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2006-03-01 2:56 PM
in reply to: #357572

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

And I thought this was going to be about the fight club or something


But coach has had me doing little else but Z1-2 work for the past 3 months.  I'll let you know how it works out on June 26th...



2006-03-01 3:16 PM
in reply to: #358017

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Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Are you talking about the strides? Assuming by speed work you mean strides that bust you out of z2 and then drop back in, yes?

(Hey, I said I was a believer, I didn't say I knew what the hell I was talking about! And, yes, I'd totally dig a TShirt ... in dry-fit, if possible )


mikericci - 2006-03-01 3:41 PM

OMG Chippy - what have you started? Here is my question for everyone in the cult - have you been able to do the speed work associated with the Z2 runs - and I mean the 4-6 x 15-30" - I know a few of you were injured - (Chippy, Jen).

T- shirts - I like it! If you are all serious let me know, we could do something.

2006-03-01 3:26 PM
in reply to: #358065

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Baaahhhh humbug ...... HR zone training is overrated and it is just the in thing right now ....
2006-03-01 3:32 PM
in reply to: #358023

Laurium, MI
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Global - 2006-03-01 1:44 PM

A funny side note. My wife runs with a club here in Victoria that is co-coached by Laurie Bowden, and when my wife asked her about heart rate training she told her it was a bunch of crap. Now you can't tell a 14 time ironman winner (including 2 kona's) that she doesn't know her stuff. I'm guessing she HR trains but can just tell where her body is at by feel. At that level you are probably very in tune with what your body is doing.


her ex (forget his name) is also an Ironman champ and is one of the bigest proponents for HR training.  Maybe theres some bad blood there?

I've been HR training since january and I've dropped my 5k time below 21 min and can average at least 8:30's for even my longest runs (barring huge, rediculous hills).  This is after dieing on 10 mile runs in december. 

2006-03-01 3:36 PM
in reply to: #358097

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Seattle, California
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
vortmax - 2006-03-01 1:32 PM

her ex (forget his name) i

Peter Ried

2006-03-01 3:43 PM
in reply to: #357869

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
jldicarlo - 2006-03-01 1:59 PM

There was a LOOOOOOOOOOONG post on the HR training zones...the post that wouldn't die.  So, for starters, you could go find it...can't be hidden too deeply.

BUT...REALLY, the best way to join the cult is to pony up the $$$$ for the gold membership, go to the Training Support Forums, and say, "Mike, I need help!"   He'll assist you in learning the ways....

Yeah, this is basically what I was asking without asking it.

A lot of people here seem to have coaches. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Is Gold membership a viable alternative? What benefits can I derive from it.

Sell my wife me on it!

2006-03-01 3:52 PM
in reply to: #358112

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Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

I believe it is $75 for 6 months. It's gone up a bit, but is still a bargin, especially for the caliber of coaching. Having the ability to post my questions to a coach of Mike's expertise has provided a better focus to my training and eliminated a lot of "wasted" effort, and for only $75/6 months it is a helluva deal, in my opinion.

BUT, you don't need a coach to train using heartrate zones ... you just need to read up on the wealth of information that is out there.

Opus - 2006-03-01 4:43 PM
jldicarlo - 2006-03-01 1:59 PM

There was a LOOOOOOOOOOONG post on the HR training zones...the post that wouldn't die.  So, for starters, you could go find it...can't be hidden too deeply.

BUT...REALLY, the best way to join the cult is to pony up the $$$$ for the gold membership, go to the Training Support Forums, and say, "Mike, I need help!"   He'll assist you in learning the ways....

Yeah, this is basically what I was asking without asking it. A lot of people here seem to have coaches. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Is Gold membership a viable alternative? What benefits can I derive from it. Sell my wife me on it!
2006-03-01 4:07 PM
in reply to: #358020

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

mullinsm - 2006-03-01 12:43 PM I've been on board the HRM zone-training bandwagon for a couple of months now...haven't raced much to test out the progress, but I really do like the idea of having concrete, instant information about HOW I am training. Like many athletes that start using a HRM, I quickly discovered that my perceived Z2 efforts were really Z3, that dreaded zone where no progress is ever made. No wonder I wasn't getting any faster! I won't have a solid personal answer on the merits of zone training until June, but so far I'm digging it. The principal of building aerobic base is very well-established, and I'm sure it's going to pay off for me, if for no other reason than because I'm burning fat and putting in more miles. But I suspect (and hope) that there will be even more benefits, similar to what others have reported here. I could never go back now, certainly...running or biking without a HRM now would feel like wearing a blindfold. mm

This is where a measured LT test comes in each month - 30' on a measured course, same one each month. You'll know if you are progressing that way.

2006-03-01 4:09 PM
in reply to: #358038

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Stake - don't measure success by one  day out of 6 months of training. if you are improving in training then you are improving. Race Day execution is something completely different.
2006-03-01 4:11 PM
in reply to: #358065

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
ChipmunkHeart - 2006-03-01 1:16 PM

Are you talking about the strides? Assuming by speed work you mean strides that bust you out of z2 and then drop back in, yes?

(Hey, I said I was a believer, I didn't say I knew what the hell I was talking about! And, yes, I'd totally dig a TShirt ... in dry-fit, if possible )


mikericci - 2006-03-01 3:41 PM

OMG Chippy - what have you started? Here is my question for everyone in the cult - have you been able to do the speed work associated with the Z2 runs - and I mean the 4-6 x 15-30" - I know a few of you were injured - (Chippy, Jen).

T- shirts - I like it! If you are all serious let me know, we could do something.


yep strides - if we get enough people we can order some Brooks Podium shirts - mens and womens - I have a big order coming up soon anyway so I can tack on some more.

2006-03-01 4:17 PM
in reply to: #358112

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

It is seriously one of the best deals going.  Mike has written several training plans for all kinds of races.  For $75 over six months you can use any of these plans and pick Mike's brain as often as you like in the training support forum.  It's a flippin' STEAL.  FABULOUS way to get started without shelling out tons of money for a coach.  So, YES...Gold Membership is a very viable alternative to having a coach.

And the best part is that it's MIKE.  He ROCKS! (even if he does trip people while skiing).

2006-03-01 4:18 PM
in reply to: #358017

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
If you mean Jen as in ME Jen, then yes...I did them...when I was able to run...sniffle...sniffle...stupid knee.
2006-03-01 4:21 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Hmm - how much can I get for my old Garmin 201? I saw an ad for the new 301 and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it might be. But as I have the 201 I really can't justify it to my wife...

By the way - the Crazy Canucks Kicked A$$ in the February Run Challenge even without the Heart Rate Monitors!

Edited by CalgaryRunner 2006-03-01 4:23 PM
2006-03-01 4:23 PM
in reply to: #358145

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

mikericci - 2006-03-01 4:11 PM

if we get enough people we can order some Brooks Podium shirts - mens and womens - I have a big order coming up soon anyway so I can tack on some more.

Oh, that would be so freakin' sweet!  You can count me in.  Do we have any graphic designers in the hizzle who'd want to take a crack at the design?

For those who're wondering if Gold Membership is worth the money: I'm totally sold myself.  You have access to very specific training plans, tons of informational reading and, most importantly, the expertise of Mike Ricci.  Coaches aren't cheap and good coaches are even more expensive.  My feeling is that you'll get a lot of value for your dollar but that's just me (and Chippy, Jen, Joel, Bill, Hollis, Jim, Comet, et. al.)

2006-03-01 4:36 PM
in reply to: #358156

Laurium, MI
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
i'd be in for a shirt
2006-03-01 5:13 PM
in reply to: #358173

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Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

vortmax - 2006-03-01 5:36 PM i'd be in for a shirt

That was my philosophy exactly.

2006-03-01 5:54 PM
in reply to: #358156

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Matchman - 2006-03-01 2:23 PM

mikericci - 2006-03-01 4:11 PM

if we get enough people we can order some Brooks Podium shirts - mens and womens - I have a big order coming up soon anyway so I can tack on some more.

Oh, that would be so freakin' sweet!  You can count me in.  Do we have any graphic designers in the hizzle who'd want to take a crack at the design?

For those who're wondering if Gold Membership is worth the money: I'm totally sold myself.  You have access to very specific training plans, tons of informational reading and, most importantly, the expertise of Mike Ricci.  Coaches aren't cheap and good coaches are even more expensive.  My feeling is that you'll get a lot of value for your dollar but that's just me (and Chippy, Jen, Joel, Bill, Hollis, Jim, Comet, et. al.)

I think the shirt needs a cool logo on the front - and then BT and D3 on the back - if someone has an idea on a logo, I do have a graphic designer who is on retainer with me that can give this a go.

2006-03-01 5:58 PM
in reply to: #358153

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

"By the way - the Crazy Canucks Kicked A$$ in the February Run Challenge even without the Heart Rate Monitors!

- Did you ever hear the term "February Champion"? - haa haa! Just kidding of course. Glad to see you are improving!


2006-03-01 6:20 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Can I get a shirt even if I don't have the gold membership? I recently became a convert, did my LT test and have reprogrammed my Garmin with the new zones... I wanna shirt toooooo *whine*
2006-03-01 7:05 PM
in reply to: #358142

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

mikericci - 2006-03-01 5:09 PM Stake - don't measure success by one  day out of 6 months of training. if you are improving in training then you are improving. Race Day execution is something completely different.



2006-03-01 7:13 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

I, too, have been assimilated in the Z1/Z2 cult. It's hard to keep myself from trying to run/ride faster, but I ran the first 10K of my LIFE Feb. 4 and not only kicked some A$$ out there, I actually ran faster than I did the 5K's in my sprint tri's last year!

And yes, Gold membership is more than worth every penny. Mike's advice is right on and he'll even tolerate the occasional whine with good humor! 

I'm in for a shirt! 

I'm not a graphic designer, but I can sometimes come up with some interesting ideas. Let me see what I can do. (I promise, no sausages this time )

2006-03-01 7:14 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Kool-Aid here, please.  Grape. 

I was watching Chris train all winter, and I was bs'ing with him in December in chat...told him I was watching him like a hawk, and if he broke a good one off at Gasparilla, that there'd still be time for me to catch him for St. A's.  Well, the jury's in. In a big way. 

Shirt me, too.  BT/D3 on the back, Z2 Kool Aid on the front.  That'd rock the suburbs.

Edited by rkreuser 2006-03-01 7:15 PM
2006-03-01 7:54 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Pass me some of that grape cool aide (and a little Grey Goose). I am ready to shell out the $75 and begin real heart rate training. I just got a monitor and used it today for a 41 minute run but I know although I was at a medium perceived exertion I was likely well above z2. I have already dropped my pace but need to drop it some more. So... After 15 years of going ball$ out in everything I do I am ready to train smarter and not harder. The sprint tris start in June - how long does it take to see results? The testimonials here are giving me the push I need for this change.
2006-03-01 8:02 PM
in reply to: #357572

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
okay, i've been trying to stay in the lower zones as well, but here's a question - where do you get your zones calculated? i was working out zones based on 'the indoor cyclist' and it was different than what my timex hrm figured out (similar, but off by quite a bit for some of the zones). went and used different calculators online and i got a range of answers. some list 4 zones, and some up to 7 zones. help?????
2006-03-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #357572

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Quick pass at a logo. Comments welcome...

Figured we need red/blue to represent BT! Don't like the shoe so much, I wanted to get a more "kick ass" image, but haven't come up with it yet. 


Edited by nuke_angel 2006-03-01 8:58 PM


Kickass.jpg (97KB - 32 downloads)
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