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2006-12-28 4:08 PM
in reply to: #625422


Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hang in there with the swimming. My sister, last winter, was nervous about putting her face in the water and ended up completing two tri's last summer! Just keep working at it and you'll find your groove. Then it will feel more natural.

For those of you who wear headphones or listen to music while running, any suggestions on songs? I'm into rock, pop, (some) hip-hop... Not country music though. What do you like that keeps you going?


2006-12-29 12:22 AM
in reply to: #635767

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Keep up the good work with swimming.  It just takes times, like with anything.  I need to get back in the pool myself.  I just can't seem to motivate myself to swim in the winter though.  I HATE being cold, and even though I know the pool water is warm, when I leave my house and the air is cold all motivation for swimming vanishes instantly.
2006-12-29 11:33 AM
in reply to: #635767

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
My biggest challenge will also be training for the swim. I hope I can work on my skills and endurance enough to complete a sprint tri in June? I think taking lessons is a great idea! I know my biggest obstacle is the breathing, getting relaxed and trying not to gasp for air. My plan is to start at the pool once my girls go back to school on Jan 2nd. For now my exercise is continuous snow shoveling in this Denver blizzard!
2006-12-30 12:41 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hey, all!

I'm sooo sorry for y'all shoveling or living in the dark. I just had a fantastic outdoor run today (wearing shorts!). (Not to gloat, but it was wonderful.)

Anyway, while I was running my mind was working (I'm one of those few people who run without an iPod) and I have some questions...

What do I wear and how does it work? (I know there's some stuff here on the board, but I'd love some personal knowledge)...I wear my swimsuit in the pool (it's a pool swim tri), and then in T1, what do I put on? Shirt + biking shorts? Shirt + running shorts? I don't think I can run in my bike shorts, but I'm used to riding in them. If this gets to be a habit, I can see buying a tri-suit, but this is my first one, so I'm going with what I have.

That's the only question I can remember right now. I know there were more when I was running.


2006-12-30 12:54 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
i did mine in a tri suit which worked well for me. my sister did it in a swimsut (regular speedo) then in T1 put on bike shorts and tank over her swimsuit then in T2 changed her bike shorts for run shorts. we both had to wear a sports bra under our swim/tri suits which is something else to consider. a lycra one dries pretty fast and the added support was a must.
2006-12-30 3:30 PM
in reply to: #637284

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

mosc11 - 2006-12-30 1:54 PM i did mine in a tri suit which worked well for me. my sister did it in a swimsut (regular speedo) then in T1 put on bike shorts and tank over her swimsuit then in T2 changed her bike shorts for run shorts. we both had to wear a sports bra under our swim/tri suits which is something else to consider. a lycra one dries pretty fast and the added support was a must.

hey, i've been stalking your thread - so forgive a non-groupie for chiming in - if your budget allows, get a tri suit. carol's right that i managed with the swimsuit/bra combo and changing clothes each time, you'll save so much time in transitions not having to do that. you may think its negligble, but believe me all that dressing and undressing can really add up! i'm getting one for this coming season, no doubt.

2006-12-30 11:47 PM
in reply to: #625422

New user

Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Wondering if anyone had any advise or recomendations on heart rate monitors? My old one broke and my husband bought me the strapless kind for Xmas - unfortunately it doesn't continually monitor your results, you have to press a few buttons to get a one time reading (not exactly what they advertise). So.. back to shopping. I mainly use my HR monitor to make sure I'm working hard enough - keeps me motivated to not hear that beeping sound.

Thanks for any advise!
2006-12-31 7:52 AM
in reply to: #637621

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
I just bought one this week, but if you're looking for a reasonable priced one wihtout bells & whistles, the Polar F4 seems to do the trick. It does visual & audio for whether you're in your zone - I think that's what you're looking for - and then some summary at the end (time in zone, max HR, avg HR). No split times, or anything fancy.

2007-01-01 7:14 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Happy New Year, all!

My gym gave away free t-shirts today (who knew?), so the gym was a nuthouse. I swam 200m before it turned into a circle swim and I felt uncomfortable. I was hoping to go 300m, but oh well.

So I've been surfing for tri-clothes, and I'm wondering - could I get by with tri-shorts over my swimsuit and then throw on a shirt/singlet or whatever for the bike/run?

Another stupid question - you mentioned a lycra running bra - will it say "lycra" or is it some combination of something? All of mine say 80% spandex/20% nylon or something like that.

(I'm sitting here wearing my new gym t-shirt. It's sad that no matter how much I complain, I like free stuff.)

2007-01-01 9:10 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
free stuff rocks.

i saw a lot of people with tri shorts over swimsuits. some even swam in tri shorts and tri top. the tri shorts have a little padding in them, not as much as bike shorts. i threw on a singlet (given out free from the race) over my tri suit for the run just because i was uncomfortable running without being covered up a little more.

a spandex/nylon sports bra may work. the sports bra i bought i got off the danskin website. one thing good about their apparel is that they sell the "last season" line for a discount price and it is basically the same as this season's stuff.
2007-01-02 7:53 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

A tri suit would work and sometimes you can find them cheaper on ebay. I decided not to go with a one-piece outfit because I knew I'd have to go to the bathroom tons of times before the race even started. For my races I wore tri shorts and a sports bra-type tri top. When I got to T1 I threw on a sleeveless singlet and wore that the rest of the race. I haven't done a race with a pool swim and my tri stuff says not to put it in chlorine so I don't know what I'd wear.

At both my races I saw lots of women (mostly because my 2nd was women-only ) wearing tri shorts over their swimsuit and most likely threw on a shirt in T1. I know from practicing before I got my tri shorts that it's hard to put on bike shorts on wet legs. The spandex just doesn't want to go over wet skin. It's true that tri shorts don't have anywhere near as much padding as normal bike shorts but it's so much easier to run in them instead of bike shorts. An added bonus is you don't have to change.


2007-01-03 4:20 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hey, ladies (we are all ladies, right? I haven't figured out everyone's first names - sorry! I always think about y'all by user name)!

I hope the training is going well and that all of you who were under the weather are feeling better. I got a couple triathlon books from the library today - Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals and The Slow Fat Triathlete...does any one have any other recommendations?

Another question - just as a matter of mental math, what do you figure an hour of spin class is in mileage?

All is well here, so long as I remember my resolution to be patient at the gym. :-)

I'm excited about my swimming lessons that start on Saturday.

(And mostly, I just didn't want our thread to slip onto page 3....)

2007-01-03 8:08 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
as for first names we are mindy, lachele, brenda, kristen, karen and carol.

thanks for keeping us off of the third page. now that the holidays and sicknesses are done in my house, i hope that i can keep this up a little better.

my plan is to get a swim in tomorrow. i've tried to keep up to date on all of your logs but lets just call for a check in from everyone to see how we are all doing.

any new year's resolutions here...other than completing a tri. my goal is to do something physical everyday...stretching, yoga, aerobics and crunches all included. i also want to be able to do 20 REAL puchups, as of now i have the ability to complete 0!
2007-01-03 8:09 PM
in reply to: #641196

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
as for books, i haven't read any yet but i know sally edwards has a few just for women at her heart zones web site.
2007-01-04 12:38 PM
in reply to: #641427

New user

Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Glad to know everyones names and I hope you are all having a great week! One of my goals is to join a gym this month, although I typically exercise outside or in our basement home gym. Obviously I need to find a good place to train for swimming (this is still the part that freaks me out)! I had signed up for a swim class on Saturday (like Kristen?), but it was canceled due to lack of people- bummer! Curious how many days per week you train before a race? Okay, now for the silly question - do you have to dive into the pool to start the race, and do they typically put the people who have never done a tri together?

2007-01-04 3:02 PM
in reply to: #642301

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

lperdue - 2007-01-04 1:38 PM Glad to know everyones names and I hope you are all having a great week! One of my goals is to join a gym this month, although I typically exercise outside or in our basement home gym. Obviously I need to find a good place to train for swimming (this is still the part that freaks me out)! I had signed up for a swim class on Saturday (like Kristen?), but it was canceled due to lack of people- bummer! Curious how many days per week you train before a race? Okay, now for the silly question - do you have to dive into the pool to start the race, and do they typically put the people who have never done a tri together? Thanks, Lachele

I've never done a race with a pool, I'm going with information that I've heard or read. I don't think there's diving, just jumping in the end. Pool swims are usually seeded by speed. Let's say you can swim 100 yards in 3 minutes. You would be in a lane with people who (are supposed to) swim about the same speed. They may or may not have a novice group because some people who are new to tri may be former competitive swimmers who can swim 1:00/100 yards. (and you wouldn't want those people in your lane) All races are different though, there should be some information on the website of the company who is managing the race you're planning to do.

Hope that helps and good luck finding a gym!                           


Oh, and since now we have first names, can we know the state where everyone lives? Like the person who lives in Colorado, I know she won't be doing many workouts outside but I don't know where everyone else lives.                               

2007-01-04 6:32 PM
in reply to: #642509

New user

Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Hi Mindy,

Thanks for the info- good points about time vs. level of swimmer. I am the one who lives in Colorado and managed to get in a sloppy outdoor run today before the next storm comes tonight!

2007-01-04 7:03 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
I'm not sure about all of them, but the pool swim for the tri- I'm planning on doing does a drop-in every 15 seconds, seeded by time. So the fastest guy drops in & starts, then 15 seconds later the 2nd fastest guy drops in and starts, and so on... The swim is done by going up one lane, down the same lane, and then scooching over to the next lane, up & down, across the whole pool (6 lanes, 25m pool - 300 m swim leg)... Can't speak for any others though...

Bummer to hear about the class being cancelled. So far mine is still on, although one of my daughter's had hers cancelled...GRRR.

I'm in Virginia where the weather has been dreamy (although I only seem to get out for a run once a week - the rest of the time I'm a gym rat).

Keep up the good work, all!
2007-01-04 10:59 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
i would love to find an indoor tri, just feels like i have to wait so long for anything here, all seem to be in summer.

the NJ weather has been great but i have yet to take advantage of it, well not athletically anyway. Had the family on the boardwalk down the shore today with NO coats, only sweaters and sweatshirts and it was beautiful. i really want to get a run in on Saturday because it is supposed to be 66!


Edited by mosc11 2007-01-04 10:59 PM
2007-01-05 9:48 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

I'm in Georgia.  the weather here has been very mild as well.  Today's a bit rainy, but tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70's!  Definitely planning a bike ride for tomorrow.

As for a check-in - I am on the mend.  Not 100% recovered from my illness, but definitely feeling better.  I went to spin class yesterday.  I pretty much ignored the instructor and did my own thing.  It was nice to work up a sweat, but I didn't push myself too hard.  Felt great afterward.  I had my MRI on Wednesday and go to see the orthopaedist again on Monday to discuss it and hopefully develop a plan of action for healing my leg.

 Hope everyone gets some good workouts in today!


2007-01-05 10:02 AM
in reply to: #625422


Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
I am in Wisconsin, where the weather in my part of the state has been mild (in the 40's most days) with no snow on the ground anymore. We had a big storm mid-December but then this warm stretch came along and melted it all! We are getting the weather from Colorado--in the form of rain!

As far as my workouts, they have been pretty much non-existant since Tuesday when I ran for 30 minutes. I just can't seem to get myself motivated. There are no 5K's around here until at least March and the couple of indoor tri's are on my husband's weekends to work so I need to be home with the kids those days. Don't look at my training log-it's embarassing!

Just a note on a pool swim, I've seen indoor tri's where there are no lane lines, they had you following a "course" across and back in the shape of a "W" so you never have someone swimming in the opposite direction as you.

Anyhoo, It's expected to get up to 50 degrees today, and it's not raining yet so I plan to get out with my toddler in the jogging stroller in a little while. It probably will turn into more of a "power walk" since he's getting pretty heavy (he'll be 3 in April)!


2007-01-06 11:01 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
I have a question re: 2-a-days...

I had my swim lesson this morning - we only swam 200m and then worked on strokes and drills. Then, because it was so beautiful, I thought I'd head out for my run (which was beautiful), but I feel awful. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day.

Is it just stupid scheduling on my part? Over ambition?

Hope y'all have a good weekend!
2007-01-06 8:49 PM
in reply to: #644666

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

enders_shadow - 2007-01-06 12:01 PM I have a question re: 2-a-days... I had my swim lesson this morning - we only swam 200m and then worked on strokes and drills. Then, because it was so beautiful, I thought I'd head out for my run (which was beautiful), but I feel awful. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day. Is it just stupid scheduling on my part? Over ambition? Hope y'all have a good weekend!

 forgive the stalk but i had to interject...i wouldn't call it stupid scheduling w/o knowing a few more details. plus those negative words carry negative energy - you want to avoid that at all costs during your training. your thoughts carry power and even thinking yourself "stupid" is damaging.

how was your nutrition and hydration during your swim and run? rest the night before? how far did you try to run? how soon after swimming did you try to run?

its not out of the question to do 2 sports in one day - you need to just make sure you listen to your body while you are doing it... the first time i did 2 in one day i did a bike/run and it was NOT fun... it will get easier

2007-01-06 10:41 PM
in reply to: #645051

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
its not stupid scheduling. it was a learning experience. mary is right hydration and nutrition before a day with that much working out is very crucial. swimming also has an enormous effect on your body, as you swim more your appetite may really increase.

enjoy the rest tomorrow and be sure that you have not contracted the flu that is going around like wildfire. next time you have a brick workout make sure that you are well rested and hydrated and that you have made some good nutrition choices.

congratulations on your first swim lesson. if they give you any really good tips that are easily explained here, be sure to pass them along.
2007-01-07 7:33 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
OK - you guys rock...not stupid scheduling, but a learning experience!

I probably could have drank a little more between swimming and running. (Water, that is - not the margaritas I had last night with dinner!) Also, I am finding that swimming makes me HUNGRY. Weird, since it doesn't appear to burn many calories. (I'm a FitDay junkie.)

I'm going to lay on my couch and wish you all good workouts!
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