BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-07 10:00 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Good evening Team,

I just got done with my first swim workout for the year. It feels great to finally get some good work in. So far I have been exercising for three days straight. I have a plan for the next two days before I take a day off. This will be five days in a row without a day off.

How long do some of you go before you feel that you need to take a day off? For me it's hard to take a day off when I am training for a tri because I don't like going more than two days without doing one of the three sports.

Have a great evening,


2014-01-07 11:07 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Nice work on the swim Gil, I keep telling myself I'm going back into the pool this week, but it is yet to eventuate, I'm hoping to get there tomorrow. I've been doing a heap of core/strength work and walking and I am back on the bike. As far as days off go, I try and have every Monday off, but if my body is telling me I need a day off during the week I'll do that too. If I have more than two days off in a row my motivation starts to fall on the lazy side, so I try and keep it to one day off a week where possible. I also know with my illness there are weeks where I can barely drag myself out of bed to do anything (winter!), so when I feel good, I try and get as much good quality training in as I can without over doing it.

Originally posted by gdelamora Good evening Team, I just got done with my first swim workout for the year. It feels great to finally get some good work in. So far I have been exercising for three days straight. I have a plan for the next two days before I take a day off. This will be five days in a row without a day off. How long do some of you go before you feel that you need to take a day off? For me it's hard to take a day off when I am training for a tri because I don't like going more than two days without doing one of the three sports. Have a great evening, Gil

2014-01-08 6:30 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hope you are feeling 100% soon.


Originally posted by gdelamora

Hey KC - I haven't been able to get rid of the flu. It keeps coming back. I'm just coming out of the worst flu that I have gotten since November. I don't know why but it's been hitting me so hard this year and it definitely has weaken me and slowed me down a lot. I did put in a good and slow workout today and it felt really great to start to want to get back into my routine.
2014-01-08 6:32 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Gil - you have to give yourself at least one day week to rest the body (will help with that lingering flu as well). I am starting my IM plan on Monday January 13th and the way I have it laid out right now is Sunday off - and I hope I can stick to that. If I do anything on the Sunday it would just be a nice long stretch - thats it.


Originally posted by gdelamora

Good evening Team,

I just got done with my first swim workout for the year. It feels great to finally get some good work in. So far I have been exercising for three days straight. I have a plan for the next two days before I take a day off. This will be five days in a row without a day off.

How long do some of you go before you feel that you need to take a day off? For me it's hard to take a day off when I am training for a tri because I don't like going more than two days without doing one of the three sports.

Have a great evening,

2014-01-08 11:16 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
I'd like to be in for another round!

STORY: This will be my fourth season of triathlon. I've done many sprint tris, a few olympic distances, along with Boulder 70.3 and Racine 70.3. I'm signed up for Boulder 70.3 again this year so my training starts in 2 weeks! I'm pretty laid back when it comes to training and I don't take myself too seriously. I make plenty of time for other things such as hiking, backpacking, kayaking, mt biking, and some skiing. I love just being active and outdoors! I also always reward myself with good microbrews! I'm surrounded by them being in Colorado. We live at 9,000 ft in the mountains but do all our work/training/shopping in Boulder.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one dog; Weimaraner/Blk Lab mix named Otis!

CURRENT TRAINING: Just got rid of pneumonia so I'm basically starting over again. It's hard to start over knowing where you once were.

2014 RACES: "A" race is Boulder 70.3 in June. Will do other smaller races also just haven't signed up for those yet.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm at my winter weight right now which is about 144. Summer weight is around 136. It's just the way it goes.

Guess that's about it.
~ Jen
2014-01-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
No, rock!!

I remember following your Ironman tracker last year...refreshing every 2 seconds I really enjoyed that!

2014-01-08 9:44 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Welcome back Gil!

I have been told recovery is just as important as the workout I have been told recover days can be complete days off or recovery SBR. I have 38 days straight of SBR, but I take recovery days when my body needs it This is usually an easy swim or easy spin on the bike. I have found that if my body is tired and I push my self, I get injured,burnt out, and/or lose motiviation

Looking forward,

2014-01-08 11:14 PM
in reply to: WillTriForBeer

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

G'day Team,

hope everyone is keeping warm and toasty and out of those polar conditions we are seeing over here on the news. I wont rub it in by saying we have been having glorious weather (sorry, couldn't help myself!).

Jen - glad to hear you got over your bout of pneumonia, that can take ages to leave your system. Don't worry you'll find your fitness again. I found the first couple of weeks really sucked for me. I was reminded at every turn by my body that I was now 30kgs over weight, but my mind remembered being lighter and able to run 10k with ease. Even though I've only been doing strength work, walking and riding, I can feel my fitness coming back. Your body will remember eventually, just give it time.

Todd - welcome back, looking forward to your enthusiam and racing adventures this year!

KC - Haha, sorry my friend, but I have to laugh when someone who has completed 2 Ironmans and is signed up for a 3rd complains he has no motivation. I am sure you will find it in time, you always have before and you will again! Just put those red thonged speedos on and nothing will catch you!

KTC - just wondering what your walk to run ratio is for Ironman, marathons etc? I'm starting back running doing a couch to 10K program which is 14 weeks long, it is based on the Galloway method. I've started reading his book also to gain a better insight.

Anyway peeps, hope training is going well, be safe!

2014-01-09 1:49 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Are you really on 38 straight days or is that your record? That is awesome.

Gil - KC and Todd are right. You need to make sure you have at least one day of rest or at least a VERY easy day. I like the one day since my own opinion is that you are risking burnout if you don't rest. The body can be pushed harder than the mind. Once you hit that mental fatigue it can really mess with your training. It is nice to just have that one day of nothing. Although with all the mental rest I have given my mind the past 2 months I should be placing at Kona this year

Originally posted by ettringite23[

I have 38 days straight of SBR, but I take recovery days when my body needs it
2014-01-09 1:52 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
So we got our new insurance info at work yesterday and it looks real good so I will be able to switch to the HMO and get my hernia surgery. I am gonna schedule tomorrow and hopefully get in at the end of January. I am estimating 4 weeks of recovery so I should have enough time to train form my 6/23/14 "A" race.

Glad that I can finally put this behind me as it has been a real drain on my training since end of summer.
2014-01-09 1:53 AM
in reply to: tmoran80


Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
I'd like to join in.

STORY: I'm 31 and live in China, working as a business consultant. I played college baseball and have stayed in decent shape since but have never done any of the three disciplines competitively. I'm a true "beginner triathlete." I'd toyed with the idea of doing a triathlon for a few years and a buddy of mine that lives in Chengdu talked me into joining him for the Chengdu ITU Triathlon World Cup (Olympic) on May 11. I got another buddy of mine in the States that's done several tris to find me a used bike. He's shipping it to me this week. I think I'll be okay on the bike and run; the swim is definitely going to be the toughest for me.

FAMILY: Married with two kids (3 and 2).

CURRENT TRAINING: Just started the "20 Week Olympic - 2x balanced" training plan from this site. I don't have my bike yet so I'll be a few weeks behind on biking once it gets here. I travel a fair amount too, so there will definitely be some days that I miss, or don't have access to a pool, etc.

2014 RACES: The Chengdu Olympic, as noted above. Also might go up to Beijing in September for another Olympic.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've always been a skinny dude. I'm 6'1.5" and about 165.

2014-01-09 9:52 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Simone - thanks and I like your comment to KC about the red thong-ed speedo. HA!

Tim - hernia surgery? yikes. So I"m guessing that Wisconsin Dells 70.3 is your "A" race this year?

Welcome Murdock!
2014-01-09 10:40 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Good luck on the hernia surgery. I was up and walking fast.

Bio - I am 62. Retired journalist. 25 years clean and sober. Flaming liberal which Tim loves.

I started riding a bike in 2005 at 400 pounds, 50 inch waist. Beat cancer in 2006. First triathlon was riding the bike in relays for LiveSTRONG in 2007 and 2008. First full triathlons in 2009, sprint, oly and a bastard length between sprint and oly. 2010, first half IM. 20011 First IronMan Wisconsin with a hernia I knew about and a colon tumor I didn't. Had surgery to take 2 feet of colon out so I'm not as full of as earlier. 2012 I did Branson 70.3 (A in the mountains, but fun) In 2013, I did IronMan Wisconsin again. The hope was to run more to get the time down. It backfired and inflamed arthritis in my hip. Finished well inside the cutoff though so I'm good. 2X IronMan before Social Security.

I earned my ITCA coaching cert in 2011, my USAT level 1 coaching cert. in October, 2013 in Hawaii at Kona.

Working on the arthritis. I have an RX that is working well. Also I distribute Real Time Pain Relief, a lotion that is the bomb. Really helps. I never would have finished the IM without it. I noticed many of you are doing Galloway. I'm reading his book now and just started to run again two weeks ago. Slow but doing well with the hill repeats he talks about on the treadmill. Some speed work. After about 6 runs since IronMan, low endurance but strong it seems.

Bike is great.

I haven't been in the water since Hawaii. Not minding that a bit in this cold weather and unsure how much really is needed yet I plan to start back with Masters next week 2X a week. I focused on the swim in 2013 and it really helped. Form improved, time came down to 1:29 for the IM and the Garmin said we swam 2.8 m that day so I was happy.

This year I am hoping the leg holds up for a half IM. Unsure which. Dells maybe, Springfield IL. maybe since it's close to me and flat. Also they offer shorter courses so if the leg flares up and I can't run/walk the 13.1 I could step down to Oly. Might do one of the Chicago events too. I have a short course here in June. I'll put together my year next week.

I am also going to pick up a couple or three athletes to train to get my feet wet. Mentoring a running club training program if the leg holds. All good.

Glad to be a part of the group. Facebook

If you have pain, read on. If not skip it:

Real Time site is Lots of information there. I am talking the product up not to make money so much as to share something I found that works with people who need it. Let me know if you want more information or a free sample. It is not snake oil. It works. Believe me I tried them all for the arthritis. It also works for muscular and tendon stuff of all kinds. Ibuprofen does a number on the kidneys over time. That worried me.

Edited by IceManScott 2014-01-09 12:57 PM
2014-01-09 11:42 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
38 is my current streak...I started on December 1st and committed to at least 60 minutes of SBR a day (including strength workouts). Runs have all been moderate effort (high zone 3) with no speedwork; cycling has been mostly high zone 3 with some zone 4 (traineroad mid-volume half-iron plan); and swims have been mostly high intensity (except recovery days).

Looking forward!

2014-01-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Im tapering for the Disney Marathon this Sunday and had to run 3 miles Wednesday... I went and did them on the treadmill cause I was too much of a wuss.

I moved to Florida to get away from that crapola cold weather!!

Edited by Lou_70 2014-01-09 12:43 PM
2014-01-09 5:24 PM
in reply to: murdock

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hey Murdock - welcome to the group. Interesting that you are in China and I am sure it will make for some interesting topics. Don't worry about hitting your plan 100%. Being flexible is a key element to successful triathlon training.

Originally posted by murdock

I'd like to join in.

STORY: I'm 31 and live in China, working as a business consultant. I played college baseball and have stayed in decent shape since but have never done any of the three disciplines competitively. I'm a true "beginner triathlete." I'd toyed with the idea of doing a triathlon for a few years and a buddy of mine that lives in Chengdu talked me into joining him for the Chengdu ITU Triathlon World Cup (Olympic) on May 11. I got another buddy of mine in the States that's done several tris to find me a used bike. He's shipping it to me this week. I think I'll be okay on the bike and run; the swim is definitely going to be the toughest for me.

FAMILY: Married with two kids (3 and 2).

CURRENT TRAINING: Just started the "20 Week Olympic - 2x balanced" training plan from this site. I don't have my bike yet so I'll be a few weeks behind on biking once it gets here. I travel a fair amount too, so there will definitely be some days that I miss, or don't have access to a pool, etc.

2014 RACES: The Chengdu Olympic, as noted above. Also might go up to Beijing in September for another Olympic.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've always been a skinny dude. I'm 6'1.5" and about 165.

2014-01-09 11:58 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Hi Murdock, welcome to the team!

2014-01-10 6:21 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Lou - Good luck for the Disney marathon on Sunday!

2014-01-10 12:06 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Good luck on Sunday Lou. I would imagine that I would take your weather any day over the crap we have had in Chicago. It was -45 last weekend.

Originally posted by Lou_70


Im tapering for the Disney Marathon this Sunday and had to run 3 miles Wednesday... I went and did them on the treadmill cause I was too much of a wuss.

I moved to Florida to get away from that crapola cold weather!!
2014-01-10 12:41 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hey Team.

First - Welcome Murdock and welcome back Jen, and Lou.

Tim - awesome news about the hernia surgery happening soon - I had forgot all about that. Will there be much of a scar showing when you wear the red speedo?

Todd - thanks for the kind words.

Simone - just an FYI - when I wear the red thong the reason is to have someone catch me

Lou - all the best for the Disney Marathon this weekend - let us know how it goes and where do you live down there again?

Scott - going to be great to have you with us again. I would like some more info on that product you are suggesting - the old ankle is still acting up and it is worth a shot for sure. Facebook me.

OK - was going to whine a bit about a terrible head and chest cold I have picked up since my return from Christmas break seeing my Mom and Dad in Panama City Beach (FYI - I think I would like to do IM FLA one of these years). Anyway - I am sure I will come out of this tailspin the cold has put me in soon, but not soon enough though - I am scheduled to start my 28 week plan for Ironman Lake Placid on Monday with a short swim and run. I can't believe it - the countdown has begun lol.

I am not going to whine about a stupid cold because I was talking to a young friend of mine who just blew his knee out playing ultimate Frisbee in early December and has just seen the surgeon last week to go over the MRI and discuss his options. Well - turns out the prognosis is bleak for him to return to any sport. He has destroyed his meniscus and the acl is torn with only a few fibres still holding together and his femur and tibia collided causing serious bone damage. He is only in his mid 20's and a very active kid. He was as student of mine at the college and took to triathlon when he found out I got into it. He completed IM Louisville 2 years ago and I was there to see him finish - along with seeing the one and only KTC finish as well.

I feel so bad for him and he is down in the dumps - so if I forget about his bad luck and complain to much - kick me in the a$$ please. I am sure I will have my moments, like I am having right now with this cold and feeling like I am lacking motivation but, God willing I will get through the inevitable dulldrums and simply remember our name: RFP

Have a great weekend everyone - I am going to stay inside and let this cold run its course.

2014-01-10 5:27 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hey Team.

Plan starts Monday - I hope - that's if I am feeling better



workoutvolumeIMLP2014.jpg (79KB - 7 downloads)

2014-01-10 11:29 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Hey KC, are you following a BT plan again? Hope you feel better soon!

Originally posted by kcgolf Hey Team. Plan starts Monday - I hope - that's if I am feeling better KC

2014-01-10 11:31 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

Tim, I hope the hernia operation goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

Originally posted by tmoran80 So we got our new insurance info at work yesterday and it looks real good so I will be able to switch to the HMO and get my hernia surgery. I am gonna schedule tomorrow and hopefully get in at the end of January. I am estimating 4 weeks of recovery so I should have enough time to train form my 6/23/14 "A" race. Glad that I can finally put this behind me as it has been a real drain on my training since end of summer.

2014-01-11 12:41 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Hi! Can I join? Read through the posts and find similarities w many of you! Always excited to be part of a group. I've been w Baowolf's group for 2 seasons. And um ... I will likely check in with that group too. Hope that's ok!!
NAME: EV3110/ Elena

STORY: this is my 3rd season racing tris. I think I enjoy training more than race day. It seems I either have terrible races or awesome ones. They should all be awesome IMO. Right?! I've raced lots of sprints, lots of half marathons, couple duathlons/aquabike and my first Half Iron his past July- Vineman1/2. It was an awesome race. Vineman couldn't have been a better race for me. Now, that's NOT to say that it was fast! That... I am not! I'm a BOPer all the way!

FAMILY STATUS: Married. 2 kids ages 7 & 9.

CURRENT TRAINING: My logs are up to date. Currently I'm participating in a run challenge: 100 miles for the mo of January is the goal. ITBS issues may hinder milage & performance. Im at 22/100 so fAr. Meh, I may make it. I have a Half marathon on Superbowl Sunday.

2014 RACES:
Jan- Resolution Run 10k- 65 min.
- SJB 10 miler
Feb- Surf City half marathon
March- Duathlon -probably the sprint distance
May- Wildflower mtb sprint
June- I have not committed but may register for Folsom long course... Need to decide soon.
  • . More later in the yr.

  • 2013 Races- Duathlon international distance, 2 sprint tri's, Half ironman, double road race (10k.. then 5k), 2 half marathons

    WEIGHT: currently 138. Race at 133ish. I just want it be leaner! 42 years old. Still hot. :D

    INJURY: I ran a half marathon in October. My training was very good. I was feeling super strong. My goal was 2- 2:05. Then.. I self-sabotaged. The 2 weeks prior to the race I just did not get the training runs in. I think I ran a total of about 10 miles the 2 wks prior. So when race day came my IT band kicked my you-know-what!! I had almost NO issues with it for about a year! I didn't make a 2 hr half marathon but still managed to PR@2:07 ...but i was hurting. I've rested, stretched and rolled to no avail. So I am currently running for milage only. If I incorporate any speed or intensity of any sort I begin to feel it. So all my current runs are about11:30 min mile. And that's just no fun.

    Edited by EV3110 2014-01-11 12:57 AM
    2014-01-11 7:46 AM
    in reply to: kcgolf

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    Extreme Veteran
    Normal, Ill.
    Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)

    KC. Check out It has lots of information on why this stuff works. It is a topical pain reliever with several well-known ingredients that work. The cool thing is that it goes on at the point of pain rather than like a pill that circulates through the body to places where it isn't needed and must be removed by the kidneys or liver. Less ibuprofen the better. If you have questions, email me at [email protected] or phone 309-275-7120. I wouldn't encores Real Time if it didn't work far better than anything you can get in the store.
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    2014-05-16 3:19 PM jackiep
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    Club or group workouts are very motivating and soon you’ll start feeling like a triathlete, making you less likely to flake out.
    date : September 5, 2004
    author : Team BT
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    Her IM time of 13 hours and 44 minutes at the Great Floridan allowed her to compete for the USA Triathlon Team in Ibiza, Spain in 2003.