soon) and knee injury cut that progress off at the... knees. This time I'm trying to force myself to go slower, less distance, walk and run, all the stuff the couch to X distance plans tell ya. And as the 284 will attest, I really liked that couch.

Play hockey 5-10 times all winter, 3-5 in the summer, and started swimming a couple of months ago. Knew how, sorta, but wow is it technical if ya wanna do it somewhere near "right". The running is what always get me, however. The bike doesn't bother me, that's the only part I like.

Have a try-a-tri (early June, coldish water here in Canada) and sprint (mid Aug) on the calendar already. My goal is an Oly, which is likely for next year but ya just never know.

I have LOTS to learn.

2011-04-13 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
You folks look like fun...If you have room for another 45 year old male, who hates swimming, but likes running & biking, I'll post up.
2011-04-13 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Here's my bio:

Personal: I am 42, married for 11 years come June, 2 kids, 7 and 5.  I am an architect and I work as a facilities planner for a major hospital in Maryland.  I have struggled with weight for most of my life.  As mentioned earlier, I've been on a weight loss journey since last July, throught weight watchers at work.  I'm 5'6 and currently 175-ish.  I want to get down to 150 at the very least, but I've been hovering at my current weight and yo-yoing since November. 

ACL surgery in December:  I had my right ACL replaced at the end of December and am almost 4 months out now.  Have been trying to pick up running, but it is still too painful.  Workouts are sporadic, but am trying to make it a 3 x week habit.  My husband and I alternate mornings, so I get MWF.  Unfortunately, I am not a morning person, so it has been difficult. 

EVENTS:  As a personal goal, I signed up for the Iron Girl sprint Tri in Columbia, Maryland in mid-August.  There is a good training group here that I've joined, but I have yet to meet up with them to actually train.  Tomorrow is the day.  I am planning to go to the group swim.  This group meets every Thursday evening for a group run/swim.  I'm a pretty strong swimmer, but I haven't been training regularly and I'm told that I will need to practice an open swim prior to the event, since it is very different from swimming laps in a pool.

Training:  As mentioned I am trying to get to the gym at least 3x week.  This morning I did 20 min. on the elliptical and 10 min. on the treadmill, walking on an incline.  Stretched for another 10 min.  Since I mostly sit on my rear all day, this activity is the only exercise I get.

Gear:  I will need to purchase a new bike eventually.  I have a hybrid that is quite heavy and I'm told that this will be less than ideal for the tri event.

Goals:  I just want to finish the event.  Even if I have to walk a portion of the run, I want to get through the whole thing as a personal goal.

I'm looking forward to sharing and learning from all of you!

2011-04-13 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Okay - here is my bio.

NAME: Robin

STORY:  After many years of thinking how much I want to train and complete a triathlon, last year I finally got up the courage and completed my first sprint tri in March.  I was hooked after that and completed my first ever 5k and 2 additional sprint tris. I come from a swimming background and swam in HS.  My husband bikes (road and mountain) so I have a lot of advice there.  Started running for really the first time ever consistently a year ago and have made so much progress.  I have always been active and enjoy sports, but until last summer never had any real consistency in my workouts. 

FAMILY: I am 36 years old. married for 15 years with 2 kids, ages 5 & 7! 

CURRENT TRAINING:  Right now I am focusing on my run and have been working on increasing my base since November.  Last week I ran 10 miles for the first time ever. Currently trying to run 4x a week, bike 3x and swim 2x. I am a really slow runner, so I am hoping that consistency in my training will result in some faster times. Was able to get outside and off the trainer for the first time yesterday!  I also love yoga and am doing that about once a week.

2010 races: I started with a mini sprint at our local rec center in March and that was followed by my first ever 5k (29:4x) in April. My first real sprint tri was in June with one more completed in September. 

2011 races: My first race is in 2 weeks and it will be my first Half marathon ever. It is in CA (Orange Co.) so it will be a destination race. I have three other tris on the schedule with my first olympic in August.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am currently 5'8" and 147 pounds. I have lost about 10 pounds from this time last year.  I would love to lose another 5 to 10 pounds and think I can do it! I just need to step away from the chips!

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE?  I am a great chearleader for others and love to see everyone around me
realizing their potential - that is super motivating for me! I have one year under my belt so still remember those firsts and can help those that are currently in the same position I was in last year.  I still have lots to learn and am super excited to continue the learning process.

I look forward to these next few months - I think this group will be fantastic!  I keep my logs up to date, feel free to check them out (and gently prod me to get off my butt if needed).

Edited by robingray_260 2011-04-13 4:57 PM

2011-04-13 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3444942

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Trout - 2011-04-13 3:58 PM

Ken -  Sabres fan?  I've been a casual follower through the years, but seem to have been really enjoying the games this year.  My boys love watching it, running around the house with the plastic golf clubs like they're hockey sticks.

I briefly read through your logs.  Are you moving from the Rochester area?

Since this is a triathlon forum, I suppose I should talk about tri stuff.  I'm looking forward to getting back into a training routine.  The last month has been tough and it started with daylight savings time believe it or not.  Could NOT get my butt out of bed and it's been a very bad trend since.  Throw in late nights remodeling our basement and preparing tax returns for my clients, my morning workouts have been non-existent.  With the family, training after work doesn't happen so I train in the morning and at lunch.

Monday morning begins the new training schedule.  Two alarms will be set!


Oh, and GO SABRES!

I am a Sabres fan!!

I never really moved legally to CA, always maintained our home in NY.  We have been out here on a work assignment for  a while and that has wound down.  Rather than stay in a hotel, we had an appartment that I am now moving out of and will predominately be back in NY.

I like the morning workouts myself, lunch time isnt bad, evenings can be a challenge!
2011-04-13 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3444969

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
GoGoGo - 2011-04-13 4:11 PM You folks look like fun...If you have room for another 45 year old male, who hates swimming, but likes running & biking, I'll post up.

Welcome to the group!  Post up when your are ready!
2011-04-13 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3444955

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
amschrod - 2011-04-13 4:03 PM

Hello everyone, I am looking forward to being part of a great group! Not only is Ken an excellent triathlete and mentor, but I have had the pleasure of meeting him in real life and he is a heckuva nice guy.

NAME: amschrod/Anthony

FAMILY STATUS: I am 53, I have been married for 24 years, and we have 3 children: son 23, daughter 21, and a son 14.

STORY: In January 2006, after running and entering local road races for several years, I decided I would give triathlon a shot.  Fortunately, I found BT where I have learned an awful lot about triathlon, and I have met some great people, both online and in real life.  I have also been a mentor twice, and had a lot of fun mentoring and seeing people in my groups do some great things. I have completed a bunch of sprints, olys and dus, and 5 HIM's. I may not be very fast, but I really enjoy training and racing.

I have been surprised that I have been able to get a little better each year. I thought that since I was over 50 I would hit a plateau. I have a goal this year of setting an HIM PR by going under 6 hours. I managed to go a little under 6:06 at the Toughman HIM last year, and that is a fairly challenging race, so I believe my goal is reachable with some smart and hard work.

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting back to more swimming and biking after being mostly running focused over the Winter

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2010 was a great season for me. 2 du's,  2 sprints, 1 oly and 1 HIM. I PR'ed at both HIM and OLY.

2011 RACES: I have already done a HM, which I PR'ed, and a sprint du where I was really happy with my performance so I have a great start to 2011. Also on the schedule:

  • American Zofingen Short course duathlon in May
  • Stamford Kic-It Olympic in June
  • Musselman HIM in July
  • Orange County Tri Olympic in August
  • The Survival of the Shawangunks in September. Kind of a crazy person's race that I have always wanted to do and I am really looking forward to it.

WEIGHTLOSS: Losing weight is not a focus for me, but it would probably help my running to lose 5 lbs, but those last few pounds are tough. I try to stick to a mostly whole foods diet.


Thanks for signing on Anthony!  Looking forward to seeing you again this summer! 
2011-04-13 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Ok here’s my story…

I started doing tri’s in 2008 out of the blue. I had just kind of started run/walking when a friend said we should do the Tri for the cure an all women’s tri, I had no bike and didn’t know how to swim, at least with my face in the water, but the next thing I knew I was signed up. I bought a women’s hybrid (never dreaming that I would end up loving this) and spent the summer training with friends and had a blast. When the tri came I was the only one to actually compete. I was slow but I had a ton of fun and couldn’t wait to do it again. The following year I joined an all women’s tri group and I did 2 sprints and a ½ marathon and last year (2010) I got road bike (low end but get’s me there) and did 3 sprints an Oly and another ½ marathon.

Family status: I’m a 46 year old divorced mother of two teen boys 17 & 15. So being single leaves me plenty of time for training. And I’m really starting to enjoy the social aspect of training.

Current Training: Over the winter I used BT’s maintenance program combined with a ½ marathon program from elsewhere. It really helped to keep me on track better than previous years. I’ve just recently started the BT beginners Ironman program. I decided against joining a group but have made and will continue to make efforts to train with others from BT and the blog world. It really does help to have others around for the social part and I have found that most of my real gains have occurred as a result of training with someone else

2011 races: This year I’ve just completed a ½ marathon signed up for the Boulder Tri Series like Kathleen, (a sprint, oly and 70.3) at least one more sprint, a metric century and a century….June is going to be interesting….I’m still slow, always will be, but I enjoy the sport. And the good thing about being slow is it’s easier to get PR’s. So far I’ve managed to PR at most races.

Weight…always an issue here…I’ve been up and I’ve been down..I’ve managed to get rid of about 30 of the pounds I put on recently, but am still Athena and probably always will be. I would love to drop another 10 or so before races start so although I got off track for a little bit I’m working on tracking my food again to help in this.
2011-04-13 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3444972

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Viyoung - 2011-04-13 2:12 PM

  I will need to purchase a new bike eventually.  I have a hybrid that is quite heavy and I'm told that this will be less than ideal for the tri event.


Less then ideal yes, but doable until you decide what you want to do and if you really like tri's.

2011-04-14 12:21 AM
in reply to: #3444898

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Viyoung - 2011-04-13 1:40 PM

Ken, I would like to join your group.

My name is Vivian and I am signed up for a sprint tri in August.  This will be my first ever, I've been in weight loss mode since last July and have lost 22 lbs. thus far.  Am aiming for a total of 30.

I will post my full bio later.

Vivian, that is exciting that you will be doing your first triathlon! 


2011-04-14 12:23 AM
in reply to: #3445163

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
robingray_260 - 2011-04-13 3:42 PM

Okay - here is my bio.

NAME: Robin

STORY:  After many years of thinking how much I want to train and complete a triathlon, last year I finally got up the courage and completed my first sprint tri in March.  I was hooked after that and completed my first ever 5k and 2 additional sprint tris. I come from a swimming background and swam in HS.  My husband bikes (road and mountain) so I have a lot of advice there.  Started running for really the first time ever consistently a year ago and have made so much progress.  I have always been active and enjoy sports, but until last summer never had any real consistency in my workouts. 

FAMILY: I am 36 years old. married for 15 years with 2 kids, ages 5 & 7! 

CURRENT TRAINING:  Right now I am focusing on my run and have been working on increasing my base since November.  Last week I ran 10 miles for the first time ever. Currently trying to run 4x a week, bike 3x and swim 2x. I am a really slow runner, so I am hoping that consistency in my training will result in some faster times. Was able to get outside and off the trainer for the first time yesterday!  I also love yoga and am doing that about once a week.

2010 races: I started with a mini sprint at our local rec center in March and that was followed by my first ever 5k (29:4x) in April. My first real sprint tri was in June with one more completed in September. 

2011 races: My first race is in 2 weeks and it will be my first Half marathon ever. It is in CA (Orange Co.) so it will be a destination race. I have three other tris on the schedule with my first olympic in August.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am currently 5'8" and 147 pounds. I have lost about 10 pounds from this time last year.  I would love to lose another 5 to 10 pounds and think I can do it! I just need to step away from the chips!

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE?  I am a great chearleader for others and love to see everyone around me
realizing their potential - that is super motivating for me! I have one year under my belt so still remember those firsts and can help those that are currently in the same position I was in last year.  I still have lots to learn and am super excited to continue the learning process.

I look forward to these next few months - I think this group will be fantastic!  I keep my logs up to date, feel free to check them out (and gently prod me to get off my butt if needed).

Hey Robin,

Congrats on your first 10 mile run! That is quite an accomplishment.

2011-04-14 12:29 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

I am glad to hear that people are getting better and faster as the years go by. Maybe there is hope for me yet! Tongue out

I work with a group of very sedentary people and I often hear the "I am to old" excuse for trying something new.  Then I tell them about my friend who is 65 years old and is the only one I know who skips the wetsuit for the often very chilly water we have in CO.  Usually they are quiet after that.

2011-04-14 4:46 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Here is my story...

NAME: GoGoGo/ Richard 

STORY: Typical 45 year old male.  Used to be athletic.  School, work, kids, no activity for 20 years, yada yada, up to 250 lbs!  3 years starting going to gym, then running, then cycling, them du's.  Swimming is my nemesis

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids, 8 & 10 

CURRENT TRAINING: Finishing offseason.  Mainly running, trying to increase my base.  Spin class once or twice a week, to keep my cycling legs.  Have ran into various roadblocks this winter & never got rolling with my training, although never really stopped either.  Hopefully things have settled.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  Not sure yet.  I usually to a couple 5k's, couple 10k's, 10 miler & couple of half mary's.  We have 20k cycling time trials every week in my city & I try & do the majority of these during the summer.  Hopefully will do a 1 sprint & 1 Olympic this season, but depends on my swim.  Otherwise I will do the duathlon version 

2010 RACES:  Strange year for me, as we sold our house, "decluttered" & then moved into another house during summer.  Basically season was gone.  Did get 1 10k, 1 10 miler, 1 half mary, 7 cycling TT's & metric century in. 

WEIGHTLOSS:  I could easily lose another 20 lbs to get to race weight.  I was there 2 years ago, but let it inch up again. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have some running & cycling experience  might have something to add.  Not a bad cheerleader (my 6'4 220 pound frame looks good with skirt & pom poms).

Not so different from many of you.  

Look forward to a good Spring/summer...

Edited by GoGoGo 2011-04-14 5:15 AM
2011-04-14 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3445466

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Julta, thanks for the feedback.  I see that you did your first tri with a hybrid.  That's good to know.

What's your first name?  Is it Julta, Julie??

2011-04-14 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3445774

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Kathleen, thanks!  I'm excited, but also need a lot of encouragement.  My family thinks I'm crazy, my DH keeps asking me, "are you still going to do this? are you really going to do this?"

I have to, there's no way I'm quitting before even trying.

2011-04-14 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

BTW, can anyone tell me how to add people to my training log?


2011-04-14 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3445977

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Viyoung - 2011-04-14 8:44 AM

BTW, can anyone tell me how to add people to my training log?


Good oportunity to remind people to add each other to the friends list!  Thanks Vivian!

Top center of almost any page in BT there is a settings button with a wrench that takes you to a page where you can customize your blog.  Hit the Training Blog Customization Tab then the Friends Tab.  Biggest obstacle after that is spelling the names right!

Let me know if you have any troubles.
2011-04-14 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Here is where are so far:

kenj - Ken
Kath2163 - Kathleen
julta - Julie
trout - Steve
robingray_260 - Robin
marvintpa - Tom
viyoung - Vivian
amschrod - Anthony
gogogo - Richard

This puts at 9 so we have room for a few more! 

Good conversations so far!!

Edited by kenj 2011-04-14 8:19 AM
2011-04-14 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

What is everyones training plan for today?  Anything exciting?

I am fairly limited to running today as I shipped the bike home to NY yesterday and I don't have swim stuff with me either.  So I will be heading out for a run shortly!  I guess not, I didn't do a good job in packing as I forgot to leave out some running clothes so I will have an extra rest day.  That is ok, I have a 5K race Sunday that I want to use to determine my paces so a little extra rest will be good.

Edited by kenj 2011-04-14 8:43 AM

2011-04-14 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

I hope everyone is having a good Thursday. 

 It is snowing here (ugh!) so it looks like I will be stuck on the trainer. I can't wait for May to get here as April is the worst month out of the year. Also, need to get a swim in today - I think I will do that first.

2011-04-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3445975

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Viyoung - 2011-04-14 7:42 AM

Kathleen, thanks!  I'm excited, but also need a lot of encouragement.  My family thinks I'm crazy, my DH keeps asking me, "are you still going to do this? are you really going to do this?"

I have to, there's no way I'm quitting before even trying.

Vivian - you can absolutely do this!!!! We will be here to cheer you along and answer any questions you have.  The hardest part will be getting in consistent workouts. Just take one workout at a time and after awhile it will become routine. Have you registered for a race yet? - that will help with motivation (can't back out now thinking).

2011-04-14 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Ken I would love to join your group, let me know if thats ok and I will post a bio



2011-04-14 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3446250

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
arrogant_bastard - 2011-04-14 10:19 AM

Ken I would love to join your group, let me know if thats ok and I will post a bio



That would be great Jon!  Post your bio when you get a chance!
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