General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2015-01-07 10:52 AM
in reply to: amy mutz

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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by amy mutz Robin, It sounds like your one tough person. You did a couple of HIM's "but that's all," wow I attempted one and didn't make the run time cut-off, I would love to attempt another. Sounds like we have some of the same goals and desires, I'm glad I found this thread to become a part of such a strong group!! Let the training begin!!! The journey is before us and nothing can stop us, well maybe something, but we will deal with it and then move forward!!

All except those were Half Marathons not Half Ironmans! That is on my bucket list for this March!

This is indeed a great group. Onward!

2015-01-07 11:22 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Onward indeed! I guess we do have some of the same goals then!!
2015-01-07 11:33 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Fairfax, VA
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Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by leatherneckpa Found it. NAME: Mike STORY: Haven't seen South of 300# since 1988. Got close once, back in 2003. Trying again. FAMILY STATUS: Married, 33 years and counting. 1 daughter and 2 grandsons living in NY CURRENT TRAINING: Nothing since the week before Thanksgiving, sprained knee. Can't even walk normal yet. 2012 - Blueman Sprint Triathlon 2013 - Injured in May, lost the season to surgery/recovery. 2014 - Lost the season to depression/apathy. 2015 - Planned May 10 - Kinetic Sprint Triathlon - Lake Anna, VA August 9 - Lumberjack Sprint Triathlon - Duboistown, PA October 4 - Richmond Rox Olympic - Richmond, VA

I hope your knee heals up fast!!  I will be at the Kinetic triathlon in May also.  I'm doing the half aqua-bike on Saturday, but plan to camp that night and cheer at the sprint race.  Maybe I'll see you there!

2015-01-07 11:57 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Fairfax, VA
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by bulfrog Ok, here's a mid week update for me. Workouts: Short runs Monday morning and evening, Tuesday morning, and Wednesday morning. So I've done everything I wanted to do so far this week. The runs are slow, and hard. But at least they are getting done. I'm hopping that getting up early to run starts getting easier, because at the moment it sucks! Diet: Monday I was late in the morning so ended up buying breakfast on the way to work = over the Calorie goals for the day Tuesday, good day, 1625 Cal, right in the target zone. So a 50% win record for the week so far. How's everybody else's week going so far?

Hopefully the morning runs will get easier!  I've been doing morning swim/run 3x per week and getting out of bed that early still sucks, but I am really enjoying getting it out of the way early!

This week has been good for me so far, hit every workout on my plan so far - ran to/from yoga on Monday, swim yesterday morning and 40 min on the bike trainer yesterday evening.  I was going to do my 30-40 min run this morning on the treadmill in my office, but realized once I got here that I forgot a towel, so will have to do that when I get home this evening.  Luckily that's the only thing on my plate for today.  Calories-wise, I was a little over yesterday but did well on Monday and am on track today.

2015-01-07 12:23 PM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Just jumped in for a quick look and noticed 2 new faces. Glad to have you both here!

My restart is a little rocky, but overall going good. I did manage to jump in the pool on Monday for 1150 (500 free, 2x50 kick, 500 free, 50 kick), but I missed my bike trainer time that night. I'm planning on making that up tonight (while watching Sons of Anarchy ) since church was just cancelled. I did get out for a sloooow 1.6mi walk/run last night. I'll ramp up the miles and speed as my training plan dictates. My runs were just so abysmal last year, which is why I'm jumping to Oly training distances and ending with the HM. The plan is to move to Oly distance events next year and hopefully get a HIM under my belt before I hit 50. But that part depends on how the family is. If I have to wait for my youngest to graduate HS (roughly 2031 *ouch!*), then so be it.

Edited by WebFootFreak 2015-01-07 12:24 PM
2015-01-07 1:26 PM
in reply to: jenstewey

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hello to the 2 new ladies.

Originally posted by jenstewey

Hopefully the morning runs will get easier!  I've been doing morning swim/run 3x per week and getting out of bed that early still sucks, but I am really enjoying getting it out of the way early!.

Back when I was fit, morning workouts were a big part of what I was doing. I'd run 3 mornings a week before leaving for work, and stop at the pools for a swim the other 2 days. So I know it can be done. And it does get fun, I remember enjoy running around pre dawn. I agree, it's nice to get it out of the way. Which is half the reason I'm trying to restart the habit. At the volume of exercise I'm currently doing there's plenty of time after work to get it all in, but If I do the morning I remove the 'too tired after work' excuse!

I'm bulfrognz on myfitness pal, and I've added you 2, anyone else who uses it is welcome to add me too.

It hasn't been a great 24 hours for me. I was unorganized on my meal planning, so ended up with a bad lunch and dinner on Wednesday. Not impressed with myself. BUT, today is a new day!

2015-01-07 7:26 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Thanks for the welcome! I have added you on My Fitness Pal.

Today has been an off day for me, not feeling the greatest, so I had way more carbs then I should. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, well maybe not tomorrow because I have to take my dog to have a tumor removed from her leg. But as is life there is always something going on and we have to adjust, right.

Hope everyone is feeling stronger each day in their journey!! And I hope those early runs get easier! I know right now all runs for me a difficult. We will endure and it will definitely get easier for us, I guarantee it!!

Edited by amy mutz 2015-01-07 7:37 PM
2015-01-07 7:44 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Great job getting in the pool Rick! And for getting out on the run, slow and steady wins the race!!
2015-01-08 7:25 AM
in reply to: amy mutz

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Fairfax, VA
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by amy mutz Thanks for the welcome! I have added you on My Fitness Pal. Today has been an off day for me, not feeling the greatest, so I had way more carbs then I should. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, well maybe not tomorrow because I have to take my dog to have a tumor removed from her leg. But as is life there is always something going on and we have to adjust, right. Hope everyone is feeling stronger each day in their journey!! And I hope those early runs get easier! I know right now all runs for me a difficult. We will endure and it will definitely get easier for us, I guarantee it!!

I've added you both on MyFitnessPal as well

Yesterday was an off day for me too, fighting a cold and [still] super sore from yoga on Monday evening, so only managed half of my planned run workout, and ended it by shoveling a bunch of oreo cookies into my mouth.  But.. today is a new day!  I have a happy hour this afternoon so it's going to be a challenge to stay on track, but I got in my swim this morning and plan to run during lunch.

I hope your dog is OK!!!!

2015-01-08 9:58 AM
in reply to: jenstewey

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

I am still working on getting my new tomtom multisport watch to work. It uploads to Mapmyfitness, too. I'll add you all when I figure out how to.


2015-01-08 12:51 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
A much better day for me yesterday.

I did my runs as scheduled, and for the first time this week, made good food choices for every meal. Ended up at 1575 Cal. Just where I should be.

I also had a bit of a win this morning. After this mornings run I've equaled Decembers total running volume in only 5 days. Now that's because December was so bad, rather than doing anything awesome this week, but it's got to be a good sign. Things are trending upwards.

2015-01-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: jenstewey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hey Jen! I'm glad we are MFP friends now, hopefully it will help both of us on accountability! I am such an emotional eater, but I don't realize I'm doing it until it's done...

My baby girl (my dog) got the tumor removed today. Not good news, the Dr. said it was not a fatty tumor like he expected, he said it's very suspicious so they are sending it off for testing. My girl had to stay the night, I will get her tomorrow morning. We just have to deal with what we are given, and pray she has some healthy time left with us. Thanks for asking!!

I was going to spin tonight, but don't feel like it. So I'm just trying to stay warm it's about 10 degrees outside right now. How cold is it in VA? My husband is originally from Manassas, not far from you.
2015-01-08 8:35 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Great job on the runs and food/calorie management!! It always feels good to hit the target for the day on food/fitness!!
2015-01-08 9:11 PM
in reply to: jenstewey

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by jenstewey I will be at the Kinetic triathlon in May also.  I'm doing the half aqua-bike on Saturday, but plan to camp that night and cheer at the sprint race.  Maybe I'll see you there!
That would be pretty cool.
2015-01-08 10:11 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
All right, all sorts of new faces! I will expand on my bio from last year:

NAME / username: Matt/DBGlobal

STORY: In the fall of 2011, at the age of 29, I had my second back surgery (first at 18) to remove a bulging disk in my lower back. I feel like my weight has been a major reason for my back problems. Recovery was noticeably more difficult than the first surgery, I promised myself that once healed, I would begin to get into shape and lose weight, and hopefully never have to deal with this problem again. In the winter of 2012, I started swimming at the local gym, and riding my bike on the trainer, and eventually I was able to start running. I completed on sprint in 2013, and had a blast. 2014 I was having so much fun riding my bike that I didn't ever get into the running and swimming when I should have and so I deferred my triathlon registration until this year. I did complete my first century ride though and am looking at doing another this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my loving and supportive wife, Stacy, who completed her first sprint in 2014 and took 3rd in the Athena division. We have two children (4 and 1.75). We also have two dogs who love to take me for runs.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently swimming 2x per week, running 2-3X per week, and biking 2X per week. I hate training indoors so trying to do what I can outside and will be commuting by bicycle to work hopefully at least twice per week, even in the snow, starting tomorrow! Swimming I still have to do in the pool for a few more months.

2014 RACES: signed up for Priest Lake Olympic: DNS. Rode two half century rides and one gran fondo (century).

2015 Plans: Priest Lake Oly, Coeur d'Fondo, Hayden Lake Sprint, a couple of half century rides and maybe another century.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yeah, I've got a long ways to go. Currently at 270lbs. (6'1") down from 275 last year. Disappointed that I didn't lose more, but hoping this year is my year. I need to work on staying motivated, and need to be better about diet. Currently tracking calories on MFP because that's what I need to do to hold myself accountable!
2015-01-09 5:40 AM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
OK, I'm in.

1/1/2015 = 290lbs

3 Marathons and a few Tri's until January 20 2014 when I had a major stroke. Long a road to recovery gaining about 50lbs.

Well, Well, Well......where to begin? December 17th, 2014 I had a pacemaker installed. My heart stopped 5 times over a 2 day period. Jan. 1st I started walking. My visit to the Cardiologist was this past Tuesday and he let me get back to running.

oh yeah, Down 5 lbs.
Brief history:

Goal race 2015 = IM Louisville

Races to date:
NYC Marathon - FIRST race post Stroke
Myrtle Beach Marathon
Niagara Falls Marathon
Cleveland Marathon
Quakerman Tri
A Tri In The Buff
Rev3 Cedar Point

I don't really have a "goal" weight. I'll stop when I feel satisfied.

Edited by albella 2015-01-09 5:40 AM

2015-01-09 6:13 AM
in reply to: albella

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by albella OK, I'm in. 1/1/2015 = 290lbs 3 Marathons and a few Tri's until January 20 2014 when I had a major stroke. Long a road to recovery gaining about 50lbs. Well, Well, Well......where to begin? December 17th, 2014 I had a pacemaker installed. My heart stopped 5 times over a 2 day period. Jan. 1st I started walking. My visit to the Cardiologist was this past Tuesday and he let me get back to running. oh yeah, Down 5 lbs. Brief history: Goal race 2015 = IM Louisville Races to date: NYC Marathon - FIRST race post Stroke Myrtle Beach Marathon Niagara Falls Marathon Cleveland Marathon Quakerman Tri A Tri In The Buff Rev3 Cedar Point I don't really have a "goal" weight. I'll stop when I feel satisfied.

WOW! What a fantastic recovery from your stroke! That is a quick turn around for your pacemaker! I remember the days when that was a 2 week hospital stay.


2015-01-09 6:15 AM
in reply to: albella

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Wow, it sounds like you have overcome some major hurdles of late! It is a difficult process mentally and physically to come back from a health challenge...kudos for staying strong!!!

I volunteered at IMKY (Ironman Louisville) last year at the finish line as a catcher, putting medals on the athletes and escorting them through what I called the "walk of fame!" It was inspiring!!

I'm glad you are in the group and I look forward to watching your progress! Congrats on being released to run!

What is your first name?

Always keep Tri-ing!!


Originally posted by albella

OK, I'm in.

1/1/2015 = 290lbs

3 Marathons and a few Tri's until January 20 2014 when I had a major stroke. Long a road to recovery gaining about 50lbs.

Well, Well, Well......where to begin? December 17th, 2014 I had a pacemaker installed. My heart stopped 5 times over a 2 day period. Jan. 1st I started walking. My visit to the Cardiologist was this past Tuesday and he let me get back to running.

oh yeah, Down 5 lbs.
Brief history:

Goal race 2015 = IM Louisville

Races to date:
NYC Marathon - FIRST race post Stroke
Myrtle Beach Marathon
Niagara Falls Marathon
Cleveland Marathon
Quakerman Tri
A Tri In The Buff
Rev3 Cedar Point

I don't really have a "goal" weight. I'll stop when I feel satisfied.

2015-01-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Vega Alta , Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
OK, Holidays officially over down here in Puerto Rico. Here is a little bit of history trivia for the group: It is often said that Puerto Rico has the longest Holiday season in the World. I don't know if that's true but it sure feels like it sometimes. LOL We start like the U.S. (officially) around Thanksgiving but it ends around the second week of January after we celebrate Three Wisemen Day, which is an official holiday here on January 6, then there is this HUGE party in the capital, San Juan, which is this weekend and then... it's over.

That's not to say I haven't been doing anything. I ran yesterday and I plan to ride after work today (with my new bike. Yay!) but I have been lacking structure. Something I plan to fix pretty soon with a proper training plan.

Hope you are all doing well and training hard.
2015-01-10 8:36 AM
in reply to: uziel5000

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by uziel5000 OK, Holidays officially over down here in Puerto Rico. Here is a little bit of history trivia for the group: It is often said that Puerto Rico has the longest Holiday season in the World. I don't know if that's true but it sure feels like it sometimes. LOL We start like the U.S. (officially) around Thanksgiving but it ends around the second week of January after we celebrate Three Wisemen Day, which is an official holiday here on January 6, then there is this HUGE party in the capital, San Juan, which is this weekend and then... it's over. That's not to say I haven't been doing anything. I ran yesterday and I plan to ride after work today (with my new bike. Yay!) but I have been lacking structure. Something I plan to fix pretty soon with a proper training plan. Hope you are all doing well and training hard.

I could get into that season!

What kind of bike did you get?

2015-01-10 10:37 AM
in reply to: #5080193

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Vega Alta , Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Giant Defy 1 road bike. It's Iove. Lol

2015-01-10 12:54 PM
in reply to: #5081967

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I think the rules of the site are you have to post pics of the new bike.

An okay week for me considering my wife was out of town a couple days. 2 runs, 2 swims, but only one bike. My diet was pretty good all week too. Hoping that the scale is nice to me this week.

The swimming class is going great! So far it has been a lot of drills and a little swimming, but our workouts were both over 3000 yards. Running is coming back slowly. Averaging 10 min/mile pace, but steadily getting faster. The bike commute was cold, but fun. Hopefully this snow will melt soon so i can start riding my road bike. The mtn bike is just really slow, especially with studs.

Have a great weekend all!
2015-01-11 8:17 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by DBGlobal
I think the rules of the site are you have to post pics of the new bike.

I agree. Hrmmm... maybe start a separate thread for bikes and other equipment...

Sunday Update:

263.5. Yeah... up 6... Sad part is that I really have no real clue what happened this week... I can tell you what didn't happen tho. The rocky start continued through the week.

Swim: Managed 1150 on Mon. Fri morning was a bust, so I went Fri evening saddled with my 3 girls: bad idea. Childcare closed down earlier than I expected. 500 sprint (11:00 which is blazing for me), 2x50 kick, 300 swim and out of time . At least I got 1000yds in.

Bike: Nope. I have a trainer, so I have no excuse.

Run: 1.6mi on Tue... and that was it. It did get below freezing and my cold-weather gear is limited, but it wasn't freezing all week.

smh... I need to pull my head out of my butt and get to it.
2015-01-11 8:24 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by WebFootFreak
Originally posted by DBGlobal I think the rules of the site are you have to post pics of the new bike.
I agree. Hrmmm... maybe start a separate thread for bikes and other equipment... Sunday Update: 263.5. Yeah... up 6... Sad part is that I really have no real clue what happened this week... I can tell you what didn't happen tho. The rocky start continued through the week. Swim: Managed 1150 on Mon. Fri morning was a bust, so I went Fri evening saddled with my 3 girls: bad idea. Childcare closed down earlier than I expected. 500 sprint (11:00 which is blazing for me), 2x50 kick, 300 swim and out of time . At least I got 1000yds in. Bike: Nope. I have a trainer, so I have no excuse. Run: 1.6mi on Tue... and that was it. It did get below freezing and my cold-weather gear is limited, but it wasn't freezing all week. smh... I need to pull my head out of my butt and get to it.

Go ahead and post your pic of your bike here!

Speaking of pictures... here is a boot that will be used to kick me (and anyone else who needs it) in the tush if we don't get going!


boot.jpg (112KB - 12 downloads)
2015-01-11 4:40 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
+1 for posting pics of the new bike here. We wanna see!

I'm very happy with my weeks effort for week 1.

Workouts: I did every run I wanted to. Only short runs, but over 2 hours for the week. So very pleased with that.

Diet: Some days were better than others. I only had 1 day all week where I was totally happy with my food choices. I was within range for 3 days, bad but not terrible for 2 and 2 days I am ashamed of.

Weight, Down 2.8lbs for the week. Over all that's a good start I think.

For the next week, I want to carry on how things have been going with my running. I'm slightly upping it this week, aiming for 2 and 1/4 hours this week. For my diet I want to continue to make better choices more often. Weekends can be hard, but there is no excuse for me buying a bad lunch when there is a perfectly healthy option sitting right there. I think a realistic goal for this week is 5 days in the right calorie range.

How was everyone elses weeks? Hopefully we all had a win.
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date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
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Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?