BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-05-16 12:54 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
No races for me this weekend

But last weekend I raced a F1 Duathlon
1.7 mile run
10 mile bike
1.7 mile run
10 mile bike
1.17 mile run

This equals OUCH!!!

The coolest part is each 10 mile bike segment was on the Watkins Glen Nascar Road Course
Lots of fast turns and lots of speed

Run course -

Bike Course -

I would highly recommend it if you ever get a chance there's nothing like racing bikes on a closed course with smooth pavement.

The race started at 6:00 at night as well so it was a much different feel to the race there was a BBQ afterwards and awards were in the dark.


Edited by triguy1043 2014-05-16 12:55 PM

2014-05-16 1:06 PM
in reply to: triguy1043

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
That's a really cool format. I did a dual a few weeks ago but it was 5k/13 miles/1.5 miles. It'd be really fun to have it on a closed course like that though. Not sure how my body would react after the 2nd run and then getting back on the bike... then one more run.
2014-05-16 1:27 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Originally posted by jonD81

That's a really cool format. I did a dual a few weeks ago but it was 5k/13 miles/1.5 miles. It'd be really fun to have it on a closed course like that though. Not sure how my body would react after the 2nd run and then getting back on the bike... then one more run.

Format was super fun

The runs were TOUGH after riding super hard its very hard to run fast at all. Legs did not like it
2014-05-16 2:15 PM
in reply to: triguy1043

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
That would be really cool, just getting to ride on the track would be worth it.
2014-05-16 3:37 PM
in reply to: AkABuzz

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Welcome to everyone new and 'old.' Note I put old in quotes.

Just in from a short 30 minute run and dog walk. The weather for the first time in 2 weeks is absolutely GORGEOUS in Augusta, GA. We went from 92 and humid to 82 and no humidity in 24 hours. Hope it sticks around for the weekend.

No racing for me this weekend...just more swim, bike, run. There's always an open water swim at the dam on Sundays, and I generally get a longish run and long bike in on the weekend. I have 4.5 more student days and 8.5 more teacher days and then the summer is MINE!!!
2014-05-16 4:10 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Hi, everyone.  I only partially disappeared last group. 

Hope you'll forgive me and let me back.  :-)Like Randee, I'm going to cheat and post my winter bio, with some updates:

HISTORY:  44 45 YO long time runner (like, 30 years), plus a weekend warrior in a myriad of team sports, got pretty good at beach volleyball in my 20s until we tried to play Open and then just got crushed; started gaining weight once those team sports ended into my 30s, all the "weigh" up to 227 at one point.  I finally decided that I'm gonna go ahead and do a half marathon in fall 2007.  Mission accomplished, and then I got hooked on endurance training.  My wife had done a couple of the Danskin triathlons and I was always intrigued by the multisport idea, but it took a couple of years to get me to give it a whirl  First tri in 2010 where I smoked a 3:00/100y swim split, but managed 19 mph on my hybrid and threw down a 5K PR during the race.  I was hooked.  Started training seriously to move up to the Oly distance in 2011 when all hell broke loose.  Left knee pain...went in for meniscus surgery but it was fine.  Hmm.  Went through rehab, knee didn't get better.  Then the right knee started acting up.  Then I hurt my lower back.  So I jumped in the pool and swam a lot (for me), and started a focused core strength training program.  Started jogging and cycling again in 2012, tweaked my knee in the fall and had to start all over again.  AHHHHHH!!!!!!  Beginning of last year I started a couch-to-5K program with some success, plus some swimming and biking.  Had another knee flare up back in May.  FINALLY got healthy in July and rode my bike like crazy, plus threw in some swimming and running, and ran a sprint tri in August (podium!! - lousy field but I'll take it).  Did a longer sprint tri in September, then switched to focus of getting my running back.  That focus led to three straight PRs in the 5K, 5M, and 10K distance. 

My running this spring has gone really well; posted PRs in a couple of distances and earned a couple of VDOTs too.  My biking has been a struggle...the weather has been awful so I have a grand total of 2 outside rides so far, but the last one went well.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Just started Prep phase about finishing up a 24-week plan, peaking for an Oly race on May 31st, where I hope to qualify for AGN.  I think it's going to take about a 2:23-2:25 to do it, which would involve PRs at all three disciplines.  Oh, and I've never raced an Oly, either.     My training plan has been essentially Daniel's Running Formula 5-to15K running plan (in Phase 1 now), with reduced Q runs, Trainer Road's 40K TT plan (doesn't start until March, so just base cycling now), plus a couple swims a week thrown in (eventually heading back to Masters).  I also religiously do my strength and core work, including Bikram yoga at least once a week.  I'm a numbers nut, so I track my TSS, etc., and use Trainer Road's virtual power.  I usually train twice a day except for my long run on Saturday, and Sunday is a day off unless I miss a bunch of stuff during the week. 

I'm peaking this weekend with a really long swim tomorrow and a practice tri Sunday.

FAMILY/WORK:  I'm married and have an 11 YO daughter who swims year round and now crushes me at every stroke except for maybe 50 free.  She's also done a couple of mini kids tris and is going to kick it up a notch to a super sprint with me in June.  We live in Baltimore City and I have the bonus of working out of the house, which gives me great flexibility in training but gets a little claustrophobic sometimes.  Wife works out 6 days/week, sometimes alongside me down in The Pit, which we lovingly call our house of pain where the treadmill and trainer are. 

PHILOSOPHY:  Consistency, frequency, repeat.  Having been through the injury wringer a few times now, I've noted that just getting out there and doing a little, a lot, is a whole lot more productive that doing a lot, a little.  As noted above, I'm a data junkie and I have my workouts on BT, plus most on Strava, some on TP, and then there's Trainer Road.  I'm a big Daniels fan, having had so much success in the fall utilizing his principles.

Looking forward to a fun summer of "no goal" training for a little while before I start an HM plan for October.

2014-05-16 4:19 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Alright Here we go

Name: mrajki, Mike Rajki yeah not very original and really need to come up with something better

Story: Almost 33 years old got in to triathlon last year and am seriously addicted. I started riding a mountain bike as a way to help lose weight in 2011, I was 226 pounds and not very happy I was diagnosed with prediabetes and knew I needed to do something, fast forward to today I am 50 pounds lighter do not require any meds and am no longer diabetic. Last year I went to a presentation at our local pool in January and started training, I love the lifestyle and the new healthier me.

Family: Married almost 6 years to a terrificly supportive wife who has absolutly no intrest in triathlon, but she does enjoy swimming with me which helps. We have one 3 year old son 2 dogs and a cat.

Training: I am in the last block of my 70.3 training plan and have already surpassed last years bike total I'm almost to last years run total and am averaging about 12 hours a week when everything goes to plan.

2013 Races: 5 sprint triathlons 4 of which were reverse with the swim being last because I live in the driest state in the US and mostly we swim in pools.

2014 Races: 5 or 6 sprints (the first one is this weekend) HIM Boise on 6/7 maybe an olympic thrown in and HIM Lake Tahoe as a relay if I can put it together.

Weightloss: I am about where I would like to be however I would like to see 5 or so more pounds come off.

Why I'll be a good Mentee: I am engaged and have a lot of questions to ask and realize that I know next to nothing compared to may out there.

2014-05-16 4:24 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Mike and Mike welcome to/back to the group!

2014-05-16 5:21 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Great to see so many new people joining the group!

 This weekend is going to be pretty busy. Up early tomorrow morning to get my bike wkt in before driving up to IMTX. We're supporting a friend who is going to try to KQ tomorrow. It should be a fun and exhausting day at the same time. It's always easier to race than it is to spectate or volunteer.

Then things are back to normal on Sunday after being off for a few days last week with a sinus infection.

I'll add the new people in my friends list as soon as possible. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


2014-05-16 5:22 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Still got room for another? Like Jon I have too much invested following you guys, can't get rid of me now. Crush it this weekend Jason!
2014-05-16 6:04 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Mike/mrajki-I think you were in our group last Summer/Fall. Sounds like you are ready for the HIM. Good luck with your sprint.

Kevin-welcome back!

2014-05-16 10:18 PM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Yes I was, I don't feel ready 3 weeks to go I feel like I need a few more good days I'm looking forward to it.
2014-05-16 11:05 PM
in reply to: slornow

Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
I can already tell this is going to be a good group.

Had a really tough week at work so my bike time is low.
Climbing stairs in hotels is BRUTAL the day after a hard bike.

Going to try to make up some time on Saturday.
AND hopefully try out the wetsuit if the weather clears.

2014-05-17 5:49 AM
in reply to: slornow

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Got room for another?  

I can post a full bio later but the short version is I'm a swimmer learning how to run, I like the 70.3 distance, next race is the Ottawa Half marathon (next weekend).  After that, Challenge Saint Andrews as part of a relay with my wife (I swim and run, she rides) and then the rest of the summer schedule is still up in the air a bit.

2014-05-17 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4996375

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Man, we are already quite the happening group!

I'd like to stick with y'all through the summer as well... And of course keep y'all up to date on my baby girl... We are exactly 2 months from the due date now

I'll get my full bio up later, but for now, I'm Nathan- triathlonpal07- 22 years- 2nd season doing Tri (Tri-ing?)

2014-05-17 7:12 AM
in reply to: triathlonpal07

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Saw my Masters coach as I was at the grocery store this morning picking up some Gatorade for my peak trainingfest this weekend.  He's getting bananas and sports drinks and the warning bells in my head start going, it can't be...

My Masters team is doing 100 x 100 this morning. 

Most of them are crazy long-distance swimmers (one of them is going to swim the Channel next summer).

I'm going to try to get in 4K plus WU/CD...I'll post later to update. 

2014-05-17 7:25 AM
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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Jason should be underway with event #2 with the Triple T in Ohio. No results are posted yet from yesterday's sprint, but here's the link regardless:

I'm off to get the dogs walked then get my run in. Need to dig up a sprinkler head, too. I abhor yardwork...should've purchased a townhouse. That'd leave far more time to ride my bike.

Updated a few hours later:

Just in from a run. I planned on running 6 miles. In my head, I knew I'd be happy if I had a decent 5. Ended up running 7.25 of the most consistently paced miles of my life. Maybe there's hope for me yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by glfprncs 2014-05-17 10:16 AM
2014-05-17 1:15 PM
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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

  I'm Brett/ UTTriman.  Can I please join the club? Need some extra motivation to keep me on track.  I really want to get back into great race shape again.  A group like this could really help me I think!

Story: Turn 54  (ugh that sounds old) this month.   Never was the "natural athlete" that so many in our sport are.  Was not interested in sport in the least in High School,  would run once in a while with a friend then.   I was more interested in being the "band jock" than an athlete.   At 38 a friend convinced me to start running with him and a couple of other friends as he was training for his 3rd marathon.   The other 4 of us were marathon virgins as it were.   Went from a 1.1 mile torture session on first run to the finish line of Marathon # 1 in 7 months, and have been hooked on endurance sport ever since.   Now have completed 5 marathons, 10-12 Half Marathons,  13 Sprint Triathlons, and 1 Olympic Tri.   Still didn't picture or view myself as an athlete until I started placing on the podium in age group.   Even went so far a few years back to start a triathlon production company where we produced the races.  I sold my share out when I was transferred to a new city for work.  After all the work of running the race production company, I will NEVER complain about an entry fee again!  The amount of work race directors and their teams put in to produce a race is staggering!

Anyway, a couple years back, I developed a very serious case of plantar faciitis, and it killed my training almost completely.   I've started and restarted, but haven't been able to get back to where I was.  I'll train really well for a while, then fall off the wagon.   When I got the Plantaar I was running 5k races at 7:40 pace.   Now, I'm excited because I ran 5k yesterday in 11:09 pace!   It's been hard to stay motivated with that kind of decay in performance.   Want to get back to racing again.  Sprint and Olympic distance are primary focus, but some friends want me to do a half iron with them, which would be fun, but right now it's baby steps as it were. 

Family: Married 25 years to my lovely wife.  We've raised 3 girls and a boy - Aged 24, 22, 20, 18.  Wife loves tennis, but has also just joined my health club to start swimming to get some weight off.   When I'm not training she and I sing in a semi professional choir here in Dallas, and enjoy attending the Opera and Symphony.   We also enjoy going to a baseball game when the Yankee's are in town.

Training: Right now, primary training goal is to get/stay consistent again.   I've done pretty well this month.   Need to focus a lot on just getting endurance and pace back, and the weight off.   I'm tending to focus more on running right now, but I need to get a balance back in place.   When I was training at my best, I was swimming 3 days, running 2 and biking 2.  Want to really focus on consistency and improvement.

2014 Season-Haven't got any races planned as yet. Guess that's my homework assignment.   I'm thinking maybe a couple of late summer sprints.   There's a Labor day race in Austin I'd like to do, and maybe a couple other Aug/Sep/Oct races.  I just don't think I can be ready for a June/July race (I could do it, but the results would NOT be pretty).  Buddy wants me to do a half mary with him as well.

2013 Season:  There was a 2013 season? I missed the memo I guess.

Weightloss: This is probably the biggest challenge for me getting back into strong racing condition.   With some unexpected life challenges the past year or so, my weight has MUSHROOMED!   I'm currently about 45 lbs above good race weight, and 50-60 lbs abouve ideal body weight.  Needless to say, my training and work needs to focus on getting the weight OFF!

Edited by UTTriman 2014-05-17 1:17 PM
2014-05-17 1:22 PM
in reply to: #4996375

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN
Welcome to the crew, Brett!
2014-05-17 1:28 PM
in reply to: UTTriman

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Arend/Brett-welcome to the group. I'm excited to see so many new faces joing us. Brett....I'm an old guy too...have you tried the Geritol flavored Gu's yet?

Nathan glad to have you back for another round.

2014-05-17 1:38 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

that's a lot of yards/meters... Good on ya


2014-05-17 1:44 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by slornow

Arend/Brett-welcome to the group. I'm excited to see so many new faces joing us. Brett....I'm an old guy too...have you tried the Geritol flavored Gu's yet?

Nathan glad to have you back for another round.

Geritol GU!   YUCK!   But probably could use it!.   Actually, one area I do need help with is nutrition.  I'm terribly at hydrating, and using gels.   I struggle so much to get them down.  I've tried several but not found one that works well.   I've actually done marathons with those candy orange slices for the carbs.   It's helped.   I know that there are a lot of new products out there in the past couple years, but haven't tried them because, well, not been training well.  Suggestions greatly appreciated.    Also looking for some help rebuilding my swim training plans. 

- Brett -- UTTriman

2014-05-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by glfprncs Welcome to the crew, Brett!


Thanks, Nancy -- appreciate it.


Looks like you had a great run this morning!   Me -- Solid, not particularly fast, but solid 16 mile bike ride.


2014-05-17 1:52 PM
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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Hi, everyone.  I only partially disappeared last group. 

PHILOSOPHY:  Consistency, frequency, repeat.  Having been through the injury wringer a few times now, I've noted that just getting out there and doing a little, a lot, is a whole lot more productive that doing a lot, a little.  As noted above, I'm a data junkie and I have my workouts on BT, plus most on Strava, some on TP, and then there's Trainer Road.  I'm a big Daniels fan, having had so much success in the fall utilizing his principles.

Looking forward to a fun summer of "no goal" training for a little while before I start an HM plan for October.

Data Junkie here as well, Mike.   Haven't missed recording a workout on BT in nearly 10 years, also on Strava.   It's fun to watch your progress, or lack thereof in my case....  lol.   --- Actually just laid down the bills for a Garmin 910XT --- hoping that spending that much money on a new device will help keep me motivated!

Injury sucks don't it!  


-- Brett




Edited by UTTriman 2014-05-17 1:52 PM
2014-05-17 2:23 PM
in reply to: UTTriman

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabesfaster's Summer Group-OPEN

Anxious to hear how things are going for Jason at American TTT.

I had a good result at the Pensacola Beach Sprint finishing 3rd overall. Don't be too impressed. It's a small 200 person race. Never felt good on the bike or run...swim always sucks but came away with an acceptable result. Only about 45 seconds faster than last year but that's a decent amount in a short race. Emailed my Coach and told him "3rd overall". His response was "weak field?"   I'm a little overwhelmed by the praise and support .  

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : October 2, 2007
author : docgill
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Is it possible for loners to work in a small group and still have plenty of time on their own? Training in small groups can give many benefits.
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Which component group is right for you? Here are some differences on weight, performance and price between the Dura-Ace, Ultegra and 105 component groups.
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This summer, I am planning on doing three triathlons. What should my strategy be for training, tapering and resting during, before and after each race?
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author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
date : January 1, 2006
author : acbadger
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Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
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author : Rich Strauss
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Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.