BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2013-12-27 9:45 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Late to the party, but I'd love to join if there's room!

Story: I'm a 32 year old professional musician that has been involved in athletics off and on for nearly 20 years. I ran cross-country and track& field competitively throughout high school and college. After college though, I lost my way and shape as I toured the country and the world as a professional musician. I rediscovered a healthy lifestyle and myself when I moved to Chicago and joined a crossfit box three years ago. From day one of crossfit I had one lifelong goal in mind that I wanted to work towards: Ironman. Although I was horribly slow, weak, and generally out of shape, I slowly made progress over the first year. By year two, I had revamped my diet, workout, regime, and body, and completed my first HIM. This year was going to be the year I pulled it all together to complete my first IM (Wisconsin). I totally rearranged my life and finances to make my first IM a success. However, while on the first training ride on my brand new tri bike, I was struck by a car. Everything I had worked for evaporated in a second. I was immobile for the entire summer while my surrounding world just crumbled. After painful surgeries and intense rehab, I'm ready to begin training again and reclaim my dream.

Family Status: Two dogs

Current Training: Regaining my strength, general fitness, and mobility through crossfit, indoor rowing, and yoga. Preparing to begin sport-specific training for the upcoming season.

This Year's races: None, due to injury.
2014 Races: Ironman Wisconsin. I also plan on doing three HIM's leading up to IMWI
Weight loss: Not an issue for me.
What Will Make Me a Good Mentee: I want this. I've been to Hell and back, but there is no way I'm stopping until I reach my goals.

2013-12-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: Aapter

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Aaron and Anthony...still plenty of room in the group, so welcome! 

2013-12-27 1:24 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hi Jim and all, I'd like to join if there's still room.

NAME: Elizabeth Hotaling

STORY: I'm 32 and I've been a runner since high school cross country. I first considered triathlons in college but didn't do my first sprint until 2010. I did 2 sprints that year, followed by a sprint and an olympic in 2011 and my first half iron in 2012. I did my first marathon and another HIM in 2013 and qualified for Team USA for ITU long course worlds for 2014… I'm excited about that but nervous because 1) it involves getting my bike to China and 2) the longest I've done is 70.3 and ITU long course is approaching iM distance (2.5 mi swim, 74.5 mi bike, 18.6 mi run).

FAMILY STATUS: Married, but no kids yet.

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly maintaining right now, but planning to start the Swim Speed Secrets workouts in Jan for a 3 month swim focus. Also thinking of a marathon in March, so it may turn into a swim/run focus (with a few spin classes and real outdoor rides thrown in when the weather is good enough).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: First marathon in Paris in April, Lake Greenwood Olympic in June, Lake Logan Olympic in August, Lake Junaluska (King of the Smokies) Olympic in August, Rev3 South Carolina half in October.

2014 RACES: My main goal at the moment is ITU Worlds in WeihaI, China in Sept, but I'm still waiting for more info from USAT before I decide for sure that I'm going. Also qualified for USAT Age Group Nationals in Milwaukee in August, so i'll probably try to do that if i'm going to China as "practice" for shipping the bike and doing such a competitive race. The rest of my 2014 races will be preparation for those (maybe a marathon in March, an open water 2.4 mile in May, a century ride sometime in June and at least one local sprint).
2013-12-27 5:03 PM
in reply to: hotalinge

Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hey Jim, if you still have space, I would like to join. This seems like a great group and I hope to be able to learn more and contribute when/where I can./ If there is still space, let me know and I'll write up my bio a bit later tonight (that is after dinner and my 'date' with my bike...)
2013-12-27 8:58 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Elizabeth and Larchmontri we have plenty of room so welcome

2013-12-28 12:29 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
So I wrote in my bio that I want to race the Racine 70.3 (July 20th) and the Chicago Lifetime Tri (Olympic Distance; Aug 24th). I wanted to use the 70.3 as training for the Chicago - thinking the extra training would help me do well in the Olympic distance. My plan was to take a few days off after the HIM and then do the taper weeks in reverse to slowly get back to a regular training schedule before two more taper weeks leading up to the Olympic. Now I'm thinking these two events might be too close. How long does it take to recover from a HIM? How much fitness will I retain over the recovery? I could also race the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells which is June 22nd.

2013-12-28 6:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Is there still room for one more?

NAME: Hubbie//Beth

STORY:I am 32 years old and have been involved in triathlon and road racing for the past four years. I've done a few sprint triathlons, a handfull of Olympic tris, one Half Ironman, four half marathons, two full marathons, and I've lost track of the number of 5k's and 10k runs I've managed to haul myself through.
I started to race just becuase I saw a sign at the local YMCA, and I've never looked back. Racing also sets a good example for my son who watches me constantly. I figured this out when this past summer I caught him trying to ride his Spider-Man bike the way I ride my tri bike.

FAMILY STATUS: I am the single parent to a beautiful (and yes spoiled) boy who is 6 years old.

CURRENT TRAINING: Well I'm really not training right now, just doing maintance. Next Monday I will officially begin to train for my 2014 season which is shaping up to be full of new and wonderful things.

2013 RACES: Really took it easy last year due to a healing hip injury. I did one sprint and one Olympic triathlon. I spent the remainder of my time strenghting my hip and getting both legs to work equally agian.

2014 RACES: So far the only one I've in for sure is the HITS 140.6 in Minnesota. It will be my first long course triathlon so I'm sure training and racing will be quite the adventure this year. I also have my sites on a 5 mile race, 20 k road race, 130 mile bike ride, one half marathon, one full marathon, one sprint and one Olympic triathlon. Yeah, I guess I'm trying to make up for missing so much in 2013.

WEIGHTLOSS: I race as an athena and I spend a good deal of time trying to convice people that I really can qualify for the catagory despite the recent weight changes. Years spent as a weight lifter has given my body a lean but very muscled look.

WHAT YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS GROUP: I want to both encourage and support others as well as have other support me as I embark on my new journey.

Edited by Hubbie 2013-12-28 6:47 PM
2013-12-28 6:49 PM
in reply to: Antwonathon

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Antwonathon

So I wrote in my bio that I want to race the Racine 70.3 (July 20th) and the Chicago Lifetime Tri (Olympic Distance; Aug 24th). I wanted to use the 70.3 as training for the Chicago - thinking the extra training would help me do well in the Olympic distance. My plan was to take a few days off after the HIM and then do the taper weeks in reverse to slowly get back to a regular training schedule before two more taper weeks leading up to the Olympic. Now I'm thinking these two events might be too close. How long does it take to recover from a HIM? How much fitness will I retain over the recovery? I could also race the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells which is June 22nd.

Personally it took me almost a month ro feel fully recovered when I did Racine 70.3 a few years ago. But take this with a grain of salt as I did it with a newly healed hip which I managed to almost reinjure during the race. But I would say at least a week if your new to the distance. But that's just my opion, I'd be intrested to see what others have to say.

2013-12-28 8:09 PM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Hubbie Is there still room for one more? NAME: Hubbie//Beth STORY:I am 32 years old and have been involved in triathlon and road racing for the past four years. 

Hi Beth - still plenty of room so welcome.  I've held off answering some questions until we get a little more critical mass so don't feel I've neglected your questions so far.  Things have been a little hectic with the holidays.

2013-12-30 8:51 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)



Just finished the base phase(10 wks) of my plan, had something going on for the first 3 weeks so didn't really follow the plan until week 4. All is well the training load at this point is pretty much what I'm used to. Haven't really worried/worked to much on nutrition at this point but from here on I'll get more serious about it on the long days. From my HIM experience's 700-750 calories on the bike usually keeps me happy 2:45 is my best, I'm guessing I'll need to up my hourly intake a bit.  Entered the Florida Challenge 70.3 for March, it's close to home and fits where the plan calls for a race, looking forward to it.   


2013-12-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: Antwonathon

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Antwonathon So I wrote in my bio that I want to race the Racine 70.3 (July 20th) and the Chicago Lifetime Tri (Olympic Distance; Aug 24th). I wanted to use the 70.3 as training for the Chicago - thinking the extra training would help me do well in the Olympic distance. My plan was to take a few days off after the HIM and then do the taper weeks in reverse to slowly get back to a regular training schedule before two more taper weeks leading up to the Olympic. Now I'm thinking these two events might be too close. How long does it take to recover from a HIM? How much fitness will I retain over the recovery? I could also race the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells which is June 22nd.

Anthony, from your original bio posting it sounded like the half ironman was more your goal race but in this recent post it sounds like the Chicago Oly is your "A" that right?  The answer to that will influence how I answwer this question.  If I had an athlete that had an Olympic as their goal race I would probably not have them racing a HIM to get ready for it.  Instead, I would do more sprint and Oly races to get the intensity level up; and also there is much less time required for recovery from the shorter distances and you don't need to spend much time tapering either.  By using sprint/Oly distances as your B and C (importance level) races you can incorporate them as part of your training to prep for your A race.  By racing a HIM you will spend time tapering for that race (diminshed training opportunity) and will require a lot more time to recover.  The week after the HIM should be spent resting for a couple days and then easing very gently into workouts for "active recovery".  Depending on how hard you race the HIM it will take a couple weeks to get back to normal training.  If the Chicago Lifetime is your goal race but you still want to do a HIM then I would probably opt to race the Rev3 (assuming its a HIM?) in June to give more time before Chicago.  Finally, I wouldn't spend 2 weeks tapering for an Olympic...that's waaaay too much quality training time lost if you taper so far out for a shorter race.  The week prior is plenty of time.  Hope this helps.

2013-12-30 10:51 AM
in reply to: tri/tbay

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by tri/tbay


Just finished the base phase(10 wks) of my plan, had something going on for the first 3 weeks so didn't really follow the plan until week 4. All is well the training load at this point is pretty much what I'm used to. Haven't really worried/worked to much on nutrition at this point but from here on I'll get more serious about it on the long days. From my HIM experience's 700-750 calories on the bike usually keeps me happy 2:45 is my best, I'm guessing I'll need to up my hourly intake a bit.  Entered the Florida Challenge 70.3 for March, it's close to home and fits where the plan calls for a race, looking forward to it.   

Sounds like you're on track!  Nice job!   What is your nutrition strategy for your HIM as far as composition? (i.e. gels, bars, liquid, etc)

2013-12-30 10:55 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Anyone have any questions on how to navigate around the BT site?   Be sure to log your workouts so that it gives a better picture of your training which will make answering questions easier.  Also, feel free to visit other group members' blog to provide encouragement or to say hello!!   I will make a table of group members with links to their blogs to make this easier.  If anyone has any privacy concerns that is totally understandable and there is a feature to make your blog private.

2013-12-30 10:59 AM
in reply to: hotalinge

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by hotalinge  THIS YEAR'S RACES: First marathon in Paris in April,

Is that Paris, TN or Paris, France?

2013-12-30 11:28 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by enders_shadow
Originally posted by holt1997 Hi Jim (and group) Thank you for letting me in. Probably my biggest question and concern for a full IM is nutrition. I don't want to bonk or under prepare. I also know there are a lot of ins and outs to consider. I also know this is not going to be a simple quick fix or answer but is a discussion I would love to have. I did a 70.3 at Lake Stevens and didn't have any nutritional issues but adding that much distance again could be challenging.
Full IM nutrition is a big question for me too - definitely want in on the discussion. For my 70.3 this fall, I didn't follow my eating plan...didn't suffer any consequences, but I realized I was way under-nourished after the bike...the opposite of what I should have been.

Kristen, what was your nutrition strategy for the race where you said you were under-nourished?

2013-12-30 11:54 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Sounds like a great group of athletes and I'd like to join if there's still room.

Name: nskwilson - Nat Wilson

Story: I'm a 40 year old mechanical engineer with a competitive swimming background (high school). Been swimming on a masters team for the past 5 years and just started triathlon this past season during which I competed in 2 olympic distance races and a 7.5 mile road race (Bloomsday). I'm weak in the dryland disciplines of triathlon and want to improve. Sounds like there are quite a few folks in this group that could help guide me.

Family Status: Single with two daughters that live with me half-time (ages 9 and 11).

Current Training: Swim with my masters team three days per week (~2700 meters/workout). Also in the middle of a BT 20 week winter maintenance plan (7-10 hrs/week). Once I complete that plan in late March, I plan to start a 20 week BT half ironman plan (I think it's 10-14 hrs/week).

2013 Races: Bloomsday (early May), Onion Man Olympic Distance Triathlon (late May), Moses Lake Olympic Distance Triathlon (early June)

2014 Races: Same local races as 2013 plus a few more, Ironman Lake Stevens 70.3 (mid August)

Weight Loss: Currently weigh 205 lbs at 6' 2" tall. Would like to get down to 195 or less.

2013-12-30 11:58 AM
in reply to: nskwilson

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by nskwilson Sounds like a great group of athletes and I'd like to join if there's still room. Name: nskwilson - Nat Wilson Story: I'm a 40 year old mechanical engineer with a competitive swimming background (high school). 

Great to have you join us Nat!   I like your profile photo - we don't get the deep powder too often here in the Upper Midwest.   An August HIM will fit in with our group and look forward to watching your journey.

2013-12-30 12:42 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by hotalinge  THIS YEAR'S RACES: First marathon in Paris in April,

Is that Paris, TN or Paris, France?

2013-12-30 12:49 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Hi Jim,  I'd love to join if I could.  I'm new to this website and the mentor program; but a tri-team member told me about it last season and it seemed like a great thing!  (I was paying a coach through Training Peaks that I cannot afford this season).  I did my first sprint the fall of 2012 and loved it; but the season was over.  I signed up for Lake Stevens 70.3 for 2013 and completed it.  I also did two more sprints and two Olympics to prep for Stevens last summer.  Since then, I've been a slug.  My husband had some health issues and so between the lack of time and the stress, not only did I do nothing athletic, but I gained about 30 lbs.  I am registered for Calgary 70.3 this July.  I need to drop the 30 lbs to fit into my wetsuit! LOL!  I would love any tips on training programs, nutrition, etc...or just general accountability.  If this group will work for that and you'll have me, I'm all in!  Thanks and Happy New Year!  Erika

2013-12-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Personally, I would probably need 2-3 weeks after a HIM to do another Oly, but I imagine that is a fairly personal situation. I had thought about running the Chicago marathon after IM Wisconsin last year (a month later), but after discussion on the site decided not to sign up for Chicago, but think now that I could have done it. This being said, I agree with Jim it would depend on which is your "A" race.
- Todd
2013-12-30 1:05 PM
in reply to: goricky

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Sorry - looked at the other posts and realized I may not have given enough info. 

Story - I turn 50 in January and live in a pretty rural area near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  I am a lawyer, working full time in Spokane and CdA.  I've got two kids at home who are involved in a ton of things.  Between work, kids, and commute, fitting in workouts is always a challenge, but I managed to do it last season.  I was a gymnast in college and h.s.  I marathoned for a while in my 30s, but then the docs said "no more running" b/c I was bone on bone in my knees.  (arthritis).  I gained tons of weight, but then lost it (50lbs) before entering the race season last summer.  I realized that my knees could tolerate jogging 2 times a week, so I'd found a new sport!  Yay!  It is just awesome to be out there again. 

Current Training - 4 days/week - 3/4 mile swim, 3-4 mile run, 45 min bike (snow on ground, so stationary or trainer).  Will be ramping up all of that beginning next week.  I've been a sloth.

This year's races - So far, I've registered for Calgary 70.3.  I'll probably do a Sprint in March, an Olympic in May and a half marathon in June.  I'd like to do an Olympic in August and another half IM in September...maybe the Black Diamond.  

Weight loss - has been a constant issue since the birth of my son 17 years ago.  I've had moments of glory and moments of disaster ever since, relatively speaking. 


2013-12-30 1:21 PM
in reply to: goricky

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by goricky

Sorry - looked at the other posts and realized I may not have given enough info. 

Story - I turn 50 in January and live in a pretty rural area near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  I am a lawyer, working full time in Spokane and CdA.  I've got two kids at home who are involved in a ton of things.  Between work, kids, and commute, fitting in workouts is always a challenge, but I managed to do it last season.  I was a gymnast in college and h.s.  I marathoned for a while in my 30s, but then the docs said "no more running" b/c I was bone on bone in my knees.  (arthritis).  I gained tons of weight, but then lost it (50lbs) before entering the race season last summer.  I realized that my knees could tolerate jogging 2 times a week, so I'd found a new sport!  Yay!  It is just awesome to be out there again. 

Current Training - 4 days/week - 3/4 mile swim, 3-4 mile run, 45 min bike (snow on ground, so stationary or trainer).  Will be ramping up all of that beginning next week.  I've been a sloth.

This year's races - So far, I've registered for Calgary 70.3.  I'll probably do a Sprint in March, an Olympic in May and a half marathon in June.  I'd like to do an Olympic in August and another half IM in September...maybe the Black Diamond.  

Weight loss - has been a constant issue since the birth of my son 17 years ago.  I've had moments of glory and moments of disaster ever since, relatively speaking. 


Thanks for the additional info and welcome to the group!!

2013-12-30 5:06 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Thanks for including me in the group!  I'm the newbie regarding blogs and this clue how to use it at all, so any tips you have will be welcome.  (They can totally wait till after the holidays!)  I'm happy (thrilled actually) to let you and the other members of your mentor group see my posts; but I don't want them out there for the world to see. Will love any and all input though...

2013-12-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: goricky

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
So today was the first day of my official training for my 140.6. I was an easy run to easy myself out of my winter maintance. One of my Christmas gifts was a Garmin 405, before I was using Map My Run on my iPhone. It has been a wake up call to see that I'm running slower than I thought I was was. However I can still hold steady, slow and steady, that seems to be my strength in all my races. I would like to shave a bit more time off my min/mile but at the same time I want to be able to complete my five goals for the 140.6. Here are my goals:

1) Don't drown on the swim
2) Don't crash on the bike
3) Don't collaps on the run
4) Finish in under 17 hours
5) Have fun!!!!!

So with this being my first long distance tri Im sure I'll be leaning on this group for support and encouragement as I go on my adventure.

2013-12-30 10:30 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner


Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Birkierunner/Jim Kelley and gang! I'd like to try this group!

STORY: I'm a 37 year old Occupational Therapist (and Artist) who started competing in cycling over 10 years ago. Though I always wanted to compete in cycling, I discovered racing through starting with short track mountain bike races, which lead me to XC mountain bike racing and then road racing. I competed within the Maritime provinces and at Nationals in road and track cycling. I trained with the National Cycling Centre (Canada) and so I got accustomed to off season and race season training programs. Some highlights: I won the Provincial Road Cycling Title four years and the individual time trial three years. I came second at the Atlantic Track Cycling Championships, but I did not spend enough time on the track to feel truly comfortable competing at a higher level (I did not live in the city where there was a velodrome). I placed 6th in Points Race at Track Nationals.

I grew up at the pool as a junior lifeguard and then lifeguard but never did the swim team. Over the years of solely mountain bike and then road and track racing, the accidents and injuries paid their toll (Previous ACL reconstruction, right dislocated shoulder, left separated shoulder (= two frozen shoulders!) and what I eventually learned were concussions from the crashes including a broken nose). In 2007, I did the cycling portion of a local triathlon as a team and then eventually started training with a tri club to complete swim training during the winter months. It was not until 2009 that I did my first and one full summer of triathlons. It seems I don't go a full year without some sort of major injury. :D

FAMILY STATUS: "Single" with a sweet companion of a 15 year old lab mix! Though he is too old to be training with me now, he once did everything with me.. swim, run, mountain bike, XC ski and snowshoe.

CURRENT TRAINING: My training has been consistent in that I have spent the last year rehabilitating from a car accident that left with me post-concussion/mild traumatic brain injury and a lot of time to heal. Swimming has done wonders to my range of motion and strength and I've put in more time in swimming than I ever have. I've also been putting in hours on the trainer and done water running as I cannot tolerate the jarring motion of running long distances (visually) but I'm slowly desensitizing to this with vestibular training/physio. It's been quite the journey but to me training has helped me feel hopeful that 2014 will see me back to racing.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Nada - zilch - no races unfortunately due to the car accident.

2014 RACES: I would love to do a half ironman by the end of next summer/early fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight loss has not been an issue for me.

I'm not sure what else to add, but it's great to have some discussions on training with others!
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