BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome) Rss Feed  
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2016-01-07 12:59 PM
in reply to: #5160174

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hi Giavanni,
Welcome aboard. It is good to have another female. I am 42 so I am close in age and started new last year. I learned the hard way don't do weights before swimming. You actually swim lower in the pool because you are heavier from working out. What a strange feeling it was. I felt like I had something pushing me in the water. Someone else may be able to say where else is a good place to put it in. I wasn't consistent with my weights last year but want to be this year. I think it is important.

Good luck!

2016-01-07 1:04 PM
in reply to: nickih

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Originally posted by nickih Well my first interval session of the year completed.... never again on the trainer after eating a large McDonald's meal... my daughter had swimming lessons so we grabbed something quick... It said to complete the intervals at 80% of your threshold.... how do I find my threshold? So I didn't know so I figured to a point where I'm going hard... may have gone a little too hard my meal wanted to visit the toilet after... So yes question is how do I find my bike/run and swim threshold. Please no meal advice I already it was a bad choice Oh and bio to follow as well

- For swimming you can follow one of several methods.

  1. Find your CSS (Critical Swim Speed)
  2. Find your T-Pace with one of the various tests

Because water is so dense, it doesn't take much on either side of your threshold to be going too easy or too hard.

- For Running you can do:

  1. A 5k or 10k run race then use the McMillan run calculator to determine training paces. 
  2. If using a HR monitor do the LTHR test.

Remember running is the most stressful on the body as you are supporting 100% of your bodyweight.  Run mostly easy (Z2), intervals have there place in training but usually not more that 10% of volume and after you have a solid base built.

- For Biking you can do:

  1. With a power meter or using virtual power on a bike trainer, you can determine power threshold with either a 20' FTP test (*95%), or do the Critical Power tests.
  2. If using a HR monitor do the LTHR test either out on the road or on the trainer. 

FWIW, I find HR on the bike as being far from ideal for interval training due to HR lag.  For steady efforts its a lot better.  Power training is the best when following a nice plan such as the BT cycling plan.  Since you support a lot of your weight on the bike you can train with higher intensities for less time and get solid gains out of it.

Hope this helps!

2016-01-07 4:27 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Thanks that was very helpful. It gives me good place to start
2016-01-07 6:15 PM
in reply to: Donto

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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by Donto

Originally posted by nickih Well my first interval session of the year completed.... never again on the trainer after eating a large McDonald's meal... my daughter had swimming lessons so we grabbed something quick... It said to complete the intervals at 80% of your threshold.... how do I find my threshold? So I didn't know so I figured to a point where I'm going hard... may have gone a little too hard my meal wanted to visit the toilet after... So yes question is how do I find my bike/run and swim threshold. Please no meal advice I already it was a bad choice Oh and bio to follow as well

- For swimming you can follow one of several methods.

  1. Find your CSS (Critical Swim Speed)
  2. Find your T-Pace with one of the various tests

Because water is so dense, it doesn't take much on either side of your threshold to be going too easy or too hard.

- For Running you can do:

  1. A 5k or 10k run race then use the McMillan run calculator to determine training paces. 
  2. If using a HR monitor do the LTHR test.

Remember running is the most stressful on the body as you are supporting 100% of your bodyweight.  Run mostly easy (Z2), intervals have there place in training but usually not more that 10% of volume and after you have a solid base built.

- For Biking you can do:

  1. With a power meter or using virtual power on a bike trainer, you can determine power threshold with either a 20' FTP test (*95%), or do the Critical Power tests.
  2. If using a HR monitor do the LTHR test either out on the road or on the trainer. 

FWIW, I find HR on the bike as being far from ideal for interval training due to HR lag.  For steady efforts its a lot better.  Power training is the best when following a nice plan such as the BT cycling plan.  Since you support a lot of your weight on the bike you can train with higher intensities for less time and get solid gains out of it.

Hope this helps!

This was all very useful when I started out, I'd like to add the use of Jack Daniels' VDOT formulas for prescribed paces. I progressed FAST without excessive mileage following his protocol
2016-01-07 8:33 PM
in reply to: giavanni

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Welcome to the group! One of the things I love about triathlon is the three sport aspect. I probably run a lot less than I used to, but I tend to be just as fast as I was before. There's something to be said for the active "recovery!" for sure.

My first triathlon this year is also a "reverse" order race. These are great early on, especially when the weather can be cooler. It's nice not to have to get on the bike in cold weather, freezing wet!

2016-01-07 11:17 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Hey Nicole!

Thanks for the Love! And the no weights before swimming advice. I'm going to sign up for some lessons next week because I haven't solidly graposed the freestyle breathing and I really don't swim in a straight line - though the goggles I purchased today should help in that department.
I look forward to watching everyone's development over the course of the year. For the moment, though, I'm hitting the hay. So happy for the good sleep!


2016-01-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: giavanni

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I got in a short run with a long warm up today. I am still learning to run continuously. Today I got in 1/2 mile of jogging in, the rest was a quick walk. Donto you gave a lot of great info for me to research and learn. Thanks.
Giavanni, For me it helps that there are stripes on the bottom of the pool. I got better when I had to swim sharing the lane with my kids. I didn't want to get kicked or hit.

I have my schedule in place. I chose to do a more focused training plan. So I am going to do 3 days of swim, 2 days of run, 2 days of bike, 2 days of weights, 1 of yoga and 1 day off. I think that may work out well. I am also working on having short and long training days. I didn't do that last year.
I am doing the BT 16 week swim focused training plan.

Have a great day everyone.
2016-01-08 11:35 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

I got in a trainer ride this morning, 45' total with 3x8' at 87-90% (Sweetspot bliss).  My biking is progressing nicely, it's time I start to formulate the training plan starting on Feb 1st.

2016-01-08 5:55 PM
in reply to: nekomidori


Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I was wondering if I can join the group, I was about to do some sprint last year but got back injury at work and was sidelined for almost a year. Just starting to get back slow, I have been able to bike now and swim as well as running but at a slow pace. Hopefully I will be able to start doing some Sprint Tri this year. Thank you.
2016-01-08 6:42 PM
in reply to: Ckibobtotri

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

We are happy to have you in the group. Glad you are doing better and taking it slow. Welcome!
2016-01-08 6:50 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Happy Friday Everyone! Very snowy here in Colorado today. The Mrs. and I did a 5:00 a.m. spin class before the flakes started falling. Weekend training calls for a 5k Time Trial. I'm planning on doing a test swim, bike, and run once a month to monitor progress. May have to rethink that given the amount of white stuff on the ground. Anyone have big weekend training plans?

2016-01-08 11:37 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Managed a short swim this am.....have to be honest; it wasn't an easy swim...still much to do to get back to my usual yardage....

Will be out of pocket now for several days; sad wife's mom passed away late this afternoon; in route now for the funeral and gathering. She is at rest now after a 3 year struggle which worsened just in the past few months and wife is holding up as best she can....

Best to all...
2016-01-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

My condolences to your family. Please take care.

2016-01-09 9:22 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by 2NewKnees

Managed a short swim this am.....have to be honest; it wasn't an easy swim...still much to do to get back to my usual yardage....

Will be out of pocket now for several days; sad wife's mom passed away late this afternoon; in route now for the funeral and gathering. She is at rest now after a 3 year struggle which worsened just in the past few months and wife is holding up as best she can....

Best to all...

Sorry to hear that Bill.
2016-01-09 9:24 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Originally posted by tedjohn
Anyone have big weekend training plans?

I have plans of rest for Saturday. My body is really feeling the work of this week. Then a run and some weights on Sunday.
2016-01-09 11:16 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Sorry for your loss Bill.

Ted, I am supposed to do a FTP test on the new Powerbeam, but yesterday was an unplanned day off due to exhaustion and feeling sick coming on. I'll do a long recovery ride today and see if I wake up ready for the FTP work tomorrow. A swim day gets knocked off because of this.

2016-01-10 5:00 PM
in reply to: TJHammer

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

I was able to get my 5k TT done this afternoon. I'm running on a course out at the University Campus as it's also the site of my first triathlon in May. I went 22:22 with an average HR of 164. As I mentioned, I'll keep running this once a month to monitor progress. Definitely felt it when I was done. A couple of takeaways for me:
1) I should lose about 7-8 pounds to get to "racing" weight.
2) I'll need to do some speed work this year.
3) The first mile is mostly down hill, but there is a lot of climbing during miles 2-3. I need to save something for the latter part of the run.

Overall, pleased with this first effort.

I also wanted to share a great swimming resource I found. It's a downloadable app called Mr. Swim Smooth. It provides a "model" of a swimmer and you can use it to study technique from a variety of angles.

2016-01-10 7:10 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
I had a good day off on Saturday. I had forgotten how it feels to have every part of your body sore at once.
I got in a 2 mile walk/jog today. I brought my dog along she is a great runner. Border collie whippet mix and my children they are trying for their triathlon as well.
I got it done in 32 minutes. Well that is a starting point at least.
Tomorrow is Short swim and short bike.

Have a good night.
2016-01-11 9:52 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Sorry for your loss Bill.. Take care of your family they come first maybe clear your head on a run if you can.
I did minimal training this weekend I was working. Welcome to shift workers. But got a great thirty minute ride in today much improved from the last time.
2016-01-12 11:20 AM
in reply to: #5160182

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Yesterday, I got in a short swim and could see some improvement in time. I did a short bike but was feeling my legs. I was trying to push through.

Today I did a full body strength training workout. After some reading about which strength exercises are best. I'm feeling good about my plan so far.

I have to get my food on track with my workouts. I find I'm not having enough food for my workouts or I'm waiting to long between eating and working out.
2016-01-12 9:17 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

Hope everyone's training is going well. I finished the last of my "tests" this a.m., a 800 TT in the pool. I worked a lot on keeping my stroke in the front quadrant and keeping my stroke count down. I'm finding these things take a lot more concentration than I'm used to. I'm used to sliding into the water and paddling mindlessly back in forth. It is much more of a challenge to think about what I'm doing with my arms, head, etc. Today wasn't perfect but I did my 800 in 15:46. I didn't go all out and so I think that there's much room for improvement. Hoping to take another minute or so off that time by Summer. We'll see.

Tomorrow is strength training and then I'm thinking about another trip to the pool on Thursday.

Nicole- What strength exercises are you finding to be the best? In terms of nutrition, it sounds like you're coming up short and running out of energy during workouts?

TJ Hammer: Would love to hear your thoughts on some good strength training exercises for the group. I think you're our resident expert in that area!


2016-01-13 9:24 AM
in reply to: nekomidori


Middleton, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
Is there still room in this group?? I signed up for my first tri this year! Sprint distance on June 12th. I just started my 2nd week of training. I have tons of questions!!!!

2016-01-13 9:46 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
This morning I started with a bit heavier of a breakfast to have a solid start. Oatmeal with cranberries, egg whites/egg scrambled black tea and some milk.
I got in a steady swim 650 yd in 22 minutes
1 x 300 kick
1 x 200 pull
50 freestyle 50 freestyle and backstroke 50 freestyle breaststroke
with a 60 second rest between sets.
Then I ran out of time.

Then I changed and got in 1.38 run on indoor track in 21 minutes. I was a bit slower on my run but I ran 7/8 of a mile straight.
I got 1/4 mile walk, 7/8 mile jog, 1/4 mile walk.

Yesterday my strength workout was: This is a workout for the gym and I did it at home. Some of the translations didn't really work out well. I had to try different exercises for the same muscle. I am totally open to ideas.
warm up then:
1 Lateral pull downs I did with a exercise band.
2 Leg extensions- I tried with dumbbells on my legs but that didn't work too well. Instead I did screamer lunges
3 leg curls- I did this standing and just increased the reps. Next time I can add an ankle weight
4 Bench press
5 squat
6 Lateral dumbbell raise
7 calf raises
8 dumb bell pull over
9 back lunge
10 bicep curls
11 triceps extensions
12 leg press this was a bit difficult so I did a wide foot squat

in and outs
scissor crunches
then cool down and stretch

I log all of my food, I eat pretty clean normally. I used to cook professionally so I try to stay true to food and not get caught up in prepared foods.
It takes me a little bit of getting my carbs/proteins/healthy fats squared away. When I am not working out 6 days a week if I don't pare it down then I gain all kinds of weight. I just have to pare it back up. Last year, I didn't loose much weight for how much I was working out. I thinking I was putting back in more calories than I needed. Balance it is hard to find.

Tomorrow is my long swim and yoga.

Have a great day everyone.

Edited by nekomidori 2016-01-13 9:47 AM
2016-01-13 10:07 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)

All, you know what hurts, this! Next weeks even harder WO will be harder than this one.  My legs are toast this morning and the dog was all frisky on this mornings walk with the cold air here in FL he wanted to run.  Yeah that made the thighs tremble a bit more!  Weird thing during the workout after the 3rd main set interval my calf's started to spasm whenever I unloaded them during the rest intervals.  I had to pause the WO and stretch them for each RI thereafter, the cooldown period was the worst, very weird physiological response happening to the stresses. 




2016-01-12-wk7-wo1-6x4m=ouch.JPG (120KB - 9 downloads)
2016-01-13 6:00 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: Ted's Sprint Group (Beginner & Experienced Welcome)
So this morning was very cold. Minus 22 C cold, sorry I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit. My training partner the dog and I went out for a 20 minute run. Me not the dog got cold despite running with a sweater,coat on, toque and mittens. My torso was hot almost sweaty but my fingers froze and so did the front of my legs any suggestions. I don't want to spent want to spend money on a dreadmill if I can avoid it. I live in the country and it is gorgeous but cold out lately.
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