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2014-04-06 8:09 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Sorry--just realized you are female. Possible it is hormone related. Never quite gotten to the bottom of my issues, but it is often related to PMS for me. Also more an issue if I'm sick, even with a minor illness, or very tired. My dad has always been very cold-sensitive (though not lean) so possible it's genetic. I wouldn't worry too much if it's a pool swim--if things get really uncomfortable, it will be easy to pull out/get help. Where you really need to be careful is open water swimming, esp. in borderline situations where water is close to wetsuit legal temps but wetsuits aren't allowed. (This was my issue last weekend.) In some cases, you can wear a wetsuit anyway but not be eligible for awards--if you're just in it to finish, this might be a good option. It isn't for me, so I'd either suffer or switch to the du. I'd make sure you were a much more confident swimmer before electing to "suffer", though. If it's not due to a medical condition, guessing things will improve somewhat as you become a more accomplished swimmer, as you'll be able to work up enough body heat to keep, if not warm, at least on the right side of hypothermia.

As others may have mentioned, keeping on your neoprene cap until you put on the bike helmet, and maybe an extra layer to throw over yourself during transition (I put on a down jacket in transition once!), or even wear on the bike, may be helpful, too. For the latter, a thin Merino wool pullover with a top zip you can pull down as you get warmed up is great at keeping you warm when wet, and not being too hot later on. You can put your number on a race belt in advance (some races provide them, or you can get at a sports shop or order online) and that can go over any top you wear. No need to worry about changing layers then--just keep belt on the outside of whatever you wear for bike/run.

Transition--Races vary. Often the spot is assigned, sometimes based on age group or pace, sometimes random. Sometimes it's first-come, first served. I haven't done a tri with pool swim so not sure of the logistics in that case. Just check the route from pool to bike before the race. It's common to feel a little dizzy/foggy after the swim, esp. if water is uncomfortably cold, so make sure you know where you're going! If necessary for safety, just walk thru transition to the bike.

Edited by Hot Runner 2014-04-06 8:16 AM

2014-04-06 7:59 PM
in reply to: Brummig

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

Originally posted by Brummig Thanks Champion for the good advice. I have been doing some lessons but despite best efforts of my instructors my technique is poor. I started trying to practice crawl, and was improving, but as soon as I tried it in a pool with lots of other people and the water was quite rough I panicked when water went in my mouth and up my nose and I just stopped, so the last few weeks we have focussed on breaststroke. I think I will be joining the others walking where possible - it will be quicker I just didn't think it was allowed! I will try and keep that positive attitude in my prep - though I am still hoping and praying the weather will be kind on the day!

I swim with a nose plug because I kept getting water up my nose.  Makes all the difference in the world!  There are several different kinds available and they're all pretty cheap so you can just experiment with them to find out which one you like and whether you even like using one at all.  I've seen competitive swimmers wearing them so there's definitely no shame in using one.  Hang in there, you're doing great!

2014-04-07 5:50 AM
in reply to: #4972665


Hickory, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Dont know what kind of reaction u had to the cold water but here is my experience. I work outside and also maintain a pool. Everytime my skin would come in contact with very cold air or cold pool water I would break out in an ichy rash. In short, doctor visits, self research ect. No solutions. Then I started taking zertec for allergy, pollen issues, and just happens the cold skin rash is 95% under control. Just my take.
2014-04-10 1:10 AM
in reply to: BryanDuckworth


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Thanks guys. I spoke to my GP who is going to send me for some blood tests to see if there is a reason for my getting so cold. In the meantime I will keep practicing, and keeping warm! We are going away tonight until 6 days before the event so my only option will be running for the next few days. I'll just have to do the best I can.
2014-04-10 4:44 PM
in reply to: Brummig

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Extreme Veteran
, Kobenhavns Kommune
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

"Decent shape" is relative. If you've lost a lot of weight then chances are you've also lost a lot of muscle mass. In particular if you've not combined a change of diet with exercise including strength training and/or diet have been deficient in proteins. Muscle helps keep you warm because it consumes energy even when at rest. I suggest you review you diet to ensure you get enough protein and start doing strength training, in particular core strength is great also for the sport, will improve your running too.

Second, for the pool:

It's easier to stay warm than get warm, so get your engines running before you get in! When you go to your pool workout, stay dressed wearing sweatpants and shirt or similar till you're ready to get in, at the very least wear a t-shirt, but it seems you need more. Do a proper warmup on the deck, you should get the blood flowing and start sweating. Expect to spend 10-15min for the warm up.

Once in the water - I know this is easier said than done if you're a beginner - but, don't spend your time resting at the wall. Short rest is OK but your pulse should not get down to recovery/rest, I usually say 10-15 sec. between repetitions, less than 1 minute between sets. You need to stay active to stay warm.

All of the above will also make you progress faster.
2014-04-23 8:39 AM
in reply to: erik.norgaard


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Thanks Erik. I didn't do strength training all through all my weight loss, but I have been doing for 18 months (well until the last few weeks when I've been focussing on run, swim, bike), nothing too heavy but reasonable. I also do core. There aren't big muscles, but they are there! I do agree however that I'm probably lacking protein. I am trying to get more in but do struggle as don't eat meat, don't like nuts, don't do quorn. I am also now taking an iron supplement.

Triathlon is in 4 days -gosh that came around quick! Not feeling too bad at the moment, but keeping an eye on the weather forecast!

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