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2013-12-28 8:35 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Question for the group:  Are you using a plan this season?  Your own or a book/canned/website's (like BT)?  Or are you using a coach and having them write a plan?

I'm using Friel's "Your Best Triathlon," which I used last season, as well.  I'll likely make a few tweaks based on my experience last year, but like the general structure/format and also the way he periodizes within the season and within blocks.  I figure I'll try this one more year and then reevaluate...

What do you plan to do?


2013-12-29 5:55 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Recovery Time
Hey All,

Has anyone undergone any shoulder surgery? My injury, a 2cm full tear of my supraspinatus, was both degenerative in nature and exacerbated by overuse in the pool. This tear is common for males over 40. I am a little shy of 4 weeks post op and want to push the recovery, but not too much. It was nearly impossible to find a sports Doc in Taipei that specializes in shoulders. I did find a good Ortho who did his post grad work at NYU hospital and Boston General. Going forward, I have a month of passive physical therapy followed by a month of active physical therapy, and then a month of active strength development. He said I should be 100% at 6 months post op. If anyone has had experience with this type of injury and PT, does this seem reasonable?
2013-12-29 7:04 AM
in reply to: TK

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Recovery Time
Originally posted by TK

Hey All,

Has anyone undergone any shoulder surgery? My injury, a 2cm full tear of my supraspinatus, was both degenerative in nature and exacerbated by overuse in the pool. This tear is common for males over 40. I am a little shy of 4 weeks post op and want to push the recovery, but not too much. It was nearly impossible to find a sports Doc in Taipei that specializes in shoulders. I did find a good Ortho who did his post grad work at NYU hospital and Boston General. Going forward, I have a month of passive physical therapy followed by a month of active physical therapy, and then a month of active strength development. He said I should be 100% at 6 months post op. If anyone has had experience with this type of injury and PT, does this seem reasonable?

Tom, I have not had any shoulder surgery. I definitely would not push any thing 1 month post op. Listen to the PT and doc. Work on the range of motion so when thing heal completely some if not all of that will return. Everyone is different in the way they heal so your heal time could vary.

I have had several friends (Triathlete types) that have had shoulder surgery. They were in great shape going into surgery and healed a lot better after. They followed the PT ask questions on what more they could do and thing to avoid. One thing they all seamed to do was not push to hard. They did work hard at recovery and it just was not just with the PT appointment but on their own.

The reason I bring the following up is to give you a comparison. I am a personal trainer. I have worked with a lot of different types of physical fit and not so fit people. The ones that are not as fit after undergoing and corrective surgery recover very slow or never all the way. The other group seam to fully recovery from surgery very quickly within a few months. It is really amazing to see a 78 ex-elite marathon runner undergo double knee replacement and start running again four months after. He was swimming as soon as the incisions healed which was about 1 month.

Bottom line I know to want to get back at it. To quick and you can re-injure. It is so much safer to recovery slowly with minimal stress. Keep us posted.

2013-12-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Question for the group:  Are you using a plan this season?  Your own or a book/canned/website's (like BT)?  Or are you using a coach and having them write a plan?

I'm using Friel's "Your Best Triathlon," which I used last season, as well.  I'll likely make a few tweaks based on my experience last year, but like the general structure/format and also the way he periodizes within the season and within blocks.  I figure I'll try this one more year and then reevaluate...

What do you plan to do?



I like Joel Friel's stuff and while I haven't read "Your Best Triathlon," I have an older edition of the "Triathlete's Training Bible," which I have found useful.
In March I'm going to start a customized plan (from BT) to get ready for an Olympic distance race in June. I will likely do quite a bit of tweaking to the plan, depending on how busy I am. I will generally plan between 5-6 workouts/ week, and I try to hit at least 4-5 of those, making sure not to skip any key workouts that I've identified. Until then, I'm kind of up in the air. Probably swimming during the week and for sure a long run and ride each weekend.
2013-12-29 7:47 AM
in reply to: TK

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Recovery Time
Originally posted by TK

Hey All,

Has anyone undergone any shoulder surgery? My injury, a 2cm full tear of my supraspinatus, was both degenerative in nature and exacerbated by overuse in the pool. This tear is common for males over 40. I am a little shy of 4 weeks post op and want to push the recovery, but not too much. It was nearly impossible to find a sports Doc in Taipei that specializes in shoulders. I did find a good Ortho who did his post grad work at NYU hospital and Boston General. Going forward, I have a month of passive physical therapy followed by a month of active physical therapy, and then a month of active strength development. He said I should be 100% at 6 months post op. If anyone has had experience with this type of injury and PT, does this seem reasonable?


I haven't had shoulder surgery, but I'm two months out from breaking my collarbone at the end of October. I certainly can empathize with you and the desire to recover. The one thing I would be sure to do is to be very clear about your plans when discussing recovery with your doctor. When I met with the Ortho here, I told him I was a triathlete, and I wanted to be sure that he understood I would like to get back to swimming, biking, and running. This was helpful in the sense that we both had a better idea of what recovery meant for me, and that it might be a little different than what a typical patient might experience. At any rate, I would agree that as hard as it is, being patient is key to long term recovery success. 6 months may seem like a long time, but if you consider over the next 10 years of triathlon, it's a relatively short time. Best of luck and keep us informed as to how you are progressing.
2013-12-29 8:56 AM
in reply to: TK

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Recovery Time

Originally posted by TK Hey All, Has anyone undergone any shoulder surgery? My injury, a 2cm full tear of my supraspinatus, was both degenerative in nature and exacerbated by overuse in the pool. This tear is common for males over 40. I am a little shy of 4 weeks post op and want to push the recovery, but not too much. It was nearly impossible to find a sports Doc in Taipei that specializes in shoulders. I did find a good Ortho who did his post grad work at NYU hospital and Boston General. Going forward, I have a month of passive physical therapy followed by a month of active physical therapy, and then a month of active strength development. He said I should be 100% at 6 months post op. If anyone has had experience with this type of injury and PT, does this seem reasonable?

Hi Tom,

I feel your pain - literally!  I had a right shoulder 'scope/repair a few years ago.  Hurt it in college playing rugby but waited on surgery until I couldn't drink a cup of coffee without wincing (doctor's advice waaaaaaay back in my early 20's when it was giving me trouble while ski racing).  Fast forward 15 or 20 years and a season of coaching two of my kids baseball teams (coach pitch - ouch!), starting to swim, light weights, playing tennis with the kids… you get the picture.  BOOM!

There was not a single piece of my shoulder that was in good shape, including degenerative changes to the bone that you reference (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, cuff, AC joint, labrum, degenerative cystic changes in the humerus, spurs… you name it, it was messed up).

However, my surgery was a bit different than a full tear, most likely, as it was a massive clean up but no ONE problem big enough to thrwo a stitch (he didn't know until he got in if the labrum needed one, but thankfully it did not).  Did they throw any stitches or screws?  If so, the recovery takes considerably longer.

That said, when it is fully healed, it usually is pretty close to fully functional - even with stitches or screws.  I cannot pitch a ball fast, but I can now at least throw around (which used to be the worst!) and am having no trouble swimming (it's actually my other shoulder that hurts swimming - but I'm happily ignoring that, for the moment).

As for advice on how to GET to fully healed, all I can say is that you have to do two really hard things.  One is to follow the rehab plan and do the work.  The other is to follow the rehab plan and NOT come back too early or too hard.  If you overdo it before it's healed, you can start down a spiral of injury that will take much longer to heal (watched my father do this - repeatedly - and it's not fun).

With "hardware" in the shoulder (again, a stitch or screw), 6 months is the standard return time.  If it was just a "clean-up," which I doubt with a full thickness tear, then it's considerably shorter (you don't need to scar down to heal).  So, you might well be able to shave some time off the 6-months, but that is pretty commonly the time-frame for most surgeries like you describe (this does not constitute medical advice, mind you!).  

Not to scare or wig you out, or even suggest that an aggressive return isn't possible - but you really do need to follow a program that is right for you.  I absolutely agree that talking with the doc/PT about your background and athletic intent is the right way to build a sensible plan.  But if they don't modify the approach I do think you're better safe than sorry (and it's usually a matter of a couple/few weeks difference between an aggressive return and a "normal" PT/rehab plan).  Your call, of course - just my tuppence!

I hope it heals up quickly and fully and that you're back at it right quick!


2013-12-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Hi, James, I am interested in your group if you have room. I will give a complete bio if you have an open spot. I am 52 and in the process of learning to swim. Currently my WEAKNESS is swimming. I've done 3 tri's. Married for almost 20 years. I'm from FL.
2013-12-29 10:22 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Hi, James, I am interested in your group if you have room. I will give a complete bio if you have an open spot. I am 52 and in the process of learning to swim. Currently my WEAKNESS is swimming. I've done 3 tri's. Married for almost 20 years. I'm from FL.

Hey Karl, Absolutely, welcome to the group!

Look on page 1 and fill out a Bio and you are in. Nice BT logging btw…
2013-12-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

NAME: Your username / first name
My username is KWDreamun, my name is Karl. My username come from the love of KeyWest, FL, that says a lot about me..I love the attitude.

STORY: A short paragraph of who you are, why you triathlon
When I was 50, I saw IM Kona on TV and said, um, I want to do that. I couldn't swim, didn't own a bike and everty time I ran I got shin splints or was injured, thus I hated running too. I was a gym rat but everyone kept saying I had a running body, why didn't they just spit in my I love it now. I also wanted to teach my son that you have to go outside your comfort zone in life.

The swim has been hard on me, when I first started i could not swim across a 25 meter pool, thus I had to stay in the shallow end and wait for a lane to open. Then I had my first OWS practice, I DNF the practice and tucked my tail and went home. They had another the following weekend and I made it thru but I struggled. The next weekend was the race. Talk about nervous, well I made it, 600 yards, thank you wetsuit!!!

FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/married/family)
I have been married for almost 20 years. She is on the site too PinkSocks. We have a sophmore in HS and he is into baseball so that takes a lot of our time. We also have a spoiled wire haired dauschund.

CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distances in 2013 or any races so far in 2014, technical or not)
I love training, not so much racing because I get nervous. I love going out for long runs, bike rides etc etc..notice I didn't mention love swimming.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Just a little summary of what you have recently done.
I've done, 2 sprints and 1 oly. I prefer the Oly and thinking about a HIM distance in April if I can get the swim down. I am starting a master's swim class in January.
I did knock 18 minutes of my last HM time.

2014 RACES: If your season is ready, list your races, if not, your training goals.
Learn to swim, run 1,200 miles. I would like to do several races, sprint, Oly and hopefully HIM distance.
Jan 4 is a trail HM
Feb 2 HM
March ?? Duathlon or however you spell it
April 5 Sprint distance
April 26 HIM distance if I'm brave enough, it depends on how the swim is going.
Lots of 5k and 10K races

WEIGHTLOSS: I need to gain weight

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have a very positive outlook. I will listen to comments. I keep my logs updated so when I have a question, it might help the mentors. One note, I just transferred from the mentor group the Asphalt Junkies, I loved the group and still do and have made lifelong friends there. The only reason I left was most of the people were starting to train for IM and that is just not my current goal.

More about me. I have a dry, sick sense of humor so anything I say, please do not get offended. Wife and I are Parrotheads too. I am working out 10 - 12 hours per week but of some of that is lifting weights.

I'm also a Christian. I also have a very strong southern I work w/ taxes.
I also struggle w/ cholesterol even though I'm a small guy and I have blood pressure problems so I can't take a lot of sodium while training.

I'm looking forward to an active group and learning a lot and I'll be glad to help when I can. I live in FL so we have a very early race season and when most people are racing, we are sitting in an air conditioned room...

Well, after reading all this, ya'll should be in a coma....
2013-12-29 12:25 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Hi James,

I would like to join your group

Name: Christian, cbillen
Story: I'm a beginner triathlete, 39 and my fitness experience is mostly with swimming and martial arts. I decided to explore this sport to become fitter and loose weight. But the more I read and explore this new world the more excited I become at the idea of competing in triathlon on a regular basis. I am a very poor runner, average cyclist, and I swim reasonably well at the speed of an oil tanker :-).

Family Status: Married, 3 children, blended family. My wife Julia shadows my training but hasn't decided if she would do triathlon yet, it is nice to have her as a wonderful training partner.

Current Training: I started building a training plan from this site which is essentially 3x run, 3x bike and 2x swim assuming an Olympic tri. 6 days a week. I try to do Run/Bike in the same session, one short, one long and alternating. So far so good and i try to log everything.

This year's race: nothing just starting

2014: I am thinking of entering into 3 sprint races. I'm not sure yet if I should aim for an Olympic yet since i'm new to the sport perhaps doing 3 sprint would be an honorable start.

Weightloss: I'm 272lbs and I would love if through this sport I loose 50

What would make e a good mentee:
I listen to directions very well and am very enthusiastic about this sport.

2013-12-29 12:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Tom, I think there is a bunch of wisdom in the posts above. I have not had a shoulder problem yet, but I do know that as a more "mature" individual, I've had to learn to recover and not overdo. I try to push only when my body allows me to do so. I messed up a knee and lost a few months trying to run too soon.

Matt and James, I volunteered the first year at Rev3 Venice, and I have to say they did a good job. This year they changed up the bike route and added the Oly, and it was all seamless, from what I heard. The rumor at the LBS is that they might have a full distance in 2014. They do a great job and have a few things like the worst wetsuit competition and the family finish that are pretty cool. If you are considering them, I'd say do it. Quassy is supposed to be a great race, and I think it is in your area.

I am not currently following a plan, but I'll put something together on my own after Flatwoods Ramble in mid February. I am not coached and my goals are fairly modest. As such, I try to keep it all at as low a cost and high an enjoyment factor as possible.
Karl, I noticed about 3 things I have in common with you, #1 being my love of swimming. And yes, you'll see the occasional "ya'll" pop up in my posts.

Oh yeah, I completed my final "event" of the year last night, a Pub Ride fundraiser for the local Off Road Riders bike group. Fun Stuff.

I hope the weekend is going well for everyone!


Edited by cdban66 2013-12-29 12:48 PM

2013-12-29 3:38 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by KWDreamun NAME: Your username / first name My username is KWDreamun, my name is Karl. My username come from the love of KeyWest, FL, that says a lot about me..I love the attitude. STORY: A short paragraph of who you are, why you triathlon When I was 50, I saw IM Kona on TV and said, um, I want to do that. I couldn't swim, didn't own a bike and everty time I ran I got shin splints or was injured, thus I hated running too. I was a gym rat but everyone kept saying I had a running body, why didn't they just spit in my I love it now. I also wanted to teach my son that you have to go outside your comfort zone in life. The swim has been hard on me, when I first started i could not swim across a 25 meter pool, thus I had to stay in the shallow end and wait for a lane to open. Then I had my first OWS practice, I DNF the practice and tucked my tail and went home. They had another the following weekend and I made it thru but I struggled. The next weekend was the race. Talk about nervous, well I made it, 600 yards, thank you wetsuit!!! FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/married/family) I have been married for almost 20 years. She is on the site too PinkSocks. We have a sophmore in HS and he is into baseball so that takes a lot of our time. We also have a spoiled wire haired dauschund. CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distances in 2013 or any races so far in 2014, technical or not) I love training, not so much racing because I get nervous. I love going out for long runs, bike rides etc etc..notice I didn't mention love swimming. THIS YEAR'S RACES: Just a little summary of what you have recently done. I've done, 2 sprints and 1 oly. I prefer the Oly and thinking about a HIM distance in April if I can get the swim down. I am starting a master's swim class in January. I did knock 18 minutes of my last HM time. 2014 RACES: If your season is ready, list your races, if not, your training goals. Learn to swim, run 1,200 miles. I would like to do several races, sprint, Oly and hopefully HIM distance. Jan 4 is a trail HM Feb 2 HM March ?? Duathlon or however you spell it April 5 Sprint distance April 26 HIM distance if I'm brave enough, it depends on how the swim is going. Lots of 5k and 10K races WEIGHTLOSS: I need to gain weight WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have a very positive outlook. I will listen to comments. I keep my logs updated so when I have a question, it might help the mentors. One note, I just transferred from the mentor group the Asphalt Junkies, I loved the group and still do and have made lifelong friends there. The only reason I left was most of the people were starting to train for IM and that is just not my current goal. More about me. I have a dry, sick sense of humor so anything I say, please do not get offended. Wife and I are Parrotheads too. I am working out 10 - 12 hours per week but of some of that is lifting weights. I'm also a Christian. I also have a very strong southern I work w/ taxes. I also struggle w/ cholesterol even though I'm a small guy and I have blood pressure problems so I can't take a lot of sodium while training. I'm looking forward to an active group and learning a lot and I'll be glad to help when I can. I live in FL so we have a very early race season and when most people are racing, we are sitting in an air conditioned room... Well, after reading all this, ya'll should be in a coma....

Not in a coma at all!  My posts are much better soporifics…  

A dry-humored parrot head?  We'll get along just fine.  Sounds like you have some good goals this season, and all achievable (the HIM will test you, but you already know that you have to get the swim down for that).  I think it's great that you knocked down the swim obstacle and are now racing - terrific!

How long have you been in tri?  

This also prompts me to include two family members that aren't in my bio - two goofy labs (yellow and chocolate).  We're right now thinking on a Newfie, but that's a whole lot of dog and slobber!

Being from the North, I don't speak fluent Southern, but I'll try.  


2013-12-29 3:48 PM
in reply to: cbillen

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by cbillen Hi James, I would like to join your group Name: Christian, cbillen Story: I'm a beginner triathlete, 39 and my fitness experience is mostly with swimming and martial arts. I decided to explore this sport to become fitter and loose weight. But the more I read and explore this new world the more excited I become at the idea of competing in triathlon on a regular basis. I am a very poor runner, average cyclist, and I swim reasonably well at the speed of an oil tanker :-). Family Status: Married, 3 children, blended family. My wife Julia shadows my training but hasn't decided if she would do triathlon yet, it is nice to have her as a wonderful training partner. Current Training: I started building a training plan from this site which is essentially 3x run, 3x bike and 2x swim assuming an Olympic tri. 6 days a week. I try to do Run/Bike in the same session, one short, one long and alternating. So far so good and i try to log everything. This year's race: nothing just starting 2014: I am thinking of entering into 3 sprint races. I'm not sure yet if I should aim for an Olympic yet since i'm new to the sport perhaps doing 3 sprint would be an honorable start. Weightloss: I'm 272lbs and I would love if through this sport I loose 50 What would make e a good mentee: I listen to directions very well and am very enthusiastic about this sport.

Hi Christian!  I just started back into tri last year (Fall of 2012) after so long off (and only a few races even in the way back) that I might as well have been starting fresh, and I can tell you that those first races are awesome!  Lots of nerves, plenty of excitement and, for me, adrenalin.  Top that off with a great community - good stuff.  It'll be fun to go through that with you this season!

Like you, I have a good "shadow partner" in The Better Half.  She did those first two sprints with me, but didn't fall in love with it (she likes the training but not so much the OWS or going fast on a bike!) and did all run this past season.  She did, however, just mention that she might do a mid-summer Oly with me, so you never know when your wife might hop aboard!  Great that she's supportive in any event.

I hope your first season is the first of MANY!


2013-12-29 4:07 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
No coach, but I have been following the F.I.R.S.T marathon and half marathon training plans and recently added the Total Immersion swimming guide to the library.
The FIRST program promotes 3 run days and 2 cross training days (preferably swimming or cycling) I believe the authors are triathletes themselves.
2013-12-29 4:44 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Hi all! I see this is a Brother group... got room for a girl/sister??

NAME: KTLiz/Kate

STORY: Hello! So a co-worker said she'd like to me do a tri with her this year, so I started looking into them... I learned she does sprints, which is cool, though for me I was ISO a greater challenge. A friend turned my attention to the Ironman half in August. So while I got a few things on my calendar, this one definitely has my attention. I'm 38, from CT, pretty active and excited to take this on. In my day life I work in the mental health field finding where and how services can be improved. I got my Masters in Art Therapy right after college, and then when I was pregnant with my second I decided to go back for my MBA. I tend to do well with a pretty full plate!! I want to tri to test myself and my abilities, I know I have it in me and I want to really succeed.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 10 years married with 2 pretty awesome boys Tomas (9) and Alex (7).

CURRENT TRAINING: I've mostly done a handful of half marathons over the past few years. The coolest thing I did last year was Captain a Ragnar Ultra team in Cape Cod last year. I'm lining up/organizing my training plan for this season, so being in downtime I run on an indoor track with 1x/week outdoors about 20 miles/wk, spin 1-2x/wk, swim 1 mile 2x/wk, and lift/interval 2x/wk. Up Mon-Fri at 430 to get morning workouts in, and 2x/wk get a second one in same day. The local Y is my home away from home. I have a couple awesome guys who a train/run with who are definitely supportive. A couple folks have suggested I start with a shorter tri distance, and I'm going to see about getting one in, but I have my sights on the Timberman (already registered!). I just received a bike trainer so will be getting that up and running a/s/a/p. I found I tend to do well training with guys - I find it's a greater challenge for my competitive side, pushes me more and there's a lot to learn from what you bring to the sport(s).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: see above

2014 RACES: The plan for 2014 is Ragnar ultra Cape Cod (early May), Tough Mudder (end May), Timberman 70.3 (mid-August) and Ragnar ultra Adirondacks (end September). Given that a tri is a new venture for me, I'm hoping to learn as much as I can. I don't just want to finish it, I want to finish it knowing it was the best I got.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yup - almost 50lbs lighter. Don't even recognize her....

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: It'd be an honor. I'm so eager to soak up info tips/advice/guidance. I know I have a lot to learn, so doing that coupled with my own internal drive can only work out fantastic!
2013-12-29 5:38 PM
in reply to: KTLiz

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Thanks Matt and I also type slow, i guess it is a southern

Kate, oh I hope the group is not full, Iooks sounds like you have your act together and will be an awesome addition.

Oh yea, my training has no plan, I just run, bike and lift as much as I can, I swim when I have to..really my swim is going to be my focus in Jan/Feb. I also run/bike, naked, no electronics...this drives my wife crazy, she plans out every run, runs w/ a gps and that takes the fun out. The HM I just PR'ed in it was such a good suprise when I saw the clock at the finish line. Had I been running w/ a heart rate monitor/gps or whatever I would have been telling myself to slow

2013-12-29 6:27 PM
in reply to: cbillen

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Originally posted by cbillen

Hi James,

I would like to join your group

Name: Christian, cbillen
Story: I'm a beginner triathlete, 39 and my fitness experience is mostly with swimming and martial arts. I decided to explore this sport to become fitter and loose weight. But the more I read and explore this new world the more excited I become at the idea of competing in triathlon on a regular basis. I am a very poor runner, average cyclist, and I swim reasonably well at the speed of an oil tanker :-).

Family Status: Married, 3 children, blended family. My wife Julia shadows my training but hasn't decided if she would do triathlon yet, it is nice to have her as a wonderful training partner.

Current Training: I started building a training plan from this site which is essentially 3x run, 3x bike and 2x swim assuming an Olympic tri. 6 days a week. I try to do Run/Bike in the same session, one short, one long and alternating. So far so good and i try to log everything.

This year's race: nothing just starting

2014: I am thinking of entering into 3 sprint races. I'm not sure yet if I should aim for an Olympic yet since i'm new to the sport perhaps doing 3 sprint would be an honorable start.

Weightloss: I'm 272lbs and I would love if through this sport I loose 50

What would make e a good mentee:
I listen to directions very well and am very enthusiastic about this sport.

Hi Christian, welcome to the group!

It’s good to see you are logging. I highly encourage it weather on BT or paper. One of the advantages of BT is the great logs. I check logs and will be posting something soon about it.

A sprint race is a great. Being you are comfortable in the water is also a plus. Did you import a BT plan or are you building your own? BT canned sprint plans are ok especial for first timers.
2013-12-29 6:28 PM
in reply to: KTLiz

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Originally posted by KTLiz

Hi all! I see this is a Brother group... got room for a girl/sister??

NAME: KTLiz/Kate

STORY: Hello! So a co-worker said she'd like to me do a tri with her this year, so I started looking into them... I learned she does sprints, which is cool, though for me I was ISO a greater challenge. A friend turned my attention to the Ironman half in August. So while I got a few things on my calendar, this one definitely has my attention. I'm 38, from CT, pretty active and excited to take this on. In my day life I work in the mental health field finding where and how services can be improved. I got my Masters in Art Therapy right after college, and then when I was pregnant with my second I decided to go back for my MBA. I tend to do well with a pretty full plate!! I want to tri to test myself and my abilities, I know I have it in me and I want to really succeed.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 10 years married with 2 pretty awesome boys Tomas (9) and Alex (7).

CURRENT TRAINING: I've mostly done a handful of half marathons over the past few years. The coolest thing I did last year was Captain a Ragnar Ultra team in Cape Cod last year. I'm lining up/organizing my training plan for this season, so being in downtime I run on an indoor track with 1x/week outdoors about 20 miles/wk, spin 1-2x/wk, swim 1 mile 2x/wk, and lift/interval 2x/wk. Up Mon-Fri at 430 to get morning workouts in, and 2x/wk get a second one in same day. The local Y is my home away from home. I have a couple awesome guys who a train/run with who are definitely supportive. A couple folks have suggested I start with a shorter tri distance, and I'm going to see about getting one in, but I have my sights on the Timberman (already registered!). I just received a bike trainer so will be getting that up and running a/s/a/p. I found I tend to do well training with guys - I find it's a greater challenge for my competitive side, pushes me more and there's a lot to learn from what you bring to the sport(s).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: see above

2014 RACES: The plan for 2014 is Ragnar ultra Cape Cod (early May), Tough Mudder (end May), Timberman 70.3 (mid-August) and Ragnar ultra Adirondacks (end September). Given that a tri is a new venture for me, I'm hoping to learn as much as I can. I don't just want to finish it, I want to finish it knowing it was the best I got.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yup - almost 50lbs lighter. Don't even recognize her....

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: It'd be an honor. I'm so eager to soak up info tips/advice/guidance. I know I have a lot to learn, so doing that coupled with my own internal drive can only work out fantastic!

Hi Kate welcome to the group!

Sprints are a great start to the sport and doing it with a friend even better. Local support is great to have. Timberman is a great race and a lot more challenging. Having some running
2013-12-30 6:23 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Hi Kate, my wife just did the TN Ragnar and wants to do another one. You said you did Ultra Ragnars, is that w/ just 1 van?

2013-12-30 7:44 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Question for the group:  Are you using a plan this season?  Your own or a book/canned/website's (like BT)?  Or are you using a coach and having them write a plan?

I'm using Friel's "Your Best Triathlon," which I used last season, as well.  I'll likely make a few tweaks based on my experience last year, but like the general structure/format and also the way he periodizes within the season and within blocks.  I figure I'll try this one more year and then reevaluate...

What do you plan to do?


Full disclosure I have never used a pre written plan or coach.

That does not mean I am without a plan. My plan is in my head projected out about 2 weeks, sometimes 3 weeks. On intensity builds I usually write it down on some scratch paper as I do for all my swim workouts. This by no means is suited for everyone. I strongly encourage any new person to the sport to have a definite plan. I also encourage other athletes to have a plan that just feel it is a little overwhelming to do their own. Having a plan is much safer in the build aspect gives you certain points of reference.

When it comes to a coach I have research several coaches. In end I just found it simpler for me to do my own work.
2013-12-30 8:16 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Question for the group:  Are you using a plan this season?  Your own or a book/canned/website's (like BT)?  Or are you using a coach and having them write a plan?

I'm using Friel's "Your Best Triathlon," which I used last season, as well.  I'll likely make a few tweaks based on my experience last year, but like the general structure/format and also the way he periodizes within the season and within blocks.  I figure I'll try this one more year and then reevaluate...

What do you plan to do?


Full disclosure I have never used a pre written plan or coach. That does not mean I am without a plan. My plan is in my head projected out about 2 weeks, sometimes 3 weeks. On intensity builds I usually write it down on some scratch paper as I do for all my swim workouts. This by no means is suited for everyone. I strongly encourage any new person to the sport to have a definite plan. I also encourage other athletes to have a plan that just feel it is a little overwhelming to do their own. Having a plan is much safer in the build aspect gives you certain points of reference. When it comes to a coach I have research several coaches. In end I just found it simpler for me to do my own work.

For me, having the framework of a plan has been useful to figure the whole periodization/cycle thing.  Without the reference, I think I'd be doing way too much intensity too soon in the season (as I prefer going hard to long, usually).  That said, I use it more as a skeleton on which to hang the meat of the workouts (which I tend to personalize based on where I think I am).

The other thing it has helped with is keeping the time spent among the 3 disciplines more balanced, as I'd probably tend to run too much (kind of like I'm doing now!).  Once this HM at the end of February (Hyannis - gotta love the Cape in winter) is over, I'm going back to a more balanced approach - and maybe even a little heavier on the bike.

Someone once told me, "It's all about the bike because it's all about the run."  Oh yeah, and that you have to be able to swim or you'll have trouble biking.  


2013-12-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: KTLiz

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by KTLiz Hi all! I see this is a Brother group... got room for a girl/sister?? NAME: KTLiz/Kate STORY: Hello! So a co-worker said she'd like to me do a tri with her this year, so I started looking into them... I learned she does sprints, which is cool, though for me I was ISO a greater challenge. A friend turned my attention to the Ironman half in August. So while I got a few things on my calendar, this one definitely has my attention. I'm 38, from CT, pretty active and excited to take this on. In my day life I work in the mental health field finding where and how services can be improved. I got my Masters in Art Therapy right after college, and then when I was pregnant with my second I decided to go back for my MBA. I tend to do well with a pretty full plate!! I want to tri to test myself and my abilities, I know I have it in me and I want to really succeed. FAMILY STATUS: I am 10 years married with 2 pretty awesome boys Tomas (9) and Alex (7). CURRENT TRAINING: I've mostly done a handful of half marathons over the past few years. The coolest thing I did last year was Captain a Ragnar Ultra team in Cape Cod last year. I'm lining up/organizing my training plan for this season, so being in downtime I run on an indoor track with 1x/week outdoors about 20 miles/wk, spin 1-2x/wk, swim 1 mile 2x/wk, and lift/interval 2x/wk. Up Mon-Fri at 430 to get morning workouts in, and 2x/wk get a second one in same day. The local Y is my home away from home. I have a couple awesome guys who a train/run with who are definitely supportive. A couple folks have suggested I start with a shorter tri distance, and I'm going to see about getting one in, but I have my sights on the Timberman (already registered!). I just received a bike trainer so will be getting that up and running a/s/a/p. I found I tend to do well training with guys - I find it's a greater challenge for my competitive side, pushes me more and there's a lot to learn from what you bring to the sport(s). THIS YEAR'S RACES: see above 2014 RACES: The plan for 2014 is Ragnar ultra Cape Cod (early May), Tough Mudder (end May), Timberman 70.3 (mid-August) and Ragnar ultra Adirondacks (end September). Given that a tri is a new venture for me, I'm hoping to learn as much as I can. I don't just want to finish it, I want to finish it knowing it was the best I got. WEIGHTLOSS: Yup - almost 50lbs lighter. Don't even recognize her.... WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: It'd be an honor. I'm so eager to soak up info tips/advice/guidance. I know I have a lot to learn, so doing that coupled with my own internal drive can only work out fantastic!

Sister Kate!  You're an almost local (I'm up near Boston - and as I'm sure you know, we're very geo-centric 'round here).  

Sounds like a great plan for the season, and some good challenge in it, for sure.  I did Timberman last year as my first (and thus far only) HIM.  It was a great race - terrific vibe (very family friendly, although I did this one stag), well run, great crowd support on the run, TERRIFIC swim venue and I actually quite liked the bike (although a lot of folks seem not to).  Happy to talk more course specific stuff as we get closer.

I might do it again this year, as it was a fun time and I have a bunch of friends that will likely do it.  All depends on whether I go to AGN a couple weeks prior.  My late July through mid-August is a little race-crazy (Nantucket Oly 7/20 or so, AGN Oly and sprint if we go on I think 8/10+11 and Tman sometime around 8/17).  Will be tough to figure for what to taper and what to train through, never mind the travel, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE racing!  

That in itself can be a problem and might be something worth discussing as we get into the season (how to plan peak/tapers for a given race schedule - I didn't do as good a job as I should have with that last year, but had a blast racing).  Some folks like a few races, others are like Eddie Merckx and want to race all the time.

Anywho, great to see a "neighbor" in the group!


2013-12-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by KWDreamun Hi Kate, my wife just did the TN Ragnar and wants to do another one. You said you did Ultra Ragnars, is that w/ just 1 van? karl

Quick lazy question - what is Ragnar all about?  My understanding (aside from the name meaning something like "wise warrior," which I rather like) is that it's a looong relay… I think.

I'll google the basics momentarily, but am wondering about the non-wiki side of it, as most "types" of races have their own character, etc. (think WTC vs local tri).

Just curious...



2013-12-30 8:50 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by KWDreamun Hi Kate, my wife just did the TN Ragnar and wants to do another one. You said you did Ultra Ragnars, is that w/ just 1 van? karl

Quick lazy question - what is Ragnar all about?  My understanding (aside from the name meaning something like "wise warrior," which I rather like) is that it's a looong relay… I think.

I'll google the basics momentarily, but am wondering about the non-wiki side of it, as most "types" of races have their own character, etc. (think WTC vs local tri).

Just curious...



Generally, it is a 10 to 12 person relay of about 200 miles (give or take). I am trying to gauge interest for next year in Key West. The run starts in Miami and ends in Key West. I met a guy on Saturday who has a team this year and has done it a couple of times. His last statement to me was that the post run party is pretty good. They are run throughout the country. 

2013-12-30 9:40 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - OPEN
Chris, if you get a team up from Miami to KeyWest, let me know...
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date : April 14, 2011
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Receive online triathlon coaching via our forums, personal coaching through an affiliated coach or nutrition coaching from our certified nutritionist.
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author : mikericci
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