BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-01-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4558547

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Welcome to the Group Andrea....hope your ready to train hard!

2013-01-03 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Sufferfest Video Hell Hath No Fury this morning... basically a 2x20 tempo with 3:30 minute TT at end. Legs were definitely not fully recovered from 2x20 I did on Tuesday bu they eventually came around.
2013-01-03 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Hi Jason,
Can I join your group? It sounds like it would be good for me because I only do olympic distance so far and it seems everyone else is doing the longer distances.

Name: davisjanis58, Jan

I am 54, married, have two grown children. I also take care of my aging mother.

I have been a runner since high school and ran regularly for years until in my 30's started having some injuries from running so much. I kept having to take time off, could not stand it, start again, get hurt again, etc. for several years. I added trail riding with my mountain bike to cross train. I ruptured my T5-S1 disc 3 years ago. That is still bothering me at times.

Then I joined Team in Training to train for a half marathon thinking if I had a coach I could get some help to see why I kept getting hurt, also a family member had cancer and as a nurse I took care of many little kids with leukemia.
There were 2 women there from our local tri team CMC or Columbia Multisport Club, recruiting for triathlon. I left the meeting signed up for the triathlon and got hooked.

I have done 4 olympic/international distance triathlons. My times are terrible because I am slow but I have not had any trouble finishing.

Innsbruck-that was a hard one to start with!
St. Anthony's in St. Petersburg twice
Maxtrack Duathlon-I got 3rd place for my age group! Of course there were only 3 women in my age group but I got a medal and on the stage anyway!
Redman Club Nationals
Multiple 5k and 10k's

My goals for this year:
Get back into a routine as I sit here with ice on my knee. I have had trouble with this knee for awhile and I re-injured it last night doing Rip 60, a workout using straps suspended from the ceiling. I also am not too good these days with working out outside in the cold and snow. So I am out of a routine and I am really suffering mentally and physically.

I also want to get faster, even if just a little bit, even if just one sport or total time.

I have a weight loss goal this year. I have gained 10 lbs over the last year and I would like to lose it!

This year I only have one race planned so far and that is San Diego Club Nationals April 20th.

So I like your mention of posting workouts and really I need a support group and some inspiration on getting going again!

I plan to swim today so I don't irritate my knee any more.

I look forward to talking with you all.

Thanks for doing this, Jason!
2013-01-03 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Swimmer's Group?
If I join this group does that mean I have to get in the pool?
B/c THAT's what I need!!!  Someone to push me into the pool (both figuratively and literally)

I HATE to swim, b/c I SUCK at it   My form isn't THAT bad, but if I spent more time in the pool I know I'd be better.

As well, my upcoming season is all about building speed at the Olympic distance.

Can I join?!?!

(and making new BT friends is ALWAYS fun!!!    )


2013-01-03 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Hi Jason,

Any room left?? I already like the “feel” of this group (reading the posts) and the age diversity that is here!!

My name is Howard and I just turned 49 in December! Married with two "kids" aged 25 and 21. I Live in Alberta, Canada and yes we are in the middle of another nice cold snowy winter. I train in a sportsplex throughout the winter that has a track, pool, weights etc. I started running in 2011 to start getting back into shape and soon realized that running full time was just too boring and a touch hard on the body! So what to do...TRIATHLON’S!! I did my first Sprint distance race last September, my motivational goal to continue getting back into shape. I chose the triathlon as I like the idea of all three disciplines, less chance of injury and variety. I am still getting back into shape! I lost 15 lbs last year and would like to repeat that again this year. I am really into diet now and am very aware of what goes in my mouth! I was born with a sweet tooth and still have a little trouble keeping my hand out of the cookie jar! Laughing But even that is getting better! I have always been active in various sports and activities over the years with strength training being the longest lasting discipline. I am quite motivated and even though I like all three disciplines I enjoy biking the most and my weakest link is the swim. I started swimming a year ago December and have come a long way but still have a long way to go. My goals this year are to do at least two Sprint distances late spring early summer and then do an Olympic distance late summer (pending my swim prowess).  I really think I could benefit from the group here and I can certainly add to it by being an encouragement to others and help where I can, particularly with diet and strength training.



2013-01-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Can't wait to feel the same way about cycling and running workouts as I do about swim workouts!  Cranked out a quick 2250 meters in the pool at lunch today.  Felt good.  My pace is getting faster, and I think it's because of the increased leg strength from running and cycling this past month.  Not quite as excited about the 1 hr that's scheduled on the treadmill tonight.  I know that eventually it'll feel good like the swims.  The same goes for the 2 hr rides scheduled on the stationary.

Train on!

2013-01-03 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4559605

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Jan, welcome to he group! Good to see someone else interested in Olympic distance!! I think it is one of the hardest distances to race.....Basically you are full gas the whole fast and far can you push yourself till you blow! Takes speed and endurance!! LOVE IT!!! Hopefully we can help you out and I can be a good mentor
2013-01-03 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4559607

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Of course you can get in the pool and make yourself hurt!
2013-01-03 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well off for bike #2 of the day!!!! Nice and EZ since i feel like I need some active recovery from this mornings leg thrashing...
2013-01-03 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

I like biking so maybe I am a little predisposed to the trainer but even saying that I found watching movies helps pass the time quickly. while not on a real "plan" with intervals what i did was really crank it up during a car chase or other high action point in a movie. In my mind this worked well as it was random in timing and length and typically movies build so your high intensity biking builds through the ride as well. Im no biking superstar but 20+mph was always my average speed on anything up to about 80 mile rides.

This works well if you like action movies, im not sure it would work well for "driving mrs daisy"

I miss my trainer, when I brought it in it had very noticeable wear on the metal roller and it sounded like a chainsaw because the bearings were shot. Hopefully blackburns "life time" warranty comes through with a new trainer for me!

Activities today included 2 hours of snowboarding and I will hit the treadmill for a bit as well.

2013-01-03 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Dang, no swim! I am going to have to find away to drag myself to the gym!!This weekend I am writing down names so I can get to know all of you. And I am going to work out!

2013-01-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: Thanks for the Motivation

Thanks for getting me motivated.  I am awful in the mornings but I don't see any way for me to keep with my objectives if I don't get up early at least twice a week and get some a.m. work in.  I managed to get on the trainer this morning and ran this afternoon.  It's too cold for outside running so I did the treadmill again.  I plan to do a longer run outside on Saturday when the temperature gets above 50F.Laughing

I'm starting to get a better understanding of the effort levels to use on the trainer for various intervals and my muscles could feel the workout today.

I am trying to fit in 3 swims, 3 bikes, and 4 runs a week starting this week but it doesn't look like I will quite get there unless I have an 8-day week.  Deer season ends Sunday so I won't have that to get in the way (maybe one more time).

2013-01-03 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Well... I finally tried getting back in a groove today.  Did a short spin segment w/ a class at work then thought I'd join my psycho friends for a little speed work at a local park.  Yeah, I ain't doin' that again.  No more running outside in the dark when it's 12 degrees outside.  Even the dog kept looking at me like I was crazy.

I will take a few minutes to write a "formal" introduction in the am.  Meanwhile, I've got to hit the shower and do a little spinal surgery on a torn stuffed Tiger that is going to school tomorrow.  Not sure security will let him in w/ the steel rods (safety pins) in his back.

2013-01-04 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Okay... finally here's my intro...

Name: geauxtri/Heather

Status:  Married w/ 2 boys (6 and 9), a geriatric cat (21yrs), a geriatric dog (12 yrs), and a running buddy (dog - 1yr)

My Story:  I got into triathlons 4 1/2 yrs ago when a co-worker asked me to take her place in a low key, local tri.  Problem was, I didn't know how to swim and couldn't jog a straight mile to save my life!!!  I had been gaining weight in my job (b/c you know working in a Rec Center can cause you to gain weight!)  THAT was when I decided I'd finally get in the pool at my rec center (which I managed to stay out of for the first 8 yrs in that building)  I worked my way through college personal training and teaching aerobics.  I graduated from college with a MS in Exercise Physiology, but pushing myself to get out there and train is my biggest issue.  It's become easier as I've created bigger goals, but after each of those goals I slump and have a hard time getting going again.  I just finished my first marathon and that is where I am now.  Worse yet, I have NO big races on tap for 2013, only time goals for shorter races (which is why I wanted in this group - we're all racing the same distance this coming season).    I work full-time in a BEAUTIFUL rec center that is just 2 yrs old.  I have NO EXCUSE not to swim, except that I seem to get tied to my desk WAY too often    - and I don't really like our master's coaches (they're both swimmers turned water polo players - of which one tried to get me to swim 50 yds w/ my head looking forward out of the water????)

2013:  My biggest goal is to get my HM time down to 2:15 (that's 15 minutes off my PR) and to drop my Olympic time down to 3:00 (that's about 30 min off last year).  I know those seem lofty, but being I don't have any goals of distance, I figure I should spend most of my time doing speed workouts.  I am trying to also keep my running base peaked at 15miles, I'm also looking at a fall marathon.
My current race schedule starts with a HM in two weeks (and 9 more through the year), 4 Olympics (May through Aug), and one marathon.  I'd like to fit a century or two in there somewhere.

Weightloss:  LOL!!!  For me it's just about the training, the weight that falls will fall if I'm doing things right.  Of course, even at my best body (during grad school) I still weighed in at 130/135 and I'm only 5'2".  Right now I'm knocking on150 again b/c all I did during the holidays was cook - not sweets but bread and roux's.

I look forward to getting to know all of you as we work towards a lucky season of 2013
2013-01-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

This is embarassing but.....being my first time in a mentors group I am curious how this is all going to come together!! What are the expectations etc. of us mentees?



2013-01-04 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
okay... so with my previous experience in the challenge forum, we used to make tables with links to everyone logs to inspire and motivate one another.
Hope no one minds, but I took liberty to do the same here.
Sorry it's not pretty and I don't know WHY there is a huge gap   (Hey I'm a RECREATION person, NOT COMPUTER'S! lol)
I'm seeing lots of empty logs   (and Jan, we can't see yours, or well, I can't)


2013-01-04 1:38 PM
in reply to: #4562323

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Good idea Heather!!! I only recently started putting everything in my log again. I use a spreadsheet but I will try and load some of my recent stuff from late 2012 and make sure I put everything going forward in my logs so you can all see!
2013-01-04 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4562323

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Alright took a while...but I have added all my training since November 2012 which was after my past season break (all 2013 related training). Haven't gone back and done all the strength training but basically I do it 3x a week and abs 2x a week.
2013-01-04 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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New user
Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Wow Jason, that is a LOT of biking!
2013-01-05 7:29 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Disappointed I didn't get to ride last night. (Sometimes have to keep the wife happy when she asks me to just watch a movie) in return she is allowing me to do the group ride this morning and a 3-4 hour ride through the PA "mountains" out here! Going to be a good weekend
2013-01-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4562323

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Thank you, Heather! I was just sitting down this morning to write this down on paper! Talk about not being a computer person! I am trying to get away from paper, I really am, just habit. How do I make my logs so all can see? I don't remember how to do it. I think I add everyone as friends or something?Not that my logs show much. I finally was able to swim yesterday. I have taken an unplanned break from workouts and I just started again. Hope everyone has a great weekend and great workouts!Jan

2013-01-05 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4563250

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
i think I changed it so everyone can see my logs. I plan a run today, if I am brave to stand the cold it will be outside. I hate treadmills but hate the cold more.
2013-01-05 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Morning Y'all!!!  It's almost 9am and the temp is rising to a balmy 7 degrees now!  Brrr...  I love skiing and I love the cold, but this is a bit much!!!

Meanwhile, this am, I'm hosting a group garage ride (but not many are coming and it's still too cold in the garage, so I think we'll move to the basement).  Then after lunch it's a 9mi run in circles (indoor track) to measure where I stand for the HM in 2wks.
I'm still not looking forward to swim workouts, so I sent my hubby to masters this am  

Jan - paper to computer, lol... I get laughed at b/c I still use a day planner at work (mainly for voicemail notes and tasks lists, but n-t-l)  Hope you get to run outside today!!!
Jason - Enjoy that outdoor ride!!!  I'm looking forward to my training weekend in 2 wks when I get to ride in So UT after our HM.
2013-01-05 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4563346

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Heather looks like you have a busy day on your hands. 7 degrees in definitely a little cold. Our ride started out 29 Degrees and windy, but all in all it turned into a great day for a ride. Saw lots of other riders out on the road today! They are calling for some snow early tomorrow morning, so will have to push my ride back till later in the afternoon....although I dont want to miss my Colts first playoff game!!!!

2013-01-05 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Another day training inside; I need to find our weatherman and slap him.  I'm starting to like the treadmill more than running outside.

Work schedule has potential to be screwy next week so I'll probably let Bambi's mom live tomorrow and knock out some training instead of hunting deer.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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