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2013-12-19 12:44 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

Naw dude.....he really isn't, he's just a redneck.  But he'd spend hours sitting with someone who he thought was living wrong, and then go out to dinner with them.....it's easy to sit back and throw the rocks your chunking, and I can't say I know the man that well....but I know people who do, and he has always been spoken of with a great deal of respect and admiration. I doubt that willo change because he answered a question with his honest beliefs about the subject. And you're right about A & E and being able to do what they want with their network.  This will be fun because now we get to see if Phil's sons care more about money than the values they were taught growing up......you know, standing up for what you believe in and those sorts of things......the little things.

How does "standing up for what you belive in....the little things"  equate to hate-speech in a publication he KNOWS is going to reach millions.  He shamed himself and his so-called 'beliefs' when he took a bullhorn in his hand and shouted out his vile opinions.  You wanna quote scripture-Fine!  But don't, without provocation,  verbally attack a class of people who have done you NO ILL WILL. 

Where is the 'values' lesson there?

2013-12-19 12:58 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

You telling me the Matrix reference didn't clue you in a bit?

2013-12-19 1:07 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

Naw dude.....he really isn't, he's just a redneck.  But he'd spend hours sitting with someone who he thought was living wrong, and then go out to dinner with them.....it's easy to sit back and throw the rocks your chunking, and I can't say I know the man that well....but I know people who do, and he has always been spoken of with a great deal of respect and admiration. I doubt that willo change because he answered a question with his honest beliefs about the subject. And you're right about A & E and being able to do what they want with their network.  This will be fun because now we get to see if Phil's sons care more about money than the values they were taught growing up......you know, standing up for what you believe in and those sorts of things......the little things.

How does "standing up for what you belive in....the little things"  equate to hate-speech in a publication he KNOWS is going to reach millions.  He shamed himself and his so-called 'beliefs' when he took a bullhorn in his hand and shouted out his vile opinions.  You wanna quote scripture-Fine!  But don't, without provocation,  verbally attack a class of people who have done you NO ILL WILL. 

Where is the 'values' lesson there?


So a non-solicited interview in which he stated his opinion is taking a bullhorn and spewing vile hate eh? 

I'm curious, is every opinion that is contrary to yours vile spew or is it just certain opinions that you get to label as such? 

Also I guess everyone who has a different belief than you should shut up because anything you don't believe will bring shame upon them? Geeze, give it a rest.

Someone asked for his opinion, he gave it. He stated that the Bible says it is a sin, I seriously doubt you or many gay people care too much about what the Bible says so I don't see why you care. So what if the Bible says it is a sin? If you don't give a crap about the Bible why would you give a crap about sin?

The Quran says I am an infidel and that I should die, woohoo, don't give a dam&. I don't care what the Quran has to say so I don't care that it is a "hateful attack" on me. Also don't care that people who believe in the Quran believe what it says. Good for them. Now if they attempt to kill me I will start to care a bit, but in the mean time they can believe what they want to believe and say what they want to say and it won't matter one bit to me. 

I failed to see the news story where he went out and beat up a gay guy just for being gay.

Did you vote for Obama the first time around? He was against gay marriage back then, went all over the country "spewing his vile hate". 


Phil Robertson gave an opinion, A&E didn't like it, they likely had a clause in the contract that allows them to fire him so they did, what is the big deal?

I'm sure there are other networks that would love to make the kind of money off this guy that A&E was making. 

2013-12-19 1:20 PM
in reply to: 0

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Ahhh....here is the Phil Robertson thread. I knew it would be around. Just didn't think it would be with the pajama boy/big rimmed glasses guy thread sitting around sipping his coco chatting about politics on Christmas day (which the word "Christmas" was left off the ad....but that thread is a little further down).

This reminds me of the Chick-Fil-A situation a few years back. Hey...lets as someone who is a known devout Christian conservative what his views are on XYZ and lets s**t bricks when he gives his answer. How'd that CFA boycott work out? Who got more press/business? The members of an organization who got all riled up.....or a restaurant who had so many customers on one day that a lot of stores ran out of food?

A&E missed the boat on this one. A simple "the views of Phil don't reflect our views however we respect the beliefs and opinions of all of our on-air talent and sponsors".

They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.

Edited by bradleyd3 2013-12-19 1:20 PM
2013-12-19 1:24 PM
in reply to: bradleyd3

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by bradleyd3

They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.

It would be interesting to find out how much of the Robertsons' "reality" A&E actually owns.

2013-12-19 1:44 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by bradleyd3 They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.
It would be interesting to find out how much of the Robertsons' "reality" A&E actually owns.

I bet not as much as you might think.  I remember being at trade shows where those guys were maybe 15-20 years ago.....they were a great story then.  This I can say, they live what they preach.  I never saw them with a drink, never heard them utter profanity, but they sure were fun to sit and listen to.  Josh got it right.....who didn't know that these were Phil Robertson's beliefs and that he had no problem talking about them?  I don't know a single person who has spent time around Phil Robertson who would call him a hater.....except for ducks....he must hate them with a passion if you knew how many he's killed.  

And one more thing.....if anyone here thinks that man needs the money from his show to be wealthy you've got another thing coming......he built a duck hunting empire on his own.  I bet he's losing a lot less sleep over this than his detractors are.  Everyone has beliefs, few are willing to stand up and be counted even when they know they will be vilified by many people.  I don't agree with many of the beliefs he put forth, but you can bet your arse he does.



2013-12-19 1:48 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by bradleyd3 They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.
It would be interesting to find out how much of the Robertsons' "reality" A&E actually owns.

I bet not as much as you might think. 

Yeah, who knows? But, I would be surprised if the Robertsons could just take their show over to FX/Bravo/whatever without consequence or agreement by A&E.

Edited by Goosedog 2013-12-19 1:48 PM
2013-12-19 2:01 PM
in reply to: bradleyd3

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by bradleyd3

Ahhh....here is the Phil Robertson thread. I knew it would be around. Just didn't think it would be with the pajama boy/big rimmed glasses guy thread sitting around sipping his coco chatting about politics on Christmas day (which the word "Christmas" was left off the ad....but that thread is a little further down).

This reminds me of the Chick-Fil-A situation a few years back. Hey...lets as someone who is a known devout Christian conservative what his views are on XYZ and lets s**t bricks when he gives his answer. How'd that CFA boycott work out? Who got more press/business? The members of an organization who got all riled up.....or a restaurant who had so many customers on one day that a lot of stores ran out of food?

A&E missed the boat on this one. A simple "the views of Phil don't reflect our views however we respect the beliefs and opinions of all of our on-air talent and sponsors".

They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.

Could you be MORE of a redneck? Sheesh.
2013-12-19 2:06 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by bradleyd3 They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.
It would be interesting to find out how much of the Robertsons' "reality" A&E actually owns.

I bet not as much as you might think. 

Yeah, who knows? But, I would be surprised if the Robertsons could just take their show over to FX/Bravo/whatever without consequence or agreement by A&E.

ummm definitely not bravo after that interview.

2013-12-19 2:57 PM
in reply to: Aarondb4

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Aarondb4

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

Naw dude.....he really isn't, he's just a redneck.  But he'd spend hours sitting with someone who he thought was living wrong, and then go out to dinner with them.....it's easy to sit back and throw the rocks your chunking, and I can't say I know the man that well....but I know people who do, and he has always been spoken of with a great deal of respect and admiration. I doubt that willo change because he answered a question with his honest beliefs about the subject. And you're right about A & E and being able to do what they want with their network.  This will be fun because now we get to see if Phil's sons care more about money than the values they were taught growing up......you know, standing up for what you believe in and those sorts of things......the little things.

How does "standing up for what you belive in....the little things"  equate to hate-speech in a publication he KNOWS is going to reach millions.  He shamed himself and his so-called 'beliefs' when he took a bullhorn in his hand and shouted out his vile opinions.  You wanna quote scripture-Fine!  But don't, without provocation,  verbally attack a class of people who have done you NO ILL WILL. 

Where is the 'values' lesson there?


So a non-solicited interview in which he stated his opinion is taking a bullhorn and spewing vile hate eh? 

I'm curious, is every opinion that is contrary to yours vile spew or is it just certain opinions that you get to label as such? 

Also I guess everyone who has a different belief than you should shut up because anything you don't believe will bring shame upon them? Geeze, give it a rest.

Someone asked for his opinion, he gave it. He stated that the Bible says it is a sin, I seriously doubt you or many gay people care too much about what the Bible says so I don't see why you care. So what if the Bible says it is a sin? If you don't give a crap about the Bible why would you give a crap about sin?

The Quran says I am an infidel and that I should die, woohoo, don't give a dam&. I don't care what the Quran has to say so I don't care that it is a "hateful attack" on me. Also don't care that people who believe in the Quran believe what it says. Good for them. Now if they attempt to kill me I will start to care a bit, but in the mean time they can believe what they want to believe and say what they want to say and it won't matter one bit to me. 

I failed to see the news story where he went out and beat up a gay guy just for being gay.

Did you vote for Obama the first time around? He was against gay marriage back then, went all over the country "spewing his vile hate". 


Phil Robertson gave an opinion, A&E didn't like it, they likely had a clause in the contract that allows them to fire him so they did, what is the big deal?

I'm sure there are other networks that would love to make the kind of money off this guy that A&E was making. 

WoW!  Congrats on giving B.O. credit for yet another accomplishment.  According to you, he has been waaaaay more productive in office than even I give him credit for. 

Go have a drink at the Emerald Club and unwind. 

And, btw, spare BT your personal attacks on me.  You can PM me anytime.  Right!?

2013-12-19 2:58 PM
in reply to: bradleyd3

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
And I started this whole thread because I just wanted to talk about the poor fella in his footie pajamas. I was thinking it was trying to say that Obamacare covers prescriptions for Low T, which the dude in the picture clearly suffers from.

The Phil Robertson debate is fascinating, but I'd like to get opinions on how LT (Low T) goes potty in his one-piece.

2013-12-19 3:00 PM
in reply to: mcgilmartin

User image

Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by mcgilmartin

And I started this whole thread because I just wanted to talk about the poor fella in his footie pajamas. I was thinking it was trying to say that Obamacare covers prescriptions for Low T, which the dude in the picture clearly suffers from.

The Phil Robertson debate is fascinating, but I'd like to get opinions on how LT (Low T) goes potty in his one-piece.

Oh,wait. He probably wears a diaper. Never mind, carry on with the attacking
2013-12-19 3:04 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

User image

Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

You telling me the Matrix reference didn't clue you in a bit?

(sheepishly) No...i wasn't much of a Matrix fan.  Did i miss an 'inside' joke?

2013-12-19 3:21 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
2013-12-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy



I hope the whole family quits the show and goes back to just amking Duck Calls instead of trying to win the war against the media and/or any groups that don't agree with them. I would rather them fade away than to apologize for their Biblical beliefs.

2013-12-19 3:45 PM
in reply to: jford2309

User image

Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jford2309



I hope the whole family quits the show and goes back to just amking Duck Calls instead of trying to win the war against the media and/or any groups that don't agree with them. I would rather them fade away than to apologize for their Biblical beliefs.

I'd be willing to take the odds on a bet that he will never apologize for stating his beliefs.....nor should he.

2013-12-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: mcgilmartin

User image

Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy


Originally posted by mcgilmartin
Originally posted by mcgilmartin And I started this whole thread because I just wanted to talk about the poor fella in his footie pajamas. I was thinking it was trying to say that Obamacare covers prescriptions for Low T, which the dude in the picture clearly suffers from. The Phil Robertson debate is fascinating, but I'd like to get opinions on how LT (Low T) goes potty in his one-piece.
Oh,wait. He probably wears a diaper. Never mind, carry on with the attacking

Tony must be so mad at Phil that he forgot to attack you for those comments. 

2013-12-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

Hmm, lets compare...

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there," he says. "Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."
"Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

lol, ok now who is the hater? 


2013-12-19 3:53 PM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

2013-12-19 4:01 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

YEAH but the new testament is all made up

2013-12-19 4:24 PM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

2013-12-19 4:25 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by dmiller5

YEAH but the new testament is all made up

Well if that's the case... ;-)

Seriously though, if somebody is a Christian and they believe that the Bible is God's word penned by man and try to live their life according to its teaching, then what's the big controversy?
I can completely understand in not believing in the Bible and chalking it up as man made, but it says what it says.  

2013-12-19 4:26 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

User image

Boise, ID
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Aarondb4

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by Left Brain Let's ask Phil Robertson.
Can't. His freedom of speech has been taken away. Sort of like what Agent Smith did to Neo in the Matrix.


Duck Daddy CAN say whatever he wants, regardless of how hateful it is.  The owners of GQ and AMC television can also say whatever THEY want-Including "YOU'RE FIRED"

Far right, neo-con, religious nut jobs often forget the constitution AND the bible were written for the greater good of ALL MEN.  Not just those who prescribe to their particular brand of homophobic, race-baited, political mouth spew.

He's a HATER!  That's all. 

Naw dude.....he really isn't, he's just a redneck.  But he'd spend hours sitting with someone who he thought was living wrong, and then go out to dinner with them.....it's easy to sit back and throw the rocks your chunking, and I can't say I know the man that well....but I know people who do, and he has always been spoken of with a great deal of respect and admiration. I doubt that willo change because he answered a question with his honest beliefs about the subject. And you're right about A & E and being able to do what they want with their network.  This will be fun because now we get to see if Phil's sons care more about money than the values they were taught growing up......you know, standing up for what you believe in and those sorts of things......the little things.

How does "standing up for what you belive in....the little things"  equate to hate-speech in a publication he KNOWS is going to reach millions.  He shamed himself and his so-called 'beliefs' when he took a bullhorn in his hand and shouted out his vile opinions.  You wanna quote scripture-Fine!  But don't, without provocation,  verbally attack a class of people who have done you NO ILL WILL. 

Where is the 'values' lesson there?


So a non-solicited interview in which he stated his opinion is taking a bullhorn and spewing vile hate eh? 

I'm curious, is every opinion that is contrary to yours vile spew or is it just certain opinions that you get to label as such? 

Also I guess everyone who has a different belief than you should shut up because anything you don't believe will bring shame upon them? Geeze, give it a rest.

Someone asked for his opinion, he gave it. He stated that the Bible says it is a sin, I seriously doubt you or many gay people care too much about what the Bible says so I don't see why you care. So what if the Bible says it is a sin? If you don't give a crap about the Bible why would you give a crap about sin?

The Quran says I am an infidel and that I should die, woohoo, don't give a dam&. I don't care what the Quran has to say so I don't care that it is a "hateful attack" on me. Also don't care that people who believe in the Quran believe what it says. Good for them. Now if they attempt to kill me I will start to care a bit, but in the mean time they can believe what they want to believe and say what they want to say and it won't matter one bit to me. 

I failed to see the news story where he went out and beat up a gay guy just for being gay.

Did you vote for Obama the first time around? He was against gay marriage back then, went all over the country "spewing his vile hate". 


Phil Robertson gave an opinion, A&E didn't like it, they likely had a clause in the contract that allows them to fire him so they did, what is the big deal?

I'm sure there are other networks that would love to make the kind of money off this guy that A&E was making. 

WoW!  Congrats on giving B.O. credit for yet another accomplishment.  According to you, he has been waaaaay more productive in office than even I give him credit for. 

Go have a drink at the Emerald Club and unwind. 

And, btw, spare BT your personal attacks on me.  You can PM me anytime.  Right!?

Nice counter argument. Now take your ball and go home.

2013-12-19 4:29 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

User image

Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

Not that I agree or disagree with what you wrote, I'm just wondering where you got that from?  You writing your own Bible? LOL

2013-12-19 4:34 PM
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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by tuwood

I can completely understand in not believing in the Bible and chalking it up as man made, but it says what it says.  

Serious question, if a Christian believes that homosexuality is not a sin - are they wrong? Essentially, believing that the written words of the Bible aren't always literal and are open to interpretation. Similar to a Christian believing in the big bang theory.

Edited by Goosedog 2013-12-19 4:35 PM
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2013-05-31 7:51 AM tuwood
date : June 10, 2008
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Training for a Tri!!! I get to treat my body as if it were a field mule while my wife runs circles around me and splashes water up my nose at the pool. Whoohoo give me some more!!