General Discussion Triathlon Talk » October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in Rss Feed  
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2007-10-12 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1005343

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Big O - 2007-10-12 4:31 PM May i join in the fun? I need to be accountable somewhere. I am 307 and my goal for 12/28 is 285 My secondary goal is to get from a 44 to a 40 waist again.


Big O!!!

Good to see you again Buddy!!!  Hopefully, they'll beless of both of us come New Year's!!


2007-10-13 1:21 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Silverthorne, CO
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Last Week:304
This week :305
Meal Tracking: No (4 out of 5 days)

I recently (june) made an effort to change my eating habits. I was eating lots of fast food, basicaly just out of convienience and lazyness. Lunch at work, and grab dinnner on the way home. The thing that has helped me change my habits/eat heather has been planning ahead. pack lunch everyday, and plan for dinner. I also make sure to have a good suplly of fruits and veggies around for snacking.

2007-10-13 1:22 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
mm 130.7 so UP by 0.9 pounds.... haven't been cheating but have had a slightly easier week exercise wise. this could be due to
a) normal daily fluctuations
b) period in a couple of days time
c) increased carbs from around 33% to 40% the last couple of days for race on Sunday
d) fat gain

unfotunately also missed on my secondary goal of getting to swimm coaching as i have had two plumbing crises the past two days ! its leaving me a little stressed...

ah well another week is about to begin

I have always had pretty clean nutrition but one thing very new this past two years as i have developed greater health and fitness has been undertsnading how important healthy fats are. I love my NP, almonds, olive oil, olives, avocadoes, caschews, sesame oil, pumpkin seeds etc

Edited by Jedi 2007-10-13 1:26 AM
2007-10-13 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Great job everyone! 

Current weight 127.5, down from 128.5 last week (and 129 starting). 

I did manage to avoid too much mindless eating, but I still got into trouble at the end of the day when I haven't had anything since lunch, and I get home and I'm starving and feel like eating everything in sight.  And of course I feel too weak to work out!

My goal this week is to enjoy the BBQ in Memphis, but moderately .

My tip is to try to eat at least 1, preferably 2 fruits or vegetables at every meal. 

2007-10-13 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Everyone is doing great! Keep it up!!!


Starting weight: 259
Week 1: 244.5 (-4.5)
Wekk 2: 240.5 (-4.0)

Total: -8.5

This also puts me at -13.5 for the past month.

I have been doing great on my secondary goal. I think I missed 1 inspire (only got 4), one day... but I made up for it the next.

Have a great weekend, everyone!!

2007-10-13 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1004106

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

barqhead - 2007-10-12 7:09 AM Looks like everyone has had a great week so far. And Kristen, maintaining is a good week! Last week - 146 This week - 145.2 Even though it's only .8, I am very happy because I ate lots and lots of really bad things when we went out of town last weekend. I am excited to be posting a loss. Goal 2 - I slipped a bit on Wednesday and started binging because we were having a late dinner. I caught myself, drank a big glass of water and chewed gum until dinner was ready. So, not a total loss. Still have to really watch it between 4-6. Tip - Track what you eat. If you bite it, write it. It is amazing how much all those little nibbles add up. I think this also helped stop me in mid- binge as I was entering the third item in the computer to my list of snacks. Even though it is hard, especially when you've over eaten, own up to it and write it down. You can look back and see where you've gone astray and try to get back on track! Pam

and, if you nibble it, scribble it - lol

i couldn't agree more!

2007-10-13 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1003572

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
204.8 this week

still not totally insync
2007-10-13 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1003572


Huntington beach,ca
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Last week 262

this week 264........

enough said

Had a great week for workouts , but bad week for eating and was sick half the week, still not an excuse........

Missed last weeks goals so I am going to modify this weeks: 3 days ride to work, 3 days run,1 swim workout and 1 strength workout
2007-10-13 11:46 PM
in reply to: #1003572

New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Late, late late!!!! I didn't make it to the computer in time yesterday. I'm up from last week, as I predicted. I really have to make sure that I'm drinking water all the time so I get accurate numbers!!! Anyway, this week I'm at 195.
2nd goal didn't happen either...I am going to try this week to just get some crunches in, rather than tackle the bigger goal of "strength training." See if I can work my way up to more body parts! ;-)
2007-10-14 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Blackwood, NJ
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
so what week are you on and what day is the weigh in?? Let me know... i guess you are running this till new years? Good luck to all...
2007-10-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1007256

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
skells - 2007-10-14 9:54 AM

so what week are you on and what day is the weigh in?? Let me know... i guess you are running this till new years? Good luck to all...

This is our 2nd week, and we're going to New Years...but it may just continue on beyond that - this is actually a continuation of an earlier New You in 90 Days that started...well, 90 days and 2 weeks ago.

We weigh in on Fridays, but I don't update the charts until Monday sometime, so any weekend weigh in will work.

Happy to have you join us, if you want!!! The more the merrier!


2007-10-14 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Last week - 251.2

This week - 251.2

Yippee! Maintenance.
2007-10-15 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1006127

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Grand Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Sorry I"m late on this one... I was 187 on weigh 10/12.

2007-10-15 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

I know I'm late but I'd like to join.  I've creapt up 10 lbs over tha past few months and need to get headed in the right direction.

Secondary Goal for the challenge will be logging all my foods.

Starting weight 225 (10/15/07)

Goal weight 205 (1/1/08)

2007-10-15 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Oops.  Double.

Edited by enders_shadow 2007-10-15 11:02 AM
2007-10-15 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

OK, is the week 2 preliminary spread sheet.  Let me know if something is off.

Congratulations to everyone.  Even though some of us had disappointing weeks (either gaining back a pound or maintaining), we're all still making progress.  Congrats to Ten9T6, Momandmd, and LastCall2003 for making their secondary goals!!! 

For week 3, why don't we shoot for getting 100% of our secondary goals - it can only help, right??? 

NameStartGoalloss goalother goalWeek 2 (10/12)Total lost for challengeChange from last weekSecondary goal met?
Maura99001321266.00no junk food  12844No
Shermbelle20519015.00clean eatx6204.80.23.2?
JimSinclair270.624723.60eat good snacks265.84.83Almost
Yoganerd202.6182.620.00waist+thighs (114cm) (-2)
Chrisrunzs2616515510.00eat wellx616411.4Almost
Unckate714712720.0090% planned wos14341No
Momandmd1291236.00stop mindless eating127.51.51Yes
1stTimer_in_NY24822820.00no soda249-11No
Barqhead1461388.00no binge snacks145.20.80.8Almost
Medusa_Ann18017010.00midsection toning178.51.50.5 
MrsUSMC254.8238.616.20swimming/5K run251.23.60 
Jdbadger22220715.00BF down to 27%22110No
jedi129.81254.80swim lessons130.7-0.9-0.9No
Blizzard_rw31529916.00track foodx530510-1No
BigBoy77726523530.00do planned workouts2641-2No
Big_O30728522.0040" waist3070  
PanicTour22520520.00log foods2250  
TamiMoreno70233.5217.516.00food diary    
BunnyB264.624519.60stick to training plan    
stone_age_rage207.619512.60BF below 20%    
marina17214725.00track food   
Klilevjen16515510.0090% planned wos    
Sal15014010.00no lollies    
Irongirl3918015525.00BF down to 21%    
Sparkle17315518.00Waist down to 35"    

Edited by enders_shadow 2007-10-15 11:03 AM

2007-10-15 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Oops.. mine is wrong.. I was only down 4 this week.. 4.5 the week before.. total 8.5 down in this challenge...

I was just posting the other to show what I have dropped this month. (including 2 weeks before we started here). Sorry for the confusion.....

2007-10-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
ahh.. I see the problem.. I am out of control.. I am not sure what I was thinking.

I started 259
week 1 - 4.5
week 2 - 4
so.. I am 250.5

sorry again.. ....

2007-10-15 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1008542

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Ten9T6 - 2007-10-15 12:52 PM

ahh.. I see the problem.. I am out of control.. I am not sure what I was thinking.

I started 259
week 1 - 4.5
week 2 - 4
so.. I am 250.5

sorry again.. ....


No worries - the 18 pounds was very impressive although a bit frightening. I'll fix the chart soon.

2007-10-15 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Okay, I'm back. I drove MA to NM last week, and changed scales, but it went the right direction. So on my scale here at home, I'm at 161! I only worked out once during the 8 day trip, but now that I'm back I have a kid-swap exercise schedule with a neighbor for 4 days a week, and indoor-with-toddler workout plans for Saturday. So I'm down 4 lbs from the beginning, (I'm going to trust the new scale!) and I'm pretty much starting fresh with my 90% workout goal.

My favorite weight loss tip is really an all-around change in my way of thinking: every little bit helps. So just because I eat too many slices of pizza doesn't mean I should throw in half a bag of chips and some ice cream-- it sounds crazy (or familiar) but I really used to think that way. Now, when I "mess up," I stop, adjust a little with extra exercise or fewer treats, and move on. No sense beating myself up for something that's done. This reminder has helped me with overeating, with motivating myself to train (running is better than walking, but walking is better than sitting around!), and with housework and schoolwork and anything that seems overwhelming.
2007-10-16 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

KL -
That is quite the drive that you made last week.  I am sure it is good to be back home.  As for your description of your previous rationalization about junky binges... oh, yeah, I have been there in the past. 
The good thing is knowing that you are in control and that a couple slices of pizza don't need to be followed by a Ben & Jerry's Pint chaser!
The biggest mind shift for me has been that food is fuel.  Some of the fuel tastes fantastic, of course... but it is still fuel.  As with a vehicle... too much fuel floods the system, with similar adverse affects.

2007-10-16 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1008542

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
You had me wondering what the heck you were doing, Kenny, to pull down such big weight loss numbers.. of course 4 & 4.5 are still HUGE!
2007-10-16 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1009813

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
haha.. that probably would have involved something from the local street pharmacist, no eating, and a few days running. lol

Nope.. I am more than happy with 4. I still want to be around at the end of this

2007-10-16 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1009651

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
KLilevjen - 2007-10-15 11:25 PM


My favorite weight loss tip is really an all-around change in my way of thinking: every little bit helps. So just because I eat too many slices of pizza doesn't mean I should throw in half a bag of chips and some ice cream-- it sounds crazy (or familiar) but I really used to think that way. Now, when I "mess up," I stop, adjust a little with extra exercise or fewer treats, and move on. No sense beating myself up for something that's done. This reminder has helped me with overeating, with motivating myself to train (running is better than walking, but walking is better than sitting around!), and with housework and schoolwork and anything that seems overwhelming.

Great advice, it really hits home to me
2007-10-17 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1003572

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
question from a newbee,

On the calendar view in the Training Log, the days are colour coded. What does the colour coding mean?

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