BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - CLOSED for Training Rss Feed  
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2011-04-26 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Hmmm something did not work quite right, half my post is missing.

^^^^^^This is the plan I will be starting at the end of May. I plan on attending two, one hour long, master swim classes a week, swimming between 4500-6500M depending on the workouts scheduled. I will also do some OWS as the training progresses.

Is this enough swim training for a HIM race? I plan on skipping all the swim workouts ini the plan and just using these classes, plus OWS, for my swim workouts.

2011-04-27 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3468030

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
gwied - 2011-04-26 9:48 PM Thanks, Randy- my name is Glenn. I'm already enjoying your responses! Hello to all the "train hard, have fun" group members. Now to make my training plan public so you guys can get a look at it. I know I will appreciate the "old and slow" perspective.

Glenn-glad you joined us.  I'll try to give you my thoughts re: your questions when I have some time later today.

2011-04-27 5:48 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
Good morning everyone.  What's on tap for training today?  I plan to swim at lunch and then an easy hour on the bike tonight.

2011-04-27 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3468143

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
PnkHxC81 - 2011-04-26 11:30 PM

Hmmm something did not work quite right, half my post is missing.

^^^^^^This is the plan I will be starting at the end of May. I plan on attending two, one hour long, master swim classes a week, swimming between 4500-6500M depending on the workouts scheduled. I will also do some OWS as the training progresses.

Is this enough swim training for a HIM race? I plan on skipping all the swim workouts ini the plan and just using these classes, plus OWS, for my swim workouts.

If I remember right you have a swim background??  If that's the case you should be fine-especially if it is wetsuit legal.  I try to swim at least twice a week right now as the races are wetsuit legal and I feel that additional time is better spent on the bike or running.  I'll probably add a 3rd swim in mid May after my next race as all of the races this Summer will be without the wetsuit.  BUT, keep in mind I'm a pretty mediocre swimmer and I would much rather be running or biking so I can always find a way to rationalize missing a swim workout! 

2011-04-27 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
Hey all, sorry I haven't posted much or welcomed people. My life for a little crazy with medical stuff, I missed all last week of work and I'm in the doctors office again now. I'm also subscribed to this thread, but I'm not getting email updates, is anyone else having this issue?Ok, I promise to make a real post when I'm back at a computer. Hope everyone is having a good start to the day!
2011-04-27 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Hello : )

If there is still room in this group I would like to join in the fun.  I am signed up to do the HIM in Orlando on May 15th, with the desire to do a full IM in October.  I have been training with my dad/twin brother/sister-in-law who will all be doing the Florida HIM with me.

With the race less than three weeks away, I'm starting to get a little nervous.  I have done the 20 week beginner HIM training plan on BT and I feel good and strong. 

Let me know if there is still room in your group.


Rob Avola

2011-04-27 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3468659

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
Rob-plenty of room.  Welcome to the group! Did you do any races in 2010?  

2011-04-27 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3468242

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Oak Park
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

slornow - 2011-04-27 5:48 AM Good morning everyone.  What's on tap for training today?  I plan to swim at lunch and then an easy hour on the bike tonight.


Hour-long bike ride on the trainer tonight, hopefully while catching up on some DVR'd TV.

I was going to complain about the length of this ride (still not used to the 'stepping it up' part of going from Sprint to Oly distance) but then I saw that you are doing that AND swimming today. Kind of puts it in perspective. 

Feeling super super tired and cranky nearing the end of two straight build weeks. Plus all the Chicago sports hoopla has been keeping me up late, and work has been killer lately. Need to get some good sleep tonight. Gonna try to be in bed at 10:30. Until then, coffee is my friend.

2011-04-27 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3466621

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
nmladic - 2011-04-26 12:24 PM

Apples with peanut butter are a big part of my nutritional arsenal! Thanks all! I will add you guys to my group of BT friends. Nice to 'meet' you all.  

I have two immediate questions I need help with, now that I'm officially in the group

1. I have a 5K charity run this weekend with a big brunch after, but my plan calls for a 6 mile run. Can I do the 5K and then run an extra 3 miles later in the day?  I know it's not the same, but are there any benefits to getting those extra miles in on the same day? My doc doesn't want me running two days in a row so I unfortunately shouldn't just move my 6-mile run to Sunday and just consider the 5K an "extra" workout this week.

2. My recovery weeks for the tri plan are different than the recovery weeks for the run plan. Do you guys see any issue with this? Next week, for instance, is a much needed run recovery week, but it would still be a swim/bike build week.  




I have a couple thoughts for you:

I took a look at your run volume and am a little concerned you might over extend yourself because you've metioned running injuries have plagued you in the past.  How will your effort in the 5K be?  Are you racing it hard, or will it be same effort as a training run?  if you'll be going hard, I'd probably recommend waiting until Sunday to do another run.  If you are going at your training pace, can you just keep running another few miles at the end?  If not, I like doing double runs in a day to get good milage in while reducing the overall stress on your body.  However, just know that 2 3 mile runs isn't the same as 1 six mile in terms of your body's physiological gains.  perhaps the long run can wait a day or two and you can do all 6 at once?

Re: Recovery.  I don't like recovery weeks.  But that's me.  Recovery week for an individual sport while maintaining/building the other two I do like though.  That's personal preference more than science, and unfortunately I don't know if the science backs up that approach, but I had a coach and friend build a custom plan for me and it incorporates that principle.  I went crazy big on the bike one week with normal run/swim.  The next week, the bike was tapered back, but my run was higher.  It keeps overall volume consistent (not fluctuating really high or low which causes disruptions to life) but lets you get those "Big" weeks in.  IMHO, you shouldn't need a full recovery week while building like this.  I generally don't schedule recovery weeks either, but only do them if my body is telling me I need one.


What are your thoughts about it? Does anyone else have any thoughts on running and recovery weeks?


2011-04-27 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3468030

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

gwied - 2011-04-26 10:48 PM Thanks, Randy- my name is Glenn. I'm already enjoying your responses! Hello to all the "train hard, have fun" group members. Now to make my training plan public so you guys can get a look at it. I know I will appreciate the "old and slow" perspective.


Welcome Glenn! Glad to have you.  Thanks for sharing your training.  It will help the group if we can all see each other's logs, make "inspires" and see how each other is doing. 

2011-04-27 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3468708

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Cool.  Thanks

Here are some of my races in the last year:

  • Naples Tri (short one) 5K run, 10 mile bike and .25 swim in June 2010, 1:07:30
  • Turkey Trot, 4 miler run, 33:57 in Nov. 2010
  • River Ruts and Roots 1/2 Marathon (sprained my ankle on a root, ouch, kept me out a while) 2:17:35 in Jan. 2011
  • Hooters to Hooters 1/2 Marathon 1:51:47 in March 2011
  • Naples Phil 10K, 49:07 in April 2011
  • NEC 5K, 23:50 in April 2011

Future races are

  • Orlando HIM, May 2011
  • Naples Tri, June 2011
  • Clearmount IM, Oct. 2011

Past races in last 5 years include:

  • Chicago Marathon 2007 and 2008
  • Naples Half Marathon, a bunch
  • Various Half Marathons
  • Three or four Metric Century Bike Rides



2011-04-27 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3466918

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
gwied - 2011-04-26 2:19 PM

Hey Joe, sign me up! i have questions that would inform the next weeks of training leading up to a June 11 Olympic tri.

Age & health: 54, fairly fit.

Tri-Story: started with a sprint in 2009 and agin in 2010. Stayed in shape generally (swim, exercise bike, run, strength) without a training plan through the winter. Began a BT "Sprint to Olympic Bridge" program in Feb for a May 22 race; but i can't do the May 22 race, so June 11 is now the one for me. Logging training on BT since mid-Feb 2011.

I was attracted to the chosen program because it is HR-based- I use a PC-15 HR monitor, which only uses 3 HR zones, so that makes it difficult to use the 7+ zones from my BT-based LT tests. so, first question: how can i best use the 3 settable zones on my HR monitor?

Q2: if i train a lot using HR monitor, will i be able to race strategically without one? the PC-15 is not know for waterproofness, so it may not help to wear it in the swim, and would cost time to put it on in T1.

Q3: i am very intrigued by the Olympic-specific strategies in the book "the Time-Crunched Triathlete" - high-intensity, very focussed on raising LT, less total volume and time. have you ever tried this approach for a sprint or olympic tri?



OK - This is my thrid try at a response...dang computer is on the fritz.

Q1 - can you try setting it for Z1/2/3 then just remembering your LT HR?  Z4 will be just below or at LT and Z5 above.

Q2 - You certainly can.  Some people even prefer it.  It's all about using that HR data to know what's going on with your body and "calibrating" your RPE (rate of perceived exertion).  Try it out on a training run - aim for your workout target without looking at HR then go back afterwards to see how close you were.  HR can be off for a number of reasons - fatigue, dehydration, hot/cold, so knowing that correlation to RPE is very imported regardless of whether you race with HR or not.

Q3 - It's well established at intervals and hard efforts lead to big gains with less time.  A good training plan will balance hard and easy efforts, especially on the run.  Swim and bike are relatively low impact and hard intervals are pretty safe, even for new athletes or with reduced volume.  Running is a different beast however.  Have you heard the mantra "run lots, mostly easy sometimes fast" around here?  They are really words to live by.  Running too hard without being ready for it is a surefire way to get injured.  I did that, and while I didn't get injured, I was constantly nagged with soreness and teetering on that injured point.  If a workout the next day is compromised by a run that leaves you too sore, that is a very bad thing.  I have noticed with my own training that have a strong base of easy running (Z1/2) left me MUCH more prepared to add speed safely.


The running debate on slow/fast, how much and when is one that rages on.  That is MY opinion on the matter and one that has been successful for ME.  what have other people found?

Edited by jsiegs 2011-04-27 11:55 AM
2011-04-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Room for one more?  I saw you were from Baltimore and figured this had to be the best group to join

NAME: Christy

STORY:  I did my first tri 8 years ago.  I stopped for a few years and got back into it last year.

FAMILY STATUS:  I'm married with a 21 month old and a 4 year old.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm using BT half ironman plan. So far, so good.  I've had a few set backs with sick kids and other family stuff but I'm training a lot more than I did last year.  I'm really trying to get faster on my bike.  It's a real struggle.


Columbia Triathlon - 5/22

Baltimore 10 miler 6/18

Mountaineer HIM 6/26

Half full (swim portion of relay) 10/2

That's all I've signed up for.  Like to do another one or two.

2011-04-27 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3435676

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
Thanks for the response Randy. I was supposed to get up and run this morning but it didn't happen. So I will have to put in the run this evening. Nothing special just 30 mins, logging about 3.5 miles.
2011-04-27 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3468659

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
[email protected] - 2011-04-27 10:13 AM

Hello : )

If there is still room in this group I would like to join in the fun.  I am signed up to do the HIM in Orlando on May 15th, with the desire to do a full IM in October.  I have been training with my dad/twin brother/sister-in-law who will all be doing the Florida HIM with me.

With the race less than three weeks away, I'm starting to get a little nervous.  I have done the 20 week beginner HIM training plan on BT and I feel good and strong. 

Let me know if there is still room in your group.


Rob Avola


Welcome Rob!

2011-04-27 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3469157

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
cbrookhart - 2011-04-27 12:56 PM

Room for one more?  I saw you were from Baltimore and figured this had to be the best group to join

NAME: Christy

STORY:  I did my first tri 8 years ago.  I stopped for a few years and got back into it last year.

FAMILY STATUS:  I'm married with a 21 month old and a 4 year old.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm using BT half ironman plan. So far, so good.  I've had a few set backs with sick kids and other family stuff but I'm training a lot more than I did last year.  I'm really trying to get faster on my bike.  It's a real struggle.


Columbia Triathlon - 5/22

Baltimore 10 miler 6/18

Mountaineer HIM 6/26

Half full (swim portion of relay) 10/2

That's all I've signed up for.  Like to do another one or two.


Good to have a fellow MDer.  Whereabouts in Baltimore?  I'm currently in Canton, but moving in June.  Haven't made the final decision with my fiancee yet, but we'll either be in Canton again or in the White Marsh, Parkville, Perry Hall suburbs region.

2011-04-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3469210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
jsiegs - 2011-04-27 12:08 PM
cbrookhart - 2011-04-27 12:56 PM

Room for one more?  I saw you were from Baltimore and figured this had to be the best group to join

NAME: Christy

STORY:  I did my first tri 8 years ago.  I stopped for a few years and got back into it last year.

FAMILY STATUS:  I'm married with a 21 month old and a 4 year old.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm using BT half ironman plan. So far, so good.  I've had a few set backs with sick kids and other family stuff but I'm training a lot more than I did last year.  I'm really trying to get faster on my bike.  It's a real struggle.


Columbia Triathlon - 5/22

Baltimore 10 miler 6/18

Mountaineer HIM 6/26

Half full (swim portion of relay) 10/2

That's all I've signed up for.  Like to do another one or two.


Good to have a fellow MDer.  Whereabouts in Baltimore?  I'm currently in Canton, but moving in June.  Haven't made the final decision with my fiancee yet, but we'll either be in Canton again or in the White Marsh, Parkville, Perry Hall suburbs region.

I'm in Parkville.  I'd stay in Canton as long as you can Smile.  I miss the city.  But, not the place I want to be with 2 little ones.

2011-04-27 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3468081

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Katy, TX
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Good luck on your upcoming tri! The 2 tri's I did in 2009 and 2010 were both all-women's and the experience was simply wonderful. Let me know if you have any questions about, um, lady attire, for the race (PM me) since I know I had a TON. And any other questions in general about the sprint tri! You're in for a great day!

Also, where in TX are you? My cousin, also a mom with young kids, lives in the Houston area and is training for her first tri too. She is always looking for someone to do races with

Thank you so much! I'm getting really excited about this race. I haven't participated in a competition since high school, so my inner competitor is coming out! I think my gear is good for now. I bought a tri suit and I've been wearing it for my Friday training. So far no issues other than a little drag in the water (air bubbles!) It may not be tight enough, but I wanted to be able to breathe. I'm working my way in to a two piece so I'm sure I'll have tons of questions.

I live in Katy. Is she doing any of the TriGirl tri's?? I'd love to actually train with someone, rather than the group of elite's at the Y!

2011-04-27 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3467350

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
PnkHxC81 - 2011-04-26 4:37 PM

Hi my name is Kevin and I'm addicted to triathlons.

Story: I have wanted to participate in a triathlon for about the last 3 years but just didn't have the commitment (budget/wife) needed to make it happen. At the end of last year my church announced a bike ride for the youth from Salt Lake City to our home city of Las Vegas. Since I work with the young men this meant I needed a bike to participate and help motivate the young men. So here I am with a whole 3 months of cycling experience and am totally excited. I ran cross country for a few years in highschool and then switched to swimming and playing water polo.

I participated in an olympic tri/duathlon at the end of March. The swim was cancelled so I still have not completed a full tri. Since highschool I have kept active running in 5K and 10K races. 

Family: I have been married for 8 years and have two children, a 6 year old daughter, and a 3 year old son. My wife puts up with my training and competeing. We go to masters swim together and she thinks it is good to get the kids involved in excercising and living a healthy lifestyle.

Training: I am not currently on a training plan. I have been focusing on the bike due to the long ride at the end of June. The last week of May I will start a training plan for the Pumpkinman HIM on Oct. 15. I run when I can, and need to get back into the habit of going to master swim twice a week.

2011 Races:
3/26 Showdown at Sundown (Swim Cancelled)
4/22 Easter 5K
5/20 5K
6/20-25 Bike From SLC to Vegas
8/13 ET Full Moon Midnight 1/2 Mary
9/16 5K
10/15 Pumpkinman HIM

Goals: I am not looking to lose weight I am 6' 155-160. I am looking to improve my tri knowledge, have fun, and be a little competitive. I can be to competitive sometimes and forget that this is my first year on my tri journey, I like to go fast and want to get faster. Someday I would like to prepare for and complete a Full IM.


Haha,"addicted to triathlons"...aren't we all?


I've biked through Utah twice and will honestly say is is my favorite/most beautiful place I've ever biked.  Nevada....not so much .  I biked into Vegas one year though, and that was nice because it's all downhill.  That sounds like a really fun bike trip and it's really nice you're helping out those around you.

2011-04-27 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3468242

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Katy, TX
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

slornow - 2011-04-27 5:48 AM Good morning everyone.  What's on tap for training today?  I plan to swim at lunch and then an easy hour on the bike tonight.


I did an easy 4 mile run/walk this morning. I don't get 'good' running in during the week because I'm usually pushing a stroller.

I'm hoping to get some riding in this evening.

2011-04-27 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3469222

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Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
cbrookhart - 2011-04-27 1:10 PM
jsiegs - 2011-04-27 12:08 PM
cbrookhart - 2011-04-27 12:56 PM

Room for one more?  I saw you were from Baltimore and figured this had to be the best group to join

NAME: Christy

STORY:  I did my first tri 8 years ago.  I stopped for a few years and got back into it last year.

FAMILY STATUS:  I'm married with a 21 month old and a 4 year old.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm using BT half ironman plan. So far, so good.  I've had a few set backs with sick kids and other family stuff but I'm training a lot more than I did last year.  I'm really trying to get faster on my bike.  It's a real struggle.


Columbia Triathlon - 5/22

Baltimore 10 miler 6/18

Mountaineer HIM 6/26

Half full (swim portion of relay) 10/2

That's all I've signed up for.  Like to do another one or two.


Good to have a fellow MDer.  Whereabouts in Baltimore?  I'm currently in Canton, but moving in June.  Haven't made the final decision with my fiancee yet, but we'll either be in Canton again or in the White Marsh, Parkville, Perry Hall suburbs region.

I'm in Parkville.  I'd stay in Canton as long as you can Smile.  I miss the city.  But, not the place I want to be with 2 little ones.


I've been in the city for 10 years...I'm ready to leave.  I work in Edgewood, so I want to shorten the commute a bit too.  My fiancee is new to city living so she wants to stay another year.  "Happy wife, happy life" means I'm probably gonna end up here for another year though!

2011-04-27 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3468242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

slornow - 2011-04-27 5:48 AM Good morning everyone.  What's on tap for training today?  I plan to swim at lunch and then an easy hour on the bike tonight.


Today's my off day!!!

2011-04-27 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3468832

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Oak Park
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
jsiegs - 2011-04-27 10:21 AM 

 I have a couple thoughts for you:

I took a look at your run volume and am a little concerned you might over extend yourself because you've metioned running injuries have plagued you in the past.  How will your effort in the 5K be?  Are you racing it hard, or will it be same effort as a training run?  if you'll be going hard, I'd probably recommend waiting until Sunday to do another run.  If you are going at your training pace, can you just keep running another few miles at the end?  If not, I like doing double runs in a day to get good milage in while reducing the overall stress on your body.  However, just know that 2 3 mile runs isn't the same as 1 six mile in terms of your body's physiological gains.  perhaps the long run can wait a day or two and you can do all 6 at once?

Re: Recovery.  I don't like recovery weeks.  But that's me.  Recovery week for an individual sport while maintaining/building the other two I do like though.  That's personal preference more than science, and unfortunately I don't know if the science backs up that approach, but I had a coach and friend build a custom plan for me and it incorporates that principle.  I went crazy big on the bike one week with normal run/swim.  The next week, the bike was tapered back, but my run was higher.  It keeps overall volume consistent (not fluctuating really high or low which causes disruptions to life) but lets you get those "Big" weeks in.  IMHO, you shouldn't need a full recovery week while building like this.  I generally don't schedule recovery weeks either, but only do them if my body is telling me I need one.

 What are your thoughts about it? Does anyone else have any thoughts on running and recovery weeks?

Geez, thanks... this was an awesome answer! 

Re: my running. I am kind of scared about overextending too, to be honest, given that every time I've tried to increase my running distance in past year's I've gotten injured.  I want the 5K to be a pretty hard effort; I'd like to PR. That said, I have 2 other options to fit the 6-miler in:

  • I do the 5K on Sat, then do the 6 mile on Tuesday (my regular run day which was supposed to be a 3 mile run). I'll have to rearrange some things at work but I think I can get it in. My "long run" the following Saturday is only 4 miles so I think this might work.
  • If that doesn't work out, the other option is to do the 6 mile NEXT Saturday instead of the planned 4-mile --- but then I have consistent build weeks all the way up to the 10-miler and I don't know how susceptible that makes me to overuse issues. 

If this is confusing, here's the Hal Higdon plan I'm following --- I'm in week 6 right now.  

re: recovery. Glad that you like the idea of mixing build weeks and step-back weeks for various sports. It's the only way I'm going to get in the 10-miler AND Oly tri training on top of each other! I've never tried this approach before but it seems like it makes sense --- I'm just concerned that I'm not physically and mentally strong enough to keep the volume consistent without the break every now and again. Mentally I find a lot of value in recovery weeks. I start feeling very fatigued and the prospect of a 2-mile Tuesday run instead of a 4-mile Tuesday run seems to make it much easier to deal with. 

2011-04-27 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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Katy, TX
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open

Couple Questions:

1. Is there any need to taper or carb load before this race? I don't consider my training ridiculous and difficult that if I stick to my regular routine next week I would collapse on race day. The only thing I'm cutting out next week is Friday's training because we do a sprint tri, and it's usually a 2-day recovery for me.

Typical week: spin tue/thurs, run/walk wed/fri, tri training fri

Race: 2 mile swim, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run

2. Race day check in is at 5:30. What or when do you typically eat before your race? If I eat breakfast before I get there, it would be 4 a.m. when I eat... then not again until after the race?? Or should I eat on the way, then have a zone bar once transition is set up?

2011-04-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3435676

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: jsiegs and slornow's Train Hard and Have Fun group - Open
Glad to see we are continuing to grow. Lots of activity since I checked in this morning. 

Joe-hope you are feeling better and got good news from the doc.

The "long and slow" versus "short and hard" training philosophy seems to come up pretty regularly here on BT.  I agree with Joe's previous response.  You can certainly introduce harder more frequent intervals on the bike as there is less impact and the body recovers quicker.  I've seen many people advocate that you should do no "speedwork" on the run until you are running 30 miles per week.  I dont really agree with that in triathlon training but I think it is good to look at other ways to do "speedwork" than traditional track intervals. Some quick thoughts

1.  Incorporate a short brick run of a couple of miles after a bike.  This gets you and your body acclimated to running off the bike and the feeling of fatigue that will occur in a race.

2. Fartlek run-go out and do your planned run but every so often pick a point in the distance like a stop sign, lamp post etc and run harder to it. Then return to your regular pace and repeat a few times.

3. Negative split your run.  Say if you are running 4 miles try to do the first 2 at an easy pace and then the last 2 somewhat faster.

There are lots of others.  Big thing I try to do is avoid anything that is more likely to cause me injury.  Lots of slow steady running (Z2 for me) does a great job of building aerobic base.  Bake the cake and then ice other works build the base and then try to get faster.   

Had a solid (for me) swim at lunch.  A little surprising since my swim numbers are low this month and I had not been in the pool for a week.

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