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2007-06-27 2:23 PM
in reply to: #862942

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open

alirachel - 2007-06-27 2:01 PM I would like to join this group! I discovered this site a little too late, since my first race is on Saturday. (oops) I'm 21 and decided to do tri's through my guy friends. I've been to so many races that I'm finally ready to do one myself. I'm underweight, but trust me I'm in perfect health. A lot of people underestimate me just becuase I'm small, but I'm out to prove I'm as strong as they are! I rowed my second year of college (a couple of 2k's and a marathon) and under the influence of my dad and other rowers, I started road biking in december. I have no swim experience and my running definitely needs improvement. (oh and I did learn how to freestyle properly, so I can now do something other than doggie paddle...I'm still working on the breathing though) I'm starting from scratch. zero. zip and I'm a little discouraged because I don't know many girls my age (in my area) that are into multisports (or sports at all!) The few girls around the state that participate are seasoned athletes and I'm easily intimidated. I just want to finish and I want this to be fun. I'm not in it to place or be better than anyone, I just want to be stronger. I'm going to start keeping logs of my workouts and hopefully, by september I can have a decent time for the meat pie tri.

Welcome to BT Where are you in the world ?  There is lots of support on this foruma nd great training plans!!  Having fun is what it is all about

2007-06-27 2:50 PM
in reply to: #863152

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Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open
sue7013 - 2007-06-27 3:22 PM
carisima - 2007-06-27 2:03 PM

Hi Janice Hi Sue-

I want in on Janice's group.  Gotta get to know my local peeps.  I'm hoping its not too late...

My name is Cari, I'm 41 years young, single (twice divorced but that was a LONG time ago), no kids, 9 yrd old terrier mix named Gigi, healthy obsession with Michael Buble (canadian crooner), spend lots of time w/ family and friends, and trying to become a good salsa dancer.  This triathlon thing has got me busy right now especially since I finally finished my first sprint this past sunday.  I've got that new triathlete glow guys... I'm shining!

I was born and raised in Miami, FL, cuban heritage, survivor of hurricanes.

Got into this sport because I had always been in complete awe of triathletes.  Complete awe!  I wanted to lose weight and thought to try.  I found BT 2 years ago and have been addicted ever since.

I had participated in several 5K's, cycling events and a half marathon that I trained with TNT for.  All the while my weight was fluctuating but I never achieved a consistent weight loss that stayed off.  Plus I was constantly getting sick.  Ear infections from swimming in the pool, sinus infections, diabetes, asthma, you name it.  My obesity was already wrecking havoc with my body and was preventing me from training consistently.  The hard decision to have weight loss surgery came in Jan of '06 and the following October I had surgery.  Its going on 8 mos later and I'm minus 83 pounds and off meds.  In that time I've completed 3 5K's (two of which I ran for the first time from start to finish), 1 duathlon and my first sprint.  No regrets.

I'm looking to conquer the Key Biscayne bridge for Trilogy #2 and #3... plus some other races I've got on the sked.

Let me know.  Good luck to everyone!



YAY so ROCK!! and now you are a triathlete

So I'm in?  I see you closed the group...  I'm taking that as a YES!!!!!!  Woo-hoo!!!!

2007-06-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
Yes you are in cari   I will make a list when I have more than 1 minute ot sit at the computer  
2007-06-27 4:45 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

Wow.  Squirrel away for some mental health.

The awesome thing is ... SUE!

Still room for me?

2007-06-27 5:04 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

I am male, 44, currently 254 (5'9) down from 266. I did get down to 205 early Feb but got a bad injury (it was to me at least) and kinda lost my way. Bit down at not being able to train. Gave up on our UK health system and went private. Found a magic physio and am back on the road. I have been on BT since 31 Oct when I started to train again after a lay off of many years.

I have run on and off for years (More off then on) but when I was 22 I self trained for 8 months and won a three mile road race and finished 3rd at half mary. (Best time of 69 mins). That was a long time ago! Trained up for the WDW half in Jan, wish I had known you guys then. It was hard. On my return to UK got hip injury and just got worse till no training at all and hobbling around.

I am at the stage of starting to swim and cycle again so slowly starting from tomorrow when I will watch ITU tri on telly as I turbo at 5am.

I need to revise goals and training plan but my ultimate goal is to get an Ironman tatoo in about 3 years. Would love to do Kona one day. Need help and encouragement to get back on the road. It will take a while to get eating well again as second nature.

From tomorrow I will be upkeeping my log daily and I hope to encourage you all to.

Mahalo all for now.

2007-06-27 5:56 PM
in reply to: #863469

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
foolproof - 2007-06-27 5:45 PM

Wow.  Squirrel away for some mental health.

The awesome thing is ... SUE!

Still room for me?


Just watching your back sweetie....was gonna call ya tonight Marma says Hi

2007-06-27 6:49 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

OK Foolproof group

foolproof = Janice
Sue7013 = Sue
ell-in-or = Leigh
dgrzybicki = Dianna
runnerg1rl7 = Laura
kofain = Margot
paul walker = paul
Carisima = Cari
alirachel = ali

 Welcome to BT those fo you who are new.  Congrats to Cari on finishing her first tri last weekend   Congrats to those signed up for their first tris.  Youtoo will soon be addicte3d to this AWESOME lifestyle.  I have met so many amazing people and made so many friends thru BT and Triathlon (esp Janice :kiss: )

Seems like a lot of you have some water issues   Best thing I can tell you if you are apprehensive about open water is GET COMFORTABLE IN IT.  Just go to the beach and get in the water.  You don't have to be over your head or swim for miles just get in the water and get comforatble.  Float around play with your kids if you got em.  If you are land locked try going to a water park and spend the day in the wave pool. 

I will do my best to answer your questions   I'm a bit busy but I'll get back to you eventually and BTW I really SUCK at typing

Edited by sue7013 2007-06-27 7:17 PM
2007-06-27 8:15 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
Glad to be a part of this group!

As I said earlier, I come from a running background (ran cross-country and track in high school, but then didn't run again seriously until this past fall- 7 years after I graduated from high school) and started swimming and biking to cross-train as I recovered from ITBS and knee bursitis, which I somehow developed after weeks of PT to recover from an arthroscopy for a suspected meniscus tear on 1/9/07 (no tear was found, but the OS removed some "abnormal" synovial tissue). Anyway all the swimming and biking piqued my interest in possibly doing a triathlon, and with some encouragement from experienced and fellow aspiring-triathletes, I registered for my first 2 sprint tris.

I grew up near the NJ shore and also spent a lot of time in the Chesapeake Bay and a small lake in Northeast PA (near where I live now), so open-water swimming is not a big issue for me. However, I know swimming in open water just to swim in open water and an open-water RACE with a zillion other people are very different things.

Biking I'm pretty much ok with now...need to work on speed but that's difficult given the abundance of hills around me (though I figure that should bode well for the relatively pancake-flat bike courses in the tris I am doing this summer).

Running I'm working on building back up, since I've only been back to running short distances 2-3 times per week for the past few weeks.

As for swimming, I joined a masters swim program in May, one of the smartest things I've done in a LONG time. I've learned a lot about proper form and breathing, though I still have a ways to go. One question I have re: swimming is on workouts...I try to mix in some "speed" and drills into some of my swims, but I'm not following any set workout plan per se when I swim. I usually wait til I get in the water and see how I feel during my warm up to decide whether it'll be a long endurance swim day or short, faster swim day. Is this ok or should I plan my swim workouts in a more organized fashion?

I should note, I guess, that my first tri is on July 14 and is a .25 mile swim, 15 mile bike, 5K run. My second tri is August 12 and is a 750 yd swim, 12.8 mile bike, 5K run.
2007-06-27 9:25 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

Aw Sue... you're so cute.  Thanks for covering for Janice.  Hope she's doing ok.

Welcome everyone.  Are we ready to kick some a$$?

Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy

2007-06-27 11:49 PM
in reply to: #863596

New user

Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
I'm so happy to be part of this group. I've already picked up a lot just by following along. My story is that I've wanted to do a tri for years and always said to myself that I wasn't fit enough or was not prepared in one way or another. but now I realize that I will never reach that perfect fitness which will give me the confidence to do a tri- so I thought - why not get started now... there's no point in waiting anymore! I love to lift weights and like the cardio parts of my workouts. I only feel less than enthusiastic about the cardio because I still feel like I should be able to perform like I did 10 yrs. ago. I used to be in the Navy so I try to get in the Zone from bootcamp when I run, bike & swim, but I'm out of practice. Just reading the stories and notes on BT have already pulled me through a few workouts... I guess you could say that my mental endurance needs building more than my muscles!

Home Life: I live in Central California and am a single mom with 3 kids (6,8,&9). They are great and a big driving force for me to achieve my goals. I want them to have an example of success.
Work: I own a massage therapy business, and teach massage, anatomy & physiology a few nights a week. I am also working on completing my teaching credential & masters in education.

I really look forward to getting to know you all and learning from your experiences!
2007-06-28 8:15 AM
in reply to: #817421

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
Darn - didn't reply soon enough when this group was open yesterday. Any chance you all have room for one more? If not, I will keep my eye out for another opening!

In any event, best of luck to you all in your training!

Update: I noticed that there are already WAY more than 5 participants here, so this group already looks over-capacity. Maybe I will catch you all when the next program kicks off. Happy training!

Edited by jgz_tarheel 2007-06-28 11:55 AM

2007-06-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: #863860

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

dgrzybicki - 2007-06-27 9:49 PM I'm so happy to be part of this group. I've already picked up a lot just by following along. My story is that I've wanted to do a tri for years and always said to myself that I wasn't fit enough or was not prepared in one way or another. but now I realize that I will never reach that perfect fitness which will give me the confidence to do a tri- so I thought - why not get started now... there's no point in waiting anymore! I love to lift weights and like the cardio parts of my workouts. I only feel less than enthusiastic about the cardio because I still feel like I should be able to perform like I did 10 yrs. ago. I used to be in the Navy so I try to get in the Zone from bootcamp when I run, bike & swim, but I'm out of practice. Just reading the stories and notes on BT have already pulled me through a few workouts... I guess you could say that my mental endurance needs building more than my muscles!

I kept saying I wasn't fit enough, too. A couple weeks ago we went to go watch a tri. I should have gone to watch one last summer when I felt fat and out of shape even though I could run 3 miles and bike 20 just fine. There were plenty of women and men that were not in as good a shape as I was in last year. They were having a blast. I would say that the super-hardbodies were in the minority on that tri. Maybe all the super-hard-bodies were in the Oly the next day, but who cares? I learned (again) that I wasn't "behind" and I should just jump in where I am and go from there.   I tend to be a perfectionist, so it's hard for me to let go of doing it "right" and just do it.



2007-06-28 4:04 PM
in reply to: #817421

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

Hi kids. Sorry for going AWOL. Just a little too much stress.  S'all better!  I'm still job hunting.  The most recent opportunity I don't think is going to pan out and I'm pretty disappointed, and some other stuff really brought me down ... oh well.  It's still wonderful and glorious to be ME! 

A huge thank you to Sue for stepping up and fostering this group while I cleaned the lint out of my navel.  FWIW, folks, Sue and I met on this site in 2005 and because ITRW friends in February of 06.  We've raced together four times?  And I went with her to Ohio when she was training for IMFL '06.  She and her parents have welcomed me into their homes on many occassions and and I truly can call her one of my best friends.  Thanks baby doll!  We're lucky to have you on board with us!

I'm going to take some time and go through all your logs and try and steer you as best I can.  TYG we have The Big Gun (Sue7013) on our team!  Yea!

I'm kind of laughing since everyone's starting their season and I'm starting to wrap mine up.  The joy's of living in SoFla.  Looking forward to everyone here making it FUN, SUCCESFUL and INJURY FREE!

2007-06-28 4:15 PM
in reply to: #863860

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

Hi Diana,

Welcome to BT!  I never notice the hard body/elite racers b/c they're already done before I even get in the water.

You've got a great attitude!  Actually, a lot of you have sort of stated having one similar goal:  to have fun!  This sport has grown exponentially since I started two years ago, and it can be easy to let the 'fun' part slide.  Let's try and keep that spirit up between us (spoken by someone not having a lot of 'fun' right now ... ppbbbtttt!!!!)

I think another important topic you touch on in the 'mental endurance.'  This is my first year completing Olympic distance races.  I'm to the point where I can rip off a Sprint distance with relatively little pain.  Training at the Oly/Int distance, I'm constantly reminding myself on long bikes and runs that I'm supposed to be an 'endurance' athlete.  You sent me back to a book I started a few years ago on mental training for triathlon.  Maybe as a group we can share how we are or plan to approach the mental aspect of the sport.

Very cool work you do, too.  I'm definitly going to pick your brain at some point in the near future!

Welcome!  Now, I'll start logging if you'll start logging! 

2007-06-28 4:21 PM
in reply to: #862950

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open

Cari, you cutie pie!

Folks, I met Cari about a year ago, and this girl is someone to be proud of!!!  Congrats you tri-girl you!    You had excellent times - KB Bridge is a beyatch!  We don't have many hills down here folks, but KB is one of 'em.  Plus the bridge is *windy,* the Florida version of hills. 

So happy for you, maybe I'll see you at Trilogy 2!  Keep up the good work!

2007-06-28 4:31 PM
in reply to: #863673

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

runnerg1rl7 - 2007-06-27 9:15 PM started swimming and biking to cross-train as I recovered from ITBS and knee bursitis, which I somehow developed after weeks of PT to recover from an arthroscopy

Laura ... OW!  Glad you're feeling better and have been able to get back out on the road.  I love the cross training aspect of this sport ... I can't imagin only doing one of the three.  And it's very cool that you've transitioned so easily into triathlon.  I've found triathletes to be some of the most generous souls.

so open-water swimming is not a big issue for me. However, I know swimming in open water just to swim in open water and an open-water RACE with a zillion other people are very different things.

Very true.  As Sue and Leigh pointed out, OWS can be very daunting.  As you read in my bio, it's been a huge issue for me.  What's worked for me is to spend as much time as possible in the water you plan on racing in.  I'm lucky in that my training partner is a former Ocean Rescue Lifeguard so I can safely train in some pretty rough conditions.  And he's pretty good about beating on me to simulate a swim start.  Get as much exposure as you can!

One question I have re: swimming is on workouts...I try to mix in some "speed" and drills into some of my swims, but I'm not following any set workout plan per se when I swim. I usually wait til I get in the water and see how I feel during my warm up to decide whether it'll be a long endurance swim day or short, faster swim day. Is this ok or should I plan my swim workouts in a more organized fashion?

I'm famous for not having a plan, or having one and not following it.  Since I'm such a poor swimmer (I'm just happy to finish) that this year I'm just looking to swim consistently and cover the distance.  I have found though, that when I mix speed drills into my biking and running, my times get faster.  When I get more consistent with my distances, I will be adding speed drills into my water time.

July 14th is coming up fast ... are you planning any bricks or a mock tri?  I like doing them in advance of a race just get an idea for how the day will feel.

Looking forward to working with you!

2007-06-28 4:39 PM
in reply to: #861716

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open

Hi Margot!

Congrats on taking 10 minutes off your race times!  That's huge!

It looks like from your logs you've got a pretty busy lifestyle, but I agree with Sue's comment about maybe training some longer distances.  Maybe you could increase your workouts by 25%?  I found that since I started training at the Oly distance, my Sprint times have come down a lot.

Good luck, welcome, and I look forward to working with you!   

2007-06-28 4:46 PM
in reply to: #862942

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open

alirachel - 2007-06-27 2:01 PM

I rowed my second year of college
  COOL!  Me too!  I sat stroke in a sweep 8.

I'm starting from scratch. zero. zip and I'm a little discouraged because I don't know many girls my age (in my area) that are into multisports (or sports at all!) The few girls around the state that participate are seasoned athletes and I'm easily intimidated. I just want to finish and I want this to be fun. I'm not in it to place or be better than anyone, I just want to be stronger.

That's pretty much where we all started.  Just look at Sue.  She could swim.  Knew how to turn on the treadmill.  From the treadmill, she could see the stationary bike.  Said well dayam, and next she knew she was crossing the finish at IMFL.

Trust me, there are TONS of girls your age into multi-sport, as you'll see when you go to rack at your first race.  In your age group, they're little and cute.  I was still passing them at my last race in Deerfield.  You have no reason to be intimidated.  It's your race.  And you've got the best attitude.  Finish and have fun.  We'll enjoy watching your first season!

I'm going to start keeping logs of my workouts

Excellent!  That would be the best way for us to help you.

2007-06-28 4:52 PM
in reply to: #863500

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
Hi Paul, and welcome!. 

Bit down at not being able to train.
  Sorry to hear about your injuries, but glad you're back up and at it.  We all fall down sometimes (quiet humming in the background) and it's just groups like this that can carry us until we get back in the groove.

I need to revise goals and training plan but my ultimate goal is to get an Ironman tatoo in about 3 years. Would love to do Kona one day. Need help and encouragement to get back on the road. It will take a while to get eating well again as second nature.

This is an excellent place to start.  Let's see some logs, and we'll enjoy watching your progress and you start picking off your multi-sport challenge!

2007-06-28 4:57 PM
in reply to: #864635

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

My preceious, patient Leigh!

This is a girl to watch!  Leigh has made great strides over the past year.  She's very consistent and ENTHUSIASTIC!!!!    She's going to rock her first 1/2M next week!  Thanks for sticking with me, girl!

I'm glad to see that you've started your swim lessons, and that your comfort level is growing in the pool.  Swimming is the hardest for me because it's so alien, but I've found that I really like it!  Glad you do too!  Hope you can get some OWS in before your first tri ... have you thought about tossing in any race distance bricks?  I find them to be most helpful.

How many days to Puppy Day?  My friend just got a 2 month old yellow lab ... better youse two than me! 

2007-06-28 6:02 PM
in reply to: #865128

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
foolproof - 2007-06-28 2:57 PM

My preceious, patient Leigh!

This is a girl to watch!  Leigh has made great strides over the past year.  She's very consistent and ENTHUSIASTIC!!!!    She's going to rock her first 1/2M next week!  Thanks for sticking with me, girl!

I'm glad to see that you've started your swim lessons, and that your comfort level is growing in the pool.  Swimming is the hardest for me because it's so alien, but I've found that I really like it!  Glad you do too!  Hope you can get some OWS in before your first tri ... have you thought about tossing in any race distance bricks?  I find them to be most helpful.

How many days to Puppy Day?  My friend just got a 2 month old yellow lab ... better youse two than me! 

Puppy day is in 2 days. We are going to go look at a litter of corgi pups. They're about 14 week or so old. I'm sure I will want them all. LOL

Can I borrow your glasses? I look pretty cool from their perspective. Wow!    Actually next week is my 2nd 1/2 Mary - 1st was in April. My hubby ran the first one with me too, and signed us up for this one  - sure that we could get a better time. (We were a minute apart on the first one - and we did rock it at 1:53/54. We're trying to cut 3 minutes off this time.

Swimming is nice! It's even starting to be zen. Although it was pointed out to me in one of my blog inspires that throttling the darling little tykes that kept getting in my lane wasn't very zen-like. I guess I'll have to work on that. (more zen, less throttling.) I think I may have become "that old b!tchy lady swimming laps" that my friends and I used to see in the pool when we were kids. LOL! What comes around goes around.

I've got some bricks planned - mondays are bike/run at 80% race distance/speed, and on hopefully two weekends, I plan to OW swim/bike. Or at least swim. We'll see how it works.

I don't have a wetsuit. The water temp will be mid to upper 70s. I'm hoping that I don't really need a wetsuit. Guess I'll find out when I go swim there in a couple weeks.

Did I say puppy day is in two days!?! I can hardly wait! But I'm not excited or anything.

2007-06-28 8:46 PM
in reply to: #865066

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Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open
foolproof - 2007-06-28 5:21 PM

Cari, you cutie pie!

Folks, I met Cari about a year ago, and this girl is someone to be proud of!!!  Congrats you tri-girl you!    You had excellent times - KB Bridge is a beyatch!  We don't have many hills down here folks, but KB is one of 'em.  Plus the bridge is *windy,* the Florida version of hills. 

So happy for you, maybe I'll see you at Trilogy 2!  Keep up the good work!

Hey Janice -- glad you're back chica!  Yeah... I'm hitting the bridge on Saturday.  I'm hoping this "new triathlete glow" that I've had this week lasts me until then.  LOL!

My next race is on July 4th - I'm doing the Tradewinds DU to see if I can improve from the DU I did there last Feb.

2007-06-29 6:36 AM
in reply to: #865128

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed

Aloha ladies

thanks for comments and support so far. Got to say I am kinda flattered to be the only male it seems in such a talented and wonderful group. I'm Scots so I will wear my kilt if we get together so I don't feel to out of place. You guys can wax me so I blend in better.

Got log started and will improve the content as I go along. I have a list of tasks to get me started though. Later today I will add you to my friends list and start to provide some more material encouragement. (Got to repay you  guys)

Then I need to look at my goals and redo them. So I will post them soon and update my page.

I did join a weight challange so that will kick start me.

Then I need to get my bike up and ready. Just before this injury I built a machine and need to have tri bars fitten and computer cable re-routed. OH, and dusted.

So thats what is going on with me so far.

I'll log in tonight and try to catch up with all the threads.


2007-06-29 8:14 AM
in reply to: #865083

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: foolproof/Sue7013 Group - Closed
Hi Janice!
foolproof - 2007-06-28 5:31 PM

Laura ... OW!  Glad you're feeling better and have been able to get back out on the road.  I love the cross training aspect of this sport ... I can't imagin only doing one of the three.  And it's very cool that you've transitioned so easily into triathlon.  I've found triathletes to be some of the most generous souls

Yeah! I definitely agree! So far all the veteran and aspiring triathletes I've met, either in person or online, have been great! Not that I haven't known some runners who are wonderful people, too...but I think it takes a special kind of person to want to do triathlons and that comes out in their personality and support for others. I've only been training since early May and already I can't imagine not doing all 3! I had forgotten how much I loved to bike and swim.

I'm famous for not having a plan, or having one and not following it.  Since I'm such a poor swimmer (I'm just happy to finish) that this year I'm just looking to swim consistently and cover the distance.  I have found though, that when I mix speed drills into my biking and running, my times get faster.  When I get more consistent with my distances, I will be adding speed drills into my water time.

July 14th is coming up fast ... are you planning any bricks or a mock tri?  I like doing them in advance of a race just get an idea for how the day will feel.

Good, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's kinda winging it as far as the swimming goes! Last night I worked with a friend of mine who is also training for her first tri, and is a very experienced swimmer and swim coach. She had me doing a pacing workout (details to follow, in my log) which kicked my butt but was great! She also has helped me a TON with my form, which was awful when I started out but is really getting a lot better. Since I try to swim 3 times a week, she suggested I do a workout like that once a week, a long slow endurance swim another day, and the third day do kinda a combination of speed and distance.

Don't remind me! I just realized this morning that July 14th is a mere 2 weeks away! I've been really excited but now I'm starting to get a little nervous, too. I do plan to do some bricks and/or a mock tri before then. I'm also hoping to ride the bike course next weekend so I know what I'll be in for.

Looking forward to working with you!

Aw, thanks! I'm looking forward to getting all the advice and support I can!
2007-06-29 12:04 PM
in reply to: #865339

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: foolproof's Group - Open
carisima - 2007-06-28 6:46 PM

My next race is on July 4th - I'm doing the Tradewinds DU to see if I can improve from the DU I did there last Feb.

We're both racing on the 4th!! Cool!

Are we allowed to put rockets on our bikes in honor of the holiday? I didn't see anything specific in the rules... 

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