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2014-12-28 4:25 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Has anyone ever heard of Boyd wheels?

I was thinking of getting some race wheels with my new bike since I decided to sell both my old bikes. The LBS was suggesting ENVE but they cost almost as much as the bike. A coworker who rides a lot mentioned Boyd to me. They look solid and the price seems great, I could even possibly get a power meter with the money I save, or maybe just actually save it.

2014-12-28 4:27 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
When I was riding (a very, very, long time ago) I put aftermarket aero bars on my rode bike. I loved them. The HIM I did was on an aero-aluminum framed tri bike, and I enjoyed it imensely. Something about the bike sitting you forward over the aero position. Whichever you go with, I'd recommend hours of practice prior to and leading up to race day. You could go either way.
2014-12-28 4:30 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
8.25 easy/slow miles at a 9:09/mi pace. 1:15:30 takes the cake with my longest effort to date. Avoiding the bitter beer penalty, priceless.

On a beer note, I had a Hop Nosch last evening, a St. Bernardus Belgiun, and a Double Bastard Ale. The Hopp Nosch took the cake with the double bastard a distant second, in my oppinion. The St. Bernardus was just notty, at some 10.5%. I enjoyed it, but it's not my favorite.
2014-12-29 8:26 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by kevinbe 8.25 easy/slow miles at a 9:09/mi pace. 1:15:30 takes the cake with my longest effort to date. Avoiding the bitter beer penalty, priceless. On a beer note, I had a Hop Nosch last evening, a St. Bernardus Belgiun, and a Double Bastard Ale. The Hopp Nosch took the cake with the double bastard a distant second, in my oppinion. The St. Bernardus was just notty, at some 10.5%. I enjoyed it, but it's not my favorite.

In my opinion, it takes a pretty good beer that can pull off a 10.5%...apparently St. Bernard is not one of them.

8.25 at Easy/slow...haha that is a good one... :-) Lately that is my fast pace...

2014-12-29 10:42 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Sounds like all are doing well and I just know this is going to be another fanfrickintastic year! The other day I saw someone who I worked with many years was an awful atmosphere to be in daily. She kept mentioning how much weight I had lost but finally said there is something else that is different. Not sure what that is but I know I am so enjoying my journey in life and though there are some challenges and I fail at goals I am so thankful for all I have. I want to say a special thanks to the boyz of the group (you all know who you are) for being my brothers in triathlon and keepin' this sista on track!
2014-12-29 12:00 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Pardon the interruption here folks....but you are my people!

Thou hast been called to the light of BDAS.
When called, thou shall not ignore thy calling,
but thou shalt answer thy calling.
Thou shalt ............


Name: Kurt (aka: fifth circle, or fifther or 5th)

Did several tri's back in 2009-10 (sprints and oly's). Also did a HM (rock'n'roll las vegas). I was training for a HIM in 2010, and my tri-buddy decided to no do it, so I decided not to as well. It has haunted me ever since! I have also done one "gravel grinder" ride, The Flint Hills Death Ride. 83mi of gravel roads and Kansas hills.

Lincoln, NE

Married 10yrs. Two kids, boy is 3, girl is nearly 2.

Stay at home dad (SAHD)

All of it! I am a homebrewer and beer lover. Don't get me started!!!

Current Situation:
I have been a SAHD since June of 2011. Before that I was a main line cable tech. I have done no scheduled exercise since having our first child. NOT COOL! Finally decided to start back into things just before Thanksgiving of this year, and went back to my roots of the C25k. That's what started the whole thing, way back in 2008. It's coming along nicely so far.

Planned Events for 2015:
Triathlons - State Games of America (sprint), Omaha Triathlon (sprint or Olympic, have not decided).
Bike Rides - Odin's Revenge (half?), Gravel Worlds. These are my cousins idea, and I'm going to really try to train and ride with him.

If you want more, I started a blog.

Beer geek stuff:
Saison Porter? Sounds iffy. LOL!!!
St. Bernardus Abt 12 is one of the finest beers on this planet, in the Belgian Strong Dark category.
Oak aged, I want to do more of! I have made the Blind Pig clone, and it was amazing. I am currently working on a recipe for a bourbon vanilla cherry porter, with a touch of oak aging. No time to brew lately, but some mash temp control has been ordered to upgrade my already overkill of a system.


2014-12-29 1:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Hi, Dave! I was wondering if I might be able to join again? I'll get a bio up when I can.

Merry Christmas to all! Wow, I'm impressed with the workouts on Christmas! I'm coming off an injury so I'm getting fired up to go. Hubby got me some sweet tri gear for Christmas and I can't wait to put it to use! Heck, my wetsuit is still hanging from the closet door!! (hubby calls it my superhero suit).
Spinning and swimming on Saturday if we don't ski (lots of rain here over the last few days). Getting together with a few friends to do this with whom I'll be doing the Adirondack HIM with next August. Can't wait!

Nothing but good is coming in 2015, everyone; positive vibes, stay healthy and on track!

All my best to everyone,

Hey Jenn: Thanks for joining us again this year! You came a long way in 2014 and I'm sure you will have an ever better 2015! What races are you going to sign up for? We should see if we could do a race together. I met a few BDASers last year and it was a good time. I know you live a few hours north of me but perhaps we could find a race in between Boston and where you live. With your speed, you could squeeze in a beer or two before coming back to the finish to see me cross the line.

I'm loving all the positive vibes - keep those going and let us know how we can support you.


Thanks, Dave!! I would love to meet up at a race, that would be so great!! I'll start taking a look to see what's around! I didn't end up running the Bay State half in Boston last year - that would be fun but it's not until fall.

Right now I plan to do the Colchester Sprint Tri at the end of July that was cancelled last year, probably an Oly in the Lake Dunmore SunTri series the second week of August and my big goal is for the HIM at the Lake George Triathlon Festival in Lake George, NY at the end of August. I'm a little nervous for that to be my first HIM because it's so hilly and right now my knee is giving me issues. I am looking to maybe do an earlier sprint tri - maybe beginning of June but haven't looked too much yet. I also hope to run a HM in April up here - the Unplugged - in Burlington. That's what I've got so far. I'm liking swimming so much that I may look into one of the Aquaman's Revenge races they have here where the swims could be anywhere from 2 miles to 3.5 miles but the bikes and runs are shorter than a regular race. That could be interesting - but if the knee is cranking, swimming may be the answer...

A big foam roller was a gift this year so I will "roll like it's my job" as you say!
I will have a lot of tech questions as I received a Garmin 920xt and just took it out of its box...I've never used Garmin Connect and for the first time I will have a hrm so it's a bit exciting!

Cheers, all! Still working over my Switchback!!
2014-12-29 3:39 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I want to come back!!!

NAME: Sandi

STORY: I began running a few years ago, I have always swam, then took up biking last year. Got interested in triathlons around that time...figured why not...and signed up for my first sprint. I fell in love with training and did several sprints last year. I'm hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the greatest guy in the world and my personal cheerleader/support system.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to get back into it. I had pneumonia last month, but have started running again and plan to start biking again this week. I'm unlikely to do a lot of swimming before spring, but I'll be x-c skiing a lot. :-)

2014 RACES: Several sprints here in WA state.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: I haven't figured this out yet as our schedule is still a bit up in the air (and I would like to make a vacation out of at least one), but my goal is a minimum of four sprints...I'd like to do six. If I can get some good mountain bike training in, I am considering a mtn bike race in September.

BEER PREFERENCE: I'm also in the hoppy pale category. An occasional really light IPA or a good amber, but a great pale is the best!

WEIGHT LOSS: Part of what I love about triathlon training is that it's kept me in good shape and at a decent weight. Hardcore training allows me to eat well and most importantly, drink all the beer I want. Which really, is the priority, after all. I've put on a few pounds this past month being sick, and my immediate goal is to drop those before the end of January.
2014-12-29 4:31 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Thanks Kevin - I am actually of putting aerobars, change the saddle for a shorter front end and and adapt my road bike just for the race, as I do enjoy the "classical" riding position. But you are right, sounds like a good idea to practice before race day (May, looong way to go.....)
2014-12-29 4:33 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Not really, but if looking for good quality&price, I would suggest drwheels, flo wheels, or even you can get ZIPP for under 1,000€
2014-12-29 7:48 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi, I was wondering if I could join this group again? I totally missed last season and really missed it. I'm pretty much starting from zero again- but thinking of doing a few Xterras and a local sprint or two. I didn't swim at all last season or ride my road bike. That said I did Mtn bike a LOT and had fun but missed racing. Kate

2014-12-29 7:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Got room for another? I saw this group title and think its a perfect match!
can post bio later- have to get some sleep now
2014-12-29 9:18 PM
in reply to: Roadtoad22

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
that looks like a beach to battleship medal, you must have been one of the people passing me
2014-12-30 8:02 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by Moonrocket Hi, I was wondering if I could join this group again? I totally missed last season and really missed it. I'm pretty much starting from zero again- but thinking of doing a few Xterras and a local sprint or two. I didn't swim at all last season or ride my road bike. That said I did Mtn bike a LOT and had fun but missed racing. Kate

Hey Kate, good to see you back!


2014-12-30 9:41 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi Thor! How are you doing?

Here is my Bio- I'm ready to get started!

NAME: Kate

STORY: In 2012 after having a baby and getting out of shape I decided to sign up for an Xterra triathlon as a New Year’s Resolution. I didn’t actually do the Xterra that year (I think I had a work conflict?) but had a great year and did a few sprint tris and a 70.3 relay team- which was a blast. The next year I ended up doing the Xterra, a sprint and the 70.3 relay again. Then work got crazy and I missed all of last season. I did mountain bike most weekends- but just could not fit training in. So, I am ready to get back to it. I have a new job starting when we can hire my current replacement- and am going to 4 days a week and no longer have Asia responsibilities- so will get my evenings and Fridays back- which should help me with training this year!

FAMILY STATUS: I am married and have a daughter (5) who also did a kids tri last season but has to actually learn to swim if she wants to do it again this year. (Thanks Scott- that made it really easy to just edit)

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am doing basically nothing. So it’s time to start slowly- to avoid injury.

2014 RACES: None

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Still trying to work out a plan- would like to do 3 tris. That’s enough to keep me motivated but not distract too much from just having fun mountain biking on the weekends. I’m thinking of starting with Xterra Lory- but it is really early in the year and I hate cold.

BEER PREFERENCE: I’m not a huge beer drinker- but will have a few to celebrate at times. I really like Guinness after living in Ireland for a few years- but am also an IPA fan.

WEIGHT LOSS: I could use to drop 5-7 pounds that have been stuck on for a while.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a pretty strong swimming background so can help with questions there- but running is my nemesis so I’m not going to help there.
2014-12-30 1:45 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
OK, I have a bike question. Last year I bought a hybrid that sounded great for me in terms of multi-use and starting biking, but that was before I "discovered" triathlons. I made some tire changes for the races and was able to crank out 14-15 MPH, but obviously if I want to get competitive I'm simply going to need a new bike. I was right up there in the top swimmers and while I'll never be a super fast runner, I think with 9-10 minute miles and a good bike I can easily stay in the top 3 in my age group at the smaller races.

I REALLY do not envision doing any super long races. I admire those of you doing the HIM/IM/etc., but I think I'm going to stick with sprints. I *might* do an oly, but it's not a huge goal at this point.

Given that, does it make sense to go with a nice light road bike over a tri bike? I may be oversimplifying it, but isn't the point of a tri bike to put you comfortably in the aero position for longer periods of time? I'd put aero bars on the new bike anyways (I have them on the hybrid, which I rarely used but it was good to have them). Does anyone have other recommendations? Weight recommendations?

My thought is that I'd probably stick with the hybrid for a LOT of my training, but do a training ride with the road bike weekly. Mostly use it for racing, but get used to it so I can maximize the benefit I'd get from it. Does this make sense? Feel free to set me straight if not. :-)


Edited by sandishr 2014-12-30 1:46 PM

2014-12-30 2:12 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I think you are correct in wanting the road bike instead of full on aero bike. I did sprints and Olympics with my roadie and aero bars. At no time did I think it was a big disadvantage. Most of the time, I felt it was actually an advantage, due to handling. Most sprints have tighter courses with more turns and traffic. I feel a road bike is better here.

Picking out a bike is very personal. Fit, fit, fit. Test ride as many as you can back to back. One or two will just feel right. Then fiddling with small adjustments to suit you, and be comfortable.

Once you start riding the roadie, you might not use your other bike much. Speed is addictive
2014-12-30 4:38 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Tri-bike or road bike? I think this question is always on our minds. My experience is limited, but I have read a lot about this. In short, there are two issues here: a) tri bikes are cool, and we all love them; it is a huge business and a great addition to our tri-gear. b) when I look around at great cyclists in great races here in Europe (Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, Vuelta de España....) they all use road bikes, and TTB only 1 day in the race in the time trial. In sprints and oly's I do not think you benefit much from a tri-bike (apart from your looks), but in HIM/IM with no drafting it may be beneficial. But I have to admit that I spend my afterdinner time of many days a week surfing the web looking after a beautiful dream.
2014-12-30 4:41 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by sandishr OK, I have a bike question. Last year I bought a hybrid that sounded great for me in terms of multi-use and starting biking, but that was before I "discovered" triathlons. I made some tire changes for the races and was able to crank out 14-15 MPH, but obviously if I want to get competitive I'm simply going to need a new bike. I was right up there in the top swimmers and while I'll never be a super fast runner, I think with 9-10 minute miles and a good bike I can easily stay in the top 3 in my age group at the smaller races. I REALLY do not envision doing any super long races. I admire those of you doing the HIM/IM/etc., but I think I'm going to stick with sprints. I *might* do an oly, but it's not a huge goal at this point. Given that, does it make sense to go with a nice light road bike over a tri bike? I may be oversimplifying it, but isn't the point of a tri bike to put you comfortably in the aero position for longer periods of time? I'd put aero bars on the new bike anyways (I have them on the hybrid, which I rarely used but it was good to have them). Does anyone have other recommendations? Weight recommendations? My thought is that I'd probably stick with the hybrid for a LOT of my training, but do a training ride with the road bike weekly. Mostly use it for racing, but get used to it so I can maximize the benefit I'd get from it. Does this make sense? Feel free to set me straight if not. :-) Sandi

For me it is road bike with tri bars, of course I have no plans of doing anything longer than an Oly. Fit and of course price is key! I wouldn't worry too much about blowing the budget unless you are racing the pointy end of the pencil...I will repeat what has been may be selling the hybrid sooner than you think once you start flying on your road bike...Have fun!! You should be able to get some good deals now.

2014-12-30 7:05 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
here is my new bike (timing was good based on the recent thread).

I started on p2c I got from a friend for a great price which I have now passed down to my brother. I did not ride prior to racing tri's but it seams to me the big difference is getting in the areo position. Racing a tri where drafting is illegal means that you are "pulling" the entire time, so the bike seems to be made with that in mind. A road bike seems to be made less areo since the "pulling" will be shared. I went with a tri bike, but I have never ridden with a group and don't know many who ride. +1 on the find a bike you like. I am using loaner seats for the next few weeks till I find the one I want.


IMG_20141230_183656495_HDR.jpg (3209KB - 10 downloads)
2014-12-30 8:19 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle

Pardon the interruption here folks....but you are my people!

Thou hast been called to the light of BDAS.
When called, thou shall not ignore thy calling,
but thou shalt answer thy calling.
Thou shalt ............


Name: Kurt (aka: fifth circle, or fifther or 5th)

Did several tri's back in 2009-10 (sprints and oly's). Also did a HM (rock'n'roll las vegas). I was training for a HIM in 2010, and my tri-buddy decided to no do it, so I decided not to as well. It has haunted me ever since! I have also done one "gravel grinder" ride, The Flint Hills Death Ride. 83mi of gravel roads and Kansas hills.

Lincoln, NE

Married 10yrs. Two kids, boy is 3, girl is nearly 2.

Stay at home dad (SAHD)

All of it! I am a homebrewer and beer lover. Don't get me started!!!

Current Situation:
I have been a SAHD since June of 2011. Before that I was a main line cable tech. I have done no scheduled exercise since having our first child. NOT COOL! Finally decided to start back into things just before Thanksgiving of this year, and went back to my roots of the C25k. That's what started the whole thing, way back in 2008. It's coming along nicely so far.

Planned Events for 2015:
Triathlons - State Games of America (sprint), Omaha Triathlon (sprint or Olympic, have not decided).
Bike Rides - Odin's Revenge (half?), Gravel Worlds. These are my cousins idea, and I'm going to really try to train and ride with him.

If you want more, I started a blog.

Beer geek stuff:
Saison Porter? Sounds iffy. LOL!!!
St. Bernardus Abt 12 is one of the finest beers on this planet, in the Belgian Strong Dark category.
Oak aged, I want to do more of! I have made the Blind Pig clone, and it was amazing. I am currently working on a recipe for a bourbon vanilla cherry porter, with a touch of oak aging. No time to brew lately, but some mash temp control has been ordered to upgrade my already overkill of a system.


5th - Always room for a stay at home beer drinking home brewing dad... Actually - I think it goes without saying - if you are staying at home with kids - thank god for beer!

Help me out - why the "fifth nickname?


2014-12-30 8:37 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I want to come back!!!

NAME: Sandi

STORY: I began running a few years ago, I have always swam, then took up biking last year. Got interested in triathlons around that time...figured why not...and signed up for my first sprint. I fell in love with training and did several sprints last year. I'm hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the greatest guy in the world and my personal cheerleader/support system.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to get back into it. I had pneumonia last month, but have started running again and plan to start biking again this week. I'm unlikely to do a lot of swimming before spring, but I'll be x-c skiing a lot. :-)

2014 RACES: Several sprints here in WA state.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: I haven't figured this out yet as our schedule is still a bit up in the air (and I would like to make a vacation out of at least one), but my goal is a minimum of four sprints...I'd like to do six. If I can get some good mountain bike training in, I am considering a mtn bike race in September.

BEER PREFERENCE: I'm also in the hoppy pale category. An occasional really light IPA or a good amber, but a great pale is the best!

WEIGHT LOSS: Part of what I love about triathlon training is that it's kept me in good shape and at a decent weight. Hardcore training allows me to eat well and most importantly, drink all the beer I want. Which really, is the priority, after all. I've put on a few pounds this past month being sick, and my immediate goal is to drop those before the end of January.

Sandi - With you returning, the party can officially start! 4 to 6 sprints is the perfect goal! Good luck to you this season and we are thrilled to have you back for another round!

2014-12-30 8:39 PM
in reply to: Roadtoad22

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Roadtoad22

Got room for another? I saw this group title and think its a perfect match!
can post bio later- have to get some sleep now

Paula - We love perfect matches (like a black and tan) and look forward to reading your bio!
2014-12-30 8:44 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Hi Thor! How are you doing?

Here is my Bio- I'm ready to get started!

NAME: Kate

STORY: In 2012 after having a baby and getting out of shape I decided to sign up for an Xterra triathlon as a New Year’s Resolution. I didn’t actually do the Xterra that year (I think I had a work conflict?) but had a great year and did a few sprint tris and a 70.3 relay team- which was a blast. The next year I ended up doing the Xterra, a sprint and the 70.3 relay again. Then work got crazy and I missed all of last season. I did mountain bike most weekends- but just could not fit training in. So, I am ready to get back to it. I have a new job starting when we can hire my current replacement- and am going to 4 days a week and no longer have Asia responsibilities- so will get my evenings and Fridays back- which should help me with training this year!

FAMILY STATUS: I am married and have a daughter (5) who also did a kids tri last season but has to actually learn to swim if she wants to do it again this year. (Thanks Scott- that made it really easy to just edit)

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am doing basically nothing. So it’s time to start slowly- to avoid injury.

2014 RACES: None

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Still trying to work out a plan- would like to do 3 tris. That’s enough to keep me motivated but not distract too much from just having fun mountain biking on the weekends. I’m thinking of starting with Xterra Lory- but it is really early in the year and I hate cold.

BEER PREFERENCE: I’m not a huge beer drinker- but will have a few to celebrate at times. I really like Guinness after living in Ireland for a few years- but am also an IPA fan.

WEIGHT LOSS: I could use to drop 5-7 pounds that have been stuck on for a while.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a pretty strong swimming background so can help with questions there- but running is my nemesis so I’m not going to help there.

Kate - Once a member - always a member! Glad to have you back! Doing three tris sounds like a great plan - I wonder if you would figure out a way of getting in more mountain biking. Anyone have any ideas?
2014-12-30 8:51 PM
in reply to: sandishr

User image

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

OK, I have a bike question. Last year I bought a hybrid that sounded great for me in terms of multi-use and starting biking, but that was before I "discovered" triathlons. I made some tire changes for the races and was able to crank out 14-15 MPH, but obviously if I want to get competitive I'm simply going to need a new bike. I was right up there in the top swimmers and while I'll never be a super fast runner, I think with 9-10 minute miles and a good bike I can easily stay in the top 3 in my age group at the smaller races.

I REALLY do not envision doing any super long races. I admire those of you doing the HIM/IM/etc., but I think I'm going to stick with sprints. I *might* do an oly, but it's not a huge goal at this point.

Given that, does it make sense to go with a nice light road bike over a tri bike? I may be oversimplifying it, but isn't the point of a tri bike to put you comfortably in the aero position for longer periods of time? I'd put aero bars on the new bike anyways (I have them on the hybrid, which I rarely used but it was good to have them). Does anyone have other recommendations? Weight recommendations?

My thought is that I'd probably stick with the hybrid for a LOT of my training, but do a training ride with the road bike weekly. Mostly use it for racing, but get used to it so I can maximize the benefit I'd get from it. Does this make sense? Feel free to set me straight if not. :-)


Sandi - my advice would be to buy a road bike. You are totally right - tri bikes are great for those going long and since you are sticking with sprints, I'd get a road bike. People have urged me to get a tri bike, but I love my road bike - I feel more in control and my "Billy Baroo" (a Madone 3.1) is more maneuverable. Plus, since I do a lot of tris with hills, it's not a good fit for me. So don't think that just because your doing triathlons that you need to have a tri bike.

My guess is that the speed you will gain on your road bike may make your hybrid jealous. Enjoy the search and be sure to post pics!
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date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : September 2, 2010
author : mrakes1
comments : 0
Discussions on balanced meals, recommended amount of protein, losing weight for an Ironman, is pizza good? and beer as a recovery drink.