BT Development Mentor Program Archives » The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-02-12 7:32 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks for reading the blog. I hope to update it soon for this pre-season and then regular race reports starting again in April.
1st race is April 13th in Athens, GA on the UGA campus.

Anyone else have races already on the books?

2014-02-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4916679


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Lol I'm in Montreal, Canada. So yeah, can't really ride outside during the winter months. I also thought using the trainers would help me get used to riding a road bike.

I have to confess I haven't done much biking lately. My fall back plan is to use my hybrid bike if I have to!

I'll keep you posted as I make more tweaks. Thanks for all the tips and encouragement
2014-02-14 10:43 AM
in reply to: pfomalont


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi Paul and the rest of the group, I'm new to triathlon as well as BT. I think this group idea sounds really helpfull and really liked the focus of your group as well as the age group. I'm 40 with wife and 2 sons, try to keep fairly active and in shape. Did my only race last spring, a half marathon. A friend got me to sign up for an olympic tri this july and would like to give it my all and do a few of these to see how I like them. I'm not a strong runner but as of now thats the only part of the race that doesn't worry me, Really new to biking and took swim lessons in Dec. after not swimming for 25 years. Can't wait to get some better advice and help with training and try and figure this sport out. Thanks, Tyler
2014-02-14 3:53 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hello All,
I would like to join the group if there is still room for one more. I've taken a huge step back from the technology and formal training plans, too.
A bit about me. My name is Shad. I'm a 46 y.o. female. I've been involved in triathlon since 2007 with a break during early 2010 to mid 2011 to complete college and become a physical therapy assistant. I live in middle Tennessee with my wonderful partner, 4 dogs and one cat. I started all this wonderfully addicting endurance stuff by riding a bike to lose 60 lbs I packed on while working as a truck driver. That led to doing a sprint triathlon on a dare, when I could barely swim. I finished, was HOOKED and have been doing tris ever since. Last year I completed Ironman Louisville. I made my feet a promise that if they would get me through that 26.2 mile run, they wouldn't see pavement again until spring of this year. So I took my running onto the trails and THAT has become my latest addiction. I regularly run with two of my dogs, about 2-4 miles twice during the week and a longer run on the weekend. I also mountain bike on occasion and swim like religion, M-W-F. I will be doing a couple of more trail races this winter/spring. A trail half marathon next weekend and then a 25K in March. I have started a tradition of doing something epic that scares the crap out of me, close to my birthday,which is in October. This year's big challenge is the 10 mile Swim the Suck swimming race in the Tennessee River, outside of Chattanooga. I also just signed up for a 5 mile swim race in late September on the same river, but outside Huntsville Alabama. I also want to have a go at Xterra off road tris this year and plan on doing two. Besides loving and caring for my family, endurance sports are my favorite thing.I love doing them, training for them, learning new stuff about them and talking about them. I hope to learn from the members of this group and maybe pass on some of the hard won kernels of knowledge I've accumulated over the years! Thanks!
2014-02-14 5:34 PM
in reply to: shadow67

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Totally Unreal But Awesome

Hello Paul,

Hi Everyone,

A few clicks ago, joining a group wasn't even on my radar. Reading along this group, reading on, checking out Chris, reading on and the last entry is from Shadow something. If you all will have me, lets have fun.

Mr pride and joy Shadow Boy ( the dog on the right Blk/Wht ) & Sadie Girl ( RIP 6/13/13 Blk/Brn ) from my profile photo. I am not married, no children, and 42yrs old. Jan 31st, I was laid off, not excepting that at all. Took a huge look around and became inspired to simply be outside. Maybe down the road I will learn more about GPS, HR rates, etc.

I live in Colorado and enjoy mt biking when I have a cardiovascular system above my legs. Our sunny days offer hours of road riding and Wed ( 2-12-14 ) was the earliest that I can recall riding my road bike. I always tried to hold onto winter and leave the yard " projects " under a blanket of that white stuff. I am so looking forward to embracing the great outdoors w/u all. Many questions will come up as I am looking towards trail hiking, stronger cycling, & MOTIVATIONAL READING from ALL of you.

I am a big believer in volunteering. And I do it a lot!!! Music…….. Oh Boy……. Loads Of Music

Thanx For Your Time ANd Good Reads
2014-02-15 6:43 PM
in reply to: The Padre

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hello Tyler, Shad, and Reed.

Welcome to the group and feel free to ask any questions you have.

How is everyone's training coming along?

Today I went 35 miles on the trainer in 1 hour 50 minutes. It was my longest ride yet on the trainer and the longest I want to go. Pretty brutal, but I did watch a little of the women's cross-country ski relay at the Olympics while riding. It was solid motivation watching those girls go all out and just collapse in exhaustion after they finished their leg of the relay. Still looking forward to warmer weather and getting off the trainer and riding outside.

2014-02-16 8:08 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hello all, ,

It is great to have people joining this group. As promised I will try and give a wrap of our group's weekly effort.

Tyler- Welcome to the group. Congrats on the half marathon. You are right about the running. If you can do the half marathon I wouldn't be too worried about the running in the Olympic. Though the swim was the scariest for me (and many it seems) I think in many ways the bike is the most intimidating. Between the clip less pedals, the high speeds, the mechanical hurdles, comfort, etc… there is a lot to deal with. The Olympic distance is 40 km which means you are going to spend over an hour and a half or so on it. If you don't already have a bike I would get one soon. I am not sure what it is like In Utah but even getting some short rides in will help. Also get someone to fit you on the bike. It makes a big difference. I usually just use a friend to help me align it with some you tube instructions.

Shad- Welcome as well. You have a terrific resume of races. I really admire that you are trying so many different types of racing. I went over to the results of the Ironman and you did fantastic. Your swim was really strong, I wish i could swim as fast as you. Your bike was okay but I bet there is a lot of improvement in that event. I can only imagine the run. 6 hours must have felt like an eternity but well done. I bet that the Xterra will fit your style well if you are more of a trail runner and mountain biker. Running is running and I find giving advice for it difficult. The bike though I think that you can gain some major time on it. I would try and find a riding group there in Tennessee. It is a great way to push yourself on the bike. Road bike and mountain biking are such different worlds too. I guess I would try and balance each in your training.

Reed- Hello and welcome to our newest member. Great that you have joined. So you are already on the road bike. Great. I can only imagine that Colorado has millions of triathlons. Get out and try one. I think all of us in this group have that adventurous spirit which allows us to leap (often without looking) into things. Triathlons are such a fun way of competing. You get three for the price of one. I really admire your volunteering. It is so important and every race I am always am so thankful for everyone who is out there volunteering and supporting the racers. I really need to to that and give back some. I am going to pledge to be a volunteer for a race this year. Can you give us some training music lists?

Val- I guess Montreal is too cold for much biking The hybrid bike is a good fall back plan. I race with two women in their 40's and both used at first non-road bikes. They have both though gone on to get road bikes. It might take you a few more races / months of riding to get ready for a road bike. In the end though if you are going to do more triathlons and want to increase your rank then you will have to use a road bike but no need to push it until you are ready. Keep on training and enjoy!

Chris- Hats off to you. Nearly 2 hours on the trainer. Incredible. After about 30 minutes I want to shoot myself. It is sure to pay off big though when you get outside again. The olympics is a great inspiration to pedal to. I can imagine that gave you great motivation. What kind of race is the 13.April? I am racing in the Netherlands that day in a duathlon (15km - 60km - 10km) You should check out the Cary, NC Duathlon on 17.May. It is the US national championship and since I have family in Cary and can qualify for the duathlon national team (the world's are here in Switzerland) am going to do it. The running probably doesn't suit you as much as the swimming does. I rode the bike course this winter while visiting and it is lovely. The run is very uninspiring just a 2.5 mile course that is an up and back.

Myself- We have had lots of snow so I continue to do a lot of skiing. We do a lot of ski randonne' which is uphill trekking in your skis with skins (nylon strip with glue on one side that attaches to the bottom of the ski) on the bottom that allow you to stick to the snow. The heel on the binding detach and you walk up to the tops of the peak. At the summit take off the skins, lock down the heels on the bindings and down you go. There are two peaks near my house and I skied both of them this week. Other than that played some basketball and some indoor tennis and generally took the week off from triathlon sports. Starting to worry about the Los Cabos Ironman more. Have mad a small promise to myself to put in some training this next week.

Keep on training and have a great week!!

All the best,

2014-02-16 12:44 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
The April 13th race is a sprint on the University of Georgia Campus in Athens. It's pretty much a warm-up before I get more into my Olympic Distance races which start on May 17th in Jekyll Island, Georgia. So it looks like I'll be down in Jekyll the same date you are racing your Du in Cary.

The Athens race is cool though because it's a pool swim in the UGA natatorium. It has a 50m pool and the athletes go off every 10 seconds, time trial style. When you hit the wall, you go under the rope to the next lane and swim back, so you "snake" your way across the pool and end up with a 400m swim before getting out and running outside to T1. There are elevated bleachers so family and spectators get to sit and watch the entire swim portion of the race. All in all just a great atmosphere to start off the season.

I'll attach a pic. Hope the file isn't too large.


Athenssmall.jpg (291KB - 11 downloads)
2014-02-16 3:16 PM
in reply to: Dominion


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome guys, Paul I really like your idea of doing a race to train and after reading chris' blog about all his races last year i think I will try for a sprint at the local rec center may 10.
I went for a 5 mile jog this morning before heading to pool, Think i'm going to try and devote more effort to getting my swim capacity up so I can complete a tri. I ran across the 5 month Learn to swim program on this site that looks doable and will get my workouts more focused then just swimming laps.
Thanks all for the inspiration.
2014-02-16 5:15 PM
in reply to: tyler88

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Shad- Welcome as well. You have a terrific resume of races. I really admire that you are trying so many different types of racing. I went over to the results of the Ironman and you did fantastic. Your swim was really strong, I wish i could swim as fast as you. Your bike was okay but I bet there is a lot of improvement in that event. I can only imagine the run. 6 hours must have felt like an eternity but well done. I bet that the Xterra will fit your style well if you are more of a trail runner and mountain biker. Running is running and I find giving advice for it difficult. The bike though I think that you can gain some major time on it. I would try and find a riding group there in Tennessee. It is a great way to push yourself on the bike. Road bike and mountain biking are such different worlds too. I guess I would try and balance each in your training.

Thanks Paul!
I was very proud of that Ironman swim as swimming is usually my weakest leg. The bike is usually where I excel, but I was having a nerve issue on the ball of my right pinky toe that felt like someone was driving a red hot poker into it. I had to stop every 10 miles to put ice on it and in my shoe; it killed my bike time. I was hoping to go about 6 hours. BUT I finished upright and without need for medical attention so it was a WIN!

So glad to see so many athletes signing up for this group! If you friend folks in the group we can view each other's training logs and give "inspires". I love logging on and getting those! I did a 4 mile trail yesterday with the running pups, Brando and Emmylou, then a day of shopping and a late lunch with some friends. Today I did an 8 mile solo trail run on the campus of St Andrews prep school in the nearby town of Sewanee. I LOVE being on that mountain. My Mama was born and raised there and I always feel such a connection to my grandparents whenever I am there. It's also the home of the University of the South. The campus has some of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen and a Harry Potter vibe. A little change of training routine this week. The pool is closed for President's Day tomorrow, so I'm taking the dogs running in the morning, then strength training at the gym tomorrow evening. I'm off to friend all the folks in the group so I can start giving those inspires! Happy Training Everyone!
2014-02-16 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4948328


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi Paul and everyone,
I'd like to join this group because it seems like a good fit for me. I love to enjoy life and have fun, and am so excited and nervous about doing my 1st triathlon this year. I bought a bike, took a swim lesson, and got so excited about the whole thing that I just went ahead and registered for my first Tri.

I started off as a cyclist in my 20s, then got into running. I've done a few 1/2 marathons, and a full marathon last May. my passion is mostly cycling though so I think a big part of my excitement is getting a new bike and getting back into cycling. Also the challenge of the whole endeavour.

I'm Canadian, turning 45 this year, have a daughter who dances competitively, am married to a busy guy, and am a busy myself with my job. I fit it all in though, and love to be active. Love being outside, and the thrill of competition.

Le' Ann

2014-02-16 11:14 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Name. Handyhammer /. Dave

I have been running tris for 5 years. I am captain of a local team in Tulsa Oklahoma. I have about 20 races under my belt at this point. Strengths are my bike and run and the swimming is progressing. Last year I tried to be swim focused and lost more time in other areas. This year I will be back focusing on my bike and run ability.

I am married to another triathlete we have two kids ages 7 and 5.
I would like to join in the fun.

Races. Marathon in April
June oly.
Aug oly.
Oct tough mudder

I am looking at a few others but those are paid up.
2014-02-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Chris, Paul and Group,

I was hoping you guys would have me as your 'Mentee'?

I am 42 and have signed up for my first Sprint 4/13/14 in Coco Beach, FL.
I am travelling from MA to race the event with my brother who is local.
My short term goal is to Finish this race.
My longer term goals are to continue to build up my fitness and lose weight.
Hopefully working my way up to longer distance races.

I am a beginner, I was seriously overweight for many years.
I took back my fitness last year, and have run a few road races.
I am moderately fit and work out 5-6 X per week.

I am very confident in my Run and Bike for the even as I can do each distance solo and combined.

I am now 8 weeks out and am still struggling with the Swim.

I just picked up Total Immersion and that seems to be helping.
My prior plan was 2xRun 2xBike 2xSwim.
But I am upping the swim to 3-4X this week without dropping the other two.

I also strength train 4-5X per week.
I plan no phasing the strength down and out until I can get the swim down, while continuing w\ Core strength.

-About me personally, I live in MA, I have 8 YO twins and am currently separated.
2014-02-18 6:43 PM
in reply to: handyhammer

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Welcome Dave!
Good to see you.

I checked out your logs and it looks like you are back in full swing! Especially pounding that run. Nice!

I like what you have done listing some stats and goals on your dashboard, I might try to put together something like that.

2014-02-18 6:49 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi Clarkey,
Sounds like we have some things in common, Last September I also traveled down to FL to do a race with my brother, who is local. I didn't have to go quite as far as you though, only about 350 miles.

Congrats on your decision to get your fitness back. It sounds like you are really working hard and have an ambitious program workout schedule.
I also strength train a couple hours per week and plan to continue to do so. I've heard good things about the TI swimming. Let me know if I can help in any way.
2014-02-18 7:27 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Chris, how did you attach your photo???

Clarkey, Awesome!!! You are in the right mind set.

I will add a photo and a story soon.

2014-02-18 7:43 PM
in reply to: The Padre

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
When you are writing your post there is a box at the bottom that says "attach a file after posting." Just check that box and finish your post. After you hit submit it lets you browse for a file to attach.
2014-02-18 9:37 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hello Boys And Girls,

Here is a friendly reminder. Check your gear, bike, brakes, etc before you head out after this long winter.

During the second road ride of the season, able to check off That Wonderful Flat Tire from the list of 2014. The front flat was really no big deal to change. Easy quick release & under my set is a full pack of tire needs. Super Simple. Something I did NOT account for was the condition of my spare tubes. From the photo you can see my Doh moment. I used the patch kit and went on about my ride.

Do yourselves a favor & do more than just dust off your bike, helmet, or running shoes. Maybe we could do a group check list???
2014-02-19 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4950425

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Noob question

I see many photos w people w goggles on and swim caps over their goggles - is this standard or preference?
I've been putting on cap and goggles over??
2014-02-19 10:52 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by Clarkey77

Noob question

I see many photos w people w goggles on and swim caps over their goggles - is this standard or preference?
I've been putting on cap and goggles over??

It's personal preference. Some people like to put the goggle straps under the cap to help keep them from getting knocked off. I wear mine over the cap so I can pull them off quickly when exiting the water.
2014-02-19 8:52 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

Originally posted by Clarkey77

Noob question

I see many photos w people w goggles on and swim caps over their goggles - is this standard or preference?
I've been putting on cap and goggles over??

It's personal preference. Some people like to put the goggle straps under the cap to help keep them from getting knocked off. I wear mine over the cap so I can pull them off quickly when exiting the water.

Thank you - Ive been training w\ them over the cap, so I will probably keep it that way .... may experiment a bit, but we shall see!

2014-02-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
I had a good workout today -
quick weights - half hour back/bi
30-35 min. 2.5 mile jog after warmup
Then an hour in the pool:
15 Min of TI drills - then 45 min of lengths working on form and breathing.
--feeling better about the swim.

I have a question for the vets here.
I am a bit overweight. I have lost about 40 lbs over the past year.
I am hoping to drop another 15 lbs between now and the race = 2 lb per week.
Its a bit of a stretch at this point.

My question is, should I continue to 'cut' leading into the race, and worry about it sapping my energy?
or continue to train and work on fitness and worry about 'cutting' later?

Or maybe plan a less aggressive cut leading up to the race?
2014-02-20 11:59 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hello All,

I am hosting The Magic Carpet Ride at 6:30pm mt time zone. You can stream live www dot kafmradio dot org and I hope you all can join.

Clarkey77, I should leave your question 2 the mentors but from my point of view I wouldn't change a thing. Feel free to "cut " because come race day you WILL NOT BE ZAPPED OF ENERGY!! Believe me, it might even be the 1st time you feel alive. Something that I heard and believe to be true is this: 2.5 mile jog at the beginning of your workout will burn sugars from the daily intake. THEN, the 30min of weights will burn the stored fat. I find this to be true. ANYONE???? By then, your pool workout will be more focused on Range Of Motion and longer pulls. Keep doing what you are doing and forget about the over weight thing. Keep Up The Good Work!!!!

Yesterday was an awesome ride to the recycling center!! I beat Mother Nature, I didn't fight the wind, & made it back safe and sound.

What Else Is Possible
2014-02-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: The Padre

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
35 min / 10 miles on the stationary today. Need to invest in a trainer for the next month till the thaw!
2014-02-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: The Padre

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
35 min / 10 miles on the stationary today. Need to invest in a trainer for the next month till the thaw!
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2014-05-14 7:37 AM Dominion
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