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2017-01-03 3:43 PM
in reply to: CRP

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Originally posted by CRP Scott, I would like to join your group. I did my first Triathlon for my 50th birthday. It was an Olympic distance. I finished it with walking at least 1/2 the run distance. Following that I did 3 Sprints over the next two years and just kind of fell off the consistent training wagon. I could make excuses for myself that my job was too demanding of my time. It was, but I could have fit training in if it was a priority. I am now 57 and want to get back in the game. My social circle does not have anyone else interested in Tri's, and am left with self-motivation and solo training. I think if I am going to be successful, I need some help and need to be accountable in some way to others besides myself. I am great at making up excuses not to get to the gym. I am in Omaha so most of my training will be indoors for the next 8 weeks. Maybe outside for a run hear and there as weather and road conditions permit. I feel I need to lose about 20 pounds to be realistic about doing an event. I just started swimming again on Dec 30th. .5 miles in 32 minutes. I ride a stationary bike at the gym and have a bike trainer at home. Logging about 45 miles/week for the last 3 weeks. My running distance has really slipped. 10+minute miles and usually I get bored on the treadmill after 2 miles. I have a wife whom I have been married to for 36 years, and no children at home My wife thinks I am crazy for wanting to do this at my age and fears I will injure myself but supports me. I work for an Architectural Engineering firm as an IT PM. So like most, I do a lot of sitting in a day. I look forward to building new relationships with this group of like minded folks and seeing positive outcomes. Ray Omaha, Nebraska

Hello Ray,

Welcome to the group!

I'd be surprised if there's a single person among us that hasn't made an excuse at one point or another.  Vince Lombardi once said, "It isn't how many times you fall down that is important, what's important is how many times you get back up."  Your back now, wanting to move forward, that's all that matters!

You live in Omaha!  Do you know the USAT Olympic Distance Age-Group Triathlon Nationals are there in August?  You can walk over and see some of the best age-group triathletes in the country compete!.

I call my treadmill a dreadmill.  I despise using it.  However, some of the best running workouts you can do are on the treadmill.  Once we get going, I will be happy to share a couple with you that I can safely say won't allow you to get bored.

2017-01-03 3:49 PM
in reply to: mickfeild

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Originally posted by mickfeild

Have room for one more? I'm 52 and feel that it is now or never to reach my goal. i have started the last handful of years with the solid promise to myself that i will work up to a half IM sometime during summer but each time life seems to find a way to intervene to derail the effort. I think one of my big learnings is that you can't really do it alone and as such, am signing on for all the advice/support/encouragement/abuse it will take to be successful.

Looking forward to nailing this challenge and maybe moving onto getting a full IM in the not too distant future


Mick, absolutely have room.  Welcome to the group!

If only I had a nickel for every time life intervened.  It happens.  I have a saying, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Happy to offer any suggestions and encouragement I can.  This group has always been a source of inspiration for me as well as others and hopefully it will be for you also.

Where is your training at right now?  Meaning what have you been doing recently?


2017-01-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Flip turns ...

Originally posted by Dorm57

Originally posted by k9car363

Thanks?!?  Second day into the new group and we are going to take on one of the most controversial, hot-button topics we can!  Cool!

Finally, in case it isn't obvious, I think you should continue to flip turn. 

Well ... we all do what we can and I'm glad that's out of the way - for now.

Ciao ... Dorm

Hey Dorm,

If it gets slow and we are in need of some excitement, we can go over to the main forum.  You can ask the same question and I'll give the same answer . . .

Then pop up some popcorn, sit back, and relax.  In no time at all that thread would be 5+ pages with some rather vehement responses!

LOL. I mostly stay out of the main forum.  It seems people don't like straightforward answers to questions, especially when the answer is contrary to what they want to hear.  I just get in trouble over there!

2017-01-03 7:29 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: Let's Get this Party Started - pt I

Hey all!

First a little "housekeeping" stuff.  It's helpful if you have your name in your signature at the bottom of your posts.  If you don't know how to do that, let me know and I'll be happy to walk you through it.

Next, so far we have 10 people.  I attached a list to the bottom of this post.  Kindly take a look.  I'm pretty sure I have everyone but if I missed you, let me know and I'll get you added.  Also let me know if I misspelled your name or screen name.


(group members.jpg)

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2017-01-03 8:35 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Now let's see if we really can get the party started!

I noticed that a number of you are just getting back to meaningful training, are new, or are looking for some form of accountability.  With that in mind I thought it might be helpful if we share our training with the group.  Normally I would ask that we all open up our training logs so everyone can see them, make comments or inspires.  However, I no longer keep my logs here on BT so I can't very well ask you to do something that I can't do myself.  

So how about we post our workouts here in the group.  It will certainly create an atmosphere of accountability, not to mention keep the group active.  You don't necessarily have to  post your workout(s) every day (some may not be training every day!), every couple of days is fine.  Remember as we do this - it isn't a competition.  Some of us are training for an Ironman while others are eyeing their first Sprint triathlon.  WHAT you do isn't so important as the fact that you ARE doing it.  Remember that consistency is the key to success!  Be as specific or as vague as you are comfortable with.  Also, if you want to open up your training logs and don't know how, I will be happy to show you.  It is nice to look at your logs and see an inspire from someone that dropped by!

As you post up your workouts, don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have.  Maybe it's a heart rate zone question, maybe you're feeling an unusual amount of fatigue, or you aren't sure if you are doing the "right thing," posting the workouts is the perfect segue into most questions.


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2017-01-03 8:54 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Thought I'd be the first to put up my workouts.

I rolled my ankle yesterday.  I wish I could say I was doing something noble like chasing down a bank robber but alas, I was just running.  There was a crack in the asphalt that caught my foot and I lost my balance, rolling my ankle in the process.  I got up this morning and it was the size of a small watermelon so that got me out of today's run.

I tried to justify missing whole day but my "good voice" finally convinced me to get it done.

Started the day with 1:15 in the pool this morning.

This afternoon I did one of my least favorite trainer workouts -

  • 10' WU 50->65% FTP
  • 3 x 20' @ 95% FTP w/5' recovery at 65%.
  • 10' EZ spin to CD

Afterwards, I merely collapsed onto the couch!

2017-01-03 11:23 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Is there room for one more?


2017-01-04 5:02 AM
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
Hi All,
50 mins on the bike (turbo trainer), approx 75 cadence- 13miles.

I log my training on BT so will open it up to give you a giggle ;-) (edit- think its visible to registered users now)

I am concentrating on the bike just now- struggling to get going with the running but it will come.


Edited by adbru 2017-01-04 5:08 AM
2017-01-04 5:09 AM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Originally posted by triosaurus

Is there room for one more?


Hello Kelly the male version!

Yes, there is always room for one more.

When you get a chance please post a brief bio so we get to know a bit about you.

2017-01-04 5:22 AM
in reply to: adbru

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Originally posted by adbru

Hi All,

50 mins on the bike (turbo trainer), approx 75 cadence- 13miles.

I log my training on BT so will open it up to give you a giggle ;-) (edit- think its visible to registered users now)

I am concentrating on the bike just now- struggling to get going with the running but it will come.



Yes, your logs are visible.

Winter is a great time to do a focused bike block to increase aerobic base and raise FTP.  I'm in the midst of one, and many others are doing the same thing.

Don't worry, there's plenty of time for running.


2017-01-04 9:05 AM
in reply to: k9car363

New user

Gladwyne, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN
Thanks Scott, already feeling the love.

A couple of years ago, my wife was on a work assignment in Australia, so i got a chance to build a solid base (weekly: run- 20mi, bike- 40mi+, swim - 2mi) in sunny Melbourne but relocated back to the US about 18 mths ago (Philadelphia) effectively killing the effort. I managed to stay running up until October last year (30-35mi a week) before a foot injury put me firmly on the couch. Having fully enjoyed the festive season, i feel that i'm 10-15 lbs heavier (and 15 years older) to start the new year.

I have just started back (day 2 today) and first trip to the pool tonight to see how well i manage that. The training plan i have used in the past combines P90X morning sessions (2 x strength, 2 x abs and 2 x yoga/stretching sessions a week) and then alternating swim, bike and run in the PM. I was going to stick with that since i knew it had worked in the past.

Any guidance gratefully accepted


2017-01-04 10:49 AM
in reply to: 0

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New user
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I was all set to go on my first long bike ride for the year. Started out ok, but then I got into a MAJOR construction area next to Buffalo Bayou. The path had actually fallen into the bayou in places after our last heavy rain, and crews had all their equipment out there to fix it. So I ended up walking my bike through several squishy muddy areas - I guess this is sort of a workout, too - but after this, I decided to go home. I did finish 12 miles, but hopefully next time will be easier. At least I know where not to go now.


Edited by kszelei 2017-01-04 10:49 AM
2017-01-04 11:40 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
Hi Scott,

Any room for another 'old' guy ?
2017-01-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: mickfeild

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Originally posted by mickfeild

. . . I have just started back (day 2 today) and first trip to the pool tonight to see how well i manage that. The training plan i have used in the past combines P90X morning sessions (2 x strength, 2 x abs and 2 x yoga/stretching sessions a week) and then alternating swim, bike and run in the PM. I was going to stick with that since i knew it had worked in the past.

Any guidance gratefully accepted


Hey Mick,

Without knowing specifically what race(s) you are training for it's a bit hard to give specific thoughts on your training.  I know in your original post you made reference to a possible HIM this summer and a 140.6 at some point in the future.  So instead of saying what you are doing is good/bad, I'll offer some typical training volumes for the various distances.  From these, you can compare where you are and where you want to go.

These are VERY general guidelines and are heavily dependent upon your physical condition when you start -

  • Sprint Triathlon - 4-6 hours/week
  • Olympic Triathlon - 6-10 hours/week
  • 70.3 - 10-15 hours/week
  • 140.6 - 12-20 hours/week

That volume would typically be split up in approximately a 25:50:25 ratio - S:B:R.  Assuming quality training sessions, that volume would generally prepare an athlete for a back middle of the pack to middle of the pack finish.  There are LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of things that can influence all of that.  You'd be building to the higher 70.3 and 140.6 volumes over the course of the season.

So that gives you some idea on the S/B/R side.  Moving on to Px90, crossfit, strength, etc. workouts (I know you didn't specifically say anything about crossfit or strength, just commenting in general).  I was working with an athlete recently who is VERY in to crossfit.  He does crossfit a number of times a week and he largely used crossfit to prepare for a 140.6 last year (which by his own admission he was woefully under-prepared for).  He did a 90-minute somewhat challenging over/under ride on the trainer and said it was the hardest workout he had ever done.  Crossfit hadn't prepared him for a difficult ride.  I am not trying to knock crossfit, Px90 or weight programs - they all have their place and are excellent for their designed purposes.   Indeed as we age, it becomes increasingly important that we participate in some form of on-going strength work.  However, at the end of the day, if you want to get fast swimming, you need to swim; if you want to get fast cycling, you need time in the saddle; and if you want to get fast running, you need to run.

To answer your question more fully, you might check out the training programs here on BT.  Many of them are no cost and will prepare you for your chosen distance if you follow them.

Hope that helps to give you at least a bit of guidance.

2017-01-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: #5207873


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN
Good afternoon all;
Today, I decided It would be my first honest workout on the Dreadmill as Scott calls it. I chose to do a quick run from the Bill Phillips "Body For Life" plan. It worked several years ago for me so figured I would give it another try. I did the 20 Minute run and then walked for another 35 minutes at a brisk pace with incline on and off. Not as fast as 7 years ago but I did finish. ?? Between doing this 2 times per week and a longer slower run, I hope to start building my base back up. Does anyone have other ideas for building a running base?

2017-01-04 2:19 PM
in reply to: kszelei

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Originally posted by kszelei

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I was all set to go on my first long bike ride for the year. Started out ok, but then I got into a MAJOR construction area next to Buffalo Bayou. The path had actually fallen into the bayou in places after our last heavy rain, and crews had all their equipment out there to fix it. So I ended up walking my bike through several squishy muddy areas - I guess this is sort of a workout, too - but after this, I decided to go home. I did finish 12 miles, but hopefully next time will be easier. At least I know where not to go now.



Congratulations!  There's two classes of cyclists, those that have never had to walk their bike, and those who have.  You have now graduated!

Good job to get the 12 miles in.

2017-01-04 2:21 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II

Originally posted by marcag

Hi Scott,

Any room for another 'old' guy ?


Absolutely!  I'll be honored to have you in the group.

When you get a chance can you post a brief bio so others in the group know a bit about you?

2017-01-04 2:37 PM
in reply to: CRP

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Originally posted by CRP

Good afternoon all;

Today, I decided It would be my first honest workout on the Dreadmill as Scott calls it. I chose to do a quick run from the Bill Phillips "Body For Life" plan. It worked several years ago for me so figured I would give it another try. I did the 20 Minute run and then walked for another 35 minutes at a brisk pace with incline on and off. Not as fast as 7 years ago but I did finish. ?? Between doing this 2 times per week and a longer slower run, I hope to start building my base back up. Does anyone have other ideas for building a running base?



I am a huge fan of the Maffetone Method.  At it's core it involves running at your maximum aerobic function heart rate.  Running at that pace trains the body to utilize fat for energy thus building the aerobic energy pathway.  You'll need to invest in a HR monitor if you don't have one as the method requires running within a specific heart rate range.

It is SLOW running.  It isn't uncommon for someone that is just coming off of the couch or who has poor aerobic conditioning to actually have to walk at first to keep their heart rate within the range.  However, VERY quickly, you will begin to get faster at the same heart rate - evidence that you are burning more fat and conditioning your aerobic energy system.

I will say that Maffetone is controversial.  I personally don't much care about controversy.  I care that the method works.  Maffetone has consistently provided results for beginning age group triathletes all the way up to Ironman World Champions.

Here is how you determine the MAF (Maximum Aerobic Function) heart rate -

This is how you perform the MAF test -

Finally, Maffetone isn't just a running method, it is an entire approach to healthy living.  If you are interested in more information -

2017-01-04 2:41 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: Workout 1-4-17
Easy spin on the trainer for 45 min

Swim workout 1900 yd 45:15

500 warm snorkel (9:46), 100 kick snorkel (4:08), 4x50 breath to right side, breath to left, bilateral, right every stroke,
400 (6:56), 300 (5:15), 200 (3:23),
200 cool snorkel(3:51)

2017-01-04 3:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Hey Scott! (and Dorm and George and all the new people).  OK if I rejoin the group?  I'm at work now so I'll post a bio later after I get home.  I'm only doing a couple of tri's this year (focusing more on running races/trail races this year) but I want to work on improving my swim and bike for another HIM in 2018.  

While I'm here - did a short swim this morning, just an easy 1200, and have a 3.5m TM run planned for tonight. 


Edited by soccermom15 2017-01-04 3:09 PM
2017-01-04 3:42 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
Thanks Scott for being our mentor!

I am ready to get this party started! I am making a firm commitment to the group to be active until August. I know this will be extremely hard for me and probably all of you as well, but I think we all want it, so let's do it! We will have good weeks and bad weeks, let's just not let the bad weeks consume us! I am talking to myself there.

My goals for 2017 are:

Yes, lose weight, 40 would be perfect, but I will take anything.

My first Tri is an indoor in 25 days, it will give me the boost I need to jump start my mojo.

I am planning several 5k's, 10k and possible 1/2 marathon.
My Tri's planned are 3 sprints and one Olympic if I am feeling it. lol

Here is to a great 2017! I hope we all live our lives with passion and reach for those things that make us feel alive! Mine is Triathlons...

It feels great to be back, I guess I had better get busy! My training logs are open and I am adding you as friends on here, I hope you do the same.

2017-01-04 7:40 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
Originally posted by k9car363
When you get a chance can you post a brief bio so others in the group know a bit about you?

Thanks Scott

NAME: Marc André - Marc (marcag).

STORY:I have been doing this for 7 years. I started in 2009. In 1998 at the age of 36, I was 250lbs and diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I lost a lot of weight and it went away. But it returned in 2007 and that's when I added exercise to my regimen. My dog was 1 and we started jogging together. We built up to 4 miles at 10min/mile. One day the guys at work work mocking my speed/distance and I distinctly remember one guys saying "don't laugh". Sure enough he became a friend and training buddy and he have done about 16 half IMs together.

In there I have had some good years. I qualified for worlds 70.3 3x and Oly worlds once. I have won a 70.3 race (Muskoka) and been on the podium a few times. When I put my mind to it I can be competitive for my age. I had a great 2013 year but way too much training and work kind of burned me out and I injured myself pretty severely. 2014 & 2015 were slow years. I decided to give a full IM a shot in 2016 and while I did it pretty nonchalantly I was happy with the result

After going way beyond the limit in 2013 I decided to retire on my 50th birthday. I took it easy for 2 years and in 2016 I was asked to work on something that I found pretty cool so I decided to go back to work. It's related to tri/cycling so I don't really consider it work.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been slacking off since my IM at the end of Nov but starting ramping up again. I do have a tendency to train a lot

2017 PLANNED RACES: None. I did not schedule anything. This new "work" may lead to places at times that I cannot predict.

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight is always a challenge. I manage go up 8lbs in the off season but keep a close eye on it.

I am a bit of a tri geek. I love the science and training. I am fortunate that I know some really smart people in this domain and get to work with some of the best. Hopefully I can share some of my experiences with the group.

Edited by marcag 2017-01-04 7:40 PM
2017-01-04 7:45 PM
in reply to: noldowney

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Workout 1-4-17

Originally posted by noldowney


Easy spin on the trainer for 45 min

Swim workout 1900 yd 45:15 500 warm snorkel (9:46), 100 kick snorkel (4:08), 4x50 breath to right side, breath to left, bilateral, right every stroke, 400 (6:56), 300 (5:15), 200 (3:23), 200 cool snorkel(3:51)


Nice!  90-minutes of training - DONE!

2017-01-04 7:50 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group -- OPEN

Originally posted by soccermom15

Hey Scott! (and Dorm and George and all the new people).  OK if I rejoin the group?  I'm at work now so I'll post a bio later after I get home.  I'm only doing a couple of tri's this year (focusing more on running races/trail races this year) but I want to work on improving my swim and bike for another HIM in 2018.  

While I'm here - did a short swim this morning, just an easy 1200, and have a 3.5m TM run planned for tonight. 



Welcome back!

I absolutely KNEW that you swearing off long distance triathlon after your half last year was only a temporary thing!  Once bitten, it's hard to turn away.

Enjoy your treadmill run - is that possible?

2017-01-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Subject: RE: Let's Get this Party Started - pt II
I warmed up 10 minutes and ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 29 minutes. I swam a 200 yard warm-up then freestyle 4@ 100, 4 @ 50, 4@ 25 then 100 yard cool down. I am looking to join a Masters Swimming program. I was swimming well but took some time off and when I went back I was having some shoulder issues so I started changing my stroke now and it went downhill. I used to feel like I was gliding now I am chopping through the water. I signed up for an indoor tri this Saturday which I am looking forward to doing. I thought of starting to mimic my training plan with my schedule to work out any kinds before I start my actual plan in February. My week looks like:
Monday- A.M. run P.M. Swim
Tuesday-Bike then run
Wednesday-Bike & Swim
Thursday-Weight Workout 1 hour
Friday-Long Bike
Saturday- Long Run P.M. TRX/Weights 45 min.

I would prefer to swim Tue/Thu but the Master's Program is Monday/Wednesday so I slid my program forward one day.

I am interested in heart rate training and I saw some info. on an earlier post I want to read. I tend to hit zone 3 all the time and this is not efficient and effective.

Just wanted to thank everyone for sharing information and their posts.
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.