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2011-12-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

Name: Jennifer/jarvy01

Story: I felt a little lost after having my fourth child in Feb. 2010, almost as if I didn't recognize myself as person outside of parenting.  I decided to start running, because I'd always told myself I couldn't run, and I began with the couch to 5k program.  After running in my first road race, I thought it would be fun to try triathlon.  I fell in love with the training (love the racing, too). 

Family Status: Married with 4 children - Conrad (6), Madge (5), Gordon (3), and Freddy (1).

Current Training: I'm really trying to focus on running and cycling until spring.  I have the most to gain in those 2 sports.

2011 Races:  Cleveland HM, Wendy's sprint tri, Cleveland sprint, Chicago international, Topath HM, and 3 other small, local sprint tris.   

Planned 2012 Races:  Cleveland HM, Grand Rapids international, Cleveland international, Half Rev Cedar Point.  I'm also going to race a 2 mile open water swim sometime in July.   

Weightloss:  My goal for the winter months is to maintain my weight and build some muscle.  I'd like to race - 5-6 lbs. next Sept., but I think the loss will happen naturally as a result of my summer training load. 


2011-12-19 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3944645

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

I'm Shaun and I'm the member of Kel's family who doesn't walk on 4 legs. 


You'll probably see me bump in and out to discuss certain topics.

2011-12-19 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3943066

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

Hi, i would also like to join if there is still room in your group! Never been on BT much before but would love to join you guys.

Name: Meghan/swima

Story: Hi I'm Meghan, Im 22 and currently in my first year of medical school. I was a D1 swimmer in college and swam all my life and picked up running and then triathlons in college as well. I've done three HIMs including the world champs finishing at 5:04 for a PR I have been bitten by the triathlon bug and now that i have recently finished the philly mar, i want to finish one of my life goals of completing a full ironman this summer during my last "free" summer i will ever have. My training time will be somewhat affected by the fact that med school comes first and triathlons there definitely will be some sacrifices I will have to make. This is the one last chance for a while i'll have to do it, so i'm hoping for some support! 

Family Status: Single

Current Training: Currently i'm following Hal Higdon Intermediate 2 plan for the boston marathon in terms of running. I'm not too worried about the swim since i am a pretty good swimmer bc of D1 swimming, but i'll get in workouts when i can, hopefully aiming for twice a week. As for biking, I plan to do a long bike every saturday and then alternate the biking with the marathon training during the week. I don't think i'll be able to get in more than an hour to an hour and a half per day during the week, because medical school is very demanding. Then, from june to when Ironman lake placid is in july, I plan to train really hard (plus a short taper). I have already been recommended by a couple of BTers in another forum not to try for an ironman this summer because of medical school, but its really my last chance and I think i can do it even with minimal training. I hope so at least. I'm going to go for it. 

2010/2011 Races:  Jul 2010..IM 70.3 Providence, Sept 2010 IM 70.3 Syracuse, Nov 2010 IM 70.3 World Champs, Nov 2011..Philadelphia Marathon   

Planned 2012 Races:  April 16: Boston Marathon, May 1: Philly broad street run, July...IMLP!! 

Weightloss:  Stay incredibly fit and don't let all the sitting at a desk studying all day catch up to me

Oh, one last note, the biggest things holding me back in triathlons so far, are my lack of knowledge of how to properly use gears on the bike, and just general fear on on the bike. 

Great to meet you all, thanks!

2011-12-19 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3944512

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
kaburns1214 - 2011-12-20 7:34 AM 

Welcome aboard!

I'm jealous -- southern hemisphere.  Its very cold here at the moment. 


Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to it!

Jealousy works both ways... Come June/July all you northern hemisphere guys will be into full race mode, and I'll be stuck inside on the trainer... 

2011-12-19 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

I'd love to jump in with you guys!

Name: ReginaPhalange72 (Sarah)

Story: I've been a marathoner for a few years now and have just jumped headfirst into the tri world by signing up for my first Ironman.  I love swimming and biking too, but I'm primarily a runner at the moment.  So I really need to work on those, and will take all the help I can get!

Family Status: Married with two dogs.

Current Training: Right now I'm training for my upcoming marathon (March 17th), and will be increasing my biking/swimming distances during this time just as crosstraining.  I'll start my actual training program (the BT Ironman plan, or perhaps the Friel plan - just got the book tonight!) on/around April 1st.

2011 Races: Buffalo Marathon, Adirondack Marathon

Planned 2012 Races: DC Rock n Roll Marathon (March 17th), a few olympics to work out the kinks, HITS Cooperstown full Ironman (Sept 23rd)

Weightloss: I'm at my body's "happy" weight (5' even, 128 lbs), but I'd love to get down to a good race weight that would be somewhere closer to 110-115 lbs.

Also, I'm a blog nerd:

2011-12-19 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3944783

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
bulfrog - 2011-12-19 6:27 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-12-20 7:34 AM 

Welcome aboard!

I'm jealous -- southern hemisphere.  Its very cold here at the moment. 


Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to it!

Jealousy works both ways... Come June/July all you northern hemisphere guys will be into full race mode, and I'll be stuck inside on the trainer... 

Put me down as another jealous one.  I was in Auckland, Taupo, and ChCh in January working on my Ph.D. fieldwork (I'm a geologist and study volcanoes), and I never wanted to leave.  I'd move there in a heartbeat.

2011-12-19 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3944884

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
ReginaPhalange72 - 2011-12-19 6:54 PM

I'd love to jump in with you guys!

Name: ReginaPhalange72 (Sarah)

Story: I've been a marathoner for a few years now and have just jumped headfirst into the tri world by signing up for my first Ironman.  I love swimming and biking too, but I'm primarily a runner at the moment.  So I really need to work on those, and will take all the help I can get!

Family Status: Married with two dogs.

Current Training: Right now I'm training for my upcoming marathon (March 17th), and will be increasing my biking/swimming distances during this time just as crosstraining.  I'll start my actual training program (the BT Ironman plan, or perhaps the Friel plan - just got the book tonight!) on/around April 1st.

2011 Races: Buffalo Marathon, Adirondack Marathon

Planned 2012 Races: DC Rock n Roll Marathon (March 17th), a few olympics to work out the kinks, HITS Cooperstown full Ironman (Sept 23rd)

Weightloss: I'm at my body's "happy" weight (5' even, 128 lbs), but I'd love to get down to a good race weight that would be somewhere closer to 110-115 lbs.

Also, I'm a blog nerd:

Love the user name
2011-12-19 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

Ok here's the list so far (hyper linked to everyone's training logs).  I added a few who haven;t introduced themselves yet, but they let me know they wanted in.  I think we're closed out now.

kaburns1214 (Kelly)

uhcoog (Scott)

bryancd (Bryan)

karen26.2 (Karen)

triguy1043 (Jeremy)

calimavs (Margot)

crmorton (Chris)

abqtj (Steve)

bulfrog (Andrew)

gabrelsj (Jason)

jarvy01 (Jen)

cubeframgopher (Shaun)

swima (Meghan)

reginaphalange72 (Sarah)

carrie639 (Carrie)

DDVMM (Michele)

jsklarz (Jeff-y)

Rudedog55 (Rud-y)

Rizer22 (Jeff)


2011-12-19 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3944901

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

uhcoog - 2011-12-19 8:03 PM Love the user name

Thanks! Laughing

2011-12-19 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3944904

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
Dumb question - how do you USE the training logs?  I literally just signed up to BT two days ago, so I have no idea.
2011-12-19 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3944912

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

ReginaPhalange72 - 2011-12-19 8:09 PM Dumb question - how do you USE the training logs?  I literally just signed up to BT two days ago, so I have no idea.

How do you use them technically or how do people utilize them?

If you take a look at mine, I've been logging regularly for five years.  I put my workouts in everyday and it lets me track hours, paces, my thoughts, etc.  I find it really useful to be able to look back at how I felt and how I've improved over time. 

2011-12-19 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3943066

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - CLOSED
i second this question! 
2011-12-19 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3944912

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

ReginaPhalange72 - 2011-12-19 8:09 PM Dumb question - how do you USE the training logs?  I literally just signed up to BT two days ago, so I have no idea.

There are actually 2 different types of logs available under your "Training Log."

The first is the log where you can track any physical activity.  For the particular day you want to track, click on the "Training" hyperlink in the day and you'll see entry boxes for Swim/Bike/Run workouts.  Below that are entry boxes for strength training, sports activities, etc. 

If you're using one of BT's training plans, the plan will be imported into your training log (depending on your membership level) so that the workout boxes are pre-populated for the given day.

The second log is the nutrition log.  This component has grown over the past year into a really good tool for tracking your nutrition.  When logging your food, you can search for foods that others have entered or you can enter your own nutritional information.  For instance, if you always eat a specific meal, you can create a single entry for it with all of the known information so you don't have to re-enter the components each day.  It is a good way to see just how many and what type of calories you are consuming each day.  I'll leave Kel's thoughts on calorie consumption, insulin response and weight loss for a completely separate discussion.


Welcome to the group and don't hesitate to ask any question on any topic.  We're always happy to help.

Edited by CubeFarmGopher 2011-12-19 7:30 PM
2011-12-19 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3944952

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
CubeFarmGopher - 2011-12-19 8:29 PM

ReginaPhalange72 - 2011-12-19 8:09 PM Dumb question - how do you USE the training logs?  I literally just signed up to BT two days ago, so I have no idea.

There are actually 2 different types of logs available under your "Training Log."

The first is the log where you can track any physical activity.  For the particular day you want to track, click on the "Training" hyperlink in the day and you'll see entry boxes for Swim/Bike/Run workouts.  Below that are entry boxes for strength training, sports activities, etc. 

If you're using one of BT's training plans, the plan will be imported into your training log (depending on your membership level) so that the workout boxes are pre-populated for the given day.

The second log is the nutrition log.  This component has grown over the past year into a really good tool for tracking your nutrition.  When logging your food, you can search for foods that others have entered or you can enter your own nutritional information.  For instance, if you always eat a specific meal, you can create a single entry for it with all of the known information so you don't have to re-enter the components each day.  It is a good way to see just how many and what type of calories you are consuming each day.  I'll leave Kel's thoughts on calorie consumption, insulin response and weight loss for a completely separate discussion.


Welcome to the group and don't hesitate to ask any question on any topic.  We're always happy to help.

Thanks!  I'll have to play around with those.

I forgot to mention, I'm vegan, so my nutrition stuff might be a tad different from most.

2011-12-19 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - CLOSED
Bummer, get home from work and this group is already closed. :-( I will be faster next time. :-)
2011-12-19 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3944958

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
I have been on BT for 2 years, I just figured out about a weeks or two ago how to download my Garmin data to BT and just started logging nutrition the last few weeks too.  It is a great tool.  Take a look at a few people's logs to get and idea of what type of data can be added.

2011-12-19 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3944976

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

carrie639 - 2011-12-19 8:44 PM I have been on BT for 2 years, I just figured out about a weeks or two ago how to download my Garmin data to BT and just started logging nutrition the last few weeks too.  It is a great tool.  Take a look at a few people's logs to get and idea of what type of data can be added.

Oooo, how do you do the Garmin data?  That would be great!

2011-12-19 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - CLOSED

Name:  Carrie639

Story:  I played ice hockey for many years, but after many trips to the surgical room I decided to hang up my skates about 7 years ago.  I still worked out but that was becoming bored with really no goal to works towards.  I talked to a trainer about doing something similar to a triathlon, but didn't want to run (always got shin splints).  She mentioned aquabikes and I signed up for my first race in 2009, an olympic aquabike.  That soon was not enough as I wanted to complete a triathlon.  I struggled in 2010 with the run and constant injuries, so did 2 half aquabikes.  I changed shoes, tossed the custom expensive orthodics and began running again in august 2010.  I did my first 1/2 mary last November in 2010.  

Kelly is currently training me.  We have really turned my training around to force more HR training (which I have never focused on).  I am looking forward to a transformation in 2012!  I am told we have alot of work to do on nutrition

Family status:  Single with 2 chocolate labs (Bella and Briggs) and a cat named Tag

Current Training:  I am training hard core (soon to ramp down, thankfully) for Goofy in January... Disney World race with a 1/2 mary on Saturday and a full mary on Sunday.  While I expect this to be the toughest race mentally ... the medals will be well worth it!!!  I just keep telling myself I am doing a 5k, just several of them.

2011 races:  I spent a good portion of the beginning of 2011 injured with an IT band injury and a hip flexor injury, so I bagged triathlons and focused on the Chicago marathon.  I switched from the Hidgon program to the Galloway program.  I did a few 1/2 marys, some shorter races and 2 mary's.  I also, participated in the swim portion of tri relays when needed.

2012 races:  Still in discussion with Kelly, but Goofy in January, Illinois 5k & half challenge and the Wisconsin 1/2 mary (did I forget to mention those?).  I am also competing in swim meets (my master swim has us learn all strokes), probably 2 HIM's and another marathon or two. Not sure yet.

Weightloss:  I have lost about 40 lbs in the last few years and plan to work hard on an additional 40-50 in 2012.  I think weight is one of my biggest limiters as well as training to hard at too high HR's

I have been on this thread for the past 12-18 months. This is a great group of athletes with all levels of ability and experiences in many different disciplines.  Mentor threads like this are great learning tools from training, nutrition, race strategy, potty training, etc  This is a fun group

2011-12-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3944994

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

Someone else maybe be able to expand on this, but I was already connected to downloading data to (not sure if this is needed), but when you go into "training" on your day, at the bottom of the bike or run portions, you will see "download data". It will look for watches, hopefully yours will show up.  If you watch shows up, hit "download data" and it will transfer the data and load all your data into the workouts (time, distance, pace, HR, etc).

I haven't figured out how to download data when I do a bike and run (argh), still learning ..., but I usually can get the run data in there.

I hope this helps.

2011-12-19 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3945031

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
My bad, It will say "import from Garmin" below the bike or run
2011-12-19 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3945035

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN

carrie639 - 2011-12-19 9:16 PM My bad, It will say "import from Garmin" below the bike or run


2011-12-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3944730

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
swima - 2011-12-19 4:37 PM

Hi, i would also like to join if there is still room in your group! Never been on BT much before but would love to join you guys.

Name: Meghan/swima

Story: Hi I'm Meghan, Im 22 and currently in my first year of medical school. I was a D1 swimmer in college and swam all my life and picked up running and then triathlons in college as well. I've done three HIMs including the world champs finishing at 5:04 for a PR I have been bitten by the triathlon bug and now that i have recently finished the philly mar, i want to finish one of my life goals of completing a full ironman this summer during my last "free" summer i will ever have. My training time will be somewhat affected by the fact that med school comes first and triathlons there definitely will be some sacrifices I will have to make. This is the one last chance for a while i'll have to do it, so i'm hoping for some support! 

Family Status: Single

Current Training: Currently i'm following Hal Higdon Intermediate 2 plan for the boston marathon in terms of running. I'm not too worried about the swim since i am a pretty good swimmer bc of D1 swimming, but i'll get in workouts when i can, hopefully aiming for twice a week. As for biking, I plan to do a long bike every saturday and then alternate the biking with the marathon training during the week. I don't think i'll be able to get in more than an hour to an hour and a half per day during the week, because medical school is very demanding. Then, from june to when Ironman lake placid is in july, I plan to train really hard (plus a short taper). I have already been recommended by a couple of BTers in another forum not to try for an ironman this summer because of medical school, but its really my last chance and I think i can do it even with minimal training. I hope so at least. I'm going to go for it. 

2010/2011 Races:  Jul 2010..IM 70.3 Providence, Sept 2010 IM 70.3 Syracuse, Nov 2010 IM 70.3 World Champs, Nov 2011..Philadelphia Marathon   

Planned 2012 Races:  April 16: Boston Marathon, May 1: Philly broad street run, July...IMLP!! 

Weightloss:  Stay incredibly fit and don't let all the sitting at a desk studying all day catch up to me

Oh, one last note, the biggest things holding me back in triathlons so far, are my lack of knowledge of how to properly use gears on the bike, and just general fear on on the bike. 

Great to meet you all, thanks!


Welcome I will be at IM Lake Placid as well

2011-12-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3945111

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - OPEN
triguy1043 - 2011-12-19 9:57 PM
swima - 2011-12-19 4:37 PM

Hi, i would also like to join if there is still room in your group! Never been on BT much before but would love to join you guys.

Name: Meghan/swima

Story: Hi I'm Meghan, Im 22 and currently in my first year of medical school. I was a D1 swimmer in college and swam all my life and picked up running and then triathlons in college as well. I've done three HIMs including the world champs finishing at 5:04 for a PR I have been bitten by the triathlon bug and now that i have recently finished the philly mar, i want to finish one of my life goals of completing a full ironman this summer during my last "free" summer i will ever have. My training time will be somewhat affected by the fact that med school comes first and triathlons there definitely will be some sacrifices I will have to make. This is the one last chance for a while i'll have to do it, so i'm hoping for some support! 

Family Status: Single

Current Training: Currently i'm following Hal Higdon Intermediate 2 plan for the boston marathon in terms of running. I'm not too worried about the swim since i am a pretty good swimmer bc of D1 swimming, but i'll get in workouts when i can, hopefully aiming for twice a week. As for biking, I plan to do a long bike every saturday and then alternate the biking with the marathon training during the week. I don't think i'll be able to get in more than an hour to an hour and a half per day during the week, because medical school is very demanding. Then, from june to when Ironman lake placid is in july, I plan to train really hard (plus a short taper). I have already been recommended by a couple of BTers in another forum not to try for an ironman this summer because of medical school, but its really my last chance and I think i can do it even with minimal training. I hope so at least. I'm going to go for it. 

2010/2011 Races:  Jul 2010..IM 70.3 Providence, Sept 2010 IM 70.3 Syracuse, Nov 2010 IM 70.3 World Champs, Nov 2011..Philadelphia Marathon   

Planned 2012 Races:  April 16: Boston Marathon, May 1: Philly broad street run, July...IMLP!! 

Weightloss:  Stay incredibly fit and don't let all the sitting at a desk studying all day catch up to me

Oh, one last note, the biggest things holding me back in triathlons so far, are my lack of knowledge of how to properly use gears on the bike, and just general fear on on the bike. 

Great to meet you all, thanks!


Welcome I will be at IM Lake Placid as well

I'll be volunteering (it's a great way to spend my birthday) so I'll cheer you on!

2011-12-19 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - CLOSED

Welcome to all the new names!


Name: DDVMM/Michele

Story: I have been running on and off for years. Just when I thought I was in the best shape ever, I was diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer. I had surgery and radiation and was thankful I had such a good level of fitness to get through both of those with minimal problems. I joined a group called Surviving Strong - a group of cancer survivors that ran HM's and triathlons - it was then I was introduced to the world of triathlon. I did my first sprint last summer with the great support of this group and I was hooked!

Family Status: Happily married with 4 very busy children, Kaiya (12), Marnie (10), Quinn (8), and Ellie (3)

Current Training:I am doing a weight training only month currently and will be adding cardio back in after Xmas.

2011 Races: Unite HM, NJ State Sprint, Danskin sprint, Philly HM, a few 5K's and tri club sprints

Planned 2012 Races: Unite HM, NJ state oly, Danskin, Irongirl MD, Philly HM

Weightloss: I am at a pretty ideal weight but would love to get down another 5 pounds (we are never happy are we?)


I just wanted to add that I LOVE this group! Kelly is a FANTASTIC mentor and I have learned SOOOOO much from her and everyone else here!!!!

2011-12-19 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3943066

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2012 - CLOSED

Okay, another question -

Is it worth actually paying for a BT subscription?  At the moment I'm just working with a free one.

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