General Discussion Triathlon Talk » October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in Rss Feed  
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2007-10-20 1:59 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Silverthorne, CO
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Last week: 305
This week: 303
2nd goal: 5 days food tracked: yes

Down two pounds. Happy thing are moving in the right direction. Started back on a running program. I had been slackin for a while.


2007-10-20 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

I'm back, though haven't quite caught up on life and go on service Monday.  Boards were very hard, but everyone thought so so hopefully I'll be OK. 

I managed to stay at 127.5, even with some very tasty BBQ in Memphis, and lots of eating out!  I can't even remember my secondary goal.  I did get in one workout- 5 wet minutes running outside, followed by 20 on the hotel treadmill.  We did some nice long walks too.


Jedi- don't give up!  These last few are always hard, and I find that I have a harder time losing if I'm working out alot.  Try tracking measurements as well as weight, and it might not be a bad idea to try and increase cals a little.

2007-10-20 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1016747

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Blizzard_rw - 2007-10-20 2:59 AM

Last week: 305
This week: 303
2nd goal: 5 days food tracked: yes

Down two pounds. Happy thing are moving in the right direction. Started back on a running program. I had been slackin for a while.


Good job Blizzard, follow Big O's lead and get under 300!!
2007-10-20 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

WEll, darn.  I'm up to 182 on Friday.  Looking back I can see exactly why, but I should have seen it during the week and changed the pattern.

On the other hand, I finally DID get my 3 core workouts in.  They were short, but I did them and definitely felt them!  Yow!

Wow, the holidays - there are so many challenges!  1 - Halloween candy.  I've been eating H candy just the day after, then sending all the leftovers to work with my husband.  Its a little embarassing how hard it is for me to send it all away, but I'm always glad when I do it.  2 - Leftovers. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite-ever food.  I've been known to eat leftovers for 3 meals a day in the days following the holiday.  I might just do this again and not worry about it since it's my only chance all year for this food.  I think I'll add a plain vegetable to my plate each time and eat that first so I don't have as much room at each meal.

Thanks to everyone for the inspires!  I'm going to keep my corex3 goal for the next weeks, but add another one to do more inspires on this group.  You guys are doing great!

2007-10-20 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Great job, everyone...!!

I am down 2.5 this week. I was actually down a little more, but today it is back up.

Start: 259
Week1: 254.5
Week2: 250.5
Week3: 248

I met all my secondary goals. Been doing good on the inspires and it is been about 3 months since I have had any soft drinks... even diet.

Normally, during the holidays, what throws me off is normally the "lazy time". I spend much more time with the extended family...sitting on our butts....watching TV and playing games. I need to make an effort to run / get to the gym, more over the holidays. I normally do fine on the food.....

2007-10-20 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Hey, everyone, I held steady this week - which is good because I was out of town on a business trip for most of the week.  And, on Wednesday night we went to an incredible German restaurant, and I chose to not pass up on the Sauerbraten and a couple steins of dark, German bier - ausgezeichnet!

So, the numbers held steady at: Current: 199.2 lbs / 112 cm Hips

As for my weakness over the holidays... my mom's incredible spread of homemade sweets.  She fills the island with a ton of different delicacies... the best of which are "kalotschkes" (not sure if the spelling is correct).

2007-10-20 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1013429

Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Last weigh in:  173

Today: 171       Down 2 pounds.

I'm doing okay with the stress eating, but have been getting lazy and not working out. I think I'm having some caregiver burnout too which isn't helping.  The doc said the weight has to come off so I better get cracking.

Halloween will be a challenge - love those mini hershy bars or anything chocolate. I'm thinking about not handing out candy this year, it's just too much of a temptation. Thanksgiving isn't too bad. I have a big family and we all bring dishes with us so who ever is hosting only does the turkey and mashed potatoes.  Last couple of years I've taken healthy or low-fat alternatives so I know there is something I can have.  Others seem to appreciate it also.


2007-10-20 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
My favorite snack to bring to parties or potlucks is a veggie tray. I use baby carrots, cut up broccoli, celery, and green peppers, and sometimes add black olives or cherry tomatoes. I make dip with reduced fat sour cream and french onion soup mix. The dip isn't great for me, by any means, but it's better than cookies and pie, and it guarantees that there will be something veggie in a sea of chocolate and peanut butter.
2007-10-20 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1013429

New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Hey there...195.5 this week. Didn't meet goal, and didn't get the workouts in! Bummer of a week, but it will be better next week.

My apologies to everyone...I didn't get out a single inspire this week! I will be sure to get loads out in the coming week!!! Thanks to those who inspired my sorry butt!
2007-10-21 12:18 AM
in reply to: #1013429

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

 222 this week - terrible eating - actually went to an all you can eat buffet for a rehearsal dinner and I ate like  a twelve year old without parental supervision - mac'n'cheese and mini hotdogs and mashed potatos and a hamburger get the idea..

2007-10-21 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Aloha all,

just got back do logging late.

Last week 206

This week 200

WOW - didn't weigh all week and I have been sticking to nutrition programme (and not eating some it seems!) I am so pleased with the weight loss just a little worried about it being high so I'll take extra protein this week and look for a 'maintainace' week next week.

I'll look into everyone else's logs through the week and look to inspire you all.

Weekness - sorry I'm male so my weekness is ladies in seamed stockings! not sure it helps with weight management though! Biggest threat to not meeting weight goals? Mmm... losing all your inspires and inspirational posts!

Take care and keep up the good work.

2007-10-21 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

So, how'd we do this week?
Not that good... I was 129.4 up 1.4 from last week, but that's okay for me since I had such a huge drop the week before.

Did you meet your secondary goal?
NO... I ate lots of junk this week.

If you're not meeting it, how come?
I think I was feeling too comfortable with my 4lbs weight loss that I lost focus.

Do you need a different goal?
NOPE! I'm going to do it again this week

Do you need some inspiration? Did you inspire others along the way? I left a few inspires... not sure if they helped or not

Question of the week: What's your biggest weakness over the holidays?
My biggest weekness is just eating when I have the blues. I get seasonal depression and I always seem to pack on 10 each winter. I WILL make it through this time! I'm getting ready to order some vitamin d supplements, so hopefully they will help. Also this year I have Ironman to look forward to, so it will be tough to lose focus
2007-10-21 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

I didn't officially weigh in this week - traveling all week for business through a wrench in those plans.  However I feel pretty good about my choices and am feeling a good week coming on.

I did meet my secodary goal - still could do more, but at least I did some.

My biggest weakness over the holidays....... ok so to be honest, it's all of the holiday parties and the open bar - a glass of wine here, a beer there............which then leads to the lovely buffet tables

I love to be inspired - It always helps, and I loved the notes from you!

I inspired some, but will do more this week now that I am back in town :-)

2007-10-21 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1013429


Huntington beach,ca
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Last week -264

this week -259.8


Did not meet my weekly workout goals, but still did really good so I am going to modify my goals slightly....

This weeks secondary goal is to not have more than one rest in a row............
2007-10-21 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1017415

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
paul walker - 2007-10-21 9:39 AM

Aloha all,

just got back do logging late.

Last week 206

This week 200

WOW - didn't weigh all week and I have been sticking to nutrition programme (and not eating some it seems!) I am so pleased with the weight loss just a little worried about it being high so I'll take extra protein this week and look for a 'maintainace' week next week.

I'll look into everyone else's logs through the week and look to inspire you all.

Weekness - sorry I'm male so my weekness is ladies in seamed stockings! not sure it helps with weight management though! Biggest threat to not meeting weight goals? Mmm... losing all your inspires and inspirational posts!

Take care and keep up the good work.


Paul you are amazing. I remember when you got in another challenge earlier this year and were losing tons of weight. How much have you lost so far?

2007-10-22 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1013429

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Hey gang, I need some advice. I rolled my ankle pretty bas on Saturday so I need to change my training plan for a while. Any recommendations on what to do. I was coing a lot of biking and running, but that will be out for a few weeks. I have been making great progress in this challenge and I don't want to lose that momentum. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


2007-10-22 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1018186

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
JimSinclair - 2007-10-22 7:28 AM

Hey gang, I need some advice. I rolled my ankle pretty bas on Saturday so I need to change my training plan for a while. Any recommendations on what to do. I was coing a lot of biking and running, but that will be out for a few weeks. I have been making great progress in this challenge and I don't want to lose that momentum. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Do you think your ankle will allow you to do some weightlifting? I have seen far greater success with weight loss lifting weights than cardio... maybe you could try this?
2007-10-22 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Hi, all -

I'm not ignoring you, I'm just enjoying the last few hours with my kids before I travel again...I will get the new chart posted up tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

Now - get busy with eating well, exercising, and MEETING YOUR GOALS!

(Yeah, I know, it's sad - that's about as mean as I get. )

2007-10-22 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1018186


Huntington beach,ca
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
JimSinclair - 2007-10-22 5:28 AM

Hey gang, I need some advice. I rolled my ankle pretty bas on Saturday so I need to change my training plan for a while. Any recommendations on what to do. I was coing a lot of biking and running, but that will be out for a few weeks. I have been making great progress in this challenge and I don't want to lose that momentum. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Jim,
I am no expert on Tri'ing but have done alot of lifting in the past and now would be a great time to work on your upper body. Biceps,tris,back,chest,shoulders can all be done sitting and won't effect your ankle at all. Another thought, if you go to a gym, would be the cardio machines they have for folks that have limited abilites either because of injury of disability, they have these at the gym I go to and they are sitdown models that you use your arms and they can be pretty tough at least enough for a decent workout. Good luck on a speedy recovery.
2007-10-23 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Starting weight: 172
Oct 18: 170
Change: -2

Oct 23: 168
Change: -2

2nd goal: Tracked food every day!

2007-10-23 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1018006

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Shermbelle - 2007-10-22 4:38 AM

Paul you are amazing. I remember when you got in another challenge earlier this year and were losing tons of weight. How much have you lost so far?

Aloha Michael

you are way too kind but TY anyway. I started out at about 280 maybe a little more by a few pounds. My highest logged weight in the weight loss threads is 266 I think. I am 5'9 so it is fair to say I would find it easier to lose than some but I am doing fair I guess.

The nutrition plan is helping as far as learning is concerned and keeping up the motivation. I am not sure what I will level out at. I have a goal of 160 in about 14 months time but to do the IM and to get to qualify for Kona I guess one day I'll be in the 140-150 range.

Mahalo Paul

2007-10-23 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1018186

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

JimSinclair - 2007-10-22 1:28 PM Hey gang, I need some advice. I rolled my ankle pretty bas on Saturday so I need to change my training plan for a while. Any recommendations on what to do. I was coing a lot of biking and running, but that will be out for a few weeks. I have been making great progress in this challenge and I don't want to lose that momentum. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Jim

Aloha Jim

I'm not really qualified to advise but I would get a physio to look at it. Can't help and advise about exercise.

The only thing I would say is keep doing something friend. Do not stop. Do what ever you can. I would think swimming could be good. A great chance to get 100m down to 30 secs! You never know!

Take care and keep us informed.


2007-10-23 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Here is the chart for the week ending October 19 - excellent job everyone!

NameStartGoalloss goalother goalWeek 3 (10/19)Total lost for challengeChange from last weekSecondary goal met?
Big_O30728522.0040" waist29988Not Yet
BigBoy77726523530.00No 2x rests259.85.24.2No
Klilevjen16515510.0090% planned wos15873Yes
1stTimer_in_NY24822820.00no soda24623No
PanicTour22520520.00log foods222.82.22.2Almost
Blizzard_rw31529916.00track foodx5303122Yes
marina17214725.00track food16842Yes
Sparkle17315518.00Waist down to 35"17122 
JimSinclair270.624723.60eat good snacks264.46.21.4Almost
Shermbelle20519015.00clean eatx6203.41.61.4Yes
Yoganerd202.6182.620.00waist+thighs (114cm)199.23.40112
Momandmd1291236.00stop mindless eating127.51.50No
jedi129.81254.80swim lessons131.5-1.7-0.8Yes
Medusa_Ann18017010.00midsection toning179.50.5-1?
Jdbadger22220715.00BF down to 27%2220-1 
Maura99001321266.00no junk food  129.42.6-1.4No
Barqhead1461388.00no binge snacks146.8-0.8-1.6No
LastCall200316015010.00strength/core   Yes
Chrisrunzs2616515510.00eat wellx6    
Unckate714712720.0090% planned wos    
MrsUSMC254.8238.616.20swimming/5K run    
TamiMoreno70233.5217.516.00food diary    
BunnyB264.624519.60stick to training plan    
stone_age_rage207.619512.60BF below 20%    
Sal15014010.00no lollies    
Irongirl3918015525.00BF down to 21%    

Edited by enders_shadow 2007-10-23 11:53 AM
2007-10-24 1:51 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Kristen how did your talk with the nutrionist go?

Edited by Jedi 2007-10-24 1:52 AM
2007-10-24 5:21 AM
in reply to: #1021790

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Jedi - 2007-10-24 2:51 AM

Kristen how did your talk with the nutrionist go?

I go this morning - I'll let you know what I learn.
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